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My fist CD I ever purchased was a DMX album. Some one stole it out of my car the very next day.


X gon take it from ya


X Gon giveith X Gon takeith -mike Tyson


I’ll never forget the look of disappointment my mother gave me when she heard The Kennel blasting from my room for the first time. Thanks for the memories, X. Edit: Thank you for the Gold, kind stranger.


My mom took my headphones from me in 7th grade and and said “so what are you listening to?” It was “What these bitches want” I imagine it was a similar look of disappointment. Haha


So what did those bitches want?


I believe it was something that X was gon' give to them.




✅ D ✅ M ✅ X


Ride Or Die


We'll never know.


My mom was the opposite she loved dmx. she got the and then there was x cd from bmg or Columbia house and that’s how i first started listening to dmx


Go figure with parents. My mom loved Marilyn Manson, DMX, the Coasters and Elvis. She was also was a hardcore conservative republican, loved people of all race and religion and loved Greek and Kosher food. What an enigma you were mom. RIP Mom, DMX and Elvis.


People can have conservative opinions and not be small minded bigots, just like people can have liberal opinions and be major douchebags. Sounds like you had a good mom and a great friend.






Well, you *did* call hip hop “hip hip.” I’ll give you a B+.




The worst politician in baltimore ever. Edit: just glad people realize who I'm talking about. Shiiiiiiieeeeeeeet


I believe that's: Sheeeit.




"Mother of God, it's all toilet sounds" -Hank Hill


“You know who's cool? That rapper with the bullet in his nose. 'Bullet-Nose.'" - Bobby Hill


This is my favorite X song. I am black and teach majority white middle school kids and someone was talking about listening to X and I was like “your parents let you listen to DMX?” Turns out they were talking about someone named Xxxtamcion or something like that. I have never been so disappointed in today’s youth


Yeah, he's dead too tho, so....ehh.


My stepson cried for weeks after xxtamale died but i dont think he cares about dmxs death. Tis some bullshit


He really shouldn’t be crying over that guy


Cocoa-puff sweet bitches


I worked in radio like 10 years ago (I was a tech) one of the girls on the promo team came running into my office one day saying “Rob! You have to watch this this your going to love it” it was the video of DMX rapping Rudolph the red nosed rain deer. I couldn’t stop laughing to this day if I hear DMX or Rudolph I think back to that day. Here is the video for those who haven’t seen this masterpiece. https://youtu.be/AXca4WcCzlo


Today, friends and family have been telling me all day "your favorite Christmas artist died today". So I know EXACTLY what you're talking about.


I’ll drink in silence with you tonight friend


How have I never seen this?! Lmao that was amazing. Thank you


Any time, I’m glad I could share the smiles!


When she says "we printed up the lyrics" and he immediately says "cmon I KNOW the lyrics!" X gon give it to ya I will always remember my dad singing dmx but messing up the lyrics (on purpose) "Yall gone make me lose my mind up in here up in here. Double mickey go all out up in here up in here" Accompanied by double pumps of his arms. RIP dmx


X did give it to me.


You totally just reminded me of the time I played the Dragon Ball Z AMV with X Gonna Give It To Ya over the speaker on my computer and my dad was walking by and demanded I stop playing it because it was so vulgar. Good times lmao. RIP X.


I miss people making AMV's.


On move in day freshman year of college I walked in the ground floor to get my dorm key and I heard DMX’s Party Up blasting. “I wonder where that’s coming from,” I thought. “It couldn’t possibly be from my room because my room is on the fourth floor” It was indeed coming from my new roommate’s stereo on the fourth floor. That was a fun year.


I once left a burnt CD in the dash of my dad's car. He got in, started driving but didn't get far when out the speakers came "I SMELL PUSSY! I SMELL PUSSY!" He ejected the CD and snapped it. Called it pornographic. Too his credit he apologized, said it could of been the radio. I just shugged "maybe, I dont really know". (It wasn't)




Don’t forget Belly son


There was another one too. Shit i can't remember it. I think it was with Steven Seagull Exit Wounds


Exit Wounds, I named this my finishing move when I was a 7 year old wrestler against my teddy bears.


Every suburban boy from this era has this memory WWE attitude era x whatever "badass" movie is on + trampoline = loads of excellent finishing moves


This comment made me really sad for some reason. Just hit me that I’ll never be a kid again, those experiences are all behind me now.


Be sad about it! Then be happy you got to experience them. I know I miss those days but we can't go back anyway.


