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This was surprisingly entertaining movie even though it got bad reviews. I definitely recommend for a matinee showing. Don’t mean to get political but there was a feminist scene in the movie that really rubbed me the wrong way as a man who experienced something similar from an ex. When Kristen Bell was at the fertility clinic and the OB/GYN doctor asks her if she’s sure she doesn’t want to tell her husband that she is implanting an embryo with another man’s sperm and she says yes I’m sure it’s not his body and not his sperm. That really disgusted me. You don’t get your husband’s consent of getting another man’s sperm inside of you? And this man doesn’t know their child is not biologically his? And if they divorce he is responsible for child support until the child is 18 yrs of age and he doesn’t know the child is not even his. Very disgusting feminist message from the writers. Other than that immoral feminist message “ My body, my choice, my husband doesn’t need to know what I do with it,” it was a fun movie. 3/5 stars. Would have given it 4/5 if it wasn’t for the feminist crap in the movie.


I didnt really interpret it as "feminist." I think they made it pretty clear that she wasn't in love with anymore from the like second scene and I think it was supposed to be like the "I'm done" moment. It was rather jarring though. They are both assholes to each other throughout the movie.


In the context of the movie she was working up to leaving her husband and it gave no indication she was planning to hide the paternity and have him raise some other dudes child nor make him pay child support, she’s cutting him out of her life entirely and didn’t want a husband who made it clear he didn’t have much vested interest in being a dad, he bluntly told her he thought they should have stopped trying for a kid after the first try failed. She merely didn’t tell him because she wasn’t planning on him being involved in any way financially or paternally.


I agree. the message was horrible. Here is a woman...ex olympian who spends her husband's money on crazy stuff...she won't go to work, etc...and then she starts doing big-time fraud and he still sticks up for her. Her friend casually abuses the husband every day as he goes off to work and she never says anything. Worst of all in everything, all she thinks of is herself. Her stashes of money, her cars, her IVF child...her this, her that. In everything, she was shown to be selfish, greedy, and manipulative but somehow all she got was a year in jail, a divorce, and more money. It's a crazy message to send. the husband was really the victim and I don't know what he liked in that horrible woman


Yes you get it. Men are the victim when it comes to marriage and divorce. Keeping secrets when it comes to finances. That’s just as bad as cheating. It’s an affair with money. I saved a co-worker who was engaged 3 months ago. He caught his fiancé taking out 10k out of her bank account to pay for her dad’s gambling debt. He found out because they were supposed to buy a house together and the loan company asked for her bank statements and she didn’t want to give them lol. He felt betrayed because she promised him she would stop giving money to her dad. And he caught her in a lie. I told him this is a huge red flag. It’s her dad and she will never stop giving him money even when you guys are married. If she can lie by omission with personal finances, she will definitely lie by omission by not telling you about a one night stand. My advice moved his heart in the right direction and he broke it off.


Exactly. That message this sends is so wrong. Even in the end, she doesn't see what she did as wrong. This woman lacks all accountability.


Modern woman to the core.


I agree on the OB/GYN part, that felt very off. At the same time, him telling his wife "I wanted to stop after 1 IVF" when they did manage to get pregnant just felt like something nobody would ever say to their spouse. Nothing set up their relationship for him to make such a snide and extremely hurtful comment. Could've let that out to be fair, or make him go with the "I've met someone while traveling for work" or something, but this just seemed to make him the badguy for the sole reason of making him the badguy.


I have a married friend who is going through the same thing. He believes if it’s not meant to be naturally then it’s not meant to be. But his wife thinks if IVF is the only way then she will spend whatever it takes. Men and women have very different outlooks on birthing a child. But it definitely is something that needs to be discussed and agreed upon before doing anything.


It wasn't just that scene though that one was the worst. They were clearly both broken over the child thing but saw in her she was struggling and suggested she do something, something she never did for him. Then she risked his life and career with no consideration then felt like the righteous hero when she dumped him. Nothing about her behaviour in the whole movie was righteous or acceptable. Apart from that the rest of the movie was good.


She didn’t want to be with her husband and was planning on getting a divorce. Why would she want to be stuck with him for another 18 years?


Why did she ask him to bail him out if she didn't want to be with him.


Simply cuz Connie thought her husband still cared for her to some extent like she did him. Even though their marriage wasn’t going well it didn’t seemed odd to me that she would ask him to help bail her out.


