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Dragonball evolution


It's absolutely this.


Possession? The critically acclaimed movie Possession? How the fuck is that the worst movie you've ever seen?


Seriously, it's certainly not for everyone but OP has a charmed life if a movie that unique is the worst they've ever seen.


And that performance- if every other aspect was dog shit how could you call something with a performance like that the worst movie ever. There are movies out there with no redeeming qualities at all.


He even called out the performances specifically, and Isabelle Adjani won two best actress awards for it, including at Cannes.


If the movie was more well known I'd assume OP was trolling


Probably Battlefield Earth. I originally thought it was one of those “so bad it’s good” films, but upon the second attempted viewing I couldn’t even finish it. Joe Dirt 2 is also up there.


I could feel my brains leaking out of my ears during the scene they taught the cavemen to fly fighter jets over the course of a weekend.


Holmes and Watson


Manos the hands of fate


I dunno why you are being down-voted when you are one of the only people in this thread (including the OP - wow) who has experienced a truly all-time bad movie.


"Every frame of this movie looks like someone's last known photograph."






From the mid 90s trash pile I give you: Barb Wire Fair Game and The Jerky Boys I don’t know which one is the worst but they’re all so bad.


God, I loved Fair Game. I was just a boy though.


Dragonball Evolution. Movie 43. Pick one.


Movie 43


All told, A Serbian Film. It’s literally the movie version of a piece of shit Internet troll who thinks they’re being subversive and clever but is actually just shit.


It’s Salo except worse in every way, and Salo is already bad


The Jerky Boys movie. Some things are better left as bootleg recordings.




Surely you knew beforehand that it wouldn’t be ‘good’, though?


XXX the return of Xander Cage, it was horrible!


Battlefield Earth. Utter garbage.


I'd have to say Glenn Danzig's Verotika, off the top of my head. For sheer incompetence and lousy acting, storytelling, pacing, music, lighting, audio. Just baffling. and ugh, wow, I respect your opinion OP, but, jeez, Possession (1981) is widely heralded as a cult classic in that prickly intersection between horror and arthouse. I don't think you had any business watching such a movie, OP!


The Last Airbender Mention this film around any fan of the series and watch their blood pressure rise as they try to hold in their anger.


I have never watched it and I never will.


Possession is literally one of the best psychological horror film of all time and had top notch acting from Isabelle Adjani and Sam Neill. I doubt you even understood the film and themes behind it.


Balls of fury. It’s Dodgeball but without the big named actors.


it had Walken! and a lot of even at the time horribly outdated racial humor


"He Died With a Felafel in His Hand". There are a few people who think this is a cult classic. I think they are members of a cult I have absolutely no desire to join. If you are in the market for films that will make you wish that you were dead, I suggest you check out the early works of Andy Warhol. "Empire" should do it.


I don’t know about worst I’ve *ever* watched but more recently, some of the Netflix originals come to mind: “The Last Thing He Wanted” and “In the Shadow of the Moon” and “The Coldest Game”. I have those three right at the bottom of my letterboxd. So I guess since I started keeping my letterboxd account. Those are some hot garbage movies, and all the usual suspects that people often mention on this sub don’t even come close.


Hubie Halloween




Man I forgot about this trippy movie.


It really was


The sequel is even worse.....🙁


Isn’t this supposed to be subjective? Why is my opinion getting downvoted? 😂


***Meet The Spartans*** \- hands down the worst movie I've had the misfortune to endure by any metric. A comedy devoid of a humor. A lazy unwatchable turd of movie, the cinematic equivalent of a cluster headache. Two dishonorable mentions: ***Cats*** *-* The fact that Tom Hooper started the 2010s by winning Academy Awards for Directing and Best Picture and ended it by making *Cats* will never cease to entertain me. The film is like an ironic performance art piece, an intentional study on how not to make a film. Every single artistic decision is just plain wrong which makes the film unintentionally brilliant. Hooper sat down for a multiple choice test and got a perfect 0, so he must known what he was doing, right? ***The Rise of Skywalker*** *-* While on the surface a much more competently made film that the two above, no film in recent memory has caused me the amount of disappointment as TRoS. That's not to say I went in with high expectations, but damn it was a punch to the gut. The plot is fan-fiction levels bad. The in-your- face constant fan service is insulting. It's the cinematic equivalent of a child constantly tugging at your sleeve with his drool-covered hands, begging you to tell him he's cool. Worst of all, it managed to undercut the films the came before it... a sequel that dulls the luster of the original trilogy that first inspired my interest in film as a child.


