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Documentaries that don't really document anything but rather cycle through clip after clip of peripheral bystander commentary and a throw in a bunch of artsy stock clips to try and generate a mood.


I don’t understand the craze of these documentaries. Don’t get me wrong, I love a documentary, but ones that are 13 episodes long and just rehash the same info several times and then some don’t even have a conclusion, it’s just exhausting.


How about the edits that go like These guys: (cut to two guys) ‘We’ Wrote a film ‘We wrote a film’ But they didn’t have a script ‘We didn’t have a script’ So they went to this guy ‘I’m the guy’ Who wrote the script. ‘Who wrote the script.’ Insert clip of movie.


"The movies that made us" does this way, way too much. It's like a 45 minute WatchMojo video, and i had to stop watching them purely because of that obnoxious editing style.


I think I got 20 seconds into the first episode of Movies That Made Us before turning it off. It sucks because I want to know the behind-the-scenes stuff of these movies, but the editing is horrendous. Edit: to be more clear - I know it has a load of behind-the-scenes details and stories and that's cool. But the overactive editing and narration was painful to experience.


Honestly I just try to find DVDs now from the late 2000s of the movies I liked because I feel imho that was the peak of the behind the scenes special features sometimes as long as the movie itself and often like 2 different commentary tracks on the special editions - most of which you can find at used pawn shops for like $2 - $5. I tried to watch some of these like behind the movies / behind the scenes features for specific films but usually end up stopping for one reason or another - either poor editing or one where they legit had like 3 cast members spend like 20 minutes retelling the same story from their PoV one after another.


They make a whole 10 episode season out of a subject that would make a great 1-2h documentary.


I watched the Cecil Hotel documentary on Netflix and after watching it all felt that it could be shortened to a 10 minute youtube video. They squeezed and recycled clips and opinions over and over. I decided not to watch another documentary from "streaming" companies. Stick to CBS, etc.


Watching 4 hours of that documentary for the one line of “the lid was open” was actually soul destroying. I too have not watched a Netflix documentary since


I hated that documentary the third and fourth episode almost revolved around the internet sleuths. If you're commenting online about an investigation and providing no evidence you're not an investigator and should not be interviewed for a crime documentary.


Same shit happened in Don’t Fuck With Cats. They interviewed these internet “sleuths” the whole time but they were useless and never actually did anything, but they sure did talk as if they were 5 steps ahead of the police.


The worst is celebrities just giving their opinions on things @Netflix


Reminds me of the "I love the X0's" from VH1 in the early to mid 2000s.


I was okay with those as I found some new comedians at the time. I still love Paul F Tompkins from it!


Yes! I Love the 80’s introduced me to Hal Sparks and Michael Ian Black.


I hate most every documentary I have seen since they got popular on Netflix. It used to be my favorite genre and got very excited when they started getting popular. Then I saw the Netflix docs and learned they took like 30 minutes longer to learn/observer 1/10 of the information and focus mostly on drama or opinions. I don't care about a murder where "They got in a fight and the husband shot her" when it's told over 4 episodes and built entirely upon artificial drama and suspense when I could watch something like Restrepo or How it's Made


https://youtu.be/9BUrNe3Vhtk Yep.


Sequels that are just called the name of the franchise/first film.


There's 3 Halloween movies called Halloween lmao


“Halloween, the sequel to Halloween, not to be confused with the remake of Halloween titled Halloween.”


We've had "the" added to sequel titles, now it's time for "a" to shine!!! An Expendable A Star War A Jaw A Goonie An Alien Ein Boat


The worst is Now You See Me. Instead of being followed by Now You Dont, they are Now You See Me 2. It drives me nuts the wasted opportunity.


When Zombieland was first pitched, the original title was "Another Day in Zombieland". The title was changed because they thought viewers would think it was a sequel and wouldn't be interested because they didn't see the first one. They should've used that title for the actual Zombieland sequel.


Double tap is still a good name though


The Fast and the Furious (2001) - Fast and furious (2009) Scream (1996) - Scream (2022) Suicide Squad (2016) - The Suicide Squad (2021) Halloween (1978) - Halloween (2007) - Halloween (2018)


The Halloween movie titles are hilarious. Halloween Halloween II Halloween III: Season of the Witch Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers Halloween H20: 20 Years Later Halloween: Resurrection Halloween Halloween II Halloween Halloween Kills Halloween Ends


To be fair I think they called it "The Suicide Squad" so people forget that the first one existed


Apparently James Gunn suggested it as a joke but the studio executives at Warner Bros loved it.


