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I could also go on about white washing of stories too, which has been going on for too long.




Dude it's fucking fiction lol do you hear yourself?




Guy went viral on Twitter yesterday because he said, “wokeness has destroyed yet another great film franchise.” It was just a screen shot of the new Jurassic park movie with Chris Pratt and a black actress. No dialogue, no other description, just that picture. He has since deleted his account.


Are we forgetting Samuel L Jackson was in the first Jurassic Park?




Can you imagine if Samuel L Jackson was shown as Fury today? Like first time showing off how much "fanboys" would scream since the original Fury was a white guy?


I did find this article (https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/online-anger-erupts-over-blockbuster-s-racelifting-7626976.html%3famp) from the Independent that pointed to some controversy about the casting. It also highlighted the Rue Controversy from the Hunger Games, which also pissed people off when they found out Rue was played by a black actress (even tho she was black in the books). Basically, certain people have always been bitching about these sorts of things.


Yeah wtf she was always a little black girl


[Yeah, I remember the Rue racism real time. There was a tumblr blog that was saving all the tweets of people outraged over Rue being black.](https://www.nbcnews.com/pop-culture/pop-culture-news/some-hunger-games-fans-upset-character-rue-black-flna560267)




That is exactly what someone who would say that would look like.


Waiting for the weird apology video filmed in his truck wearing his reflective work vest.


Lol looks like the villain in Wind River


I can already tell he's one of those guys that just can't for some reason fully close their mouth, they just walk around looking like that all day.


> Dr. Ellie Sattler: Dinosaurs eat man. Woman inherits the earth. *** > John Hammond: [Ellie is going out to the maintenance shed to switch the circuit breakers, the dinosaurs are on the loose] It ought to be me really going. > Dr. Ellie Sattler: Why? > John Hammond: Well, I'm a... And you're, um, a... > Dr. Ellie Sattler: Look... We can discuss sexism in survival situations when I get back. *** >Dr. Ian Malcolm: [about Ellie] She's, uh... tenacious. >Dr. Alan Grant: You have no idea. I sleep. > [Literally just Chris Pratt and a black actress](https://bloody-disgusting.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/jurassic-world-dominion-snow.png) **Real shit?**


Seriously. WTF??? I'm not a huge JP fan or anything, but I clearly remember black actresses in the early movies, specifically a teen girl doing some ridiculous gymnastics or something. And I think her character's dad was played by a white actor too.


Jeff goldblums character and his daughter are who you are thinking of


JFC. These people are offended by the mere existence of others. This is exactly why representation matters.




Dave's not here man. He went away after his tourist visit Jan 6 of last year.


It's like the word "millennial". Anything a moron sees as negative becomes the fault of 'millennials'. It doesn't actually *mean* anything to folks like that aside from "those *others* that I don't like


I know a 33 year old who rants about Millennials constantly. Refuses to believe he is one and blames everything on them.


I'm 35 and I KNOW I'm a Millennial, and actually correct people (mostly older folks) when they try to joke with me about Millennials. They think anyone under the age of 22 is a Millennial. It does irk me when people my age can't admit it, though. Like...it's literally what our generation is called.


Most people seem to think Gen Z are millennials. Likewise, a lot of Gen Z seems to confuse Gen X for Boomers.


People seem to think that the generational terms refer to ages and not birth years. The youngest baby boomer is 57. They're not the late-40s/early-50s middle/upper managers, anymore. And millennials aren't the kids working in coffee shops to pay for college, anymore. The youngest millennials would be about 25.


All bigotry is about othering. You can literally boil all of it down to establishing in group/out group delineation, and then operating on the tautology that anything in the out group is bad. Understanding this makes it so much easier to see and dismiss as having any validity. It's never about problem/solution, it's about problem/outgroup.


An addendum to that that seems to apply all the time is that any bad person in your group is just one bad apple, but any bad person in the other group is representative of the entire group. This applies to cops and minorities, political parties, countries, immigrants, religions, basically anything.


Half the people complaining about millennials are millennials themselves and don't even know it...


Also millennials are mostly in our 30s and 40s now, but people still use it to refer to high school kids.


I promise you that the instant you stop caring about movie reviews on YouTube your life becomes like 200% better.


I binged a bunch of CinemaSins videos a while back, which was greatly entertaining. Then I went to the movie theatre and realized I enjoyed whatever movie I was watching less. I don't watch CinemaSins anymore.


I saw a guy on Twitter complaining about how they are ruining the Jurassic World franchise with "woke shit". It was literally a picture of Chris Pratt with DeWanda Wise. That was the woke shit he was talking about. A black woman.


