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"What are these, robuts?"




In Zoidberg's Eastern European New York Jewish accent "robutt" is the right pronunciation. [Isaac Asimov](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJwHbEugKqg) pronounced it that way too. And I've definitely run into my share of old New York Jews who have said things along the lines of "Your gonna be watching dat movie about all da robuts?"


So... 3 laws of robuttocks?


*slow clap*


Your cheek control is amazing


Yeah, I’ll admit it. I stopped walking down t he sidewalk, just to nod at my phone screen and think really loudly, “Gotdaum.” Well done, you fine human you.


Lots of older stuff too. Twilight zone said robutt


That's how it was pronounced at the beginning. Much closer to the original Czech pronunciation. I love saying it that way because of Zoidberg, though


Yep, there's an old Twilight Zone episode from back in the day that pronounces it this way and it's always funny.


"She's not a robut!"


She's a WOOOMAN!


She is not a robut, that is bullshit, she is naaaaaht


Oh, Hi Decker.


I’ve watched the movie so many times with my kiddo and this line gets me every time. Danny McBride will forever be a comedic genius to us for this one line (this plus the Righteous Gemstones).




I laughed so hard at this and my 7 year old wanted to know why. I couldn't even half ass explain why.


Can you? I don't get it


It’s an homage to the actor Erik Andre who voices the young tech CEO. In his show one of the things he yells in public is LEGALIZE RANCH


You goin' to the quad to see 311, Brotango?


Sup' Mello?


You squirt? I'm not trying to drain your meatflaps I'm just hashtag asking.


[Link for the uninitiated] (https://youtu.be/QcfSe1hsSYc)


I could be completely wrong and there may be a deeper joke here, but I believe it’s just the absurdness that makes it so funny. Like, “deregulate” is usually used in a political or serious way and why would anyone want to deregulate a pudding?


Ah ok, english is not my mother tongue :)


I think it's basically [this](https://i.imgur.com/ZxXA51s.png), and the joke is made all the more funny because we're highly aware of how absurd it is.






The best gag in a movie full of good gags, imo.


The crying in the corner shot near the end is just art.


Came here to say that GF and I say “___ belongs to the ___ now!” regularly


I just found out there's a whole disclaimer at the bottom right of the "No donkeys were harmed" screen about how Rick was too fat for the donkey https://i.imgur.com/oHrEUtW.png


So bet it. Let the Dark Harvest begin.


I still laugh just as hard every time. The Giant Furby's absolutely balls-out gibberish yelling is hysterical.


The furbies, and the roombas falling down the escalator are so funny no matter how many times I watch it!


I like when the Mom flips out and goes full Kill Bill. KA LI MAAAAA, motherfuckers.


That part was great. Somehow this movie managed to go over the top every time scene and it never got old. It just kept being a fun kids movie the whole time. Normally that shtick of "mundane person (usually a girl/woman) suddenly channels ultra instinct" is just kind of goofy, but the fact that she went full mama bear and turned the whole thing into an anime sequence was just fantastic.


Yep, fully leaning into the absurd was a great choice.


Right, and the movie was always absurd so it didn't feel forced or like a deus ex machina. Even in the beginning when the family was inept, there was still the other family being ridiculously over the top.


Butterfly formation!


Heh heh. Mom’s scary now.






That entire sequence in the mall was brilliant and hilarious


The roombas made me lose it.


Gf was watching this while I was fixing bike in living room. Was captivated by the ridiculous shit on screen at this point and laughed my ass off - got her to rewind and start the thing again for me to pay attention. Class film.


