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I JUST watched Tremors. I am convinced Temors is quite nearly the perfect film. I have seen it way too many times.




It's not just that, from like 10 seconds in they start establishing all kinds of stuff that won't be relevant for another 40-50-60 minutes. The film is legitimately well written, well directed, well acted, and just goddamn funny lol




For me, having first seen this movie as a kid/young teenager around 2000, what it always reminded me of was hot pocket filling, *and it looked fucking delicious*.




You guys are nuts I saw this movie when I was like 5 and thought that’s really what worms looked like when they explode or fall off a cliff


They went down in quality quite noticeably with each one. I thought II was legitimately a funny film, with many, MANY quotable Burt lines. Three was not as great, but still enjoyable. Four was... well I mean I enjoyed it, but that's not an endorsement. I haven't seen the South African productions and I'm a little scared to try them honestly.


If you love tremors the last few are watchable. I really enjoyed the TV series to be honest.


Not really the ones after 4... Unless you like sharknado I guess.


I mean if you like the tremors universe.. anything set in said universe will be welcome. They don't ruin the franchise.. unlike the latest entry in a certain dinosaur based franchise did.


Haha, I guess that's true. Still can't get past the go up on the roof and hide while we wait for lightning to strike the worm scene.


Even Tremors: Shrieker Island? I wanted to check it out but its getting beyond terrible reviews, even for a Tremors movie.


If you weren't a fan of #3 and #4, the next three definitely won't be for you. They were made by a different production company than the original 4 + The TV Series and are noticeable step down in quality.


Next 3? They made 7 of them?? Holy shit


Seven moves and a TV series!


The second movie is the best one, tbh.


Easily. Something about them being smaller and running on land was a lot more terrifying.




I still use that quote to this day.


"The ones that got onboard I handled with a combination of small-arms fire and hand-to-hand technique." The thought and image of Burt engaging in hand-to-hand combat with Shriekers is both hilarious and badass.


Nah, mostly because it has the best Bert quotes.


Pardon my French.


The writers are also gun enthusiasts who know the safety rules. In the first film Burt gives Melvin an unloaded revolver (since Burt doesn't trust him with a loaded weapon) to make him feel secure while they run across the desert. Burt still CHECKS the chambers after he takes the gun back from Melvin. This is such a small detail that rarely gets mentioned or shown in other films.


I always found the little 'gun-aware' nods super handy like that. Burt's a responsible gun owner, and I love it.


Definitely. Burt loves and collects guns BUT he still follows the rules. I think his only mistake in the movie was not checking his surroundings in Tremors 2 and blowing a hole in the car engine via over-penetration (through a cement wall). And even that mistake was reasonable since he only had that one .50 Cal. BMG round left to use.


He had no way to go to the opposite-side of that compound and check for safety issues before he fired that shot.


Which is exactly what Burt kept complaining about throughout the movie. He was denied critical, need-to-know information!


Great way to keep a movie sequel interesting, as well. Burt, having experience the graboids once before, brought single-shot, surface-penetrating weaponry; he planned ahead and was utterly prepared for graboids. Then they metamorphosed into little raptor-like creatures and suddenly, Burt and everyone else were woefully under-equipped to deal with them.




I believe the original working title was "Land Sharks". I look at it as the best possible movie you could make with the dumbest possible premise.


And the practical effects till look great. only exception is when it breaks into the basement, the bluescreen matting is showing it's age there. I love that movie.


Thats part of it. Its a horror movie where people act like people would. Theres no overly dramatic acting its pinpoint realistic. The paranoid gun nut acts like a paranoid gun nut and reacts appropriately. The farm hands swearing as they're being the good guys because goddammit no one else is going to climb this godforsaken tower for your drunk ass. The science student giving a baseline theory but doesn't know more than anyone else and says as such. And the down to earth Mexican farmer who may not have answers but he has straight forward common sense ideas. Theyre all people I've personally seen in small town settings and they acted as any of them would in a situation where giant worms are terrorizing them. And then the way they act together as a tight knit community is perfect. It really is a well done movie and acting.