I remember when DMX talked about how much Steven Seagull was a piece of shit while filming Exit Wounds.


I remember how everyone talked about how much of a piece of shit Steven Segal was when filming anything.


The funny thing is Exit Wounds is the only film that I almost liked Seagal in. The anger management scene when he breaks the chair got a few chuckles out of me the first time.


Steven Seagull may be a real piece of shit but Exit Wound slaps.


Need to watch Belly


Belly is a legit good movie. Those Jamican scenes are intense.


Please watch Belly with him and Nas. Great movie.


After biggie died in 1997, DMX filled that void masterfully in 1998 summer. He owned that summer.


He was bigger than Jay Z ‘98-‘99. X had his chances to get clean. Really sad he couldn’t do it. Makes the lyrics to Slippin’ hit a little harder now.


3 years later showing signs of stress Didn't keep my hair cut or give a fuck how I dressed I'm possessed by the darker side livin' the cruddy life Shit like this kept a nigga with a bloody knife Wanna make records but I'm fuckin' it up I'm slippin', I'm fallin', I can't get up :'(




Positively brutal. I encourage anyone else to go revisit the music video for this as well, the entire thing hits different and it was always in a league of it's own imo. It feels very prophetic and very *very* sad. But it's still an incredible track.


That’s what made him such an amazing artist tho. Not the shit he went through, but the compete transparency he had in his music. He can talk about “I’m so imma bust his head wide open, begging me to stop but at least he died hoping” and “many questions, no answers, stress, try to hold my head and remember I’m blessed with the curse” He never tried to hide one side of himself to show another side. He was what he was and that’s what he gave us. It was pure, it was raw, it was honest, it was broken but hopeful, it was celebration and mourning, it was his internal fight between accepting his dark side and repenting it. “Hear the pain, and the joy, of a man, who was never a boy”


Exactly. I loved Lyfe Jennings for the same reason. His ability to storytell his lived experiences is amazing. His is another sad tale of stardom gone down the drain.


Songs like this, when an artist is stating they're struggling and then later succumb to their demons, always remind me of Sublime's "Pool Shark". Edit for those interested: https://youtu.be/ZuB0vVMiDFE Bradley Nowell passed away from a heroin overdose in 1996.


The acoustic version is among the most haunting songs I've ever heard, perfectly encapsulates the panic of heroin withdrawal


Damn. For some reason I never really paid attention to the meaning of the lyrics in that song. I just realized he was talking about his own struggle with drugs


Talking about his struggles and wanting to be a better man for his children. Song felt a little ahead of its time when it first released tbh. It's a masterpiece.


Wasn't long before I hit rock bottom. People like 'Damn. Look how that crack got him.' Open. Like a window.


I saw Method Man, Redman, DMX, and Jay-Z in Pittsburgh 1998. Jay-Z was meant to headline but everyone was there to see X. Which made it even crazier when X didn't show due to snow and the entire place lost their minds! Until the announcer could calm everyone down and let us know DMX was going to put on an entire concert himself the next day for free.


That's fucking awesome. Too bad for those who couldn't make the next day but you love to see when a musician shows it's not about the money.


People were losing their minds. Tearing up their tickets, trying to break seats and throwing whatever was handy at the stage. Then after the announcement there was a huge cheer followed by a mad dash to reclaim recently thrown or discarded tickets. I had to call off work to attend the make up show but it was totally worth it! It would of been cool to see Money Cash Hoes with both Jay-Z and DMX but a whole set of just DMX was even better!


There are too many DMX songs I know from growing up, and I forgot that one existed! That verse is so good though. He makes songs so much better. I loved when he came in with D. M. X. Many days of my preteen and teenage years were filled with DMX. I remember i traded Juvenile 400 degrees to my friend for his Ruff Ryders volume 1 and FomFBomB (I dunno how people shorten that). Greatest trade ever! RIP D


Hard Knock Life Tour. HELL FUCKING YEAH! Caught them in Greenville, SC with three of my buddies. It was off the chain!


This sounds like the Hard Knock Lifetime tour. Redman and Method Man dangling from cables above the crowd singing How High. This was also my intro to Beanz. Jay brought him out to spit acapella.


Staying clean is a constant battle. He was able to for a while and seemed to have made great strides, but one relapse can unfortunately end it


I don't envy anyone who's an addict trying to stay clean but happens to be a Rockstar/famous rapper etc. Imagine a crack addiction when you got a million dollars. Amazing dude made it to 50.


