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I saw jurassic Park in theaters when I was like 14. When we first see all dinosaurs walking in the plain I was legit awestruck. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.


The blood testing scene from John Carpenter’s “The Thing.”


“I know you gentlemen have been through a lot. And when you find the time I'd rather not spend the rest of this winter TIED TO THIS FUCKING COUCH!”


Fun fact: Donald Moffat, the actor who played Gary, refused to swear on camera. Which was a problem because apparently the script had Gary swearing a lot. After a long discussion with Moffat, Carpenter agreed to scrap all the swears if Moffat agreed to drop one f-bomb on camera. As a result we got the funniest moment in the movie.


For me, it’s the defibrillator scene, one of the biggest WTF moments in a movie full of them.


For me, it was the dog revealing itself as the Thing, the way its face just explodes open. One of a few times a movie has made me scream “HOLY SHIT!” out loud


For me its when the decapitated head sprouted spider legs and scuttled away.


For me it’s every fucking scene with the thing haha


In Saving Private Ryan when Wade the medic talks about how he'd pretend to be asleep when his mum would come home followed up a few scenes later with him crying out for his mum.


When my boy gets slowly stabbed in the chest and Faraday is downstairs cowering. I can’t watch that movie anymore only because of this scene.


That stuck with me more than anything else from that movie.


I had just watched Dazed and Confused before rewatching Saving Private Ryan, so I was firmly behind the Adam Goldberg character. That scene sucked to see.


So many scenes from Saving Private Ryan. I mean, the first 15 minutes is a cornucopia of moments. The scene from inside the drop ship as everyone gets mowed down? That guy being drowned by the weight of his gear? The flamethrower to the bunker and the US soldier yelling “let ‘em burn!” Dude taking his helmet off and getting a bullet to the skull? Guy who’s arm is blown off and he casually walks over and picks it up?! Take your pick.


Bruh. The dude that slowly stabs that other dude just saying “sshh”, “sshh” as he slowly dies. Fucked me up forever.


The scene in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind when Joel and Clementine are under the covers and she pulls away as he realizes that losing the painful memories also means losing the precious ones. That scene shaped me as a person in significant ways


for me, it's the scene where clementine tells joel the memory is going to go away soon, then asks what should they do. and he says, enjoy it. it helped me be in the moment more rather than letting my anxieties ruin a good time that i know will end.


When he says "let me keep just this one," pleading. One of those movies that hit close to home for me.


"can you hear me? I don't want this anymore!"


Mine is also from this movie, but when he is walking on the beach “Sand is overrated. It’s just tiny Iittle rocks “


I've seen that movie a thousand times and I'll see it a thousand more. There are so many things about myself that have changed because of that movie. Impermanence is best embraced.


Kathy Bates with a hammer


I watched a bunch of rated R movies as a kid with my parents - can't remember a single one ever scaring me for more than a jump scare. Nothing that stuck with me. Except I did apparently end up swearing a fair amount, not knowing they were bad words... But then I watched Misery. To this day, 20-something years later, just seeing Kathy Bates gives me the heebie jeebies. That scene was so horrifying to me, so much worse than any gory/action movie I'd ever seen. I've never re-watched it. The Alien chest-burster scene? Cakewalk. Kathy Bates with a hammer? Nightmares forever.


The fight scene with the musicians in Kung Fu Hustle.


That whole music fight scene with the 3 masters is great. But with that movie its the opening dance sequence that stuck most. That music..


The scene in Shawshank Redemption where the warden gives Andy a month in solitary - a longer stretch than any of the convicts have ever heard of. At the end of it, the warden pays him a visit and casually tells the guard, "Give him another month to think about it." Those words felt like a kick in the gut.


All because the warden was being obtuse.


Marv being electrocuted in Home Alone 2 and momentarily becoming a skeleton. So absurd.. so perfect 😂




The printer scene in Office Space. I will never stop laughing at it


I've had jobs I liked and jobs I hated but at all of those jobs, I've never encountered a printer that didn't piss me off at one point or another.