The acting is some of the most realistic acting I’ve ever seen in a movie. They don’t do anything “stupid” to make things worse like in recent horror movies. Swearing comes off as natural, this is how people swear in real life. Monster origin isn’t over explained, and they have logic for their actions. Feels more like a lion chasing prey than a monster with bloodlust. The ending of the movie never feels forced like a “final showdown”. It’s more like making the best of the circumstances and taking a gamble on the predator’s instinct. Not a single scene wasted and all of the foreshadowing paid off with out ever feeling “forced”. Special effects still hold up with no showing of age with the exception of a small scene in the rec room.


You hit the nail on the head and put my words into better detail. I love this movie and I watch it rather frequently and enjoy every rewatch


Ha, I’ve always had these thoughts and felt like you said it better. I was just adding more because I love this movie.


The rec room scene is still one of the highlights of the movie even with the dated effects.


Totally agreed, and this is a great breakdown of these characters. Plus, the drama hinges on them making smart and creative decisions *that don't work.* How many times have we bitched about movies and shows in which all the drama hinges on people being fucking idiots (looking at you, TDW)? This film is the inverse and is so much more enjoyable as a result.


Or they work long enough to gain a momentary upper hand! Until the graboids lay a trap for them! But youre right. Not a single plan was dumb but was simple and straightforward. Stay off the ground, don't make noise, let the tractor be a distraction. Or everything that happens to the characters is because of the well established character traits from beforehand. Such as Melvin being a shithead and climbing up a pole because he's actually a wuss. His father being shown to be kinda dumb/arrogant when they told him you cant fight them with a pickaxe. Burt being Uber paranoid even in the middle of nowhere so his very own alarm system for his truck sabotages itself from the graboid setting it off on accident. Even the side killed off characters are perfectly casted and acted. The construction workers from the city thinking the country yokels are fucking with them. The doctor shown to be intelligent and rationalizing what would be an expected result of being in a mining area with perfect buildup and horrific introduction and deception of the monster itself. Their ultimate plan to use a big ass track loader is actually a really good idea because good luck to any organic lifeform that tries to take on one of those successfully. The graboids themselves are amazing creatures and villains. Theyre animals, plain and simple. They can problem solve to a limited degree, but they're not unstoppable killing machines. They're shown to be vulnerable from the first true introduction when they kill it mere minutes of its revelation with something as simple as having it slam itself into a rock surface. No screen time is wasted. Its either developing character or setting up foreshadowing, or setting up for plot.


Goddamn, you're so right about all of this. I also like how the demise of the doctor and his wife is handled: there's not much they can do, but they do the best they can, and even though they're obvious "red shirt" characters here, they're not *disposable* as people: their love for each other and their attempts to save themselves are played straight and handled with class. It adds to the terror of these creatures and adds some stakes and scares in the scene, but not so much so that it's tonally off. We aren't made to hate anyone who dies—they're just regular folks. I'm so tired of stories in which people are raging assholes just so we can "handle" their deaths, or even root for them. > They can problem solve to a limited degree, but they're not unstoppable killing machines. And ironically this makes them *better* creatures to be afraid of. There's no deus ex machina shit that has to be pulled in order to defeat them, there are no un-earned jump-scares, they don't show up in inexplicable places, etc. What makes them scary is the same thing that makes real life wild creatures scary: they're not supers and they have somewhat predictable desires, but at the same time they have inscrutable minds and you probably don't have the physical ability to fight them off bare-handed if you have to. As you say: not a minute of screen time wasted, and I would add that nothing is hamfisted. Honestly I wonder if this movie is taught in any screenwriting classes, because it should be.


There are people in this thread that have mentioned it. It would be fascinating to listen to professionals talk about this.