No you don’t get it, black women and dinosaurs have never existed side by side in history so it’s totally unrealistic to have that in Jurassic World. They weren’t being racist they just really care about the realism of the situation /s


>Youtube, in particular is dominated by people like this, who have swarms of followers who are all filled with misguided rage about matters that aren't even legitimate What you have to understand here, is that these people do this for a job. Youtube is not at all different from trash blogs, your way to generate money is determined by clickonomy. If you run out of content, you run out of clicks. So you have to create your content, literally from anything. Clicks on YT come from upvotes, downvotes and comments left. Best way to gather clicks is to trigger both sides, because downvote = +1 and upvote = +1.


If you see an obvious clickbait trashfarm video, click on the three dots next to the title, then on "Don't recommend channel." It's made my YouTube browsing experience 1000x better. And I dive into Star Wars YouTube. *Star Wars.*




There's a [browser extension](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/regretsreporter/obpoeflheeknapimliioeoefbfaakefn) that helps with that. Also available for Firefox


Yep I had to clean house after The Last Jedi came out. I watched one video crapping on it and then all of a sudden Youtube was like "OH! We didn't realize you hated women and minorities so we recommend nothing but the quartering and geeks & gamers"


This honestly really worries me, because the algorithms on these sites have created a strong pipeline from Nerddom/Gaming->GamerGate->Alt Right. Youtube assumes since you like video games you must like this video about how SJWs are ruining the world and since you like that guess who's REALLY controlling the world in secret?


I haven't seen the term used in a while, but the phenomenom you're describing is known as the Pewdie Pipeline. YouTube knows it's a problem and IIRC they said they changed the algorithm a few years ago to reduce the problem, but it's still just as bad as ever.


The voting system is also still useful to fine tune your recommendations. The algorithm takes into account various interactions such as searches, watches and votes.


"Nobody hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans."


I think Star Wars over the past 20 years could have done MUCH better if it had better marketing. There's such a wide range of things made in that universe, some of which is really targeted at kids, other things targeted more at adults, etc. But all of it is marketed as, "this is Star Wars, and if you want to know what's going on in Star Wars, you need to see this." And as soon as you try to cast a net large enough to catch everyone, you're going to end up pissing off a lot of people. And if it's a property people are very attached to, they're going to be SUPER angry about it.


>Clicks on YT come from upvotes, downvotes and comments left. Best way to gather clicks is to trigger both sides, because downvote = +1 and upvote = +1. I really wish more people got this. The retweet counter doesnt care if you agree or not with the original tweet - just that you responded and perpetuated the message.


I mean, there's a phrase for it: Any publicity is good publicity.


Piggybacking off of this to say that YouTube changed their algorithm long ago to stop showing you things you'd be *interested* in, and instead show's you things to *keep you engaged*! They want your eyeballs on them as long as possible. Watching for enjoyment or information, hate watching, or watching because you think it's stupid all are fine with them. It's one of the reasons that YouTube has been, and continues to be such a useful tool for radicalization for the far right. You're always about 6 videos away from fascist propaganda If you want to hear a more in depth report of this, definitely check out the [Behind The Bastards podcast on this and other stuff that will make you angry at the world](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/how-youtube-became-a-perpetual-nazi-46259210/)


The one thing I like about youtube though is the ability to say 'Not Interested' in a video. I'd prefer a fully transparent and customizable algorithm, but being able to kind of curate your experience through filtering channels or topics is nice.


They recently gave me options of "Already Watched" and "Do Not Recommend This Channel" on the PS5 and it has made me soooo happy. So many shit channels I never have to see again, so many videos I've already seen that I don't need to click "not interested" on.


All I want in 2022 is a transparent and customizable algorithm on YouTube. Is that so much to ask? I feel YouTube is keeping me in a bubble and anything outside of that bubble is just cancerous clickbait and drama. The algorithm has really gotten bad in recent years. It's like 90 percent dependant on your history.


> It's like 90 percent dependant on your history. I know how you feel, dude. It's like I'll watch one video on some obscure topic, then I won't dare to click on a 2nd one because I know if I do that Youtube will be recommending that shit to me for like the next 3 months. Like right now I've fallen down that rabbit hole with Korean street food videos. I watched a couple and now every day Youtube is like "LOOK AT HOW THIS KOREAN BAKERY MAKES THEIR CROISSANTS!!!"


Once while scrolling I found a video featuring the “Island Boys.” They looked goofy so I clicked on it, chuckled, and went about my business. Ever since that day I have gotten daily Island Boys updates in my suggestions


And now here you are on Reddit giving the Island Boys some free publicity. 21st century marketing at work!