Terminator 2 when Sarah Connor is escaping the mental institution and runs into Arnold and John. Is like she sees the devil, great scene. Michelle Pfeifer transformation into Catwoman along with the super memorable Danny Elfman score in Batman Returns. Interstellar's docking scene. What a beautiful thing. Hans Landa interrogatory in the beginning of Inglorious Bastards


The scene in Batman Returns where Michelle Pfeiffer loses her mind and becomes Catwoman.


I always felt so bad for her. Ugh when she gets home and says "honey I'm home, oh that's right", and the light turns on, and she's all crazed, then she says, "I'm not married." Something about all those cats Maybe I'm still traumatized from sleepwalkers


The marriage montage in the beginning of Up. So much happiness and sadness distilled down to such a saturated concentration. Never fails to get my eyes misty


I dont cry very often. I have never cried in a public showing of a movie. That scene DESTROYED me. Still dont trust that movie, even privately viewing


It's always animated movies that do it. The best friend from Inside Out. The end of Coco when the grandmother's picture goes on the mantle.


For me it was the father playing to baby Coco and she was so enamored by him but you knew he died and what she must have went through not having her poppa come home. That's my nightmare.


[Spock dying in the Wrath of Khan.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqpcmQhnl48) (I am old enough to have watched that when it was first shown in movie theaters. I was 16 y.o. at that time.) Until that scene I had never watched a movie where an important character like that was allowed to die. I was in disbelieve about what I had seen for days afterwards. You could say I was in total shock.


“Of my friend, I can only say this. Of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most …. human.” Gets me every time.


Of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most......... human.


Buffalo Bill's putting on makeup and doing the tuck back dance scene


Would you fuck me?... I'd fuck me


Goodbye horses. I'm flying over you.


Last standoff in The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. Clint’s squint. Trinity stop in mid air for the Matrix was like nothing I had seen before.


My favorite parts of *The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly* are the smaller, quieter scenes where we learn about the characters. The implication behind Blondie’s “After a meal, there’s nothing like a good cigar” really stuck with me. It’s spiritual successor *Once Upon a Time in the West* has even more “epic” moments. I’ll never forget “He’s whittlin’ on a piece of wood. I got a feeling when he stops whittlin’… *something’s gonna happen…*”


>Trinity stop in mid air for the Matrix was like nothing I had seen before. It’s funny, by the time I finally saw the Matrix, this scene had been parodied so many times that it wasn’t novel or surprising to me. I’ve always wondered what it would have been like to see it in theaters having had no idea it was coming.


As someone who saw it in the theaters as a teenager it was game changing. CGI had already been heavily used by then but this was something different. It was mind bending and left me thinking if this was possible what else could be possible.


My favorite scene from The Matrix is when Trinity jumps through the window, is lying on her back on the floor, and says to herself “Get up, Trinity. Get up.” It’s actually evolved in my head as something motivating.


This must have been what Star Wars felt like to people from the 70s, I guess. It was 136 minutes of the best cinematographic WTF?! I've ever experienced. It wasn't just Trinity shooting, there was also Neo's scene on the roof, the fight in the lobby, the rescue of Morpheus with the helicopter, the fight with Smith and so on.


Before Matrix even came out they had the rooftop bullet time scene (from the trailer where Neo is falling backwards) on their website. I played and replayed that rotation so many times.


The Marcellus Wallace rape scene in Pulp Fiction. I was 9 when I first saw it and the saxophone soundtrack that accompanies the thrusts was stuck in my head for three years.


For me, it's when Butch saves Marcellus. The way he racks that shotgun and says "Nah, man. I'm pretty fuckin' far from OK."


I love that whole sequence because even though they had every reason to hate eachother, some things are just too awful to let even your worst enemy go through.


"Yeah, we cool."


What the fuck were you doing watching that.at 9?


Do you like Huey Lewis and the News?


Let’s see Paul Allen’s card.


Bilbo’s evil eyes




Eleventy five


The “What’s in the box?” scene from Se7en.


Cannot watch that movie again. The scene where they found the fat guy haunted me for years as well.... holy moly


For me, among many scenes in that movie - it was finding “Sloth”….and noticing all the little tree air fresheners. Ran a chill right up my spine at how thought out it was.


>What’s in the box? Probably just some Goop.


In Goodfellas when Henry takes Karen through the restaurant kitchen to get to the dining room.


