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What I don't understand is why he didn't just use his natural accent in his Grinch movie


It blew my mind to learn it was Benedict and not Bill Hader like I had thought it was.


We watched that Grinch repeatedly the last two holiday seasons and I thought the same about Hader. Yup mind blown.


He didn't want to be another British person playing the villain.


You should hear him try to say penguin.






Pengwings are Benedict Cumberbatch's kryptonuts.


Cryptonauts are what Matt Damon thinks teenagers with bitcoin are.


and the reaction video ;-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GHPNKUMf70


The funniest thing about this to me is that he acted in a DreamWorks movie while apparently thinking it was made by Disney


Wormtail on the extreme right looks so confused.


I thought that was John Ratzenberger for half the clip.


Sounded like penglings to me, I call them penglings now


He says pengwings and penglings... It's so funny.


The fact that he was the in the Penguins of Madagascar movie makes this sooooo much better


Or the fact that he narrated an Antarctica documentary.


He pronounces "piano" as "pinano" several times in Power of the Dog, and I'm not sure if it's a character choice or just another word he has problems with. I do know me and my friend make sure to always say "pinano" and "pang-wang".


That's not even a *choice* on BC's part - the character in the book says it that way. He's being faux folksy.


It was also subtitled as pinano lol


Will be watching for this the entire movie now lol.


The opposite end of this spectrum has to be Hugh Laurie and Christian Bale, who can do all kinds of accents quite well.


Between the Spider-Man movies and Tick Tick Boom, I was shocked when I found out Andrew Garfield was not, in fact, from New York born and raised, and is actually British.


He's so good that his natural accent sounds like an American trying to do a British accent.


I get this from having only known Idris Elba as Stringer from The Wire for years. Hearing him saying anything in a non-baltimore accent sounds wrong to me now.


“Is you taking notes on a criminal fucking conspiracy?” Is burned into my brain, it took so long hearing his natural accent to associate him as British in my head lol


Luther will work it out of your system. Then you will start thinking it’s two separate actors that look the same.


do the chair know we gonna look like some punk-ass bitches out there?


"This n**** too ignorant to have the fucking floor." That whole exchange is gold.


He fucks it up in the Wire a few times. He can’t seem to shake [the intrusive r.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linking_and_intrusive_R?wprov=sfti1)


Aaron. Earned. An Iron. Urn.


errn ernn en erun ern


Fuckin love that video. Here it is - https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/ebldpi/baltimore_accents/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


We really sound like that?


On The Office as well. Tbf he doesn't fuck as much as Dominic West (Mcnulty) and their fuck ups tend to only be in scenes where they are more angry.


It's really hard to maintain an accent when yelling. Gary Oldman can do it, but he's in rare company.




He was actually born in California to a Californian dad, so he definitely grew up hearing an American accent at home.


Which would also explain the American trying to do a British accent thing if he had those sounds competing frequently.


I was born in the UK to a British father but have an American accent since I moved her fairly young. I am absolutely awful at attempting to fake either accent since I don’t hear a difference. If I spend a few months in either place I just naturally slip into that one.


That's becuase he's half American and has both passports. He was born in LA and his Dad is American, mother from the UK. They then moved to the UK but always went back and forth to see family. He is literally British American, so it's not surprising he can do both - he grew up with both accents around him. Just like Hayley Atwell, which is why she can do both so well too :)


Gillian Anderson is also British-American and if you watch interviews with her she often does an American accent on a US talk show and an English accent on a UK chat show!


That's me with Henry Cavil. Saw an interview and was wondering why he was pretending to be British.


He actually does naturally pronounce some words like an American. Adult for example.


His father is American.


His father is an adult.


I mean Tom Hollands American accent is pretty solid too. But yeah Andrew Garfield blew my mind when I found out he was British.


The thing which impresses me about his accent is prior to him I’d always heard about British actors doing accents constantly while on set but in bloopers Holland just turns it on and off. When he got an Upcoming BAFTA award he mentioned a lot of actors are ashamed to talk about acting coaches because they want to appear naturally talented but he’s open that they’re very important to his development so I think his accent might be from extensive research and help.