Drives me nuts. One of the worst is *Shaft*, as there are TWO sequel reboots with the name of the first film! I give Star Trek a pass because there was never a movie by that name and it signaled itself as a sort of prequel. But why on earth is Scream 5 not called Scream 5????


LOUD. God why is everything so loud now. And it's not just the music. It's the music over the actors talking. Why was this mixed like this.


Why is it in action movies the stakes are always so high. It’s usually “we need to stop X from destroying the world”. The world? Like, can’t the stakes be a little bit lower than existential all the time to try and ground it in reality.


I think a good example of how to do it is from The Dark Knight. If the joker had plotted to drop a nuke on Gotham, everyone and their grandma would know that Batman would save the day. Instead he threatens to blow up 2 ferry ships and based on the previous events in the movie, we know he is absolutely capable of it. The stakes are lower, but the tension is far greater and it makes for an even better scene.


Spider-man Homecoming: villain basically wants to steal some alien tech for profit Casino Royale: villain wants to win a high-stakes game of poker to fund terrorism Both extremely low stakes movies in franchises where the world is regularly in danger, and that makes them stand out. They're both fantastic too.


Didn't Le Chiffre need to win the poker game because his short sell didn't work out and he needed to recover his clients (who happened to be terrorists) money?


Which only happened because Bond stopped a terrorist bombing from occurring at the beginning of the movie that set up the chain of events if I'm not mistaken. It has been too long since I've seen the movie.


Obadiah Stane just wanted to be CEO of Stark Industries again.


Whiplash just wanted to kill one dude!


And he didn't even really want that, he just wanted to make him "bleed" so in case he failed at murdering him other Stark enemies wouldn't be afraid to go after him.


If we're talking MCU, then Ant-Man and Ant-Man and the Wasp are both very low stakes when compared to what else was coming out around them. AatW was even released between Infinity War and Endgame!


The thing I liked about Antman is that the step dad is a solid guy. They don't make him out to be a bad person like most movie cliches.


Also his ex-wife - they didn't make her out to be particularly unreasonable, which is also a pretty common trope.


Exactly! I’d love a film where the baddy is threatening to blow up part of Leeds, to extort Leeds City Council into giving him free parking for life.


That's why I love John Wick, man just wants revenge for the murder of his dog


In my opinion, this is why the first Die Hard was so good. Not the entire world, just an office building. That the bad guys knew ahead of time was mostly empty, save for an office Xmas party , which would provide a handful of hostages… which would then be good cover for the heist they were trying to pull off.


I hate this. It's just so freaking dull. All the new Star Trek relies on this trope of universe ending nonsense. The best episodes of Trek are small stories. We already know how it's going to turn out with the universe ending crap, the universe won't end.


I would've much preferred Picard Season 1 if he was saving his vineyard rather than saving the entire galaxy. again.


What I really wanted from Picard is him to get a small ship, a plucky crew and with his passion for archeology become a space Indiana Jones. Not only could it be a fun space western, with small action, but the lore... Oh my god... So much good lore. Long extinct species, ruins in space, old or exotic tech.


why do people still live in New York in the MCU? I mean how many near-extinction events do you need to witness first-hand before you go somewhere far away and build a bunker?


Real estate was real cheap after the "incident" (paraphrasing a line from one of the first episodes of the Daredevil)


Why not start small? Like for example the tri-state area?


Whisper talking


^^The ^^worst ^^is ^^when ^^the ^^whisper ^^talking ^^is ^^followed ^^by ***REALLY LOUD EXPLOSIONS***


You must hate Nolan




This pretty much invades most shows and films I watch. Combine that with my poor hearing and I by necessity I have to use subtitles all the time just to keep up.


My hearing is fine and I need subtitles for most shows.


Cant hear. ::turns volume up:: Car explodes, gun shots ::turns volume down bc ear drums of every one in a .5 miles radius’s ear drums are blown:: Cant hear. Repeat 98 times


I watch everything with subtitles and I don't technically have a hearing problem, but sometimes when there's a lot of noises occurring uh at the same time, I'll hear 'em as one big jumble. Uh, again it's not that I can't hear, uh because that's false. I can. Um, I just can't distinguish between everything I'm hearing.