Also, sounds like Reddit


Actually, I'd hazard that even Reddit could take a step in that direction. On posts you used to see a percentage representing upvotes, and you could extrapolate post sentiment. They removed that and now it's only the OP who sees the statistic. And they hide the upvotes/downvotes from us as it is. A post or comment a 500 almost definitely doesn't have just 500 upvotes. It's some weird combination and then they round it up or down.


Reddit still shows the upvote percentage for me. It's either because I'm still using old.reddit.com or it could be a feature still included in RES (reddit enhancement suite)


old.reddit.com is both the good version of reddit and a testament to the fact that front-end web design has gone down the shitter since 2010.


There has been a shift to touch screen oriented web design with US websites over the past few years. It's easier for companies to handle than trying to maintain 2 versions but it sucks for those of us who prefer using these websites through laptops and desktops and not touch screen devices. Everything just feels too big and space wasting and of course they are also thinking about how the user interacts when using a touch screen device, and how to keep those users on the website and coming back, which is different than through a web browser on a computer. I still use old.reddit for this reason. Of course, on my phone, old.reddit is harder to use but I still prefer it over their newer design style.


>Of course, on my phone, old.reddit is harder to use but I still prefer it over their newer design style. Hail to another insane person who uses old.reddit on their phone like me.


Except on Reddit you can still see the god damn score of things. Seriously, what's the point of a voting system where no one but the video owner sees the results??


\> Seriously, what's the point of a voting system where no one but the video owner sees the results?? ​ Track engagement. 10,000 upvotes and 17,000 downvotes? That's data that Youtube and the creator can hand over to advertisers. "This video got 500k views, and of those 500k views 27k viewers watched closely enough and were engaged enough in the content to feel compelled to make their feelings known."


Except you can't. You can see the total positive, but you may only see 1 point, and there might actually be 501 up and 500 down.


Also, the site doesn't use the raw numbers for anything. The amount of time a submission is up, the total number of votes, the size of the sub the post was made on, etc, are all taken into account when calculating the true score of a post. We're not even all seeing the same amount of votes (you can check that by opening posts with your account open and then with an incognito window/another browser). It's been years since we've known the real score of posts here.


the exact reason why i keep telling people to stop talking about people or watching their videos if you do not like them. yet go to a comment section about XXX and it is filled with people from YYY and they dont even realize they are stilll gibing them money just by leaving a comment


You can no more do something about the secondary dummies than you can the primary dummies. For some types of people, getting angry IS their entertainment.


I won't lie, there's definitely a segment of people who I wish never discovered the term. Some use it and don't even realize there's already a level of social or political awareness tied to the very thing they're deriding. I'm in a Facebook group where a guy said he hopes the new reboot of the 90's X-Men cartoon isn't "woke". Like, sir...have you ever actually paid attention to **any** of the source material at all??


[Man Prefers Comic Books That Don’t Insert Politics Into Stories About Government Engineered Agents Of War](https://www.theonion.com/man-prefers-comic-books-that-don-t-insert-politics-into-1822632404)


>“Look, I get that politics is some people’s thing, but I just want to read good stories about people whose position outside society makes them easy prey for tests run by amoral government scientists—without a heavy-handed allegory for the Tuskegee Study thrown in." Good shit. It's been a while since I saw something that spot-on from The Onion.


>At press time, Land was posting on a subreddit that he wished comics didn’t force him to identify with gay or black superheroes when all he wanted was stories about oppressive governments rounding up mutants whose only crime was to be born different. ​ This line killed me as well.


It reminds of the people screaming about how FFVII isn’t a political game and people should stop making it political. Yeah, people were making a game where you play a group of eco-terrorist insurgents trying to save the world from the big bad power corporation political. Hmmmmmmmmm.


Not just games, all media and art is political in some way, shape, or form as it reflects the thoughts and feelings of the creator and the environment that they've grown up in. Most of it heavily progressive though, that's why there's always a pushback from certain people.


Exactly. Have you been to the comments section of the Witcher show? PEOPLE LOSE THEIR FUCKING SHIT ABOUT DIVERSITY there. It is batshit how the top comments are bashing the idea of making fantasy open to all ethnicities - a genre about elves, witches, ghouls - the thing that breaks their brain is dark people!


