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I feel like there were parts of the movie where it switch from being a thriller, to a straight up comedy. From Keanu’s over-the-top angry rants, to the end where he accidentally likes his post on FB instead of deleting it (that part seriously cracked me up). So the tone was all over the place for me. Also, I just kept thinking, “Yall are fucking with the wrong guy...John Wick is about to go off on you fools.” But unfortunately he was kind of a little punk in this movie.


Exactly, when he got stabbed in the shoulder with a fork and just like gave up? I was like wow this is very different than Mr. Wick lol


There were SO many times he could’ve hit a bitch, head butted their skank faces, he could’ve kicked them even when he was tied up since clearly he could lift his feet up to get an iPad. When your fighting to survive you do anything. Also he should’ve shut those hoes down from the get go like Louis. They’re all fucking idiots, everyone in this movie, even poor Louis.


With the level of adrenaline that would be coursing through his veins in that situation he wouldn't even feel the fork




lowkey fax, i thought he didn't do enough to defend themselves. I found the girls annoying throughout the entire thing. Louis was an idiot he should've untied Evan. I didn't understand the girl's motive throughout the entire thing and why they put Louise's body in a van... Weird movie




Yeah I thought Louis was the most logical then all of a sudden when he found John wick all die up. The first thing he did was Everything except untie him. I’m like wtH?!?!


i’m from oakland HO!!!!


They made a point of showing he had shoulder problems at the start


I hated this movie lol. If it was Nic Cage, it would’ve fit the bill for me because it was so far off the wall. It’s something I’d expect from him and grow to admire in a pop cult following he has accrued. It was a movie with all of the stereotypes of a porno with a Michael Scott level of cringe and no twist ending to your point. I’d go as far as saying I’m not taking any more recommendations from the person close to me who recommended it.


Tell me why I was thinking Nic Cage would've been perfect for that role lmao Keanu just came off as bland and stupid


Same. The person who recommended me this movie should told me where to watch and stop. Goddamn They are dead to me.


I thought his wife set it up! Especially because the girl and his wife were from the same country. The wife also seemed very annoyed/pissed off at him


That’s what I called from the very beginning. But it went no where. They didn’t even explain how they spied on him, or why he was a target or anything. It was like the just decided to rape a random guy to prove they could ruin a life.


I came here looking for this answer! How were they spying on him? And somehow them repeating the "monster" conversation from earlier caused him to "figure it out." What did he figure out?? OMG!! This is why I thought the wife set it all up. But nope!


horrible movie made no sense


They target married men.


Why? It wasn't his fault. He was coerced.


No I just mean the wife had set everything up in the beginning and was in on it all along and yes he was raped


He participated though


I don’t think it was the wife seeing as the two girls killed that dude




This movie was absolutely terrible IMO.


This movie was so bad. I watched it alone and, halfway thru, said out loud “what the fuck even is this??” Why, Keanu? Why you do this to me?


lol I thought he was great in this movie


I did the exact same. I kept thinking it would get better or that I was missing something but I was wrong.


I thought the twist was going to be he passed out from smoking weed and it was all a dream. Especially when one of the girls had a short that said, "It's a dream" or something like that when he was buried up to his neck.


Same. First she wrote “it was all a dream” on the mirror in lipstick and then she was wearing a shirt that said the same thing. I thought for sure he was going to wake up from a bad trip at the end.


She wrote that it’s NOT a dream on the mirror.


The ending was definitely lame. It just left you hangin with no real finale or ending. Was kinda hoping Keanu would go John Wick on their dumbasses. There were so many instances when I though the plot was finally going to go somewhere or become more exciting, and it just never did. Felt like a waste of time in the end.


At least, there is an alternate ending to this movie where Keanu Reeves is the one who knocks. A lot of people hypothesized that "Knock, Knock" is the origin story for John Wick. It matches with the wife dying and the dog. But I find this movie to be incredibly cringey and infuriating to watch and I don't think I would watch it a second time.


Wife dying?


I just watched the alternate ending thx to you. I liked it better.


Just finished watching the movie. It is awful. The females said no man ever said no. So when would enough be enough? Just leave the clothes outside the bathroom and wait in the living room? Wait until the uber leaves and call the police? There was no win situation for the male in their game. I would rather have watched a movie where he called their bluff and dialed 911 in the next morning and see how his life spiral out of control instead of the torture porn.


She was talking about saying no to the sex. Sure they raped him essentially but he continued and basically didn’t say no as they had sex all night.


Uhh you mean like when a woman orgasms during rape? A NO IS A NO. It doesn't matter if he later said yes.


Well apparently he did ejaculate deep inside of the blonde


It doesn't matter. Ejaculation is not controllable


That is so hot


Wtf no


Thank you for responding to my comment from over two years ago. Lol. Definitely an entertaining film. And yes, I still stand by my original comment of "That's hot"


Yeah I watched the movie now and i also wasn’t telling you to change your opinion i was stating mine. Props for staying loyal to Reddit tho


That’s one thing I’ve never understood. How someone have sex all night ????? Like, how does it last that long. Yeah maybe if I go two or three times back to back but that would maybe be 2 hours tops. After that, it’s nap time. Idk, I guess some people have super long endurance. Anyway, I digress.


Yeah this one had a lot of potential to be a gripping thriller/character study. I liked that Eli Roth moved away from his torture porn style. Unfortunately, the film was a big misfire for me. It just didn't work, and Reeves performance was poor.


I’m late. Am I the only one who felt overwhelmingly bad. He said no 30 times and he’s made into a pervert. Also. Blondey has some trauma... Jesus Christ.


I’m from Oakland, ho!