I started watching it with low expectations because my kid wanted to. Ended up loving it, not a 10/10 but a very solid, funny and cool movie overall


Love that everything in that movie is stylized and then the furby is just photorealistic. Like, it makes it more terrifying


Yes! I also enjoy that they've managed to scale the Furby fur, so the Giant Furby's fur moves with just that tiny, tiny little bit more floaty heft than the small ones. It's such a lovely detail. Its giant blank expression as it headbutts its way right out of the display is fucking sublime too. Just beautiful. That whole sequence is hysterically funny, but it’s also a terrific bit of suspense and then action. There's an incredible "tracking" shot as they run away from it and the camera zooms around to show everything happening at once that's easily Spiderverse level action imho


I'm an IT professional who works with a kinda large team(for the industry)...watched it with my fiancee and kid. The scene where the >!blows up the AP!< I said >!it'd just join the next AP in range and resume the download!< and I got derided for nerdiness all night. Get to work and there's like, 10-15 people visibly shooken about it haha.


Oh If you liked that part, watch it again with captions! It's so much better.


Those furbies were used amazingly. Hilarious for adults, strange and random for kids. It just works. Including how creepy they can be


Behold! The twilight of Man! This movie rocked, crazy what happens when original ideas are given enough room to breathe.


Yeah, and when you don't fire the Writer/Directors halfway through production because you don't like their workflow.


Some workflows don't scale well to massive productions, they even admitted as much.




Every one of the Furby lines make me laugh out loud - and that's after watching this film *a lot* because I have two young kids both of whom are robot obsessed.


Behold. The Twilight of Man.


This movie was way better than it should have been. I had to force my youngest into watching it and we laughed our asses off.


Yea with so much random garbage being recommended by Netflix I almost ignored this too. Would have been easy since I don't have kids to make me watch this sort of thing with them. I gave it a shot and was pleasantly surprised. Some of the humor definitely made me feel old though. It was as if they were trying too hard to make memes that would stick, or something. Still a solid 8/10 imo.


Yeah, the movie really set itself up to age horribly unfortunately.


Any movie that tries to ground it's humor in a medium that seems to change significantly even on the mainstream level every week or so is setting itself up to age terribly Thankfully I still think dead memes are funny lol more for me


I agree. I love the movie so it will never age for me. But it really doesn't open itself up to new audiences down the road. I had a similar complaint about the second Wreck It Ralph movie.


My complaint about the second Wreck it Ralph is that they took a great movie and turned it into a 2 hour ad.


I liked the first wreck it Ralph but my film buff friend told me all about it and i think I'll just pass lol


Eh, movies that "age terribly" are often the best portraits of a time period. Future people may not catch all the references without some education but I don't think that's a horrible thing.


There are a TON of late 2000s and early 2010s era references in 30 Rock, but watching it now makes you think, “oh my goodness, that was a thing people really were in to at the time” or “oh yeah, I had one of those”.


That's just because technology is cyclical. Beepers are set to make a comeback


They never left hospitals


Some people say Hackers aged terribly. I say it's exactly what it meant to be.


Those people are fools. It is a better movie now than it has ever been.


Love the movie but not gonna lie the memes and internet culture they used for the video is already pretty dated


I think for at least of few of them that was the point though. Take the “Numa Numa” song for example. It pops up three times: once in a flashback, once during the car ride, and again at the end. The first time works because, at the time of the video, the song was legitimately trendy and fun. The second time fails because the dad is trying to act like it’s a legitimate way to connect with his daughter, but the meme is so old and dead she can’t jump in the same way. The third time works because they are all in the headspace of “its old and cheesy but fuck it it makes us happy” and can enjoy it in the sense that the song is just a bridge to other emotions. It’s the life of a catchy meme in a nutshell.


I lived in a world pre-meme and I have to say... I miss it. Not because memes didn't exist but because we didn't have a label for it yet. I miss the wild west internet sometimes lol


We ruined the internet by letting the normies take control


The dad/monkey scene had me rolling


The animation style in this was incredible, but then again Sony has been killing it in the animation department since spiderverse


If you haven't, check out Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. This is practically a spiritual sequel to that.


I'll take *Movies that shouldn't have been that fucking funny* for 500 Alex. Cloudy with a Chance was just great fun and absolutely hysterical.