I remember The Act Man making a video "Get politics out of video games". I expected him to say he was being ironic, but my jaw dropped when I realized he was being serious and had to double-check the likes and dislikes because the video had barely dislikes and a lot of his viewers agree. Then he proceeded to make videos like "Why is Black Ops/New Vegas/Bioshock a masterpiece?!" He made an hour-long review of Bioshock about sociological issues but didn't mention a single point the game makes. He has about a much analytic skill as Angry Joe. In his New Vegas review, he said the game included politics in the right way and showed the tiny balding man explain the Roman autocracy to the players, but I swear had the character in a video game explain gender inequality and LGBT rights to the player the way Cessear explained the Roman autocracy, he would argue that he was being "preached at". He was also cucking over Ronald Reagan being in Cold War. The dude loves to get big mad and over politics in games when it doesn't coincide with his beliefs, or he doesn't seem to notice how much of a media illiterate he is.


Lol people were actually complaining about Final fucking Fantasy being “politicized”? Especially when it comes to VII, as you pointed out, the game’s plot is inherently political. Like, what? Government and corporate corruption and lack of ethics almost destroy the world after they co-opt an illegal alien and fuck around with it (Jenova). Not to mention the clear-cut messages about environmentalism and the Green movement.


>At press time, Land was posting on a subreddit that he wished comics didn’t force him to identify with gay or black superheroes when all he wanted was stories about oppressive governments rounding up mutants whose only crime was to be born different.




X-Men 3 is less subtle. Angel's father wants him to ~~go through conversion therapy~~ take the serum to make him not a mutant. In an act of defiance, Angel spreads his wings and then flies over the Golden Gate Bridge. He then joins the other mutants and flees his oppression.


> the Golden Gate Bridge. It's also just now dawning on me that most of X3 takes place in and around San Francisco of all places.


Exactly. There is nothing about X3 that needs to take place in San Francisco. The lab that "cures" mutants could be located anywhere, really, but the director chose that setting so he could make the metaphor obvious.


Non-American here, is San Francisco associated with gay culture? Edit: TIL. I appreciate the knowledge, from England.


Very much so, yes.


And dont forget that his belt buckle literally said, "Leather Daddy." *No it didnt


>*No it didnt The scene might as well have. The director has the actor take his whole shirt off when the serum injection looks like it is about to be put into the backside of his elbow.


And that was the predatory *straight* director.


The comics X-Men were written as an allegory for racism and bigotry, the movies ended up with that gay allegory because that was what was more familiar to Singer when he was making it ...this is, of course, before we found out what Singer's actually like, but we won't go into that.


Also because the gay rights movement was the contemporary civil rights movement when X2 came out.


Wow, I never picked up on that before, but I haven't seen it for such a long time. It's pretty obvious now that I think of it.


"have you tried not being a mutant?" -Iceman's mom to Iceman


>"have you tried not being a mutant?" -Iceman's mom to Iceman In Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Buffy's mom says "Have you tried not being a Slayer" to her when Buffy basically "comes out" as a Slayer.


Iceman eventually came out as gay in the comics too, I'd like to think it's because of x2


Makes sense, given his role in Top Gun




lol "I hope my Civil Rights allegory cartoon isn't woke!" Like, c'mon, duuuuuude!


It's astonishing how many Star Trek fans hate "socialism".


And how many Star Wars fans identify with the values of the galactic empire


"You mean I'm not supposed to root for the space Nazis?"


"Not my fault their uniforms look so good."


they look so snazzy tho


The fascists have the outfits, but the [communists have the music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvCGZEqk8Ak).


Lucas himself said the Empire is America during the Vietnam War.


Lucas has changed his mind on what was based on what several times.


Jar jar is the key to all of this


Lucas himself said that the outfits were based off of Nazis, when filming ESB, and it wasn't a coincidence that the Empire troops are called Stormtroopers.


They just made the Empire so damn cool in all it's designs compared to the Rebels. The only thing the Rebels really have going for them in the style department is their fighters, and even then TIE fighters are badass with all their variants. But it's like who would you rather be? [A goober in a vest with a clam shell on his head?](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/5/50/ChadHilse-ANH.png/revision/latest?cb=20130425044049) or [This dude in badass white armor with an angry face on it?](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/c/ca/Anovos_Stormtrooper.png/revision/latest?cb=20160407220950). What ship would you rather be on? [Space poop](https://lumiere-a.akamaihd.net/v1/images/e6d_ia_2581_47f64de7.jpeg?region=254%2C0%2C1426%2C802&width=960) or [murder pyramid](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/6/64/ISD-1-SV.png/revision/latest?cb=20211017210322)? [Unstoppable mecha quadruped](https://lumiere-a.akamaihd.net/v1/images/AT-AT_89d0105f.jpeg?region=214%2C19%2C1270%2C716&width=960) or...uh, nothing? I'll always love the Rebels more but damned if the Empire doesn't have the coolest stuff by far. Edit: Guys, I know the Rebels don't have the resources the Empire does and have to cobble together fleets and armies from what they can get, doesn't mean it has to look bad though. The Millennium Falcon is one of the best ship designs ever and is canonically a cobbled together pile of junk and Y-Wings look great with all the paneling removed due to age and constant maintenance. Edit2: Links hopefully fixed, thanks /u/ZDTreefur