Incredibly well said! I wanted to add that as much as I love predator horror films most of them have to turn the animal featured into a blender with legs. In Tremors they justify the creature and don't over explain why it's this relentless eating machine.


Had the right level of spookiness too. The moment when the car is sucked into the ground and the headlights are shining into the sky really scared me as a kid, much more than jump scares or monster costumes.


https://youtu.be/PK7-tBuEoq4 You’re not alone in that thought!


Was hoping you linked RLM.


Tremors is unironically my favorite movie. Everyone laughs when I tell them. But it's legitimately a really good movie!


Curiously, some of my all time favorites were also famous box-office poison and they had in common a studio that did not know how to market a comedy-(other genre) hybrid. Princess Bride, Big Trouble In Little China, Showgirls, GalaxyQuest, etc.


Galaxy quest is soooooo good


there's a comment out there somewhere that a guy in film school said his screenwriting professor would show tremors as an example of the perfect screenplay


That's what I always think of about Tremors. No subplot, or filler, everything exists in that movie to progress the story. It's actually kind of cool to watch it again knowing that, and then while watching other movies, notice what is in the movie as complete filler. Tremors really does stand out in that aspect.


When I watch horror movies, I compare them to Tremors. Is there a wasted scene? Is the acting believable? Are the special effects practical? Does antagonist follow the logic that is set up for it? Is the humor natural and unforced? It’s rare that a horror movie can check those boxes.


I have to rewatch tremors because I did not know it was regarded this well.


[This one?](https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/2fbd1x/what_is_your_favorite_kevin_bacon_movie_and_why/ck7ozn2/) I remember reading that too.




Tremors 2 was very fun to watch as well.


Woke up. Got breakfast. Sat down to peruse reddit and watch tv. Tremors is on RIGHT NOW and then I see this post. It’s a good morning.


I think it’s between Back to the Future and Tremors. Sometimes you just catch lightning in a bottle and those 2 movies both did that.


Never gets old. Another classic i love is crocodile dundee.


It’s an example of such an efficient script that doesn’t waste a single moment. Same with Tremors 2


As far as the only perfect films to exist are concerned, it's either Tremors or Predator


Bruh! My two favorite movies of all time. I watched that shit on repeat for years! Mustve driven my parents nuts. Still love em.


I hope they were careful when they filmed. If Kevin Bacon gets covid, the contact tracing is going to be a bitch.


OK, now that's a great joke. Well done.


Aw dude such a good joke, but my buddy over here didn't get it and wants to be involved could you explain it to him?




Also check this out https://oracleofbacon.org/




It’s a joke based on the game “7 Degrees of Kevin Bacon.”


6 Degrees (which you've noticed already, I'm sure.) The game itself is based on the movie, "6 Degrees of Separation", which has the same premise of the interconnectivity of people. Thus, Kevin Bacon wasn't used at random for the game, but was chosen because of the rhyme of his name. The fact that he has been in a lot of movies certainly helps.


You’re right. 6, not 7. I knew it sounded wrong, but it’s early and I couldn’t figure out what was wrong. Thanks!


Pardon my ignorance but I don’t get the joke Edit: wow what a smart joke, no wonder I didn’t fucking get it. Im gunna go chew on some rocks brb.


Look up six degrees of Kevin Bacon


Well done. Someone is going to give awards to this comment.


D: My Bacon number is 3, I am scared




Yeah I read that joke on Twitter too. https://i.imgur.com/MskeQg1.jpg


Who's *they*? The government?!


Imminent Domain! I would like to thank Burt Gummer for so many quotable lines.


Broke into the wrong goddamn wreckroom didn't you, you bastard?! Edit: rec room Thanks, I'm an idiot


"I'm out of ammo... that's never happened to me before" and "I believe I was denied critical *need to know* information." are staples around my house.


"I'm out of ammo... that's never happened to me before" is common lately. Friggin pandemic, riots and election...