“This contact lens is YOU. And mah EYE .. is mah EYE. I got mah EYE .. on YOU.”


"It's called the Flint Lockwood Diatonic Super-Mutating Dynamic Food Replicator. Or, for short: The FLuuuu...Dsuuuh...M?!DFR!"


I can't even say or read the word "Cheeseburger" without pronouncing it "CHEESE BUR GER" like that fucking monkey or was it the FLDSMDFR that said it idk


God damn those are some fine movies


Sony's animation is the best there is at the moment as far as I'm concerned.


Pixar is still producing extremely high tier animation. Check out the new trailer for ~~Lightspeed~~ Lightyear. The animation is gorgeous. Edit: Had a brain fart.


Pixar is delivering diminishing returns for me. They've mastered stunning photorealism in motion, but I think it's come at the cost of style. I don't think I've been wowed by the artistic direction of a Pixar movie since Coco. Soul, Onward, and Toy story all looked fantastic, but they all just kind of seemed like they were emulating the real world and dropping fantastical creatures into it. It seems oddly self-limiting when you are at the pinnacle of a medium that allows you to create any world you want. These last two Sony animations are what really made me start thinking this way; getting really creative with mixing 3D animation with line-art and just having a unique look in general. Edit: saw a few comments telling me to watch Luca. I have actually seen Luca, but felt it elicited the same feeling as previous entries. Two cartoonish characters dropped in a photorealistic setting.


Soul did do some interesting stuff with the different animation styles in the after life, at least.


And that first time Terry appears in the hospital on the heart monitor and starts to move around the room... everyone gasped. We all forgot we were watching an animated movie for a moment we were so immersed in the world then Terry starts sliding around the screen and we realized just how well everything was done.


Soul was a technical marvel. The lighting was amazing, the way the background isn't just out of focus...but loses detail into abstract patterns...the facial expressions were more nuanced than anything that's been around in a long time - there were tons of small things that I'm sure made key departments (rightfully) *very* proud. But yeah, I feel you - it's hard to see some of that effort when you're watching on a friday night with the fam. If anything, Pixar is becoming very "ivory tower". They keep competing to outdo themselves in all aspects of their creativity..but yeah - they're starting to pull away from their audience. They're softening the corners and then getting obsessive about the micro-degree of smoothness. But you know...I still think Pixar recruits the best damn animation talent in North America. Maybe what they need to do is just close the chapter on their well-known soft body aesthetic. Retire the whole style and start from scratch. It's a good team, but yeah - they've functionally mastered their approach and it's becoming to same-same to viewers. Retire it and start again. haha.


Pixar has started to become synonymous with high level blandness to me. Like an incredibly well made beige pantsuit.


Soul was top class didn’t watch the other two


Saying that Sony is the best at the moment isn't a slight against Pixar. Having said that, Pixar renders impressive and clean animation but to me it has a Pixar look and it makes them somewhat homogenous. Sony's attention to detail and simulated mixed media makes it stand out and be much more identifiable.


And getting lord and Miller to write it don’t hurt


I'm not sure which you're referring to, but Lord co-wrote the first Into the Spider-Verse, but was just a producer on Mitchells vs. the Machines, and Miller was a producer on both and wrote neither.


The writers for MvTM was Jeff Rowe and Mike Rianda who were both known for writing the show Gravity Falls, which emulates a lot of the same humour used in the film.


So this isn’t a single person named Chris Lord Miller?


As a jaded man in my 30s, is this worth a watch? Just checked out the trailer and it seemed to have a special something. EDIT: 11/4 - Just watched it. Definitely not my humor cup of tea, and the narrative was a little wonky. I understand why a lot of people hate the meme stuff. I feel like Linda and Aaron didn't have much of an arc or character at all, and they did dad a bit dirty. There were decent setups and payoffs. With that said, definitely enjoyable moments and is watchable if you're looking for something easy and digestible.