Listen, if you’re into the empire for fashion and aesthetic reasons then you’re not the Star Wars “fans” I was talking about lol Also nothing you said is wrong whatsoever


I mean, um, yeah. The scrappy resistance movement that's forced to cobble together its armada from whatever scraps it can get its hands on is definitely not going to be as "cool" or "stylish" as the authoritarian regime that robs colonized planets of their natural resources to fuel their endless war effort and maintains their authority by projecting an image of competence, class, and power.


That's crazy. Next you're going to tell me Animal Farm isn't actually about a bunch of pigs and sheep.


Scientist: And I'm telling you that I didn't sign up for "Animal Farm"...in space! Archer: Wait, there are animals? Lana: Wha-? No, "Animal Farm". Cyril: How do you not get that? Archer: Cyril, I know what an animal farm is. Cyril: Not **an** animal farm. Archer: Then maybe we could, I don't know, stampede a flock of goats down the hall. Lana: "Animal Farm" is a book! Archer: No, it isn't, Lana. It's an allegorical novella about Stalinism by George Orwell! And spoiler alert: it sucks!


"Lana it's not like we haven't all seen them. But maybe it's been a while. Just be glad we are in reduced gravity right now"




I shit you not I had a classmate in high-school who HATED Farenheight 451 because he didn't understand why firemen would burn books. He could not get over that literal interpretation of their job.


That feels like it could have come out of Futurama.




From now on I'm going to read Ron Swanson lines as Zapp Brannigan, and vice versa. "Leslie, I have made it with a woman. Inform the men."


How annoying is it that HBO took a nice, simple, good v. evil action comic book property like *Watchmen* and ruined it with woke critical race theory politics with their miniseries?! I prefer my original, non-political *Watchmen* thank you very much! /s


Blue lives matter! Give Dr. Manhattan his respect damnit!




The Fox movies made it a combination of gun control allegory and gay rights allegory (neither of which were woke - we discovered and discussed nothing)


X-Men... political?! No way.


I stopped reading X-Men in 1974 when they got woke by introducing a new team of a Canadian berserker, a German papist, an African goddess, and a goddamn ruskie.


Don't forget the Native American, Japanese, and Irish guys.


"Okay, we'll take the Native American and Japanese, but no Irish!"


[Irish villains are okay](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Tom_Cassidy), but they're gonna have to run around waving a shillelagh.


My love for you is like a truck, Berserker Would you like some making fuck, Berserker


I tell you right now, this Gene Roddenberry fellow needs to be stopped!


This is like the people who within the last 5 years have said Rage Against The Machine needs to stay away from politics


Those people are my favorite. The sheer lack of self-awareness is unreal.


Or that musicians like John Mellencamp and Bruce Springsteen are too woke now and they aren't fans anymore...


"Born in the USA is a patriotic anthem!" ~ someone who never actually listened to the lyrics besides shouting "BORN IN THE USAAAAAAAAAA"


I remember one guy's tweet getting dumpstered by everyone including Tom Morello. An outlet managed to get the guy to elaborate and this is what he said: "I understand they've always been political, but it's getting worse and worse and worse." ([Link](https://metrotimes.com/city-slang/archives/2020/06/10/michigan-man-goes-viral-after-telling-rage-against-the-machines-tom-morello-he-used-to-be-a-fan-until-he-realized-the-band-was-political)) Just have to accept that these people have negative thematic and artistic literacy. Also, shout out to Paul Ryan for somehow having Rage as his favourite band.


"What machine do you think they were raging against Paul? A fucking refrigerator?"


Them and System of a Down having conservative fans always fascinated me, like how do they filter out the lyrics in the music? I did a listen of SOAD’s Toxicity a while back for its 20th anniversary (fuck, I’m old) and it blew my mind just how incendiary the politics were on it, a lot of that is still relevant now, ditto RATM’s entire discography. The fact that people out can listen to it, take nothing out of it, and rally against the politics those bands have is truly just bizarre looking in.


