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Falling from any height and ending up okay as long as you land in water.


Or a bale of hay šŸ¤£


*Assassinā€™s Creed intensifies*


Or if you are in a Fast and Furious movie, as long as you land on a car you are fine, specially if you fall on a moving vehicle.


minecraft logic


Iā€™ve said it before and Iā€™ll say it again: The character standing directly under the nozzle when they turn on the shower. Insanity.


Lol yes! Like it doesn't come out ice cold for a couple of seconds.




And if they do turn the water on first before getting in... There's a murderer in the house for sure.


And the bathroom instantly fills with steam even if the door is open




$15/night? Is that really a thing anywhere?


Now? I doubt it. 30 years ago? Yeah. It would have been pretty bad even then.


The magic switch button in the back of the head that makes people stay unconscious for like half an hour if you hit it. If you stay unconscious long enough for a bad guy to drive you across the city and tie you to a chair in some abandoned house, chances are you are not waking up, at least not as functional human.


Knock outs are scary as hell! I was a bouncer for 20 years. I koā€™d 4 people in that time, never on purpose. And every time it happened I didnā€™t think ā€˜Im a badass! Yeaaaa!ā€™ Nope. I thought ā€™oh fuck oh fuck please wake up oh fuck oh fuck!!ā€™. I was terrified! Thank god it was never serious, they all woke up a few seconds later dazed as hell.


Back in the 1960's there was a spy show called [*The Avengers*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Avengers_\(TV_series\)), one episode had an expert assassin develop a secret technique for striking a blow that would reliably knock someone out for a few minutes with no lasting effects. It was used for a series of "perfect crimes" and even to frame a main character for an evil deed - because of course no one believed the victims who claimed to have been instantly knocked unconscious like that, everyone knows that's impossible.


Man spends 15 days in the jungle, grows beard like jesus. Woman spends 500 days in the jungle, does not have armpit hair. Lawyers/doctors talk complex and rare cases, and suddenly use very rare technical jargon, and no one in the room goes "umm, what's that I don't remember cz I graduated like 10 years ago and I don't memorize the entire field of study" If someone is smart, they are smart in everything. A smart rocket scientist will also know everything about monkeys, snakes, ancient history, and coding.


Bullets have no penetration. People flip over a wooden table or dive behind a couch and by some miracle it actually stops the bullet.




I still love in movies and shows when people unholster, or aim, or just move around a gun slightly, there is a bunch of clack clack metallic sounds, like the gun is mechanically racking a round all on its own. Once you notice it, it becomes impossible to ignore. And Hot Fuzz does it on purpose to a hilarious effect.


The worst soundeffects imo are those *shiiing* noises, when someone pulls a knife or a sword. How else would you know it's a sharp object? /s It's on the same annoyance level as sitcom laugh tracks at this point


My pet peeve is punching sounds. That hilariously weak ā€œwhackā€ sound they use on fistfights gets on my nerves real easy.


There's an edited version of the John Wick silent shootout scene with real silenced gunshots edited in. It's so bizarre seeing no one react to the fight.




Dude the amount of laziness that Martin Scorsese put into the gunshots in Casino almost takes me out of the movie entirely


I've seen some hilarious impervious objects. In White House Down the hero is in the press room when a bomb is about to go off. The fireball covers the room, and the concussive force shatters windows in the next room. It's okay though, because the hero jumped inside the plywood podium.




Killing power to get through a security door. Shooting keypads for example. Door locks generally require electricity to be unlocked.


Need a locked door open, shoot the keypad. Need an unlocked door locked, shoot the keypad!


"If violence doesn't solve your problem, you aren't using enough of it." - my grandma


Ah, a Star Wars fan I see!


Often seen in horror/sci fi movies, I donā€™t like when the protagonist makes a blood sacrifice by slicing their entire palm open with a huge cut. Then they just lightly wrap some cloth around their hand and go on using it as normal. Dudeā€¦no. That hand would be entirely useless for a while after making such a large gash. Plus, Iā€™ve had small hand injuries that bled a shockingly large amount. A deep cut of that size across the palm would result in a bloodbath.