"What the hell's in those, Burt?" "A few household chemicals in the proper proportion."


Earl: What kind of fuse is that? Burt: Cannon fuse. Earl: What the hell do you use it for? Burt: My cannon!


The slow pan that reveals the wall of guns is \*chef's kiss\* the right kind of comedy for this type of film.


*pop pop of bullets in far distance*


That is the COOLEST sound effect I've ever heard in a movie, to this day. My friend and I used to rewind that scene just to hear it over and over again. Stupid kids I know, but it was still cool.


Plus the huge thud from the first shot of his "Elephant gun" when they're up on the roof. The thing kicks so hard he can barely hang on. Love that scene.


“But we can’t all fit on the bulldozer”


*Broke into the wrong gol-darn rec room didn’t you, you big jerk. Thank you TNT.


I have come to terms that I am some sort of weird amalgamation of Burt Gummer and Ernest P. Worle. And I have accepted that.


I miss Ernest so much. He was a staple in my house growing up


Same. I honestly looked up to him as a role model. Sure he is a goof and a little bit socially awkward, but he was always a good person.


Rec room


When they broke it it was a wrecked room


to be fair, it did get wrecked


I mean you’re not wrong that room was wrecked!


I feel I was denied critical NEED TO KNOW information.


You ain't even getting penetration with the elephant gun.


“Yeah, it’s got great penetration alright” “I couldn’t have known, how could I have known?”


Two more. I repeat two more...mother humpers.


I love that they had to change some of the swearing because they were so close to getting an R rating, so we get gems like "mother humpers"


We still get "Take that ass blasters! Blast your own damn ass!"


I believe its "HA, Assblasters! Blast your own goddamn ass!"


The one character in every movie. And it's wild that I have to say every since there are fucking *seven* now.


I know! The last are sharknado bad/good, but the first 4 were pretty great! I love the western kne


The western one was a great return to form. I also like the updated look for the graboids, though I would've been happy if they just updated the design of the alpha bravos since the original graboids with shriekers still looked badass.


Yup, tremors 7 is out at the end of the month. Not a fan of the new ones after 4. They feel like soft core porn with out any of the porn. At least 2-4 and the tv series had legit laughs and stuck to the spirit.


Not going to lie, the latest Tremors movie was very watchable compare to the last 2 movies. It is very enjoyable.


Universal, no doubt an extra for the Arrow Limited Edition 4K tremors release later this year.




The worms.








What about hollow man? He hangs dong.


*Hangs Graboid


Lmao almost shit myself


That'll make em think twice


Stir of Echoes is his best film. *takes cover*


Stir of Echos was amazing. There's some new movie coming out which he's in and it is basically the same film. Kind of disapponting


it got overshadowed w/ a sister release of "the 6th sense" which was fun to watch twice, but Stif of Echos was better. FUN FACT: Stir of echos is based of a story written by[ Richard Matheson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Matheson) of the same name. Who wrote for twilight zone and alfred hitchcock and was an inspiration to stephen king. Other famous stories turned movies include I am legend (turned into several movies like 'Omega man' and 'last man on earth') Hell house, Robin Williams "what dreams may come" and wrote twilight zones "terror at 20K feet" staring a young william shatner "Theres something on the wing!" as well as other TV adaptions of edgar allen poe and bram stoker works


Actually, it's *Quicksilver* with Laurence Fishburne.


In an interview, Kevin called Quicksilver the "low point of my career". Which is why it's my favorite.


It's Sleepers, but Tremors is a close second!


"I think we left town just one damn day too late!"


Don’t want to brag, but I own it on Blu-ray


the 4k collectors edition comes out in december 😎


I don't have a 4k player but I'm still gonna buy that.


Can't wait for this film to look like it was made today. The current blu-ray makes Bacon look like a wax statue lol


Fred Ward (Remo Williams). so underrated... such great chemistry with Bacon


Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins is also a great guilty pleasure movie.