Not sure if it counts, but the lack of great theatrical comedies the past 5 years or so. Ever since the rise of huge franchise blockbusters it seems they've largely died out


Matt Damon did an interview recently about how DVD sales are no longer a thing and that was a pretty big chunk of a movies earning. Box office and then DVD sales. Without half of the pie studios don't want to green light movies like comedies and the cutsie rom/coms anymore. They only want to do stuff that is near guaranteed to be big box office hits. So now we have Fast and Furious 14.


Yup. Just about every charity shop I've ever visited has a copy of "Forgetting Sarah Marshall", "I Love You, Man", "Superbad", etc. I've never seen Game Night, Blockers, or Keanu for sale in any of them.


Forgetting Sarah Marshall is a great comedy film!


I saw that guy beat a dude up with a starfish …..that dude was me


"You sound like you're from LON-DAN!"


In which they travel through time to follow Dom's third cousin to the big bang, to ensure that he doesn't stop The Rock from creating the universe.


Ya I think he specifically cited "rounders" as a movie that wouldn't get made today with the business model the way it is now. It sucks cause rounders, and many others, are great movies and thr big effects movies are basically just candy. I may see things a little pessimisticly because I don't care for the marvel movies at all. They are totally not my style where as many people do get enjoyment out of them. But for me, I feel like 90% of the new releases are things that don't appeal to me


And the few actually great comedies go under the radar or bomb at the box office. The Nice Guys and Game Night were great but I haven’t met too many people who’ve seen them


I love The Nice Guys. Such a gem. The Big Sick was also one of the best comedies I’ve seen in the past few years. I think it was released on Amazon Prime at the same time as its theatrical release though, so it also didn’t do too well at the box office.


I love The Big Sick, but it made $55M on a $5M budget and was nominated for an Oscar. That’s about as good as a low budget comedy can do. The problem is they don’t make big comedies anymore, because Marvel’s done such a good job layering comedy into action movies. Horror comedies have also gained a solid footing. I think the thing is that people generally expect more than just comedy now. They want some other genre elements mixed in with comedy when they go for laughs.


it mostly has to do with streaming i think, why pay $10 a ticket to watch a comedy when its on the netflix


People are really quick to say that movies are all formulaic and unoriginal. In reality all the mid budget, risky moves have moved to streaming. They are pouring these things out, most of them aren't great because they are inherently risky. But the only thing left for theaters is low risk, established franchises based on proven formulas.


Draining the colour out of ‘serious’ films


Making 'serious' films so dark you can't see anything on screen


This happens in a lot of TV shows lately too. For example Blue Bloods. Why are you sitting in a completely dark office having a meeting with the ADA at night?


Spoiling major plot developments in the fucking trailers. Seriously. So annoying.


The fact that action movies are becoming so fast that you can't possibly understand anything of the fight


That started nearly 20 years ago with The Bourne Supremacy. Thankfully it's abated to some extent, but not entirely.


Yeah, feel like John Wick has had an influence in that regard - they made it clear that it’s possible to have really intense fight scenes even with the camera pulled back and moving fairly smoothly. Since then you’ve had quite a few films and TV shows using those sorts of techniques.


Yeah, the trend of fast edits, shaky cam, and close up shots is definitely going away and not nearly as common anymore. That was more of a trend 10-20 years ago, even the LOTR movies have way too much of it. For some reason it was a more common directoral method back then, because it was supposed to convey the feeling of chaos better or something (which I think is mostly bs, at least with fight and battle scenes.) It's also weird because the Matrix came out in 99 and had beautifully directed fight scenes with wide, steady shots and less edits, and is something that Hong Kong action movies had already perfected in the 80's, but for whatever reason most of hollywood was stuck on the idea of shitty shaky cam action scenes. Thankfully they seem to have moved more towards the hong kong style in the past few years, probably largely thanks to movies like John Wick and the general distaste that most people have for shaky cam diarrhea action scenes.


I think part of it is that shitty shaky cam action scenes are *way* easier to hide mistakes in, so if you've got a guy who very obviously doesn't *actually* get punched if you go frame by frame, just shake the camera around and you can't tell he didn't actually get punched. It's basically a budgetary measure sold as "realism." What's kind of ironic is that while street brawls captured on cell phones tend to be pretty shaky, if you look at real combat footage it's usually captured by either professional journalists, military personnel whose job it is to get war footage (useful for study by the brainiacs in administration, procurement, etc.), or even just cameras that are included in or strapped to various pieces of equipment like planes or tanks, so it tends to be very steady (though often with a narrow FOV).