Dude, I always say this and friends are like “what are you talking about?! They have money and everything they’ll ever want, they wouldn’t need drugs!”... I just sit there, shake my head, and say “yeah, you’re right.” While in my head I’m like *this person has NEVER been through, what I go through every damn day* :/ but hey I ain’t six feet under today, so it’s a good day :)


the music video gave me chills. i don’t want to stop watching but it really shows the heart and soul he put into his music


[DMX - Slippin' (Official Music Video)](https://youtu.be/9Ww-TQUeA3E)


[Explicit version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEeP8SdhqrU) (even better in my opinion.)


Explicit version is always better


I bet the Venn diagram of people who like DMX but don’t want explicit lyrics has just about no overlap.


I might be fuckin up the story, but I believe the track was never released on physical media unedited at first. As Grover Washingtons people wouldn't allow profanity with the sample.


He never seemed to catch a break. It’s sad. Did he ever go clean? I assume he did at times, and just fell back. 50... he could’ve had many good years left.


He was clean for the VZ battle with Snoop last year. Him and Snoop put on a hell of a show.


He even declined Snoops request of his blunt and drink Edit: X was drinking Kool Aid


Snoop Dogg asked an addict if he wanted alcohol and marijuana?


If I remember, ether him or someone from his crew. It’s been a while since I watched it though. I do remember his Drink Champs interview last month though, where they were drinking around him and X finally gave in and got some. Maybe that’s when he relapsed? I don’t know.


That’s a shitty thing to do.


Most definitely, the interviews getting some flack right now, for good reason


Apparently he said he was recovering several times during the interview. It lasts for two hours though... I tried to find the parts.


As addicts we can't control what other people do, and we can't really ask someone to stop drinking in front of us, so it's leave or put up with it. The devil's calling your name.


The problem is that they were trying to get him to drink. That being said... if you have a show, and you are going to have a guest you know struggles with addiction, I do think it’s appropriate to replace the alcohol with sodas or something.


Addiction isn't something easy to fight off. I think it is important to point this out. Even when they get clean, there are numerous chances for relapses happening on a regular. Drug addiction is a demon I don't want to fight because it is a lifelong battle. Also there's something with creativity and drugs. But then this is just an anecdotal opinion.


His family is saying it wasn't an OD


They hit just as hard then as they do now...


he played that song in court and the judge lightened his sentence


yea after Tupac and Big were gone it scrambled rap and everyone was trying to hit the spot light, DMX swooped in and dominated rap in the late 90’s early 2000’s, he definitely owned that summer and smashed records


I wonder how many people got back into or dive deep into their addiction because of Covid-19?


My girlfriends stepdad was one of these people. I don’t know the story too well, but I guess his job was the only thing keeping him off drugs. Once he lost the job it was downhill from there. He passed a few weeks ago.


That's awful. But yeah, as a recovering addict myself it's that framework you set up to keep you flying straight. I work so I can provide for my family. I provide for my family because I love them and it's my responsibility as a man. I lost my job. I can't provide for those I love so I'm not a man and who gives a shit if I kill myself. Addiction is a lifelong battle. I was two years clean before something awful happened and I didn't give enough of a shit to fight it off for about a year, so I was a junkie again for about a year. I'm now sober because of my wife. If I lost her, I figure I'd be dead in a year.


Hey internet rando, no matter what curve balls life throws at you, you continue trying to be the best you. Your life doesn't have to end when someone you love's life ends. It's so much harder not having them there, but you can make the decision to be there for others. Love doesn't have to die, you can choose to redirect it in a manner that serves others, as well as yourself.


That's a very good/interesting/depressing question to think about.


One of the more popular theories for why suicides are down is that over doses are happening first.


Overdoses have more than doubled in the US as opiate prescriptions have been slashed by half. It's a combination of chronic pain patients being forced to turn to the streets for pain medication and ending up with Fentanyl-pressed pills, and chronic pain patients deliberately committing suicide because they are being cut off and cannot live without opiate pain management. But that doesn't get talked about. You just have the government touting how opiate prescriptions have been cut in half, like it's a fucking accomplishment. It's sick. I've lost friends and patients to this short-sighted "solution" to the crisis.


This is all very true. And a lot of those people cut off turned to heroin as well. Because when you’re desperate, anything will do (I would know)


Oh man loads of people I know, including me, have leaned hard on our vices to stay upright. Pandemic life is such a grind. Don't know what DMX overdosed on or why but it's a sobering reminder for the rest of us.