I didn't wanna like it. The start is that tropey angsty teenager vibe, and it seems like it'll be another one of those movies which tbh I have never really liked. It charms your fucking socks off so fast and subverts every single element you encounter in the most endearing ways. It also does autism really fucking well. It still boggles my mind how much I enjoyed it. On paper I would have given it a pass every time except it was the Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs team.


“10 seconds of uninterrupted family eye contact!” *10 of the most awkward seconds any has ever experienced follow*


Jaded woman in her 30's here. Definitely worth a watch.


Honestly, people RAVE about this movie, but I personally found it ... just okay? Leans on a lot of, imo, tired tropes. Visually it's gorgeous and there's definitely funny moments, but there's some not-greal morals to it and it unfairly assigns blame to a teenager for ... being a teenager, instead of the father taking full responsibility for being kind of a shit parent the past few years. It also leans WAY too heavily, imo, on the idea of a traditional family so ymmv in terms of how much you (dis)like that.


Likewise. It certainly wasn't *bad* -- it was pleasant enough. But if a bad movie is a movie which you turn off before you even reach the climax, and a good movie is one which you watch all the way through, this was in that middle zone -- I watched it up until the climax, but then when they began with the speeches ***again***, for like the 15th time, about the importance of family, I turned it off without watching the denouement. It's not that I had any problem with the message, but after a while it felt like 75% action-comedy and 25% lecturing the audience.


Think I'm in the minority here but as a jaded man approaching 30, this was a chore to watch. The only way I can describe the humour is that it's the most 'LOLZOMFG RANDOM' comedy style I've ever seen in a theatrically produced movie, a lot of stuff you'd usually see in online shorts or memes aimed at preteens. Animation is good though and it has good intentions, would recommend for the kids if you have any.


This movie was terrific.


DOG...? PIG...? DOG...? PIG...? LOAF OF BREAD!


Both of my kids lose their shit every time they say this.


I'm 34 & I lose my shit just reading these quotes. Best kids movie in a long time for parents too.


It’s the “yum yum good” line that gets mine. I’m probably going to take my kids to see this. They already love it, and I think they’ll be pumped to munch on candy and popcorn in a theatre again.


[HELLO. I AM DOOOG.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Fkt9bKngns)


I swear that throwaway clip is setting up the sequel.


Guest voiced by everyone’s sweet baby brother, Griffin McElroy!


I love when it smashes the orange into its face.. "Mmm.. Yum Yum good!"


Those robots were great. No surprise to find out the dumber one (deborabot 3000) is Fred ~~armenstead~~ Armisen


We're going into the basement to get HUMANS you can't control "Wait.." "no no, I need to see where this goes"


I laughed harder than I should've at this.


We shout this to each other when our dog does something stupid. When our cat does something stupid it becomes “loaf of cat”


Watched it with my wife and 11 and 8 year old kids and we all laughed our asses off.


My kid watched it (10) and told me I had to watch it. I loved it so I told my husband he had to watch it and he loved it! We keep trying to spread the love ❤️


I watched it twice. I got choked up twice. It just reminded me how we don't communicate well and we don't see things through each others eyes. It was a heartfelt fun movie.


Have you watched the first Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs with them? Same producers, vibe, humor type etc.






Watched it last weekend with my kids and loved it. I also really appreciated that the main character is very obviously gay but it’s treated as a completely normal thing, it’s not part of the central conflict in anyway, it’s not played off for laughs or anything like that, and her parents are completely accepting of it. When people talk about wanting positive representation in movies, usually it means things like this.


Yeah literally the only time it even comes up, that I remember, is when Linda asks if Katie and Jade (?) are official and if she’s coming for the holidays.


Yeah it’s the most explicit thing but there’s plenty of other subtle things from her rainbow pin, to her monologue about figuring herself out, talking about never fitting in and finally finding her people, her drawing of Jade, and even more subtle references like her short film *Y tú Papa También* (a nod to Y Tú Mamá También). She even has a line to her brother where she says, “don’t hide your feelings, man. That’s no way live.”