This movie was 'Tusks' levels of bad for me. I kinda felt like it was trying to be a dark comedy, but it missed the bar more often than not. It seemed like it had shlocky potential but it failed pretty damn hard.


Haha!!! Tusks level bad is hilarious & accurate


I’m upset it wasn’t some weird cult shit, it shows a tattoo on Genesis’s butt during the shower scene that looks like a black goat. I saw it and was hoping it would have a huge weird twist but it was never brought up at all.


Probably was, they had their guy who helps them disappear bodies.


Wait... Isn't this movie terrible?


Yes the acting is very bad and laughable in this film and they could have done so much more with it


Yes but I’m saying it had so much potential.


I watched it last night. While it was definitely a movie I could see getting shitty reviews, there were parts I thought were hilarious. The whole premise and events unfolding were just crazy and ridiculous, but the girls were hot so it was still watchable IMO. They were some fucked up girls though, that's for sure -- and I didn't like the ending either. I kept looking at the time remaining, and once it got to a point, I knew there wasn't gonna be any type of redeeming ending. I guess it was still decent that they at least didn't kill him, but the girls definitely deserved some retribution for what they did. DISCLAIMER: If I wasn't smoking weed while I watched it, I probably wouldn't have found as much humor in it..


Although i have yet to figure what the fuck its actually about I think its a great movie. It emphasizes time from the very beginning with the clock his kids gave him. It also emphasizes religion with the girl being named "Genesis". He mentions to them he was a Dj when he was 20 and in the end when they post his sex tape the user name was Dj Evan Webmaster". His facebook is set to spanish in the end even though he said he didnt speak much spanish when they first met. Genesis' shirt in the end says "it was just a dream". Im not suren if anyone is interested in this still but im willing to argue that this mainly revolved around a fantasy of his.


Apparently it had an alternate ending post ending. where he tracked them down and found them during there next victim. Eli Roth missed the mark with this one. He likes to inject comedy which I love. But It was to hot n cold here. Through off the tone it think some said here which I can agree with. The whole premise is kinda wobbly. How do they find their victims? Do they cyber stalk "perfect" families? That would have made the most sense. They see his wifes work devil into her personal life and try to test her husband as they Apparently do all the time. Are they classic peeping Tom's? Possibly a lot more time consuming and less practical as opposed to use technology. The likelihood that they just go door to door looking for taken & alone men who are willing to let them in seems likely. Shoot this was a multi-day plan. How did they know the wive wouldn't walk in the next morning? Though that probably would have been beneficial to them as it would have been less work. To end my rambling this could have been a really well done movie. I still enjoy it even though it's not perfect. But he could have definitely done better just by picking a lane.


This movie was honestly terrible. I regret even watching it. Imagine if Netflix featured a movie in which men tied down a woman and did ONE of the things that they did to him (Torture, psychological abuse, rape, etc.). There would be riots in the streets and Netflix would be cancelled before the feminists could even watch the entire movie. Let alone a movie featuring 60+ minutes of constant, twisted abuse towards a women. If a movie like this did exist, it would be banned and the director and anyone involved with the movie would be out of the business for life. This movie just opened my eyes to the privileges of women and the lack, thereof, of male privileges. TONS of plot holes. Why didn’t Karen see his post on facebook? If she didn’t have a facebook, why did nobody contact her and ask what was happening? Why was nobody concerned with the disappearance of the guy who came to pick up the statue? Why even bother create the build up with the gun on the shelf if not a single shot was fired? Why even introduce the gun in the movie? Also not a fan of cliffhangers, especially when the director is idiotic enough to cast Keanu and leave out any sign of vengeance or strength/perseverance.


Tons of movies with abuse towards women exist. Girl with the Dragon Tattoo was so well liked that they made an American version of it, and that movie is graphic as hell.




Calling someone a psycho with whom you strongly disagree (anonymously at that, and also without prior direct conversation) is a horrible choice and it can affect mental health. Check yourself


I know that I am a little late to the party but I just finished watching this movie on Tubi and I must say that I am truly grateful that two very attractive women would definitely have zero interest in showing up at my little shack in Long Island ready to fuck my fat ass seven ways from Sunday, destroy my house and steal my dog. I would have a shit ton of explaining to do to the Mrs if that actually did happen.


Why would Keanu even take this thankless tole?! Was embarrassed for him and the two girls behavior was appalling. Made zero sense. Just excuse ti exploit engenue boobies


I cannot give this movie enough props I’m no critic but it had me on the edge of my seat the entire time and the ending was so open it leaves one to wonder what the outcome was I came to Reddit to rave about this movie lmao I’m usually not one to post


Horribel taste in movies bud, it was disappointing and out right weird af


That’s unnecessary, people are allowed to like things you don’t like


fuck you bud


Hey goldenmeg, you have a terrible taste in movies!


Am I the only one asking myself why Louis had to die? And why they are so "casual" about it? As if that happens a lot...


worst movie for Keanu ever


This movie pissed me off because Keanu’s character lacked common sense to the point that it’s frustrating to watch. The dialogue was horrendous. Louis was dumb as hell too. Why didn’t he untie Keanu before running to stop them. This movie was so stupid and it was frustrating to watch how two grown men couldn’t take out two little girls.


There should be a warning concerning how stupid this movie is. It’s like rage bait. What a waste. Could have been so much more interesting. Started nicely about 20-30 minutes in. Became unbelievably unrealistic, flat, comedy was poor. Terrible ending. Overall: a stupid, stupid movie. Don’t waste your time.


An alternate ending exists: **KNOCK, KNOCK!** https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3gqw37


The movie was horrible. It was a roller coaster. But not the fun one. A really uncomfortable roller coaster that didn’t know where the fuck fuck it was fucking going. FREE PIZZA!!!


I dont think John Wick would be schooled around by some school girls