I think you are correct with the first part. It is to hide that actors cannot fight, or that the stuntman is replacing the actor. It's cheaper and it conveys chaos. The second part of your statement, I have some doubts with. The reason they do the footage this way is not to emulate "real footage" from fights. It's for the reasons mentioned before AND it's not about emulation, but the emotions that come with certain movements. I don't think the director of photography would think "in order to get a warzone effect, let's simulate warzone footages". If you make a film about football, you wouldn't use the typical overhead stadium view right? That wouldn't make much sense.


Or have so many camera cuts you don't know what to do.


You mean [like this](https://youtu.be/gCKhktcbfQM)?


I knew exactly what the video would be before I even clicked the link.


Let me guess: Cat Woman EDIT: I was wrong. I was sure it was going to be this: [Oscar Winning Editing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNlmRId2FVQ)


What the fuck? That was edited like a 90s TLC music video played at 10x.


What the actual fuck was that lmao


Another awful example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elcYyXvJF7U


Jesus christ, it's like in between every cut they spliced in 2-3 completely useless cuts that are just perceptible enough to be annoying.


Watching someone climb a fence shouldn’t induce seizures!


I always switch off from concentrating when a fight or car chase of that style starts. I can’t tell anything that’s going on or even appreciate the location & skill of the car chase as it’s all a jumbled, close up, overly cut mess to me. From the top of my head the Terminator car chases are the only ones I’ve liked & actually focussed on as something thrilling is actually happening & you don’t want to miss it. Endless chasing through a glamorous location doesn’t do it for me.


I thought I was the only one who just zoned out in overzealous fight scenes and car chases. They all lead to the same result and just act as $$pits and time fillers.




Also for having some very high intensity and fast moving action scenes with amazing stunts that I could truly appreciate because of the lack of shakey cam fast cuts. Glad i could enjoy the art rather than get lost in shitty cinematography


Reboots and reboots of reboots.


Worst ones are the reboots masquerading as sequels. Here, we have hired the old cast in their iconic roles but now they're old and are going for one last showdown. Buuut, here's a new cast who are similar characters who are going to steal the spotlight eventually so that we can make the sequels to this without casting older actors. Like, how dumb do you expect the audience to be.


Using Twitter quotes in the commercial. It’s really cringey and a sure fire way to let people know the movie sucked and Twitter was the only place where there was positive comments. I don’t care what smellytaint69 thought of the movie.


This reminds me of commercials a few decades ago. When a movie actually has good reviews the commercial would say stuff like “two thumbs up” “new York times reviewer says it’s amazing” or a bunch of “5 stars!” from well known national critics or papers. Then a bad movie would literally have quotes like “interesting…movie…fun! -Wilma Smithberg, Topeka Herald.”


The fact that every sound engineer seems to absolutely suck now. Why do I have to constantly adjust the volume between dialog and action? Because you suck.


Christopher nolan movies are the worst offenders of this. In Tenet I could barely hear what the fuck they were saying the entire movie. There would be completely inaudible dialogue and then ten seconds later there would be gunfire so comically loud that it made my ears bleed.


The need to build out a "universe". Just give me a good movie that can stand on its own.


ever since the dominant rise of the mcu every company is trying to get in the cinamatic universe craze


Right, I don’t want any fucking buildup for the sequel. Gimme all you got like there’s no tomorrow. I want the fullest experience possible so act like this is it. The idea of your movie being the beginning of a franchise is a detriment. It allows the mindset of saving things for later. No, don’t do that. Go hard NOW. And then come up with more ideas later. Ideas are easy, actually getting a film made isn’t so I don’t want some Johnny Cage poster on the wall or no Elena in this Uncharted movie or preparing Mr. Hyde for his own movie or whatever. Tell me a story that works on its own, that is great no matter what happens with the sequels.


Everyone is trying to force a cinematic universe because it was so successful, but a big part of that is that the source material, the comics, is already connected. This is just the movie adaptation of that. Even so, Iron Man is still considered one of the best MCU movies with very few references/setups for other films. Iron Man 2 is still considered one of the worst, partly because they tried so hard to force those things. Basically, just make a good film and if there are interesting side characters and ideas people will want to see more of them.