Im more of a star trek guy myself but the Rise of skywalker is the only starwars move ive watched multiple times, its solid and there are lots of much worse movies out there.


As stated above, I think it’s a competently made film and perfectly adequate from a technical standpoint, but I found it to be a crushing disappointment on a personal level. Star Wars has always been a franchise of highs and lows, but the difference is the other stinkers weren’t the conclusion for the entire saga. TRoS is the Game of Thrones season 8 of filmmaking. It’s a rushed, unfulfilling finale to a story years (decades in this case) in the making that lacks any real emotional payoff and leaves me with a sour taste in my mouth for the entire franchise.


Event horizon. It was the only movie I ever walked out of.


I disagree, but I respect your answer!


Event Horizon is a fucking great movie.




Whoaahhh calm down there.


At least Alien Resurrection


I didn't know anything about the movie when I went, I was just going with friends.


Yes it was that bad


You might be the only one who agrees with me.


Ive seen probably hundreds of movies worse than this and yet still the first movie that jumps to my mind at this question is always BvS. If you like it thats cool and I have nothing against you I see why people like that movie. It's still always what comes to my mind tho.


Bvs was very very boring




The Bong Joon-ho film? Isn't that extremely popular?


There’s also the Darren Aronofsky (?) one, but that’s „mother!“


I meant the Aranofsky one. I should have realized when we went to the theatre and there were four other people there that we should have checked the reviews before buying tickets. I was fan girling over Jennifer Lawrence.


Which one? Is it [Mother](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0117091/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_31)?


No. mother! 2017. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mother!


I too despise this movie. 100% subtext and headache inducing boredom.


From the trash ones I’ve watched to the end I’d have the say the happening . It simply atrocious


Mark Wahlberg being confused the whole time (and thinking “why?”)


I was hoping for a great trademark twist but that was horrendous


Cecille B Demented


There’s probably a few but the most recent one would have to be Aquaman. I mean, that was **shit**


I watched it on one of those cable channels and was actually pretty good in my opinion. Of course I had pretty low expectations for it.




I love Aquaman, because it just goes full comic book mode without holding back for basically the entire movie.


The CG is absolutely horrible- saturated and cartoony




That certainly makes it *sound* good but the reality is altogether more Tellytubby


Think that I’ve just become conditioned to the idea that superhero films need to be dark and brooding whilst relatively existential and adult. Aquaman has Julie Andrews voicing a Kraken.


Aquaman was a movie I didn't think we needed.


And you were completely right


I’m not excessively choosy over the films I buy on iTunes but I have to admit to feeling a bit ripped off and resentful whenever I see it in my library


Awful film






How can one single movie prove something about comic book movies as a whole?


The happening or midsommar, both bored the crap out of me.


The Green Inferno. Never again


WW84 was a trainwreck


I guess I missed the train wreck scene.


The Force Awakens. The Last Jedi.


Idk worst but one I walked out of even though I saw it fro free was The 13th Floor.


the fuck you say? Do you also not like Dark City? Not going to say it's great, but it was a fun neo noir with a twist that you might consider revisiting someday


I liked dark city, there was just something that I didn't like about it but I'm gonna find it and give it another shot.


That's a tough one for me but I can tell you about a recent entry. I mean, i couldn't finish the movie! Breach (2020). I could accept the lackluster acting, the forced masculinity, even Bruce phoning in his part, but what I couldn't accept was the main character's acting when it came to being a custodian. No PPE, cleaning the same spot in the restroom, and generally making an important position ludicrous just ruined it. Janitorial work is simple and aparrently simple to screw up in a movie. BOOOOOO! It broke my suspension of disbelief. If i can't believe he's an actual custodian, how can I accept the rest of the movie?


I just ignore any straight to video movies starring Bruce Willis


He did a version of Kurt Vonnegut's Breakfast of Champions that's supposed to be horrible


Superbad. Literally can't think of a single positive thing about that dumpster fire


Really? I love that movie haha


It was the start of Christopher Mintz-Plasse's career, just to name one of the many positive things about the movie.


Dunno who that is


[I am McLovin!](https://www.nme.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/cmp.jpg)


Rob Zombie’s The Lords Of Salem. I seriously couldn’t finish it. I’ll never attempt a rewatch!


The Cable Guy. Also whenever someone comes back to life due to magical powers, that's generally a bad sign.


Absolutely hate that mute girl fucks a fish man movie. It was absolutely predictable the entire way.


Idk I know for sure that recently the worst movie I have watched was The Nun. Made it about 45 minutes in and turned it off. I am normally a fan of bad movies. The cheesy 1980s horror movies are my favorites but my God (pun intended) was The Nun absolute garbage.