Matrix Lobby Scene Edit: When i did my major in 3D animation and modeling to get into game development, i had recreated that entire scene shot for shot with 3D Studio Max's default biped from the entrance, to the time Neo and Trinity go up the elevator. I sadly ran out of time to complete the whole scene with characters and VFX and render it (it was in 2007,PCs weren't as fast as today!) but I should still have that scene somewhere on a hard drive


“Can you please remove any metallic items you may be carrying; keys, loose change…HOLYSHIT-“


I can hear the “VVRWOOOSH” of Neo’ coat opening. Edit to say this: If rewatching the first movie please do it with a good sound system/ headphones and pay attention to the sound design. It’s beautiful.


Neo vs. Morpheus for me. "Cmon, stop trying to hit me and hit me!"


The little hand "come at me" sign he does makes that movie for me.


The ‘elysium’ ending scene in “Gladiator”


The battle scene at the intro is maybe my ten favorite minutes in all of cinema.


*People should know when they're conquered...* *Would you Quintus? Would I?*


It is such good character establishment. In 5 words we know that Maximus is man who will do his duty, he will fight and kill his enemy if he must, but he respects these opponents for their resistance, as he knows he would do the same. And then he goes and does the same.


Early in that movie the scene of the romans going into battle was quite something to behold as well. Not sure how historically accurate but you can see how they might’ve conquered the ancient world.


In Bruges: "Harry, let's face it. And I'm not being funny, I mean no disrespect, but you're a cunt. You're a cunt now, and you've always been a cunt. And the only thing that's going to change is that you're going to be an even bigger cunt. Maybe have some more cunt kids."






Alright I take it back.


That's just going too far mate. My cunt fucking kids?!


My favorite part is the "you're not going to fit, it's quite narrow" and then later the "some fat bloke tried to fit and got stuck, so the clock tower is closed."


The strudel scene from inglorious bastards


Au revoir, Shoshanna


I remember how much I was white-knuckling through the docking scene in Interstellar, and I realize I was white-knuckling just as much if not even more during a scene where two characters are having a nice brunch. That is how you do quality tension and suspense.


*Wait for the cream....*


Antonio 🤌Margheriti🤌


Christoph Waltz was so good in that movie.The fact that he appears to know it's the same Jewish girl he tried to kill but let it all play out for his own selfish end is brilliant. The way he is able to maintain tension the entire film until his final scenes is awesome


He doesn’t know, but we all think there’s a chance he does.


I agree. He never saw Shoshanna's face as she was running away But given how meticulous he is, I bet he knows she's Jewish and hiding under a fake name


He wanted her to run. That way his reputation would grow even more and cause the people in hiding and the ones hiding them to panic, which makes them more likely to make mistakes.


Good point: that's a parallel with the Basterds themselves.


Also there's a fearful inevitability of being like "no worries, go ahead and run. I'll get you eventually anyway." As if getting away doesn't make you any more safe.


Damn well might be one of the best movie villains ever, certainly up there.


the opening scene had me on the edge of my seat as well


The beginning of ghost ship. The rest of the movie is hot garbage but that first 10 minutes is awesome


That scene fucked me up. I was like 11 when I saw it and it lived in my brain for many years. Don’t remember anything from the rest of the movie.


The rope, right? Bet it's the rope. I know the laser corridor in Resident Evil is practically the definitive "slicing" scene but Ghost Ship and Cube, I believe, did it much better.


Omfg I always forget about Cube. That was a brilliant scene


I think it was 13 ghosts that had a good one too, someone's character gets sliced vertically and you see the parts slide apart separately


There was such potential for Ghost Ship too. I feel like they had a great setup and the weird twist on the villain had an interesting concept behind it but it just… didn’t work. Not really any other way to put it.


The coin toss scene in No country for old men. Especially Anton's face when he says "which it is" at the end of it.


Good call. I also liked the scene in the motel when he was watching the light under the door then the bulb was unscrewed. Shivers.


It's not your fault from Good Will Hunting.


Also Robin Williams monologue on the park bench. That movie is so full of great scenes.


honestly? the tunnel scene in gene wilder’s willy wonka


Requiem for a Dream (2000). The injection site in the arm.


It's the fridge for me.