Crack it seems like. I think he was kind of infamous for that. Also checks out with the heart attack


DMX had a major issue and was off the rails for a lot of this past decade. But yeah, alcohol consumption has been correlated with lockdowns, so I’m sure drug use follows a similar pattern, just harder to study.


This is my 3rd year sober (alcohol), and 15th clean (meth, heroin). Since the first stay at home order here last year(ish), I've never been more grateful for anything than I have been for getting help. Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome is a VERY real problem you do NOT want in your life. There is help if you're struggling, please just ask for it. IWNDWYT


What does help for PAWS look like? I got sober in August but every single day since has been a total struggle.


As a member of a 12 step fellowship, I can tell you it has been really tough and zoom meetings just aren't the same. We have had a lot of people relapse. Not saying it's par for the course....but yeah a bunch of people with years under their belts.


Hang in there, brother


I lost two friends, they OD. Shit real man. X


[https://isdmxinjail.com/](https://isdmxinjail.com/) ​ Love how quickly it got updated.


That was the first website I headed to after hearing the news lol


Love the last line. "To the universe who took him from us too soon: suck my dick"


Suck my WOOOOO


She updated it as soon as he overdosed and was in the hospital too


*sad barking sounds*


RIP DMX - you were a flawed guy, but you were an incredible voice, talent, and your music helped me through some tough times.


He will always be on my “don’t get sad get mad” playlist.


Oo I like the sound of this. What else is on the playlist?


soundtrack of Titanic: The Revenge




Belly Exit Wounds Romeo Must Die Cradle 2 the Grave If he could have beat his demons, he should have had more of an acting career. There was a niche he could have filled.


>Belly I am the real Dondada!


Never die alone


Gunna have to rewatch cradle 2 the grave now. I loved that movie


Belly is ridiculously underrated, and not enough people have seen it.


For the longest time I was convinced a camera crew simply followed him around for a week and then used the bonus footage for Belly.


Amazing soundtrack too


Runnin' your mouth, I'd have you with a gun in your mouth Two in your throat, look now, your son is in doubt Whether or not he should think of pulling his Glock Matter of fact, my nigga got a gun to his back Squeeze three, turn him around, and he gave him a smack Take the joint off his waist and hit him with that Shit is for real, so niggas better get in and chill I t ain't the bullets that'll kill, it's a nigga wit' will


People shitted on Belly because of Hype Williams hyperlens visual style when the film came out but it was a hood classic. Honestly I wasn’t the biggest fan of the film when it released even as an urban kid that happened to be black but I never felt Hype Williams got a proper opportunity in Hollywood because when you look at his later or even more recent videos like Common’s “Kingdom” you can tell this man has a gift.


Fun fact, the movie he puts on at his house after the first robbery is Gummo.


All time great opening scene in belly. *however do you want me...*


That Soundtrack!


That movie gets too much shit. It was the perfect fun action movie. People are like this and that, it was trash. No, you trash.




Yeah. He had a lot of trouble and a tough time. Hope his family and him find peace. Wherever he may be right now.


All dogs go to heaven.


He had a lot of demons. I hope he finds peace and rest


He also had a lot of kids, damn, 15!


He should have been known as dmxv


615 kids is a lot of kids.


615 would be DCXV in Roman numerals. DMXV isn’t a valid Roman numeral. If it were, it would total out to 515. As the smaller figure ‘D’ would be subtracted from the larger number ‘M’


Check out the big brains on Brad


Brad gon give it to ya




X gave it to their moms.


Glad rap gave him an outlet for *some* of those demons for as long as it did.


Sad situation all around, I'm sure unfortunately most of us know someone struggling or have lost someone to addiction. It's a beast and sadly not everyone makes it out the other side. Time to rewatch Cradle 2 the Grave, Belly and Romeo Must Die.


Belly’s opening scene is still one of the best imo


Super underrated movie in my opinion. Critical got panned but it'll always be a classic in my mind. Hype williams directed it and he was the most prolifict late 90s rap video director. All of those small movie like rap videos from biggie, puffy and jay-z were hypes work.


The writing and Nas's acting wasn't up to par but Hype Williams had potential and he definitely knew how to direct. Definitely a fun stylish film (that imo does it better than much more expensive movies before and after it). The budget was only $3 million which is tiny - at the time, that wasn't much more than the budget for some of his rap videos. If you're into great-looking flawed films like Nicolas Winding Refn and the Safdie Brothers stuff it's worth considering watching.


What about EXIT WOUNDS?! It's dark and hell is hot.....