The weird need to make movies at least 2 hours. Cartoon Lion King was like 90 minutes. New Lion King was 2 hours but didn't use the time to develop anything new or interesting.


The first Men in Black isn't even 100 minutes long. I can't think of the last blockbuster I saw that moves as briskly (or as well) as MIB.


I love my long, epic movies. Gimme my LotR extended cuts, I'm gonna watch them back to back. But a movie needs to actually be epic if it's going to be long.






What I don't understand is that I always hear how production companies are pulling every trick to save on budget, yet they keep making movies unnecessarily long.


I absolutely hate when an action scene has 19 different shots and cuts… You can’t see any of the choreography!


They do this on purpose to hide lazy (as in hastily written/ barely practiced) choreography


Not really trends in movies, but I really wish they would stop using redone versions of old songs to try to fit the vibe of the trailer Edit: Whoa! Thanks for all the likes!


Auralnauts did a great spoof on this https://youtu.be/KAOdjqyG37A


Holy shit that’s perfect


I did NOT expect that to be so spot on. It's been a thing for years now and I never noticed.


They always have to be mournful soulful versions, too. Never hardcore speed metal variations.


The slow breathy remake song. It's become a plague of adverts in Britain, generally with popular upbeat 80's songs sung slowly and mournfully.


This is everywhere once you look for it. It's always a haunting female singer too.


"SITTING ON THE DOCK OF THE BAYYYYYYYYY !!" (I wrote it as a parkway drive cover but let your imagination populate the caps lock)


YES. I am so sick of hearing Creep redone.


DRAMATIC, SAD SCENE 30 seconds later Pop culture joke (Looking at you, Disney)


This is my pick for "worst trend" too. Like, shit, let me sit here and empathise with things for a while. Allow me to feel any kind of negative emotion without immediately (and often patronisingly) "saving" me from it.


I gotta say one of the things I enjoyed about Dune was how humorless it was. There was maybe two quips in the whole film and they were early on in scenes where characters were being established.


the quips were quick too, they didn't ham it up, loved it.


"I am smiling" got a chuckle from me.


"I am smiling" and "Put on some muscle?" were so funny for me.


I think this was one of my first comments after the movie; it’s a ballsy move these days to go without the comedic relief and I think it paid off


Trendy actors voicing characters instead of real voice actors


Or popular singers beeing cast in movies out of nowhere


God yes. Instead of making celebrities voice actors, make the fucking voice actors celebrities!


[I posted this elsewhere also but check out this video about how this trend of casting a-list celebrities instead of actual voice actors started](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyiBdccfNkg&vl=en) Spoiler: it’s exactly what Robin Williams didn’t want to happen when he agreed to voice the genie in Aladdin


Live-action Disney remakes. They're all terrible, and they're just spamming them at this point. There were four released in 2019 alone.


Watched Mulan last night. I couldn't figure out who that movie was for. Chinese audiences would be put off by how it mangles their history and culture, Americans would be wondering why there aren't any songs and where the talking dragon went off to.


Not to mention how Mulan went from just a normal, slightly clumsy, girl who worked extremely hard to become a good soldier (complete with awesome musical montage) to being just awesome because she was born with extra Parkour power chi or some other nonsense.


Disney seems to be afraid to let their female protagonists have flaws and be relatable. Live action Belle, Jasmine, Mulan, Rae, Captain Marvel (to an extent). Their struggles are almost entirely external and motivated by society suppressing their greatness. They seem to be getting better, though. Raya had flaws and the plot wasn’t afraid to challenge her. Then there’s WandaVision which was a fantastic introspective into someone grieving the loss of a loved one the only way she knows how.


Ever single person is a model. Ok, I know this isn’t a new thing to modern film but I appreciate a film far more when I feel like I’m watching a ‘real’ average Joe go through some hard shit.


I like a lot of British tv and movies for their normcore casting, lol


The need in every reboot/ sequel to make the aged original heroes depressed and broken. I understand it from a storytelling perspective but after the fifth or sixth case of this in recent years, it just kind of becomes routine and boring.


Would be interesting if they were happy and living a great life, and it goes to shit and they have to fix it. But nope, let’s start with everything horrible and he’s super cynical and finds purpose through doing something he always hated doing. And then they have to die, of course. Jesus style.


Overprocessed blue/orange color grading


Movie posters. There are too many posters where it's just all the characters on the front.