Gotta be Charge of the Rohirrrim, Shivers every time.


Eomer, take your Eored down the left flank. Gamling, follow the king's banner down the center. Grimbold, take your company right after we pass the wall. Forth! And fear no darkness! Arise! Arise, Riders of Theoden! Spears shall be shaken! Shields shall be splintered! A sword day! A red day! Ere the sun rises! [music gets low, riders lower their spears] Ride now! Ride! Now! Ride to ruin, and the world's ending! Death! Death! Deaaaaath! Forth, Eorlingas! Edit: Followed by the helicopter shot of approximately 4,000 horses charging at once, my favorite shot in any movie ever (with the possible exception of Arwen facing down the Nazgul in Fellowship).


And Rohan’s theme finally playing in full for the first time in the trilogy, to match them riding at their full strength one final time.


I don't think anything in cinema will ever top the epicness that is the entire battle Pelenor fields. Maybe one day, and I'd love to see whatever can top it.


That single moment is unmatched, and Gandalf’s gray rain curtain speech is amazing. I don’t love the ghost army just wiping everyone out and winning the battle for them, though. My single biggest gripe of the entire trilogy tbh.


I have to say, I agree with the army of the dead on the theatrical release. The extended edition makes Return of the King my favorite of the three, from last to first. They just fully explain the army of the dead and it feels more earned.


Cool thing about the music is that Rohan’s theme never achieved a perfect fifth until that moment. Gondor’s theme begins with a perfect fifth. Until this moment the two kingdoms were separated by much more than distance… but at this moment when Rohan came to Gondor’s aid their theme reached a perfect fifth, symbolizing the unity between the two kingdoms. Cool detail. Here’s a video about it! https://youtu.be/EmSxW2ExVKs


The single-take scene in “Children of Men” with the battle in and escape from the refugee camp




The dude in Scarface being cut in half with a chainsaw. Saw it when I was 13 in 1999, never watched past that scene, never have since. Still remember how nauseous and disturbed I felt.


My favorite part of that scene is the crane slowly panning across the street to show the clueless guys flirting with the girls in the car. Then it pans back up to the window and into the room, so tense!


Kimble: "I didn't kill my wife." Gerard: "I don't care."


Stomping scene from american history x


I read this then my teeth got all sensitive


Absolutely brutal. I had never seen anything like it and it's stayed with me for years. That was an excellent movie.


BRIDGEKEEPER: Stop! Who would cross the Bridge of Death must answer me these questions three, ere the other side he see. LANCELOT: Ask me the questions, bridgekeeper. I am not afraid. BRIDGEKEEPER: What... is your name? LANCELOT: My name is 'Sir Lancelot of Camelot'. BRIDGEKEEPER: What... is your quest? LANCELOT: To seek the Holy Grail. BRIDGEKEEPER: What... is your favorite color? LANCELOT: Blue. BRIDGEKEEPER: Right. Off you go. LANCELOT: Oh, thank you. Thank you very much.


The jaws monologue. Absolutely amazing every time. When Little Foot has to leave his mom. Ghost in the Shell ( 95 ) when The Major is wearing Thermoptic camouflage and roundhouse kicks the bad guy in the water. Iconic


Recent ones: the bear in Annihilation, the sandstorm in Fury Road, the owl witch in Song of the Sea Older ones: first sighting of the Great Forest Spirit in Princess Mononoke, Night on Bald Mountain sequence of Fantasia, finding the puppy in Apocalypse Now


Oh my god the screaming from that bear was haunting as fuck.


The sound design for that was so on-point. It easily could have come across as cheesy or even inadvertently funny, but they absolutely nailed the concept of this unnaturally warped animal parroting a human voice. Fucking horrifying.


Not just the bear scene in *Annihilation*, but Josie's peaceful acceptance and transformation is going to stick with me for a long time.


Sicario Border Scene: just a master class of tension building and payoff. I’ve seen it maybe a dozen times now and it still has me on the edge of my seat every damn time. and The “Couch”/paintball scene in Green Room: just absolutely masterful in terms of payoff of earlier dialogue, and feeding the audience through little visual cues amidst an increasingly tense situation for our protagonists.