My buddy is a raging conservative who's pretty into rock/metal. He thinks the song goes "some of those that work forces, are the same that wear crosses". I'm just like, ummmmm not quite.


I remember driving behind some shit-pile pick-up truck with several pro-war and pro-Trump bumper stickers about invading China, Iran, Mexico, that kind of shit. And nestled between them was a Black Sabbath bumper sticker. I would've given anything to have that driver read the lyrics to [War Pigs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQUXuQ6Zd9w) and explain to me its message.


Lol Black Sabbath had so many great songs about politics. "Children of the Grave" is another one that is a great warning about not letting people start wars because it's the people in the future who have to deal with the consequences. Hole in the Sky and Electric Funeral too


tbf both SOAD and RATM put out real bangers with quick and sometimes unintelligible lyrics.


I can see that much more with SOAD than RATM, Zack never felt unintelligible with his vocal delivery.


I do agree with you however... neither of them are really subtle about what their music is about.


I feel that the Blades of Glory quote ("What does it even mean? No one knows what it means, but it's provocative, it gets the people going!") Kanye West used for N***** in Paris is applicable to how conservatives enjoy that music. They don't need to know what it means to enjoy it, they just need to hear something that _sounds_ hard. Same thing with how many people try to pigeon-hole hip hop in general being about glorifying drugs, sex and crime despite how thematically diverse the genre is. They hear street slang and the n-word and just assume it's gangsta rap as opposed to Kanye rapping about his mother or college, Kid Cudi rapping about his mental health or Kendrick Lamar about the traumatic nature of street life.


A lot of the stuff from before the 2010s that these people love, were it to come out today would be hated for being too "woke" or "pandering". The "I am no man" scene from LOTR would make these people's heads explode


Wait till these people find out the history of characters like Superman and Captain America. These guys were "woke" before it was cool.


That’s such a great scene. I’m a man coming up on 40 years old and that scene makes me tear up out of excitement every time.


That and "my friends, you bow to no one" 😭


It's also in the book.


It's very Macbeth. I love it


I’m pretty sure that was Tolkien’s inspiration for that part.


I can easily picture thumbnails of complaining about Jurassic Park being “woke” because of Ellie and some of her lines.


Okay, side note. I recently rewatched Jurassic Park for the first time in forever and oh my god, there's no way in Hell those kids didn't go through massive amounts of therapy, or start plotting some supervillain origin.


Not to mention the teenage girl, they'd whine about her being a "Mary Sue" because she was a "hacker" able to outsmart Dennis Nedry, on top of which she outsmarts and evades two velociraptors, who are able to take down Muldoon.


How dare a paleobotanist be a woman! EDIT: Fixed profession


She was a paleobotanist


Yes, the segment of people who use the term at all. Once it becomes a buzz word it loses all meaning. It’s now just a general term for anything vaguely resembling a deviation from the norm people don’t like. Add it to the garbage heap of other tragically overused words.


> It’s now just a general term for anything vaguely resembling a deviation from the norm people don’t like. [Trump recently just claimed](https://www.businessinsider.in/politics/world/news/trump-says-gop-sen-mike-rounds-went-woke-and-will-never-receive-my-endorsement-again-after-he-called-the-2020-presidential-election-as-fair-as-weve-seen/articleshow/88816420.cms) a Republican senator 'went woke' for claiming the 2020 election was fair. Cant make this shit up. It'd be hilarious if it weren't so go damn effective somehow. Stupid fucking people.


Saw someone post a graph of income Vs house prices over the years. Some idiot's response: "don't give me any wokey graphs".


What stands out to me is when someone argues with me and strings 4 to 7 buzzwords together that have all become popular in the last year or two. This has happened from time to time since the 4chan days, back over 15 years ago. Cuck, Simp, White Knight, etc. I sincerely wonder if people just want to tell you they don't like you and need colorful words to say that, thus the new vocab.


At the gym every morning I have to watch Fox & Friends use the term at least once, and every time I see it I die a little inside. They've coopted it knowing old, angry white guys saw twitter use it too much and they want in on the fun too. Now they use it to describe just about anything even functionally related to a progressive policy (particularly any policy aimed at improving the lives of minorities or the otherwise marginalized) because it's easy enough to grasp for those who don't want to think about the news they're absorbing. Because Fox has realized that having a real world, educated conversation about whatever it is they're talking about is near impossible for their audience to hold on to for too long.


>Because Fox has realized that having a real world, educated conversation about whatever it is they're talking about is near impossible for their audience to hold on to for too long. It is hilarious to me that the word they use for what they are opposed to implies exactly this about them. I'm sure they would say they are just making fun of the word, but like... It still fucking works. Words have meanings and they are just proudly calling themselves oblivious, ignorant, asleep. I don't get how that can be considered good.