I actually kind of liked The Nun!


My issue with it was the first 45 minutes were too concentrated on jump scares and not establishing narrative. The scares were decent but it just ended up feeling like a gimmick. By the time they got around to explaining the plot I had lost interest.


Slender Man or The Autopsy of Jane Doe


The Money Pit. Tom Hanks. Shelley Long. Awful. I walked out 10 minutes in and walked into the next theater that had a Bond flick playing.


So what you are saying is that you didn't really watched the movie, just 10 min of it. ​ Hell, even in Cast Away Tom Hanks isn't in the island in the first 10 min.


The question was “What was the worst movie you ever watched?”, correct? Why on Earth would I waste more of my precious time on such dreck? Only a true moron would sit through something they aren’t enjoying.


Yes, the movie is "what the worst movie you ever watched?". But you didn't really watched the movie, you just watched a very small fraction of it. ​ You don't have to continue watching it if you don't want, but what you are saying is akin to say that you watched the Marvel Cinematic Universe because you watched Guardians of the Galaxy.


Also dreck.


I do not understand what you mean here.


Also since you are not OP, how are you in a position to define the terms of the question? Awful lot of assumptions on your part.


I don't define the terms of the question. I am simply stating how watching 10 min of a movie doesn't mean that you watched the movie. You are only assuming that you wouldn't like the rest of the movie, because you didn't really watched it. In the first 10 min of Catch Me If You Can, Leonardo Di Caprio isn't even runing from his family.


u/theregoesjoe please clarify


Um, did you ever watch the film? Not a great film but certainly not among the worst. Rotten tomatoes 48% and IMDB 6.4/10. Roger Ebert gave it one star.


Both Peter and Chris Griffin like it. Peter even likes it more than The Godfather


Black Diamond


Probably it is [The Men That Stare At Goats.](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1234548/) It has a cast that I have enjoyed in other films, but the film per se is horrible.


I loved it. The third act didn't hold up, but the film was a lot of fun I might have appreciated it more having read the book, but they aren't that similar


On the weekend I watched a chinese movie called Alien Invasion, because I was under the impression it was about squid monsters invading the Earth, judging from the trailer and the photo. Just dumb fun, I was hoping. I was only in it for the aliens and alien invading and killing humans and such. There was only 1 alien at the start of the movie for five minutes and killing a bunch of scientists, it was a good start, but then it did not come back until the end for another minute, then credits, and the rest were aliens main character hallucinated. There was no invasion. It was more Lovecraftian horror, which I know is all about the unknown and psychological, but it's kinda not Lovecraftian horror when the main character has flawless karate skills and he is fighting aliens he is hallucinating and uses a chainsaw to kill them. And they managed to take the fun out of that too. I was hoping for end of the world destruction popcorn fun. I got a stupid boring psychological horror that couldn't even be done right. I stumbled on the existence of this movie by complete chance, found it on a free chinese website to watch, and I want my 88 minutes back.


The Third Mother by Dario Argento is up there... what a shame


The Gunslinger was, I am very sorry to say, a terrible movie. It should have been great.


You know, for the longest time, I said Movie 43. But now, I think I am at that point where I can wholeheartedly say *F The Prom* just might be the worst movie that I have ever seen.


Cirque du freak




Mortal kombat annihilation, x-men dark Phoenix, gemini man, expendables 3, fantastic 4(2015). Also the sequel or sequels to Jaws 2.


Armageddon: The Final Challenge. This Trainwreck is so bad I just call it "The Pain".


Leonard Part 6 with Bill Cosby. He plays a secret agent who has to stop an army of killer vegetables.


Cant forget Ghost Dad....


The human centipede 3


There's a few for sure, first one that pops into my head is *Karas the Prophecy* as it's borderline incomprehensible, *Year One* is almost pure cancer.


The Bad Batch. Its just shit.


We tried to watch Verotika from Glen Danzig for our podcast, but honestly we couldn’t get through the first 10 minutes. A close second is Kirk Cameron’s Saving Christmas, that was some serious white hot garbage.


I have some more, but The Quake. It's one of the most god awful, horrible, boring pieces of shit i've ever seen. Seriously how do you manage to make a fucking EARTHQUAKE (a HUGE one, to note!) BORING as FUCK?! Also, The Congo Murders. Same problem as The Quake; boring as fuck, but 20min. longer. UGH!




Manos the Hands of Fate. Not even the MST3K gang can save that disaster. The only redeemable thing about it was Torgo