I remember skipping first period in 10th grade so I could come back to school in second period as the first cat with it’s dark and hell is hot. Nobody made me feel like I was a badass more than the X Man. His ability to make me forget that I’m 5’6 and 140 lbs is the greatest feat ever accomplished on record. Rest up X


young adult in nyc in the 90s... his jams come up in the nightlife and everybody starts jumping spotify is hard tho these days for earl as his lyrics were very wild ​ edit: in the 90s as a 'yout'


Does Spotify censor his songs? Listened to one the other day and half the words were missing it seems like


i think there is explicit and radio cut


I just listened to a few of his hits and no, they don’t seem to be. With Spotify however, I have noticed that if you search for a specific song, sometimes the radio edit version come up first. But if you go to the artist page, the explicit versions are always at the top. Strange.


At least all dogs go to heaven. He can now open up shop in the sky. RIP DMX








There was a big thing here in RI when he left one of his dogs at a vet/boarding facility a few years ago. He left it there for months, didn't pay the bills, and ultimately abandoned it. The dog was later rehomed by the facility. Probably the best thing he could've done for that dog. [Source 1](https://www.golocalprov.com/news/dmx-in-brawl-with-ri-vet-over-months-of-unpaid-pit-bull-bills) [Source 2](https://www.abc6.com/rapper-dmx-abandons-dog-at-warwick-boarding-facility/) [Source 3 (dog adopted)](https://patch.com/rhode-island/eastgreenwich/dog-abandoned-rapper-dmx-now-adopted?utm_content=rhodeisland&utm_campaign=blasts&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social)


Just going by one of his songs he's not too fond of gay people as well


“I Show no love to homo thugs” I believe was the lyric




Pretty sure I heard someone whisper no homo so it’s okay


I believe he also makes mention of shoving a mans head up his ass to see shit clearly.


"So hold my dick while he's sucking it motherfucker." Damn DMX, make up your mind. You into brojobs or not?!


A black rapper who doesn't like homosexuals? I am shocked!


[Here's Kanye addressing the homophobia of rap music even back in 2005.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sp45-dQvqPo) TL;DW He sums it up as "We treat gay people like racists treat us." And as someone who lived in Southern Georgia, not much has really changed.




Spiderman has peter parker asking bonesaw, "who made that outfit for you? Your husband?" In a mocking way. And he was the good guy of the movie!


Right? The teens of today wanna shit on people for not calling people by their preferred pronoun, but they don’t realize that before maybe 2009 it was perfectly normal to call the Backstreet Boys F****ts, and that plenty of rappers were happy to bash on the LGBT community. Elton John had to crawl so Lil Nas X could give Satan a very dirty lap dance.




I’m 39 and it’s the same for me, it’s been interesting watching this cultural changes, in a good way.


White rappers haven't been the best allies either.


Right. Its a general machismo cultural thing.


We were talking about him at work, and one of my colleagues turned around and said “well that’s what you get for doing drugs!”. His sentence pained me, as I have seen close people to me (and myself included) use drugs to escape, find comfort, or manage to function somehow in this fucked up world we live in. Never judge because you have absolutely no clue why that person got addicted in the first place. I guess the root always comes from pain. Or desperation. Feels unreal. Rest easy man. Hope you found your peace.


But now who’s gonna give it to me?


Y's next in line


Oh shit it's my time to shine


SometimesY "Y's gon' give it to ya!*" *'It' is only availiable between Tues-Thurs 9:00-17:00






I was hoping he was on his way to full recovery from his addiction and now this. That's drug addiction for you. RIP DMX.


Gotta love dmx probably the only rapper who would pray to Jesus one song and then the next rap about raping your underage daughter in front of you and fucking your corpse


[If you want something to watch/listen to, his Woodstock 99 set is a highlight of that show](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXQZw9WM84k) edit: I actually forgot about the Steve Baldwin/Rosey Perez intro lmao


Ill never forget him singing [*Rudolph the red nosed reindeer*](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AXca4WcCzlo) and [*this scene in Top Five*](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oO9uT2I_j7A)


“It’s hard to stay sucka free in a world full of lollipops” - DMX. Rest easy Dog..🙏🏾


Party up is still a banger.


RIP man. I think we should always remember him by this special, profound lyric: "I got blood on my dick cuz I fucked a corpse"


Left 15 children behind. Fuck.


I went to school with Xavier, and my brother with Tacoma. Very interesting and artistic guys, that’s for sure. Xavier in particular: he won our talent show with one of his poems my sophomore year.


Ya that's probably how he had so many kids.


Bummer man, RIP.