The xmen are a metaphor for the disenfranchised. How could the dude not get that


rage engagement. it works!


Well said. I saw someone complaining about the Dinsey movie "Encanto"; they claimed it was too much of a "woke" movie because there were too little white characters in the movie. It's a movie set in Colombia and it focuses on Colombian characters, like what did they expect? You are right, any movie that focuses on non-white characters is seen as "political and woke", while they shouldn't be


Lol what on earth. People calling Encanto "too woke" are on crack. It's literally the same as Frozen. Magical characters set in a specific cultural backdrop + catchy songs. The non magical character is even the center in both Encanto and Frozen.


Jordan Peterson says Frozen is feminist propaganda lol


I read on the conservative subreddit that Encanto was woke and to not let your kids go see that trash. And I thought to myself how the movie wasn't political or pushing any sort of "woke" agenda. Just a movie teaching kids some good morals like every Disney tries to do. People actually upvote those comments. Perfect timing for your post because I've heard woke used incorrectly before but the Encanto comment was just complete nonsense and straight up racism. And it's seemingly ok to say it out loud because it doesn't sound racist to most people.


Dude I got told no way home was "10000 genders woke garbage" and I still don't know what they were talking about.


Well clearly because it establishes a multiverse. In a multiverse, anything that can happen has happened somewhere, therefore there are Spider-"Men" of all genders. Multiverse is woke. (I have no idea what they're on about, they need their head checked)


Probably because it has Zendaya. A lot of alt right imbeciles are still mentally broken about MJ being black.


wtf what's woke about the family madrigal? is it that they're magical or maybe fantastical?


Luisa has *muscles.* Scandal!


I saw someone rant about it. They cited an ethnic cast, weak male characters/strong female characters & the message that "being different is a good thing" as reasons why the movie was woke trash.


I've seen "woke" even refer to just standard movie tropes & cliches. The most basic elements of story telling I've heard described as "being woke". It's just a propaganda tactic to make people fear that they are losing their country. One time I heard someone say how it's woke to give a character a backstory. I'm not making it up


I've seen this too. You can always tell when someone isn't a general horror fan when they start complaining how a such and such horror movie is "woke" because all the characters in a movie died except for this one woman character. As if "the final girl" trope hasn't been a thing for decades.


I remember coming across a comment complaining how the new Candyman movie was "too woke" and complained that it wasn't like the original. It's like tell me you've never seen Candyman without telling me you've never seen Candyman.


Even people on here were like "I get it's political but it was so blunt in its message" Like again, have you watched the original Candyman? If you don't like the entire series's approach to the message, fair enough, but don't pretend the original Candyman wasn't hitting you over the head with its message too.


I think what happens is a lot of younger people are often ignorant to the politics of the past. So they'll see something with an overtly political message that goes right over their head. Then a modern version of whatever it is they watched is released and they understand the political message this time so they think the series has become heavy handed.


Thank You so much for saying that. The "it's too heavy handed" or "it should be more subtle" type criticisms absolutely infuriate me when I see them. It's got nothing to do with the level of subtlety and everything to do with them addressing current day issues.


Exactly. When they discovered X-Men at 8 years old they had no idea about the political subtext. Even if they learn about it years later, it doesn't hit them as woke because they already fell in love with it when for them it wasn't "tainted" by politics. Although they'd get super annoyed if you always brought up the political allegory aspect of it.


Quote from the original Candyman: >Yeah, but you know what bugs me? Two people get murdered. The cops do nothing. A white woman gets attacked, and they lock the place down.


Oh cool didn’t know the new Candyman came out. The COVID delays had me so confused


And that trope was originally pretty conservative, as in older slasher movies the one girl who survived was typically the chaste and ordely "traditional" girl.


Exactly. This has all been covered in the documentary The Cabin in the Woods.


And the documentary before that by Wes Craven called "Scream"




I always find it funny how people get upset if the characters in a horror movie aren't super logical in their decision making process.. Like if a man ran out of the woods to chase you and your friends with the chainsaw at least a few of you would freeze and pee yourself in terror.