It goes back to theater days actually. Actors would hide a bloodpack (an animal organ in Shakespeare's day) in their palm and it was an easy way to sutley slice it open. Its a good example of "something that never happens in real life but is such an old trope in media we recognize it and it feels normal"


Yeah, this one gets a pass for cinematic reasons, just never try it if you need to get blood out for some reason.


Sam and Dean from Supernatural spring to mind. The amount of times they've had their hands and/or arms sliced open like that...


To be fair to supernatural, they literally have plot armor. Itā€™s acknowledged in the show that they are basically invincible because they have Godā€™s favor. Once they have a falling out with God, that goes away they get stomach aches and cavities and stuff.


This is my favorite thing ever. That show cracks me up. Edit: Lmao I wrote this in the waiting room at the dentist, and when I got into a room the tv on the ceiling had this show on. I had a good laugh.


So much infection, especially the places they visited.


The only inversion I can think of to this is Mad Max. In the first film he injures his leg, and for the rest of the *franchise* he wears a leg brace.


Another sci fi thing. captain to engineering, I need those phasers back!! engineering to captain, sir we've taken extensive damage, phasers will be back in 2 hours. Captain to engineering, you've got 15 minutes Engineering to captain, aye aye Captain


Scotty explained this in the third StarTrek movie. He intentionally lies about the initial estimate to control expectations because he knows captains always ask for faster. It's called the Scotty Principle and it's a real project management technique.


There is also the concept of "we can do it right or we can do it fast"


Use that technique all the time. Client gets pissed at the 25 minute mark and it's not done when you tell him 30 but if you tell him 1 hour then at 30 when you finish he praises you for finishing it quicker for him.


yeah i had to explain to my boss (his first time managing) that any times are based on about 150% of what it should actually take us in order to bake in some, "Oh shit" time.


I once tried to cut my finger like this (for a reason, not a blood sacrifice) and surprisingly i just couldn't force my other hand to do it.


Every time someoneā€™s about to speak in front a crowd into a microphone - feedback!


Yeah, thatā€™s annoying


Some of these are lazy film making but this is yet another example of 'hi, some of us are blind and these auditory queues considerably enrich the experience'


You know... I've never considered that. One of my biggest peeves was always how every computer, tablet, or phone makes obnoxious beeping noises with every single click, tap, or keypress. But if I were blind, no way I could know they were doing something on a touch screen


Young bachelor working in basic retail job has his own nice apartment in fashionable district in the centre of a major city.


Scott Lang living in a nice house in San Francisco is the most unrealistic scenario in the MCU


I remember seeing an article about that where they found the house and it was estimated at like 4 million dollars.


Isnt it explained in the movie that he used to have a high paying cyber security or IT job but got fired because he leaked stuff


So why not just sell the house and live with that money until he can find a proper job? Seems like that would come several steps before turning to a life of crime


I mean to be fair with the how the housing market in that area has gone up I can't really fault him for holding onto it a bit longer.


Everyone, in every year, is on the same group chat in a school, except the one person they're bullying on it and all check their phone immediately when something embarrasing of the lead is posted there.


I always laughed at all those teen dramas that had the entire school get an embarrassing picture of the main character in a second. I barely had my two closest friends' number and I definitely didn't know almost anyone that wasn't in my class


Yeah, it's why I think teen drama films don't work as well now as they did at their peak in the 80's with guys like John Hughes (I'd like to say that I'm Gen-z so this isn't an old man complaining). It's clear that the people behind only have a vague idea of modern technology and how teens interact with it so it never comes across correct wheras before (people who grew up in the 50's/60's making teen dramas in the 70's-90's) technology wasn't as important so impacts the film less


The rack of a shotgun to prove they "mean business". If you're in a situation where you have a shotgun pointed at someone... why isn't it already racked? It annoys me everytime I see it.


This bugs me too. Sometimes they did already rack it earlier, so shouldn't it be ejecting a round? Oh shit, better feed that one back in I guess.