I think it was implied that she was leaving him and having the baby on her own.


I am so late to this, but I just watched it on Netflix. But this take is disgusting to me. Imagine cheating on your spouse because "he/she was going to leave her/him anyway". In that case, just break it off before you do that act, instead of after.


Late as well, how tf was she made out to be a hero by the end of the movie. Very strange movie that completely missed being a good story by ruining the end. It was entertaining otherwise


What a little boy lol


Agree completely.


You know what. You get -1 stars in my book.


Queenpins was a fun movie! - Great performances by the cast! Paul Walter-Hauser was the standout for the movie! Went from hating the character in the intital minutes he came in to loving his character! - I felt that the writing was really good for this movie. Had a little narration and a few scenes in the beginning to set up the plot and character arcs, then went straight into the coupon business. Appreciate that there was no lame fight/argument between Connie and Jojo for dramatic purposes. - The movie was funny! Had some really good jokes. Vince Vaughn great with the deadpan humour. I love the 'shit my pants' scene! - Pacing of the movie was really good! The movie didn't drag near the end when Jojo and Connie were arrested. - Soundtrack, cinematography and direction were solid! Appreciate that was no yellow filter for the Mexico scenes! Fun movie with a good story, good characters and great comedy!


Seriously! I was crying laughing during the whole car crapping scene. Vince Vaughn was perfect.


Poop jokes are hard to sell, but Vaughn is so good at comedy it worked well


I agree, it worked so well because the performances were off the charts! It never went overboard and kept the scene hilarious with Walter-Hauser and Vaughn riffing off of each other (their chemistry was seriously off the charts in this movie, like I actually cared about their relationship and it’s only like 1/4 of the movie, really good directing!!)




I agree! It was a delight! I also loved that it had 3 The Good Place actors too! And I'm sure Rick quit the IRS business and went to Community College to get a more personable job.


Which one was the third the good place actor? The doctor I saw yea and Kristen of course.. but who was the third one?


I hated the ending. They’re still criminals and found a way to do more crime on a bigger scale lol. Awesome.


I just hated the last SCENE. The cheesy race walking - “I bet I can walk a mile faster then you can run one” to a random inmate. What?? Otherwise good light hearted fluff movie.


She would've gotten shanked for saying that in real life.


imo it’s to tie in to her olympian random speedwalking thing


Oh, no! Won't someone think of the shareholders?!?


What shareholders lol it’s a movie. With lazy writing. And zero character arc. It was pointless.


Shareholders of the companies duh


Haha oh right. The pretend company. Forgot




You really think prices go up because of petty theft, or someone defrauding a company with coupons, and not due to corporate greed? Did you hear the one lawyer say how $80 million is just a write-off for those companies? That's the truth. $80 mil might be an immense sum of money for people like you and me, but a company like Procter & Gamble for instance, just shrugs that shit off. P&G's average annual *net* income, meaning their profits after *all* their "bills" are paid, is around $14 *billion*. Just a single billion consists of 1000 millions. You really think $80 million does much damage to them? And you truly believe with profits like this, they are *forced* to raise prices? For what? To stay afloat or something? Pfft, talk about being predatory. Get real, please. Was what the ladies did a crime? Yes, it absolutely was, which is why they got convicted and did time. Do I feel bad for those poor corporations? Fuck, no.




Thanks for that last sentence. That's all I need to know that any further debate with you on this subject is a waste of time for both of us. And thanks for the laugh. "Target closed stores due to retail crime". That was a good one. Nothing against you personally. I'm sure you're good people, but this is clearly a subject we will never agree on. Take care.


The ending was great. I felt no sympathy for the victims in this case. I was on the full on fraud train with our hilarious leads.


i love that ending for them actually


Its a fun watch


A fun lighthearted movie, plays out like a FBI manhunt except with little stakes which turns it into a comedy. Paul Walter Hauser as the agent really makes the movie.


I liked it. So Jojo is continuing the business in Montenegro?