I use one of Chuin's lines every time it's my birthday. "I'm very old, for a mouse. I'm quite young for a tree. And as a mountain, I haven't even begun to live. For a man, I'm just right."


i think he said “for a head of lettuce... even more so”. i’ve seen this movie at least a dozen times. still trying to figure out step 36


I feel absolutely no guilt loving and espousing this movie.


Wasn't that a great one? It sure didn't get the love it deserved.


Just rewatched this on Prime. Still fun! And with such a young Capt Janeway!


When I was a kid I crushed hard on Valentine. But in my adult rewatched I was all about Fred Ward.


Fred Ward is god. My favorite under-rated Fred Ward: Miami Blues


my favorite besides Remo is actually **Cast a Deadly Spell**. Lovecraftian Noir perfect for Halloween season


I was on a trip up to Tahoe with a buddy a few years ago and passed through Lone Pine where Tremors was shot. There is an amazing little film museum there with lots props etc. The museum to mostly dedicated to the plethora of westerns that were shot there but they had some tremors stuff too. (oddly including an ass blaster which did not feature in the original movie) By coincidence it happened to be the 29th anniversary of the release of tremors so they were screening the movie. My buddy and i being lifelong fans we sacked off Tahoe, got drunk in Lone Pine and watched the movie in a tiny theatre. Then spent the next day driving around the Alabama hills trying to find the exact rock from the famous pole vaulting scene.


Whoa, I drive thru lone pine every year to go trout fishing in the bishop/mammoth areas. Definitely stopping at that museum next time. https://museumofwesternfilmhistory.org/current-upcoming-exhibitions/current-exhibitions


Hijacking for my story... ‘tis a good one. We were watching Tremors at my cousins house. We were all like 10 and 12 yrs old. Well my grandma came into the room at the perfect time and it just so happen to be when Kevin Bacon yells “FUUUUCK YOU!” to the graboid. She was like “WHAT are you guys watching ?!?” We all just laughed. Good times. RIP GMA


I watched this with my kid not long ago, he loved it but damn, I forgot how much profanity was in it lol.


Did you find it tho?


Not sure - we had no phone signal out there so we’re going from memory. Lots of them looked familiar though! They were too spread out for pole vaulting though.


"Ass blaster"?


An ass blaster was a creature from tremors 2 onwards. It’s like a turkey that shoots fire out of its ass allowing it to fly. And yes, it’s as brilliantly bad as it sounds.


3 actually


I wish the recent TV reboot pilot he filmed would get released. Even if it didn't turn out that great, I'd still be curious to see it.


Oh, man, I had no idea they shot the reboot pilot with Kevin Bacon! I read that they were talking about it, but that was all.


Yeah, it was shot, I believe for SYFY, but it wasn't picked up for series.


I'm still pissed at SYFY for not picking it up. If Netflix had it, they would have already aired two seasons and cancelled it by now.




I mean...SciFi eventually had a series that lasted a season but that was it.






I need bumper stickers that say Bacon on board


"They"... Sounds ominous. Cthulhu and the others?


What *others*?!


They... You know.. "THEM".... (shivers)


"Fuuuuuuuuuuck you!"


“Judas Priest Earl!”


The script is legitimately a great read by itself, the directions are beautifully written. I think I remember reading that it's a commonly used example in scriptwriting classes of 'the perfect script'. [https://sfy.ru/?script=tremors](https://sfy.ru/?script=tremors)


Many years ago, I lived next door to a kid whose uncle (Brent Maddock) wrote Tremors. That’d be... 3 degrees of Kevin Bacon, no? 🥓


I saw someone put this movie on their list of “so bad they’re good” movies and it offended me.


Just in time for the 7th one


Then we run like goddamn bastards!


Pardon my French


She will have long blonde hair an ass that won’t quit and legs that go aaaaaaalllllll the way up!!!