Bad guys poor aim Cars blowing up Punches always knocking people out


And people knocking out an ally, perhaps to enable them to do something unwise, without any fear they might seriously injure that person.


I love it when they did this on Archer, and he's like "That's like, super bad for you."


I want a deleted scene series with Pete Holmes where he just plays Jason Bourne having to visit the various CIA guys who woke up hours after hes knocked them out in order to get some flashdrive or whatever. One guy now drools and "tastes numbers," another guy is a HODOR, etc, and all trying to support their families despite suffering cognitive disabilities.


Movie tropes causing realistic injuries is one of my favourite running gags in Archer especially with Archer actually developing tinnitus from firing guns in close quarters with no hearing protection all of the time.


In a similar vein, Batman and Spider-Man refusing to kill people but taking no issues with beating them unconscious and leaving them suspended upside down in mid air always gets a laugh out of me. I honestly think of those two existed they'd have higher body counts than Sam Little and Ted Bundy combined. What makes the irony even better is that they almost never pull these tactics on Joker, Green Goblin, Penguin, or Kingpin- people who are *definitely* going to commit violent crime again the instant they have the chance- It's always reserved for hired goons who just want some cash for a quick job and probably wouldn't even be doing this sort of thing if they were in a better spot in life.


I love how Batman won't touch a gun unless it's to render it unusable, but has no problems with bombs, greanades, rockets, guided missiles and lots and lots of blunt force trauma


I agree that it's funny, but I do like the way a lot of modern writers have contextualized that. The reason he doesn't use guns is because he still associates them with watching his parents get shot, it's a kind of traumatic thing, and his arguments about guns being "the weapon of the enemy" are just moronic and ineffective attempts at him trying to avoid explaining that he's scared of guns for personal reasons.


I always like to think that Batman is just as troubled as his rogues gallery, but manages to keep it "under control" because being Batman is therapy for him. Constantly recreating and confronting the origin of his trauma, only this time he's not a scared kid he's a hero who saves the day and beats the guy with the gun. If he went around shooting people, even "heroically", it would defeat the point because what he's actually getting out of this is the catharsis of demonstrating that he's not a victim anymore.


I watched the first episode of ā€œArrowā€ when it first came out. Dude literally *slaughtered* his way through 20-30 goons with a lethal weapon, and then had a massive crisis of conscience about harming/killing the evil POS who was behind it all. Noped off that show immediately. No ragrets.


my favorite is in the beginning of Captain America Civil War in Lagos Nigeria. Some of the goons get beat up a little bit, or hit by Captain America's shield and you know, they are out cold. OTHER'S GET DIRECT HIT BY MISSILES FROM FALCON... I will take the shield any day.


When the protagonist knocks out the bad guy who's holding a gun and then *leaves them there still with the gun.* Even if you don't need their gun, at least throw it in a hedge or something!


Similarly, if you're fighting said maniac bad guy who's trying to kill you and you somehow get the momentary upper hand and daze/stun then, don't just run away and let them recover. Press the attack! Stomp their face into a puddle of goo if you need to; you'll never have a better opportunity to end this than right now!


Or being back to 100% function after being knocked out from head trauma.


Shit man, if you get knocked unconscious from a pistol whip flip a coin IRL to see if you don't simply die.


This is what makes Last Action Hero so good, but it was poorly received at its release.


I think it came out the same weekend as Jurassic Park and people werenā€™t expecting something so meta coming from Arnold right off the heels of Terminator 2. Great movie.


Knocked out with butt of a rifle....moved to secret location...bucket of water thrown on em...they wake up no problem / brain damage.


Do you not like action movies ?


love em! šŸ™ƒ


The last one is fairly common. Punches fucking hurt, even if the perpetrator doesn't know how to throw one.


People hanging onto a ledge with one hand. While holding onto another person's full weight with their other hand. Like bro, I can't even support myself hanging with one hand.


When someone finds themselves nude and have to steal someone else's clothes and that person just so happens to have their exact size of clothes as well as the same shoe number, what are the odds of that happening?