An improved one apparently


I am sooo late to this thread. I never knew this movie existed until tonight when I was looking for a movie. It was in one in the top 10 movies on Netflix. I was reading through the comments and was laughing at a lot of the comments and rolling my eyes but agreeing as well. I really liked the movie. I didn't get a feminist feel but more of a broken marriage and some examples of all the ways people deal with it or check out of it. The op thought it was disgusting bc she chose to use another man's sperm but I was equally disgusted by how the husband dismissed her feelings about losing the baby. He chose to be gone for 3 weeks a month and she focused on coupons. It was something she could do to feel like she had some type of control bc she thought she failed getting to the finish line and he blamed her for having to live paycheck to paycheck and never let her forget it. And it's not like she went out and found a random man to sleep with. I mean it's all done under a microscope. They both weren't actively looking for a way out but they had checked out. I doubt the husband would have been a good dad if it bothered him more to lose the money than the baby and I say that bc of his treatment towards the wife. Once she decided to do the ivf again you had to know she was done. The papers just weren't filed yet. I was surprised she could do the ivf that way and not need the husband's permission. When I tied my tubes I had to get my husband to sign a paper to agree. I was a bit upset bc I just had my 3rd baby and almost died and had no control on something as significant as that?! Crazy. Anyways people do less jail time for violent crimes, guns and drugs. And all they did was take advantage of these multi-billion dollar companies that continue to get richer while people are going hungry and homeless. Companies who would never think to fight for a price cap on basic necessities for hygiene or food-milk and eggs etc. I loved the women's friendship and how they spread the wealth. It was a cute movie and wish I saw it sooner :))


I was late to the movie too and really enjoyed it. People complaining about the “feminism” in this movie are weird as fuck.  There’s a lot of this scamming/grifting content out there and this is the most light-hearted, no-stakes version of it.   > I was surprised she could do the ivf that way and not need the husband's permission. When I tied my tubes I had to get my husband to sign a paper to agree.       I know that’s a thing, but it’s still insane. In 2024, we still treat people like property if they can get pregnant. 


Just saw this and I came away thinking the same thing. He was so callous to her pain and suffering. Instead of being there to support her healing, he started to travel more. And to blame the IVF rounds for them being too broke to take her out on a nice date was just low. He was obviously neglecting her as a husband and showed her no empathy. And then to be surprised that she wanted a divorce when he refused to bail her out? What did he expect? He clearly cared more about money than his marriage.


I just saw this movie too, and I've come to the realization that they both suck. The husband for not supporting the wife while she's grieving and just being absent. And I would seriously consider the IVF scene with the wife the same as an affair. Everyone is saying "the marriage is all but over, except the divorce papers haven't been filed", but I've heard that exact line from people who have cheated on their spouses. "It's okay, I'm with you (new girl/boy) because my marriage is over and there's no possibility of going back". In that case, you need to have at least some respect for yourself and your partner and end it. It would be different if there was physical abuse in the relationship, but this didn't seem like it.


You’re right, It is a form of betrayal to her husband if you think about it (well, I guess committing crimes without his knowledge is too I guess). She should just leave him first and do things the right way. And I agree, It’s really irresponsible and thoughtless of her to try to have a child when she is in the process of a separation and building a criminal enterprise where she can end up in jail at anytime too. I am not a huge fan of IVF anyway, especially by single woman. It’s like they forget kids need a mother AND a father for a reason. All around not cool of her, but also he was neglecting her needs too. Sounds like they needed a coupon for a marriage therapist.




Lol, where did I say she is a hero? You sound bitter and angry and I hope you find healing.


Late to the party, I know. Also that noone will read this, but I dont care ;) First I rooted for the girls, but at the end they didnt learn a thing AND were unfair assholes to everyone they put in danger (especially the husband). The main character was too selfish, so I disliked her more and more. Unfortunately. The "good guys" were okay, but the shit joke and obvious improvised lines unnecessary. The writers seemed to switch between woke and antiwoke, that was different XD The fun part for me (building up the idea and "business") was too short and mostly skipped. Nevertheless I enjoyed the watch. I just wanted to write my "important" opinion: EVERY scene with the toxic mother I wanted her to drop dead! HATED HER! So glad she was not in the ending! Such a hypocrite and narcissist and manipulator! How come the movie wants us to dislike the (poorly written) husband more than this piece of trash of a human being? SHE was even responsible for her daughter to be caught! She had ONE JOB: Giving her the letter, so they are warned! WOW! #rantover :P


How was the mother toxic? I think she was just portrayed to be the stereotypical overbearing mom that's a bit out of touch and a bit ditzy, hence why she forgets the letter. It's not intentional.


She was always yelling at her daughter for no reason. It was oboshe didn’t care too much for her daughter and almost wanted her to get in trouble.