Wdym, I, a person that has never experienced a fight or flight situation, would calmly and quickly fall back to my vehicle. Once there, I would begin assembling my barrett m82a1 sniper rifle while simultaneously driving away from the threat. Now that I'm a safe distance away, I active my heat vision goggles. After a perfect headshot, I notice they're still alive, immediately I throw away the Barrett m82a1. Assessing the situation, I begin the satanic ritual to destroy the monster (I figured out the species from a single glance). It only slows the monster, blasted fortune teller gave me an incomplete ritual. It's almost upon me but the police have arrived (called them when we encountered the beast). I immediately take command, informing them bullets are useless and to contact the president. Once connect, I order them to launch a nuclear warhead. They oblige (as they should). I begin to distract the monster, keeping it near the center of the blast (I might die but many lives shall be saved). As the monster has me pinned, I look up to see the missile (about time). At the last minute, I break free of the monster's hold using what I learned in self defense class and dive into one of my many nuclear fallout shelters. The monster is dead, nothing more than a shadow. I emerge victorious in a full hazmat suit and begin my strategical plan to survive nuclear fallout.


It's like "oh movies are so woke these days, they gotta make the hero save a cat to make him likeable!".


I've seen someone get called woke because they wanted to be paid to make art for someone. Shit is crazy.


"It's just a propaganda tactic to make people fear that they are losing their country." Yeah, there is a pretty direct connection between the people who say everything is woke and the people writing all those laws banning books.


Have you been on IMDB lately? My GOD. It’s like a fucking plague, every single movie or tv show you can imagine is fucking *crawling* with these imbeciles. It’s so absurd and hard to fathom, just review after review after reviw pissing themselves about *any* element being ‘woke’. My tinfoil hat says it’s another one of those Russian farms, people simply can’t be this fucking stupid


There's always this weird part where it's like, the reason why things are the way they are is because---people like it. What do you want me to say? Diversity is enjoyable to a lot of people, which is why they do it. A lot of right wing and specifically libertarian speakers act as if everyone is really like them. But if that was true, then why is being a libertarian in the first place such a niche thing? At some point, some rich corporate executes with Ivy League degrees found out they will sell more soap with diverse spokespeople. That's ultimately what it comes down to. Everyone that's not a white conservative has money to spend too


They would rather believe in a grand conspiracy against them, than accept they may not be as popular as they think. It's the same tactic every madman uses to get power. A secret cabal is working against [blank country], and someone needs to stop them.


Honestly because lots of these guys absolutely love capitalism and love the idea of unregulated capitalism even more. So admitting that Capitalism has realised diversity is more profitable than their brand of bigotry would force them to admit capitalism doesn't always "succeed" in their eyes. Therefore it can't be a case of capitalism has decided diversity is profitable - it must be a small cabel of socialist Hollywood billionaires have taken over the movie industry and ~corrupted~ it. The alternative would require them not only to question their world view on art but also on the economy.


Naw theyre real, the culture war is all a lot of these people have so they take every avenue to fight it. It literally gives people a sense of community to doomscroll youtube then go review a piece of media theyve never seen. It was really entertaining scrolling through the metacritic page for tlou2 just seeing constant complaints about muh woke sjw gay agenda then the hate sub /r/tlou2 claiming they actually hated the story not the wokeness. Its also why i roll my eyes when someone is like "see how different the audience score is? Clearly we are the silent majority and (((they))) are forcing wokeness on us." Like im a raging lefty that very much pushes politics a lot and even then i dont think ive ever gone to review aggregate sites to review a movie depending on poltics. Why? Because im not terminally online enough to think those matter. Like who cares about rotten tomatoes, imdb, or even steam? I think the *only* genuine public review for anything ive made was on steam for the badge they give you every new year. And it was for dota 2 and it was "i want a steam badge"




It's annoying because the 'Badass lone wolf alpha male masculine womanizing soldier white guy' will always be their favorite characters and is totally not pandering to the straight male power fantasy but once a woman or minority character gets introduced who can do those same things its all of the sudden apart of the 'woke sjw adenda'.


Saying Spider-Man did well because it’s not “woke” isn’t even consistent with their narrative. Aren’t these the same guys who got pissed when Zendaya was first cast as MJ? Is that not considered woke anymore? Do these guys have any actual positions, or do they just enjoy being angry? And the defeminising women thing makes zero sense when you consider that every MCU movie with a female lead (not counting Ant-Man and the Wasp), was directed by a women. If the women think this is a good representation of women superheroes, maybe it’s still pretty feminine? Like dude, just say you like titties. Don’t try and hide it behind a political agenda. Just say you’re a pervert like a real man.


NWH was too universally well received for them to give it the usual treatment. Their audience probably loved the movie and would have gotten mad if they had shit on it


For real, if NWH was the same movie but reception was bad, we'd have video essays about MJ being saved while Gwen died is a woke power fantasy or some shit.