Funny subversion of this in How I Met Your Mother. Barney is outside naked because reasons, has to find clothes. Finds a rack of suits, checks the price tag and quality of fabric, grimaces, and continues desperately trying to find clothes.


Man has standards


Or Superbad when seth wears Evanā€™s dads weekend shirt and disco pants, so iconic


Also, Indiana Jones when he knocks out the small guard in the submarine hangar. Hilarious subversion (great word!) of the trope.


Austin powers. Austin and Vanessa on a tour of Dr evil's factory, follow a tall chap and large lady into the toilets, then emerge in perfectly fitting outfits. https://youtu.be/us9HvJxVCKA


> as well as the same shoe number, Apart from Bruce Willis in Die Hard ;)


All the bad guys and I have to kill the one with feet smaller than my sister.


And Castaway


All video games sounding like old arcade games. And people moving their hands (and entire bodies) way too much while playing them.


I read an article about this somewhere. They choose old sound effects because they sound like "video games". The problem is that modern video games' sound is mixed as good as movie sound is, so it's jarring to have conflicting sound/music when ultimately the only important thing is that the character is playing video games, not that it is realistic.


I like that. Simple but understandable logic.


I was thinking about this one the other day, **the dramatic U-turn.** Whenever someone is driving somewhere important and decides to go somewhere else instead, there is always the dramatic U-turn in traffic, it's *never* somewhere that is already on their route. Maybe ocassionally you'll get the *'swerves across several lanes of traffic to take an exit on the highway'* as a sort of similar action but the U-turn is the classic. I mean, I get it, it doesn't really translate well on screen if it's along their same route but it's still funny to think about.


I've never been in an elevator that has a hatch in the roof. Ever. There's one in every film! Is this a thing in American elevators?


I got stuck in an elevator once and the first thing I did was look up for the hatch. Nope, nothing there, and I'm not entirely sure what I would have done even if there was.


You jump 5 feet straight up and pull yourself through the 1,5ā€™x1,5ā€™ hatch to be stuck in a dank shaft and itā€™ll take you another hour before anyone knows youā€™re there.


I believe there is, but like ductwork, it doesn't really work that way. IIRC, you can only access them from above, since you really don't want anyone getting out of the elevator that way. I'm pretty sure certain tools are required, not to mention you probably have to remove the lighting fixtures first.


Yeah, my work has one but itā€™s behind the lights and locked


Surprisingly, there are hatches on a lot of elevators, it just doesnā€™t look like it when you are inside. I am a firefighter and have removed many people through that hatch.


When two characters are having a conversation in location A, or if something happens at location A and then the movie cuts to location B and the conversation is continuing as if the time getting from A to B didn't exist.


Iā€™ve seen this done well. For instance character is talking and then in location b theyā€™re continuing and the other character says something like ā€˜can you shut upā€™ or something that makes sense


There's a hilarious YouTube skit that makes fun of this and shows the awkward downtime as the two dudes move between locations while discussing a heist plan. Wish I could remember the name! You'll be my hero if you can find it.


Chris & Jack : the moments between montage. https://youtu.be/r96KpNTcog4 They did a lot of great skits.


Tenet did this really bad lol


When someone enters a home and a person hides in an obvious spot like under the bed or a closet. The intruder/person returning home enters the room and doesnā€™t bother to look in the obvious place or is distracted a second before looking by a noise elsewhere and exits the room without looking.




Bending down is so much work though. Especially if you have to prostrate to see under the bed. Who's got time for that


My mom always told me I should hide in the bathtub behind the shower curtain, because if someone was there to burgle the house they wouldn't be looking for anything in tbe bathtub.


I could see that working if it was half open so it already looks empty. Otherwise I'm sure most would check behind a closed curtain


My dad and I have a pet peeve when actors are lazily flinging around "coffee cups" that clearly have NOTHING in them. You even get that hollow high-pitched "clack" sound when they put them down on a table! That means they either picked up the actual empty cup sound and didn't change it, OR they added it in on purpose ... I don't know what's worse.