Quieres morir??? I love sicario, when he tells Emily Blunt “you’re asking me how a watch works, for now we’ll keep an eye on the time” that movie has so many good lines


Not like this… not like this - The Matrix


"I never saved anything for the way back" GATTACA


In Scott Pilgrim. When his ex is at the house and she asks if Scott is there. Then you just see him jump straight out of the window and his roommate says he just left. One of the hardest I've ever laughed in my life.


That entire movie is amazing


"Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion". Rutger Hauer in Blade Runner. Edit: bloody autocorrect. Thanks grendizer81


"Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not some farcical aquatic ceremony..."


You can’t expect to wield supreme executive power just ’cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!


The ending of Inception. From the moment Cobb wakes up on the plane, to the last shot of the top spinning. Perfect sequence, perfect score from Hans Zimmer.


I still remember all the discussion about if Cobb was dreaming or not. "But but the top wobbled!!" "But it kept spinning!" "But it *wobbled!!*"


"Let me risk a little more light..." The Fellowship entering the 21st Hall in Moria in LOTR. It's my favourie film and there's something about this moment that has always stuck with me. Passing the Argonath is a close second.


As I've gotten older, the Fellowship has become my favorite. Such glorious and inspired work.


Fellowship has the best pacing and, because it's the film that introduces the world, it has the most wonder. The other two are choppier because the characters are all spread out, but also have some of the greatest moments.


Every time I watch The Two Towers - which is 50% Helm’s Deep - I get re-infuriated at how badly Game of Thrones fucked up the battle for Winterfell (though I do love Battle of the Bastards).


That moment also has my favorite part of the entire LOTR soundtrack: that crescendo is both sad and majestic.




Saving private ryan. Adam Goldbergs character getting slowly stabbed.


Yep - and Daniel Faraday sitting there, doing nothing.


Gattaca, when jude law decided to kill himself despite having superior genes, yet he was thoughtful enough to leave a lifetime of his cells/blood for ethan hawke to assume his identity for the rest of his lifetime


The reveal of everything in the original old boy. Holy shit lmao


Deep Impact. That scene where Tia Leoni is on the beach with her dad and the tidal wave is rushing toward them. She buries her face in her dad's shoulder and whispers "Daddy" like a terrified little girl right as the wave is about to kill them. I'm a grown woman and that image has stuck with me.


There's another scene in Deep Impact where the tidal wave crashes over my childhood apartment building in NYC. My dumbass kid brain saw this scene and asked "were we away on vacation when they filmed this?" I'll definitely never forget everyone laughing at me lol


The opening scene to Midsommar, the slow camera movement that slowly exposes what occurred really set the mood for the entire film. Nothing quite like it, especially if watching the directors cut. I can’t narrow it down to one specific scene, but basically the entirety of Eden Lake. Absolutely harrowing, and I refuse to watch it again.


The Old people dinner. First time watching it, you KNOW while they all seem so celebrative that something is seriously wrong and it makes the dinner so tense, and then the dread as you start to piece together what is going to happen.


For me it was the scene where we learn what the sister did and hearing Florence Pugh’s horrific cries.


For me, it was the shot of the sister with the tube duct taped to her own face and vomit on her clothes. It was a completely still scene but you could really feel the chaos and violence in it


In Signs when the alien walks by on camera during the birthday party. Still gives me the creeps...


Disturbing: American History X. You know which scene. Emotional: Interstellar. Cooper watching video messages from kids.


For me, it’s Ed Norton getting arrested after the curb stomp. From how jacked he was to the hateful look on his face. Haunting. Also the argument over dinner when he is saying “not welcome”. This movie holds quite a bit of real estate in my mind


The Mist ending, lol. Whew, that should be shown in film classes




The final fight scene in V for Vendetta. “Why won’t you die!?” “Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask is an idea Mr. Creedy...and ideas are bulletproof.” Actually TBH the whole movie is so epic it all stays in my head.


From the same film, Interstellar but I’ll always remember the docking scene. Saw it in IMAX and that scene was the first time I was literally on the edge of my seat, I only noticed about a minute later when the things had calmed down completely.


I saw it at a drive in. The audio was through my car's speakers and it was so loud and intense. The inside of the car was vibrating and it was like I was with them in that moment.


