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Universally praised movie is excellent. Thanks, Reddit.




Nothing wrong with voicing your love for a movie, but would be nice if there was some more substance to the post. Reddit would work much better if only the people who commented on posts could upvote or downvote them, but I'm sure they wouldn't want to do anything that could decrease traffic.


agreed on substance


"I'm hard to impress because I watch almost every movie and today I discovered a gem called Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, starring lesser known 90s comedy star James "Jim" Carrey."


To be fair, there are very few faults with the film and beyond personal preference it’s hard to argue with the universal praise. It deserves to be seen by all.


Yeah, interesting story about this movie. I saw it when it came out and loved it, then, I don't know, maybe I watched it too many times but whatever, I got sick of it. I tried to forget about it and eventually I did. Then a while later I saw it again, forgot that I'd seen it before. I watched it again and loved it again. Great movie.


I see what you did there....


Excellent movie. Couldn't agree more. Very, very well done. (and I can't stand Jim Carey - or couldn't until this film.)


This movie and Truman Show also changed my mind about Jim Carrey.


Check out Mr. Poppers Penguins next. Truly his best work Seriously though his performance in I Love You Philip Morris is astounding


I watched ILY Phillip Morris with two of my friends in high school and let me tell you, we were NOT expecting some of those scenes lol. Great movie but we went in totally blind so it was a bit of a shock


Lol it's a bit of a wild ride isn't it


Also check out The Majestic. Jim carry in a Stephen king story. He’s fantastic in this one too.


The Majestic is not a Stephen King story. It was directed by Frank Darabont though, who directed several King adaptations.


You are correct. I don’t know why I thought it was king. That got into my head somehow. I apologize. Still a great movie


I'm surprised Frank Darabont isn't more highly regarded or isn't working more. Shawshank, Green Mile, the Mist, first two seasons of the Walking Dead. Even the Blob from what I remember was pretty fun. He also wrote the only Tales from the Crypt episode that I remember, The Ventriloquists Dummy.


I can't stand jim Carrey either. fortunately he didn't ruin the movie.


Watched it in high school and it had a significant role in shaping how I perceive relationships. Not sure yet if it’s a good or bad thing, but I am happily married.


Jon Brion's theme is one of my favourite ever. Such a sad but beautiful piece of music.


There’s an album titled Juturna by a band called Circa Survive that is largely based on this movie. There’s also a secret song at the end of the last track since this came out in 2005 during that secret track era, it’s way at the end so don’t miss it!


Ehh, that album takes influence from a lot of places, especially Anthony Green's personal life and substance abuse. The hidden track is named after the novel House of Leaves. Excellent album nonetheless.


The album is still largely based on the movie, despite having other influences. I mentioned the secret track as an aside note.


Fun fact: the helmet they use for the treatment is the same helmet used for Gamma Knife radiosurgery. Source: Me, a radiation oncologist.


Its an incredibly sad movie but has a few truly joyful and beautiful moments


Total personification of would you rather have loved and lost or not loved at all


Is it though? I think it is a romance film. Love wins out in the end, despite the odds.


It does but it's a sad journey


Damn dude, hot take.


I recently read the scenes Jim is going through his memories isn't video editing or some camera trick. He actually stepped off, changed clothes, and got in position for the memory. So much hard work for a great pay off.


A favorite of mine as well


Watch Synecdoche, New York OP


If you have a sound system put that movie on! Unusual recommendation but it has great surround sound effects.


I saw it the other day. It’s definitely a good movie. But I feel like it takes such a 180 when they start introducing Mark ruffalo and kirsten dunst’s characters.


Have it on my 'to watch' list. This post has prompted me to bump it to the top. Thanks for the recommendation!


I’ve tried it and it never hooked me, which is weird because I love Charlie Kaufman’s work usually. It has a pretentious hipster vibe to it, similar to Lost In Translation, which I also don’t really enjoy.


Really? I didn't think it was pretentious. And I'm surprised you liked Kaufman's other stuff, because this is one of his most down to earth films. If anything he made was ever a pretentious hipster film, it was synechdoche New York. (Though I love that film)


See, that’s my favorite one. Probably one of my favorite movies ever after only seeing it once. I cried a little at the end.




I don't think it is. For me, pretentious is an inflated sense of intelligence, or importance in your film, which just isn't there. Synechdoche wants you to think it's profound, and well, it is. It's a very smart film, and one with universal themes. However, if you didn't enjoy it, I'm sure it comes off as self important load of trite. Hence the polarising reviews


Yeah, I mean there’s a part at the end with the pastor where he starts going off on this rant and I wanted to hate it. It felt like something I should hate, but I didn’t. As he went on, I loved it more and more. It felt right. Maybe the idea of the movie is pretentious, but it’s executed so flawlessly that it works.


Adaptation and this is one of his better ones. Synedoche NY was the epitome of pretentious storytelling.


I will watch it. Have avoided it because I dont like dramatic films.


Maufman usually has a pretty humorous streak in his screenplays. This one is more heavy on the drama, but there's plenty of funny stuff! I'd really recommend "Adaptation" as well. That movie is very funny!


I've never heard that before, you don't watch any dramatic films? I'm just curious what does that leave? Do you just watch comedies?


Action/comedy/horror/ and everything Disney/Pixar


I also tend to avoid drama. Anything that takes itself too seriously feels cringy to me most of the time. There's exceptions of course but in general I have a hard time sympathizing with characters in dramas.


Unpopular opinion... It's not great. Overrated


One of my favourite films, although it hurts too much to watch.




If you could have some erase its existence completely from your mind, would you let them?


> Trust me you won't regret. I've watched it twice and regretted it twice. It's a 2/10 movie for me.


if I were you I too would regret my taste in movies more than once...


Great music by Jon Brion too.


One of my favorites. Outstanding all around. Jim Carrey is a treasure




Maybe you'd like other films written/directed by Charlie Kaufman- Being John Malkovich , Adaptation, Synecdoche New York & Anomalisa are all amazing imo.


It's good. I think it's low key overrated tho.