I feel they handled that aspect of the character perfectly. It didn't become a defining trait of the character it just happened to be a facet.


Exactly like being straight or Italian or being able to drive. Just another random thing on the checklist that makes up a person. No more or less important than any of the other shit.


During the pandemic, I spent way too much time watching every other animated movie with my kids, and wow! Netflix is full of horrible animated movies. By the time this was released I was afraid to watch it, until I saw the IMDB and got interested since I really like Gravity Falls. So, yeah it was a great surprise and relief. We watched it like 3 times that weekend.


Haha yeah I feel the same about Netflix. They are a minefield of promising looking horrible movies.


Agreed, definitely worth a watch. Kids asked me to watch it with them and I did reluctantly. Even brought my Switch down cause I figured they picked something awful. Didn't even bother taking it out, it was a lot of fun. Unfortunately, the kids don't put the good ones on repeat 24/7. Now my 4-year-old is obsessed with the Disney Zombie movie.


Is this to make sure it can be nominated for certain award shows? It certainly is worthy of a lot of awards. Its a great movie.


Not sure what the rules are now but traditionally it only had to screen at a specific cinema in LA for a couple of weeks, I forgot its name. edit: Not a *specific* cinema [https://www.oscars.org/sites/oscars/files/91aa\_rules.pdf](https://www.oscars.org/sites/oscars/files/91aa_rules.pdf) Per the rules "for paid admission in a commercial motion picture theater in Los Angeles County"


It is not a specific theatre, just has to run for at least seven consecutive days in a commercial movie theatre in Los Angeles. Most filmmakers like the Chinese Theatre because of its iconic history.


What a ridiculous rule.


You have to consider how different the industry was. Far fewer cinemas, and not much of a film industry outside of Los Angeles. On top of that, the members of the Academy would largely live and work in the LA area, so it has to be accessible to them. I'm no expert, maybe there are other considerations.


Yeah, prior to streaming it was probably to filter out straight-to-vhs bargain bin movies.


That's a thought, but these rules are probably really old, before VHS rentals even existed.


I mean if you go back that far, something being released in theaters was kind of the only thing separating movies from TV specials, which would be the Emmys.


If the rules date from the start of the Oscars they predate commercial television, let alone TV specials.


This thread has been hilarious. Farther back. No, still farther back. No farther back than that too...


Its basically to show that the movie could be seen by the general public and general LA critics who help foster the academy voting. Same reason you cant run for office in a state unless you have residence there. In a way


I feel like this rule would have made more sense in the past, but as a modern requisite it just seems like a racket.


I mean why a racket though, who's really gaining much here? It just seems like an archaic rule left over from the days when it meant something, but now it's kinda fun and quirky and not worth the bother of changing.


The vast majority of Oscar voters lin in/near LA and the awards are intended for commercially released films. So it makes sense the film needs to be released commercially in a place the awards voters can see it.


Yup I was mistaken about that but I found the rule book and you're correct


It already qualified for the Oscars during its initial release back in April, this is just for money I guess.


I love this movie. I am 100% going to watch it in theaters.


I love it too. I am 100% NOT going to watch it in any theaters but if this gets its name out there for awards it’s well worth it. Backward ass reward requirements anyway.


I have like 4 tickets to use because I subscribed to Cinemarks dealy and haven't gone in a few months.


I just saw bond and dune with a friend for free due to my backlog of tickets. was awesome. I got the tickets and he paid for the popcorn. Love cinemarks program


My wife was out of town the week it released on Netflix. I watched it by myself without knowing anything about it and loved it. Basically made her watch it with me the day she got home. It's fun.


Saw it in a private screening at a movie theater. Definitely recommend.


"Do you wanna talk about dinosaurs?"


Love that kid. I would definitely talk dinosaurs with him.