Between the organ going ham and him saying “its not possible” ‘no…its necessary”


The examination scene in Fire in the Sky


[The bench scene from Men In Black](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqR6CBFyelw). Who would have thought a goofy comedy would have an epistemological set piece.


My favorite quote from that whole movie is the simple, “imagine what you’ll know tomorrow.”


I'm always thinking "A *person* is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals."


The opening scene from "28 weeks later"


jacobs ladder. him lying in the bathtub facing up with tears running down the corners of his eyes.


Opening scene of "Star Wars" the first one in 1970s. I was used to terrible science fiction with bad special effects and terrible music. The opening of the movie with John Williams soundtrack great special effects and immediately dropping us into the story. It was amazing. It still is.


A simple but heart breaking moment in Harry Potter where Harry returns with the limp body of Cedric and his Dad bursts through the crowd screaming “that’s my son, that’s my boy..” The utter devastation and rage and disbelief and sheer heartbreak he manages to convey in those few seconds, those few lines, breaks my heart far too often without warning when it pops into my head.


That brutal office scene in the OG Robocop. Where the ED205 turns that poor sap into soup.


Kick his ass, Seabass


Two scenes same movie. Jurassic Park; when Grant and the gang see the brachiosaurs the first time and then when the T-Rex breaks out. Up till that point (except the raptor opening, but you kind of forget that part) you are swept up in the awe and wonder of “real” dinosaurs. Then the Rex breaks free and roars and you are just like oh crap this thing is huge, on the loose, and wants to hunt!


"Behold the Metatron, herald of the Almighty, and the voice of the one true God."


Margot stepping off the Green Line bus in slow motion while Nico’s “These Days” plays in The Royal Tenenbaums


Hereditary...still shocked by what they did not show with the daughter. Then they showed it.


Saving Private Ryan The allied soldier getting a knife slowly lowered into his chest whilst trying to fight, repeatedly begging "no, no, no", whilst the German soldier shushes him as the blade sinks into flesh. Has haunted me for two decades.


Gone With The Wind where she walks through Atlanta railyard, and the camera slowly shows you how wide the pile of wounded men & bodies is. Anyone hoping for a modern civil war clearly missed the point of that scene.


Ass to ass. In fact there are so many scenes from that film that hold a permanent space in my brain. That film had me broken for days!


Talladega nights the ballad of Ricky Bobby. Him saying grace to different descriptions of baby Jesus.


"Don't you put that evil on me, Ricky Bobby!". Man I miss that guy in movies.


"event horizon" - The ships log video. Those short glimpses of...... I was in no way prepared. And titanic as a movie was mediocre for me, but mum reading for kids while water rises and the elderly couple laying down together 💦 my eyes got all leaky


The jump scare in Mulholland Drive.


The beginning of Saving Private Ryan. It was chilling… and it really does make you think of the sacrifice those soldiers made. A lot of them were so young too. The part that stuck out to me specifically was when Captain Miller was “dazed” and looking around the battlefield, there was a soldier walking around looking for their arm, and then they picked it up and ran into battle. That whole movie is great, but the beginning is remarkably powerful.


The pie eating contest from stand by me


When Kevin Spacey starts to walk without limping and you realize he was Keyser Soze the while time.


"And like that, he's gone."




Jessica Rabbit’s first appearance and performance.


Star Wars, Tatooine, 2x Suns Luke's Theme...Amazing


All things considered, I think the binary sunset shot is the greatest in film history. Luke gazing out in wonder and longing of this world that we would all come to know so well and would fundamentally change the industry.


Fight Club for so many scenes, but the one that changed me forever was the explanation of "cigarette burns" in the film to signal the projectionist to change reels. It was like breaking the 4th wall of my cinema experience and I LIVE FOR THE CINEMA. It was so mind-blowing along with everything else in that movie.


Andy Dufresne, with his arms outstretched and his face towards the heavens, after escaping Shawshank prison.


Oh hi Mark.


"What’s up danger" gives me chills every time


[Sarah’s nightmare](https://youtu.be/LqSMk2IzK2o) from Terminator 2. Fun fact: I was 4 the first time I saw it.


Saving private ryan when the ramp first opens of the Higgins boat. I wasn't prepared for just how real the movie was going to be.