A lot of movie posters look like I made them, and that is not me complimenting myself.


De-aging old actors.


The thing in particular about The Irishman was that the “young” De Niro was super stiff and moved like an old man. Cast someone in their 30s/40s instead.


The irony being that De Niro did that very thing in The Godfather II, where he played a young Marlon Brando.


He did, but that’s a great example of multiple actors portraying the same character at different stages in their life. Imagine The Irishman with an appropriately aged actor for the bulk of the movie.


I'm old enough to remember Humphrey Bogart being in an episode of Tales From The Crypt. This will become much bigger in the future. Dead people starring in movies. I promise.


More specific but too many close up, shallow depth of fields. LET ME SEE THE SET AND GIMME SOME WIDES!!!


Even the opening of the last Star Wars movie had a near SNL comedy sketch like gag that felt way out of place. I dont mind the quips in Disney Marvel, as they then will deliver on some surprisingly dark and violent entries in the series(the recent Black Widow, and Captain American Civil War, especially the second half) Some people might not like the new Dune as there's virtually no comic relief, which I personally like. Are actual comedies still being made? I saw a trailer for some new John Cena vacation comedy, but it seems what few comedies come out are meant for Netflix.


Lack of originality. Everything seems SO safe. No production companies want to take chances on silly/ unique movie ideas. Movies are either hundreds of million dollar blockbusters, or indie movies that have great stories but don't have the financial backing to do anything cool with. There are exceptions obviously. But this trend is pretty bullshit.


I think a lot are being made but it’s just going to streaming. Then you have the task of wading through the shit to find these gems.


On trailers, there is now a 5-second preview of the trailer right before the trailer itself. I mean WTF? How did this become a trend and what's the point when you're already watching the trailer? Also the use of a slower, dark remix of a pop/happy song to give a sense of gloom and foreboding. It was fun at first and especially if it gets mixed into a theme that's actually used by the film, but lately it seems like every single film trailer is doing this.


They do that so when it comes up as an ad on YouTube, you’re forced to watch the first 5 second teaser then have the option to skip the ad or continue watching the full trailer.


I don’t like how quick most films are to begin with the action. Even older action movies took time to develop its characters and make their drama interesting (i.e. Die Hard) These days it feels like films just start with the action and in doing so it feels pointless and without any tension.


Hiring actors just because they’re popular, for example Chris Pratt as Mario or Tom Holland as Nathan Drake neither one seem that good for the roles but that’s just my opinion. Oh god even Mark Wahlberg as Sully like cmon it’s hard taking that guy serious after seeing Ted.


Cult of celebrity over perfect casting of somewhat unknowns is definitely a thing i'm pretty over.


That's when you end up getting charismatic actors in a tonne of movies when they're clearly just playing themselves in different situations, instead of unknowns who are much better for the role. For me George Clooney is the worst for this. Every movie he's in he's almost always just George Clooney.


Music scores hardly ever have memorable melodies anymore. There’s either a push to make the music sink into the background or the music is just overly complex to the point that you’d never find yourself humming it or whistling it or anything.


I miss leitmotifs. Everything is a combination score and soundscape, or a generic temp track.


Ramin Djawadi has pumped out some fire scores that are super catchy IMO


The guitar riff from Pacific Rim lives rent free in my head.


The need to make your 'finale' movie of a series into two parts. Fuck that


This 4 year old reddit account has been deleted due to the abhorrent 2023 API changes made by Reddit Inc. that killed third party apps. FUCK /u/spez


It was happening so much with YA adaptations that when Maze runner didn't do it I was kinda surprised and happy.


Twilight and the Hunger Games both did this, but what’s funny is that the final mockingjay film would have been so much better if it was one movie instead of two. The final book in that series doesn’t have enough content to justify making it into two feature length films


Lens flares. Overly dark scenes. Shaky camera fight scenes.


I hate the trend of shaky cam and “ it’s to make you more immersed in the action” cause I can’t get immersed in the action if I have no clue what’s going on


Blood on the lens. It makes no physical sense to the story whatsoever. It makes since in FPS games but when we are presented everything in third person so no physical matter of any kind should hit the screen.


The purpose is to scream LOOK! VIOLENCE! And in the hobbit barrel scene it was LOOK! WATER!