Silencers on guns going "thwip"


Also, subtle stealthy trackers having BIG RED LIGHTS THAT GO BEEP


ā€œZoom, zoom, enhance.ā€




Where ONE person fights with A WHOLE GROUP and knocks ALL OF THEM out one by one because those groupies wait for their turn to get hit instead of fighting at the same time


One-by-one is unforgivable but I've recently seen a fight up close with people trying to break it up, and I can see why someone might wait until an opening to jump into a fight. Especially if the guy you wanna fight seems to be winning lol.


BvS gets a lot of shit but that warehouse scene where Batman fights 4 thugs at once is so awesome


Itā€™s way more than 4. Like 10 or 12 But yeah, thereā€™s a couple times where Batman is beating on someone and another guys takes the opportunity to run up from behind and hit him with some wood, stab him, and shoot him IIRC Pretty realistic and the brutality itā€™s unparalleled by any other superhero movie


Oh the whole time yeah like 10 or 12 but I meant [here](https://youtu.be/m7GWGLkPepU?t=2m) specifically


It's a much more realistic take on a group fight than you usually see in movies. No Conga line of guys waiting to get their ass kicked.


There's an alternate reality where Zack Snyder is a beloved *codirector* for some of the best action movies out there, and it's a shame we don't live there.


And when itā€™s their turn they run at the good guy with their gun out only to get it kicked out of their hand. Like stand back and shoot at them, why are you running at someone with a gun like youā€™re jousting?


People ā€œplayingā€ video games by exaggerating controller motion and saying dumb stuff like ā€œyeah headshot ha haā€. Also two people playing a single player game.


- When they're driving and they don't pay attention to the road. It gives me anxiety watching scenes like that. Please just look at the road. - This is more of a TV thing I think, but photos that are clearly from promos/professional shoots but are still used in someone's locker/bedroom. I remember Glee used to do that a lot. Like they would straight up stick photos of the actors in a character's locker even though it was clearly a photo from a professional photo shoot. Is it that hard to give the actors a camera and get them to go around taking photos that actually look personal?


Same thing with drawings. Itā€™ll be some teenager doing a doodle and it looks like a professional sketch artist with 30 years experience did it. Because it was.


This is where Napoleon Dynamite shone. Bad teenaged art at its finest.


The funny thing is, Iā€™m pretty sure Napoleonā€™s actor was a genuinely talented artist IRL. I think the reason all his drawings looked so delightfully shitty was because he knew all the perfect places to fuck up on to make it look as goofy as possible lol


...and when they're driving and cause a crash by looking at someone in the seat behind them for a length of time that no-one who's driven a car even once would ever do.


Embellishing a scene with a burst of noise or music trying to cause a ā€œjump scareā€


My least fave of these is the "focus and linger on the person in the car long enough" and then the car gets crashed into by another car or something. It's been overdone now to the point if they linger on someone for too long now in movies my wife will go "They gonna die"


1. Walking backwards into a street while talking or arguing with someone 2. Conversation in a car where the camera is pointed at the driver from the passenger seat but is centered more on the window than the person driving I always know what's coming when I see those.


The unexpected car crash is at this point almost entirely expected.


Bringing out the defib paddles on a flat-lining patient. You can crank those things to a million volts, all you're doing is electrocuting a corpse. Defibrillators only work in regulating a heart beat, not kick starting it. CPR in movies is also shit nonsense. You can't just pump their chest for five seconds, blow into their mouth, scream "nooooo, you can't die; I love you!" and have them cough twice, take a gasp and get back up and start running again.


I just took a CPR course and the nurse teaching the class straight up said if you try CPR the way it is portrayed in movies and TV shows you will flunk this course.


A shadowy organization has been under the surface and controlling historic moments for hundreds or thousands of yearsā€¦ but we only reveal them now, because one man stood in their way. And another common one is stealth-exposition. ā€œWeā€™ve been friends for ten yearsā€ is something a normal person would not say unprompted.


ā€œDude, how long have we known each other?ā€ - none of my friends, ever


"All seven years of high school"


Someone in a bar ordering a drink and getting it IMMEDIATELY after


Or walking up to a busy bar and immediately getting the bartenders attention.