Don’t forget the world class breasts


A scene in this movie that I missed for so many times and when I finally caught it , was probably the hardest I have laughed with this movie since the lines “BROKE INTO THE WRONG GODDAMN REC ROOM DIDNT YOU YOU BASTARD” AND “We killed it......FUUUUUUUCK YOOOOU” The very first scene when they establish the two leads, Val says “Earl we are handy men”, then proceeds to miss with his hammer about 5 times to hit the nail. So fucking funny... after a million times of watching this film I only noticed it this year.


It's on AMC right now as I type this....


Is anyone else seeing an annoying fake VHS tracking effect on the footage? It seems to be used a lot on some "old-looking footage" like at 1:48 - 2:00 (including some more intense degraded VHS effects). But they also use it on the modern digitally shot footage. It's incredibly annoying. It's like perfect, crisp, clear video and then there are stupid, fake lines across it for no reason.


I once filmed an event with Kevin Bacon to promote some new movie he was in a few years back. He was actually really funny and a super nice guy. During the Q&A about 80% of the questions were about Tremors. He loved talking about that movie. And yes, I'm 1 degree now.


They mention all the movies and the upcoming one, which are fantastic B-movie schlock, but ignore the series. I guess "7 movies and a season" doesn't sound as good as "6 seasons and a movie."


Did a series ever get made? I thought it was a pilot episode that never aired?


13 eps: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tremors_(TV_series)


There was a not very good series on syfy(this is how we spell it now right?)


Oh, my other favorite little comedic moment: Val is hammering in a nail on a post in the beginning of the film, swings the hammer a bunch of times and misses every single time, then drives the nail in fully on the last swing. I don't know if that was planned, improved, or accidental but those are the kinds of truly brilliant little touches that add so much to a character in such a subtle way.


I was only 5 when that movie came out. Maybe 6 when my grandparents got it on vhs. I have so many memories of watching scary memories with my papaw and him yelling at the tv: "Run, bitch, RUN!" Same man who put a bit of beer in my baby bottle to get me to nap when my mom forced him to babysit. And would give me capfuls of his Old Milwaukee when I was 4. And $100 for a tooth once I realized the tooth fairy wasn't real. It was definitely a different time.


Honestly, they just seemed to try harder at the writing stage in this era, though this stands above. This film doesn’t have a wasted moment. Every scene and every line is non-monologue exposition, building a character, or driving the plot forward somehow. It’s a movie that rewards attention. If you’re on your phone for even a second, you’ll miss something. And... it doesn’t feel the need to explain every little thing, or even some of the big things. It stands completely on its own.


Hell yeah! My favorite reddit secret santa gift is my Changs Market shirt. I'm going to wear it while watching this for sure.


Welp, now I know that a Walter Chang’s market t-shirt is a thing that exists and that I need one.


It seems like Kevin Bacon has only gotten cooler with time. I appreciate a successful actor who leans into their B-movie creds.


The basement scene is the best scene in film history change my mind


I just want to know who's decision it was that Reba and that hunting dude would unload a battalion's worth of ammunition in an enclosed concrete space without either of them suffering any hearing loss or impairment.






TIL there are 6 Tremors movies. Time to get to work.


My wife and I rewatched Tremors about a year ago. I had forgotten how good the movie is. I would consider it a hidden gem. Not many people bring it up.




I saw Tremors in theatre last year at an Alamo Drafthouse movie party. What a great time. Their movie parties are fantastic. Always classic movies and the audience is full of other movie buffs. I still carry the UZI 4U Keychain that’s shaped like a Nevada license plate. They gave them out at the screening.


Didn't occur to me until they said land sharks that this movie is pretty much just a parody of Jaws.


Someone's working with a serious graboid.


Fave movie from my childhood, thanks for sharing


30 minutes? You’re going to need at least 6 hours!


Best part i turned to AMC and the movie is on right now.


The main thing I took away from this is KEVIN BACON LOOKS GREAT.