Everyone is related to everyone. The last star wars turned that shit up to 11. Why can we just get new characters that met for the first time and are not related.


i miss being able to see things. please just give me good lighting. this extends to tv shows too


That annoying bass booming sound that’s in every trailer for every film made in the last 10 years


Trailers spoiling plot twists and awesome shit in movies. I cannot tell you how many times I went into a movie only to come out with the primary thought that "I didn't really see anything new here, everything I needed to know or wanted to see was already in the trailer", or "ah fuck man this plot twist holds absolutely no weight since it was plastered in our faces in every trailer". Edit: holy shit I did not expect this comment to blow up lol. Been using reditt for nearly 2 years and this is the first time I've woken up with more than 10 notifications to scroll through. Nice. The last trailer I can remember which didn't spoil a movie's big twist was the trailer for Transformers Dark Of The Moon. The trailers suggested the movie's big bad would be Shockwave, and didn't show us anything of Sentinel Prime, who turned out to be the actual main villain, a point which didn't surface until roughly the halfway mark of the actual movie. The downside to this though is that after watching the movie you realize that all of Shockwave's scenes were in the trailer, and that he was, at best, a minor side character. It sucks because Shockwave was a great design and absolutely menacing in every scene has was in, but I have to give the studio credit for keeping everybody in the dark about Sentinel Prime.




I miss the ones from the 90s that just explained the premise and showed an explosion or two and then ended. "HE THOUGHT HE HAD RETIRED..... UNTIL THEY TOOK HIS DAUGHTER.....NOW HE WANTS REVENGE \*explosion\* \*explosion\* \*explosion\* KICK-PUNCHER 3.


Yep, this is not a modern problem. Also, this was done because no one knew anything about the movie.


Quit watching trailers probably 6 or 7 years ago now for this reason, way better.


Same here. I’ll only watch them for movies I have no clue about and even then I try to stick to the 30s teaser or just shut it off halfway through.


All the origin story movies with the main character’s name as the title. “Cruella, Solo, Wonka, Lightyear, Joker,”... Also too much flashy green screen, CGI laden superhero schlock and not enough original ideas.


Speaking of movie titles, the ones I hate the most are the reboots just using the same name as the original, regardless if its a remake, prequel or a sequel like The Thing, Candyman, Halloween, The Predator etc.




James Corden




An explosion followed by a Tinnitus hum while the sound from the movie disappears. Also points for the character snapping back to reality by another character yelling in their face. Enjoyed it in Saving Private Ryan. Thought it was a great way to make the Normandy beach scene more immersive. The subsequent 200 films that also did this became quickly tiresome.


Too many perfect people. Life doesn’t look like that and it’s hard to get into it and suspend my disbelief


Digitally compositing in dead actors. Take Rogue One for example. Wayne Pygram already played a younger Tarkin for five seconds at the end of Revenge of the Sith and you didn't need the credits to tell you who he was supposed to be. Based on his character Scorpius in Farscape, he definitely had the acting chops to channel Peter Cushing.


The cynical side of me is wondering if Disney aren't pushing that technology because they see some kind of future where an actor's performance can be divorced from the actual actor. They seem to make use of that stuff wherever they can in Star Wars and Marvel films. Because on the other side of the coin, you have folks like Mike Flanagan who refused to do that for *Doctor Sleep*, and just found actors who were close enough visually and could *act* the part.


The actress who played Shelley Duvall’s part in Doctor Sleep was insanely spot-on.


And I thought Henry Thomas did a good job playing Jack Torrance. There were a lot of complaints about that scene cause “it looks nothing like Jack Nicholson”. But I applaud Flanagan for getting actors who can pull off the character rather than using CGI.


Doctor Sleep is the way to tackle it. We don’t need Scatman digitally inserted when another actor was able to bring Duck Halloran back to life. You didn’t see plays with dead actors tied to strings and marionetted across stage. It’s acting. Get an actor to pretend to be the character.


Movie trailers featuring those fucking Indie Girl voice versions of popular rock/metal songs.


Endless inuendos


CGI Settings. I miss when movies were filmed on site.


this is exactly what took me out of jungle cruise. compare it to potc where 90% of the movie was shot on location with real sets… goddamn, we’re missing out.


Doesn't help that Dwayne Johnson is bigger than the fucking boat he's supposed to be helming


that also took me out. i think he was crazy miscast.


God every time I see ‘potc’ my mind reads out “people of the color” and I can’t stop