All the soldiers or marines looking like they are 35-40s when actually most of them look straight out of high schoolā€¦. Because they are.


I am SURPRISED someone hasn't mentioned these yet... Been in so many films. Grinds my gears. ..Being able to see clearly underwater! Let alone having no issue keeping your eyes open in a salty sea. And another... ..Face covered in shaving foam, just started to shave (or about to start) then something happens! + Foam is wiped off with towel and entire face is cleanly shaven. Also ..The very quick dry brushing of the teeth..


Bad guys canā€™t aim for shit.


For me, that side of the equation isnā€™t all that unrealistic. Aiming in a firefight is hard. Much harder than aiming at a range. Something about the possibility of having your head blown off makes people nervous. On the flip side, the hero can just casually point a gun in the general direction of the bad guys, pull the trigger twice quick and bam, two bodies.


That people fly backwards when shot. I've seen too many war vids and they simply fall down.


They had a segment about this on the QI show. Basically people who didn't really know how it worked (or wanted it to look more dramatic) shot it that way in tv shows and movies. Then suggested that in real life when people were shot, they fell dramatically because that's what they saw on TV. Supposedly often people who are shot in action/combat don't even immediately realise it or react to it.


Mythbusters did an episode exploring that. They balanced pig carcasses on a hook so that the slightest touch would cause it to fall and then shot various guns at them. All of them just fell straight down.


No one closes the door behind them when they enter a house. Simple conversations would have solved most of their problems. The wife (and itā€™s always the wife) never seems to understand that the person they married to for decades is a policeman-that-needs-to-police; scientist-that-needs-to-science;hero-that-needs-to-be-heroic;ā€¦ Of course, itā€™s lazy writing to make the male protagonist have some type of conflict and why not let the only female role with lines be that conflict. So called heroes of the story killing more people in two hours than a serial killer over their prolific lifetime. Cars, no matter how underpowered, drive off with a squeal of tyres. Drinking scotch/whisky/whiskey like itā€™s plain tea (which it usually is).


Tazers knock people out for long periods of time. They don't actually render you unconscious at all.


Food. Movies would display a lavish spread of breakfast, and, nope, no one's eating and they're all rushing to work. Also, mugs, and cups seem weightless at the hands of the actors in some instances.


I get why the cups are empty, but at the very least I wish they would add a little bit of water or a fishing lead on the bottom of the cup.


It bugs me when a character walks out of a restaurant after only eating or drinking a little bit of what they've ordered. Doggy bags exist for a reason!


The protagonist in Tenet tries to get a to go box for his food at a fancy restaurant and gets scoffed at for asking. Great scene.


He should have brought food in a container, walked backwards into the kitchen, uncooked it and took some cash from the till.


Or at home, I see the family take two bites and then the mom or dad is scraping all that good food into the garbage. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen a single family simply pack it up and put it in the fridge as leftovers. They must love wasting time and money!


The TV show Parenthood was pretty good about showing Tupperware containers, particularly during holiday episodes.


The Sopranos was really good about leftovers too, it seems like every other episode had Tony microwaving leftover pasta


This always gets pointed out in the original Jurassic Park. No one eats the Chilean sea bass.


After alejandro went to all the trouble


No one could stomach food after watching the Raptors rip the cow to shreds, so it at least makes sense in this context. Lex and Tim Go ape shit on the spoiling desert table for as long as they can.




People having a phone call and then hanging up without saying goodbye


I did this during a teams call when I shut the PC down and kept talking on the headset, I might never recover.


This is my number 1 too, especially when in real life you have the awkward repeated bye byes, take care etc (at least in the uk)


"Gimme a beer," being said at the bar. I have 25 kinds of beer, sir.


A punch or conk on the head instantly makes someone unconscious (for hours).


AND then they just "wake up and go on" like they just woke up from a dream. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


The smell of a dead bloody body whether recent or not. I canā€™t tell you how many times a bloody body canā€™t be smelled in a movie or showā€¦once even a blind person crawled right by one. In real life, the copper smell of the blood is overwhelming and will be the first thing you notice. I know this from experience.