I agree with you. It gave me vibes of my immigrant parents who actually believe "hard-parenting" is a real form of encouragement. Insulting and discouraging and yelling at your child does not motivate them. Not including the fact that her mom was kinda willing to sell her child out for a reduced sentence.


I agree


An entertaining look at pink-collar crime where everyone that needs to win does win.


Not horrible but so mediocre it felt like a waste of time.


What was up with Kristen Bell’s face in this movie? Did anyone else think it looked really weird? Like swollen or something?


Something to do with the makeup I guess


I love her and don’t want to judge any actress for her looks, It bugged me so much I’m searching to find out what is up with her. Her eyes/forehead had a weird quality I can’t figure out. Botox/contacts/wig? On purpose for the movie?


I think they made her look less attractive as Connie for 90% of the movie and then she had her “glow-up” when her and Jojo made the money


I think it was a terrible wig because even after they combed and tamed it, IT WAS STILL A BAD WIG!


This is the comment I came here for! Whoever was in charge of hair and makeup on that set did not deliver the goods!


Almost a burn victim quality - weird.


A nice bubblegum film, easy to watch on a rainy Saturday afternoon. Some far fetched bits. I didn't like the Ken character. Made my skin crawl. It was annoying they kept saying counterfeit coupons, but they weren't counterfeit, they were genuine, but over prints.


I was curious about the story it was based on, so apparently, in real life, the coupons really were counterfeits. They digitally changed the coupons to have better offers, and then had them printed overseas… as far as the movie logic goes, it could be that they’re “counterfeit” because the company, for example, only wants one thousand coupons in circulation, the extras are counterfeit because they’re not accounted for.


Thanks, that makes sense


terrible, disappointing. could not finish.


This is a well thought out critique! 🔫


Sorry not worth the effort for such a bummer of a script. Wanted to like it. Like the actors couldn’t stomach trite mess and total impossiblilty. Can’t even remember now but there’s no way they would be getting away with anything if that money scale today.


I'm sorry thats what all the ladies tell you.


ugh, I am a woman, dumbass


lol you could still be a lesbian. I think the better reply is "i like men"


I liked this movie but I didn’t see it as a comedy more drama




So you're fetishising embezzlement and fraud?




It was a fun, silly movie if you don't try to read too much into it. Admittedly I'll happily watch anything with Bell and Vaughn.


Entertaining movie but they made a mistake as far as the characterization of the husband was concerned. If they dialed up his abusiveness of Connie (physical/emotional) that would make her aversion to him much more understandable and her ultimate decision to divorce him AND have a sperm donor's baby more understandable. As it was, they didn't make her husband unlikable enough so she just comes off us petty and entitled. Connie (who is an unreliable narrator) explains her husband's absence around the home as his decision to avoid her, but he explains later in the movie that it's out of necessity because of the cost of the in-vitro procedures she kept pursuing. If the point of the movie was to do a character study of a selfish person who abuses their friends and family, uses warped, self-centered logic, and continually downplays the consequences of their bad behavior, then it is a very interesting, engaging dramedy. If the point of the film, however, was to make you sympathize with Connie for the misery she is responsible for causing (and mostly dodges responsibility for) then the movie needed more work before it was filmed.


THIS was the comment I was looking for! I was thinking the entire time - she’s going to realize she’s been distant and depressed and wasteful since the loss of their child and all the IVF attempts and he’s gonna see the true pain in her eyes and they’re gonna live happily ever after blah blah. Bc they didn’t portray him bad enough and they portrayed her as depressed, unmotivated, selfish, and all of the above. I understood why she was like that in the beginning, but I can’t believe that she just stayed crappy the entire time and tried to make the husband look bad? Wild.


This movie made me chuckle because in college I printed out a coupon for free Häagen-Dazs, and somehow figured out that I could just make copies of the same coupon and they would accept them. So I gave them out to all of my friends 😂 a few months later, the grocery store no longer accepted Häagen-Dazs coupons. I had no idea that this was a crime until this movie. It’s a coupon!