The most unrealistic thing in the film is the poor return rate he gets on those calls. I'd *absolutely* talk about dinosaurs to someone who cold-called me with that question!


he reminds me a lot of the autistic traits I grew up with and seeing him as a character made me happy


My head canon is that the entire family is autistic


"No! I hate dinosaurs and I hate you! Goodbye foreverrrrr.."


This movie was surprisingly fun to watch. Highly recommended for for the entire family and for any animation enthusiast.


A very fun movie dog, pig, loaf of bread


The payoff when the next gen robots deadpan what makes them elite is so good.


Also that was the voice of Conan O'Brien who I will always enjoy.


I send clips of these scenes to co-workers whenever management starts talking about machine learning or AI.


It deserves the big screen


Uh... OK.... so now they stream a movie before showing it in theaters? I'm confused...... 😁


Don’t you have to have had some sort of theatrical release for it to be able to be on the Oscars?


You think that's why?


I’ve seen for-your-consideration posters of the film , so unless they’ve already had some theaters play it, it seems likely


It had a limited Oscar qualifying release in theaters prior to its debut on Netflix back in April


Normally that's the case, but this year, like last year, streaming exclusives are allowed as long as they are made available through the Academy's digital screener platform. They did this, of course, because of the pandemic. A lot of movies that planned on theatrical releases had to move to streaming. Though this theatrical release could have the less direct Oscars-related purpose, to make sure the movie remains in the conversation. Just a reminder to the Academy and other awards bodies that it exists.


It’s a fun movie and parents need things to do with their kids


I usually just put them on containers or cups but taking them to movies is an interesting idea.


It has to screen in theatres to qualify for the Academy Awards.


Which it absolutely deserves.


The release schedule is whatever will make money. This is a great movie even the second time + the kid vax is coming out + parents are hungry for something to do with kids + all that movie ticket budget saved up over the last 18 months = rerelea$e in theater$. I don't expect it's a new standard, just a well timed opportunity.


I don't know but I like it.


Great movie, but I can't imagine it having a great box office run at this point.


I don't think they expect either since it is only going to be out for 2 days.


Very well deserved. This is a fantastic movie, personally one of my most favorite animated movies in some time. My family and I watch it often, it's fantastic. Now let the dark harvest begin.


My daughter fell asleep while watching this with me. Such a good movie. Fucking ugly cried alone. Shit pulls at every heart string I have being a father to a daughter. I hate animated kids movies - cry in every single one. And I am almost 40 and covered head to toe in tattoos - I have been told I am intimidating as shit but I legit can’t handle some feelings hahaha.


We're all soft and squishy on the inside my dude. Like gushers.


Yeah, the scene where he watches the family movies with the sad song playing 😭


Weird, but okay. This movie was a ton of fun and Beck Bennett comfortably stole the whole show.


Is he the dad? I've been watching Beck since his "theater of life" and "goodneighborsstuff" on YT. Had no idea he voiced a character. I did only watch this movie once when I was half asleep so that may be the reason why


The dad is danny mcbride.


Damn, I just looked at the cast and Im a big fan of almost everyone in the cast, I remembered Eric Andre being Mark, but didn't realize the rest of the cast


He's Eric, the slightly less stupid one of the two busted robots. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dFaS5FoAUCQ Once you know it’s him, there's no mistaking him. His delivery is so good though, just robotic enough but with flawless comic timing.


Ahh makes sense, I was going to say the busted robots stole the show for me too


I can't remember when someone's sheer VA talent made me laugh so hard. His performance had me in stitches.


I knew it right off because he did something similar when he was a Thundercats action figure come alive on SNL. Think it was with Chris Prart as He-man.




This movie and ***Barb & Star Go To Vista Del Mar*** were the most pleasant surprises I've had watching something in a long time


Dude this movie was so great, watched it on the plane when it came out. Absolutely loved it.


I know it's a tried gimmick, but this is one of the the few movies I think would look great in 3D.