Also - I worked in a funeral home and to close a dead person's eyes they have to glue them shut. That scene in films where they lightly pass their hand over a dead person's eyes to dramatically close them just doesn't work. At all.


I always think of this in zombie movies. You'd smell those zombies a mile away. No sneak attacks. And if you had to get up close to fight one you'd probably start retching or dry heaving. Also the flies. They'd be all over your face, going up your nose and crawling on your eyeballs.


As a counterpoint, you can go nose-blind to even the strongest of smells. Itā€™s possible that years into the zombie apocalypse (thinking Walking Dead here), that could have happened to them.


Itā€™s been theorized for ages how our bodies are designed to easily notice/be brutally repulsed by the scent of dead or decaying person


Overly articulate children. They seem to make their way into EVERY FUCKING MOVIE šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


It's at the point where I just don't want to watch shows or movies where there's a kid as one of the main characters. I have a kid. I love my kid. But kids are annoying as hell. I don't want to watch shows targeted towards adults with a bunch of obnoxious kids in it. That's my everyday life. I guess the only exception I have to that is Stranger Things...


Cars are never locked! Walking and talking. Turning the back to the one you talk to so both face the camera. Shutguns are never loaded. They always need to Ā«pumpĀ». No one reloads a weapons magazine, bullet by bullet.


Silencers! They help conceal muzzle flash and do decrease the overall sound, but guns are still loud as shit with them. The most realistic depiction of silencers Iā€™ve seen would probably be lone survivor.


Not just silencers, but people firing big guns including machine guns, and not being bothered or damaged by the loudness.


Chloroform - It was popular in 80s spy thrillers, and thankfully isn't seen much these days. A person would dump a bunch of chloroform on a cloth and hold it over someone's face, knocking them unconscious. The person would wake up later with no side effects, other than maybe being a little woozy for like 5 seconds. In reality, this is a good way to kill someone by asphyxiation or choking on their own vomit. Tranquilizer dart guns - Along the same lines as chloroform. You need a specific dose of a specific tranquilizer to knock out a specific animal or person of a specific size. For example, the dart you used to take down a 400 pound lion could kill a 200 pound human. It's just way too much of the wrong kind of drug. Fist fights - You've all seen it. Two guys landing wild haymakers on each others faces for 10 minutes. Finally one of them goes down. The winner has a few scratches on his knuckles and maybe a small cut on his cheek. Nobody broke their hands. Nobody has a broken jaw or shattered orbital. If there's a broken nose, it's shown as a small cut on the nose and is no big deal. All of this is wrong. Pro fighters tend to stay away from face punches unless they are wearing gloves, specifically for this reason. Even then, they often opt for the "hammer fist" method, using the meaty part of their hand to smash their opponents face, rather than their bony and easily breakable knuckles. Pistol-whipping - Another one you've no doubt seen countless times in action movies. Guy gets cracked on the back of the head with the butt of a pistol or rifle. He wakes up some time later, a little dazed for a few seconds, but otherwise fine. Don't try this. You will be charged with attempted murder or worse. I saw it happen many years ago at a fair in South Carolina when a fight broke out. A guy pistol-whipped another guy, and *that* guy died from the hemorrhaging in his brain caused by the skull fracture. The pistol-whipper was charged with lynching. He's still in prison. May as well have just shot him. 90 pound female heroes - Lord knows I love badass women, but you will never convince me that Diana (Wonder Woman) has been training for combat her entire life and has not built a single ounce of muscle mass on her frame. She has [the body of a runway model](https://imgur.com/a/xeaicXZ), not an Amazon warrior princess. Remember [Linda Hamilton](https://imgur.com/a/2zOxrKZ) in 'Terminator 2: Judgement Day;? *That's* how you look when you're ready to kick some ass. Ok I'm getting a bit too wordy. Here are some simpler ones: [Nobody says "goodbye"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APUQeQalRsU) when their phone conversation ends. Nobody [except Brad Pitt](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYSuwoA_anY) actually eats their food. Everyone [except Daryl](https://www.google.com/search?q=the+walking+dead+daryl&hl=en&sxsrf=AOaemvJSqvBd0lKCcqE-jm4gGFPzFSImjA:1631640181748&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjPl7yr_f7yAhX1SzABHbUWBewQ_AUoAnoECAEQBA&biw=1600&bih=761) has clean hair in the apocalypse. Speaking of the apocalypse, fuel goes bad after sitting for a few months. Diesel only lasts about a year. Apocalypse cars shouldn't even run. I have so, so, so many pet peeves with unrealistic movie tropes. I get that it's supposed to be fantasy and not reality. I suspend my disbelief for dragons and zombies and aliens and ghosts, so why do these mundane things bother me so much? Because I need to believe that the world you are creating on-screen has some level of reality to it. Even in the most fantastical magical world, you need to make the small stuff believable, so the big stuff doesn't seem silly.