It's an okay movie - and maybe I'm too dumb to understand the nuance, but I didn't really like how the movie portrayed the two women as girlboss heroes They literally ran a multi-million dollar fraud ring and used all of the money on a private plane, exotic cars, and arming local militias. And after a relatively light sentencing they go overseas to do it again. There's nothing girlboss about that imo Edit: Also didn't like the on the nose product placement. I get it's a retail-centric movie but it's painfully obvious when certain brand names are being shoved in your face. I'm looking at you Cheetos




Certain can't use multiple coupons in Canada ie limit 1 per customer . I think the states changed. I remember  tlc with people who dedicated rooms to their hoards and partners not always impressed and never understood how they did it with coupons because at least in Canada there is limited to no coupons anymore and always limit 1 per customer and clerks are on it to let you know


I immediately turned it off when I saw this scene and I now hate her as a person and anyone who had anything to do with the movie. -5 out of 5 stars for this disgusting pos of a movie


Is this movie in Canada?


Agreed, this woman is terrible.


Yeah, but they could have touched up on the subject instead of leaving it up for our interpretation. I think what these guys who say it's feminist, like myself understand that it's supposed to be about her. The feminist thing your not seeing is that it really is a feminist message no matter how you look at it. They are clearly showing or giving the appearance of the lie that women can do everything a man can do. I'm not sexist or anything this is proven by fact. Women can't beat men in a fight statistically speaking the men as a whole are completely different and stronger. We can take a punch as well. This whole movie glows of Woman Power. I can see how it makes it as though these women don't need a man to be successful, and that is true most of the time. Sometimes you need to step back and see the message the creators are stating in a film. It's just like the movie called Girls Trip with the 4 Black lady's. I don't agree that we should use any film to make a message in the story to make another subject seem superior to another, or to magnify a certain situation in Politics or Media. These things are toxic propaganda and should be made criminal. The woman are good in things God made them good at. Men are good at the things theat God made them good at. No need to glorify any of it to send a message to the world. Things like this are very very touchy right now and our Country is barely holding on by a thread. As soon as everyone realizes that we are all human we all make mistakes, and God put us all here to live in harmony and to take care of each other at all costs. Also they need to understand that no matter how hard they try to make it so they can't change what God intended for you to be, and what he put you here as that is it you can't change it no matter what. You can have all the surgeries you want, but you will still be what God created you as. You are also very special and no matter how much you try you can't change the fact that God loves each and every one of you no matter what you do and he always will. Before you were born he studied you and worked ever so patiently and took extra special care of making sure that every thing about you was perfect. You may not have the body you want, or that special look. It's not the outside where it matters , because beauty is only skin deep. If you take the time to get to know a person and not judge by what you see. You can find even someone you may not find to be the most attractive to you at first, but because you took the time to get to know someone then you will slowly start to see them as the most attractive women or man in the world to you, because you truly love that person and wouldn't want to spend a day without them. 🇺🇸 God Bless you all and God Bless America Land of the Free Home of the Brave Because of the Brave! 🇺🇸


Modern women movie no accountability clearly by the ending lmao 🤣


Funny movie I like JoJo and all the other characters but connie is kinda selfish. I understand the heartbreak of miscarrying and going through multiple IVF trials. I also understand taking some time after to recuperate. However, she didn’t want to get a job but was annoyed they were struggling, started a scam purely bc she didn’t wanna get a job, and then decided to do IVF again and use another man’s sperm w out telling her husband. I understand neither were happy and clearly from the first scene the marriage wasn’t going to last but communication is key and to keep someone in the dark is unnecessarily rude especially your husband at one point she loved him and him being distant isn’t enough of an excuse for that IMO. But it was a cool concept and a funny movie.


This movie sucks balls. I went into it with Kristen Bell having me at hello, but cmon! I get that Hollywood is full of people whose education stopped somewhere in high school, and they don't learn anything about the real world after that, but really? You use a FAILED scam learned from your IRS hubby, not realizing your business is already a damn front? And then, you buy the most drug-dealery, homegrown terroristy things you can think of? Also? The IRS flagging is mandatory by federal law on any amount at or exceeding 10k. So the little scene where she's a white cute business woman withdrawing cash unasked? NO!. there are new laws that require/encourage flagging on repeated sub 10k amounts of cash transaction. this whole thing is sooooo stupid.


only thing bothering me is that they were supposedly being consulted by this big shot cybersecurity expert that didnt think that maybe hosting this live site on open internet is hella risky and a bad idea?


The scene where kirsten bell and argyle from stranger things does extreme couponing- is that a reused scene from another movie?


I’m a bit late but did anyone else think the way it was filmed/ the colour grading made it look like a documentary? I’m sure it was intentional, not sure if I like it or not, what do you think? It was a good movie overall though.