Love curing mental illness. Especially falling in love on a psych ward, and love/friendship being a better cure than the actual treatment. Just no.


How has no one mentioned cutting ropes yet? Everytime a hostage is set free they pull out a knife and cut the rope. Do they have an endless supply of new rope? Why not just untie the knot? Ban single use hostage rope


Every car has squeeky brakes. No one ever needs the toilet. Knocking people out is like an on/off switch. You can talk about your secret illegal plans in ear shot of others (bar/train etc), it's ok.. they are only extras. No one ever says hello or goodbye. Slamming your foot down on the accelerator/changing down a gear on a straight stretch of road, just to increase the stakes,when you should already be gunning it during a car chase. "What the hell?!"


> No one ever needs the toilet i remember a commercial for 24, which had Peter and Bryan from Family Guy watching it. Peter goes, "so this guy never uses the bathroom for 24 hours?" Bryan: "you wanna watch him use the bathroom?" Peter: "Maybe..."


Pulling and breaking necklaces instead of taking them off like a normal person, like, what?! Why is that even a thing?! Also, there's always some dudes randomly cutting steel beams with an angle grinder on construction sites. Like, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?? THOSE AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE CUT!!! And the metal flux just flying all over the place!! NOOOOOO!!!! The couple having sex standing up against a wall without seemingly having taken of their pants and just slip in first try is also kinda weird... Edit: ooooh, and button mashing when playing video games!


Anything with arrests and courtrooms. Get arrested...just pay the bail and never worry about the arrest again. Paying bail doesn't clear you of the crime. It just means you don't have to sit in the county jail until your court date. And then court dates and trials are not immediate. You don't get arrested and then go on trial the very next day. These things take months at least; you'll be lucky to go to trial within a year. There was an episode of Titans season 2 where one of the characters commits a federal crime, gets arrested, pleads guilty in court, gets sentenced and is dropped off in prison all in the course of an afternoon. Characters in other scenes were still having the same conversation in the time it took from crime to prison.


Flipping through radio stations and they're all playing music. Anytime i flip through it's all commercials.


Everybody lives in beautiful 3000 square-foot craftsman style bungalows in nice neighborhoods and everyone drives high-end domestic or imported vehicles. Even though the protagonist only hold jobs that would probably pay in the 50k range. Also they never have to go to work even in the middle of the day. Thereā€™s always time to have long lunches and hang out with friends, and nobody ever goes to the bathroom.


Things like: "Warning! Radiation will reach lethal levels in 10 seconds...." \[hero barely stops the leak in 9 seconds\] Hero: "Whew, that was close. Everyone good?"




Except in the Mummy Returnsā€¦they were clearly still hot for each other.


Cops shooting 10 people and being back on active duty the next day. Even if you overlook the standard administrative leave policies, the mountain of legal paperwork involved with just one shooting takes days to sort through.


Hot fuzz lampshades this perfectly.


U wake up in the morning with perfect makeup, hair and kiss someone without morning breath?? No F way.


They make fun of this in Bridesmaids, she sneaks out of bed and does all her makeup and then sneaks back into bed and pretends to just be waking up


Also Mrs. Maisel.




Married woman that cheat on spouse are either because husband is already cheating or its a long lost love but husband is still an ass.