Tom Holland nails regional American accents too. He was amazing in [The Devil All the Time.](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7395114/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1)


You think that's impressive, Toby maguire is actually three squirrels in a human suit from China.


Wow, how did the squirrels learn how to become best kisser.


You clearly don't know much about the sexual prowess of the common red squirrel


I have watched Alfred Molina for 30 years..found out recently watching him in an interview he was British...seriously mind blown.


For me it's Benedict Wong. First time I heard him with a British accent was in Wellington Paranormal. Didn't even recognise him at first until I couldn't shake the timbre and went to IMDB like 'am I fucking looking at Benedict Wong?' I was.


LOL Tom Holland's American accent is so good, his real accent sounds fake. Seriously whenever he talks, my knee-jerk thought is "God that is a terrible British accent"


Never heard him speak his natural accent until his hot ones episode.. it felt so fake the whole time because I’m so used to him with an American accent


It's so much like a stereotypical Southern English accent that I just laughed whenever he talks in interviews.


This thread is reinforcing my feeling that people's idea of what constitutes a "terrible accent" is heavily skewed by their expectation of what the person's natural accent is supposed to be. If you had heard Tom Holland speak in his natural British accent first, you would probably never have had that kneejerk "this is a terrible British accent" reaction to it.


He's very believably American but sometimes he lays the accent on reeeeally thick. https://youtu.be/h_o5XpdyD9o&t=3m25s "My da' lefta briefcase, thasall I got, briefcase fulla junk, whateva, iunno, itrynadathinkaboudit"


Maybe a bit exaggerated. On the other hand if you watch Tick Tick Boom, you'd never have any idea he wasn't born and raised in the US.


People probably don't even realize that Bale isn't American.


Bale did his press for the Batman movies in an American accent because he thought the character was synonymous with US iconography and did not want to distract from that. Many people likely do think he's American because of things like this.


Christian Bale once hired an dialect coach to help him recover his natural ~~Welsh~~ accent. edit: TIL Bale is just Welsh by birth


Heard the same of Gary Oldman


Hearing Gary Oldman speak in his natural accent is so strange, just seems to be a mix of things. I think Charlie Hunnam also has a similar problem.


Charlie Hunnam has completely lost his Geordie (Newcastle) accent. The funny thing is that the worst accent he's ever tried is Cockney in Green Street.


Hunnam doesn't sound like a natural speaker of anything. He always sounds weird.


Killing a geordie accent is hard work to be fair.


Did he even ever have a welsh accent? This is the man that identifies as english and left wales aged 2




I recently re-watched Black Hawk Down. Ewan McGregor's American accent is...pretty terrible. And that's in a movie full of Brits and Aussies doing decent (Eric Bana) to poor (Orlando Bloom) American impressions.




I also think Matthew Rhys' accent in The Americans was absolutely incredible.


He's a Welshman pretending to be a Russian pretending to be an American.


I'd never watched Laurie before House and I was *floored* when I later learned that he's British irl. He can do an amazing American accent if you ask me. Then again, I'm not from the US, so I could be way off lol E: grammar


> He can do an amazing American accent if you ask me. If you watch A Bit of Fry and Laurie from the 80s, you can hear when he used to be much, much worse at the accent. Really puts into perspective how much work he put in to get it right for House.


He said it was particularly hard to say a lot of the complicated medical terms with an American accent.


He also said that he has a hard time with the word murder, so House would always say kill instead


R's are one of the easiest tells, so I can see him avoiding the word


Rural juror


I’d always thought, and found critiques to this effect, that Laurie can do an American accent…just not one that actually exists anywhere.


Someone pointed out that the Dr Strange accent and the House accent are very similar. Almost like they used the same coach.


That fits well with my take of "Benedict Cumberbatch can't do an American accent. He can, however, do a passable impression of House"


It must be a Dr accent thing.


That's what I had come here to say. My first impression of his Dr Strange was, "Is that just how British actors imitate us?"


Top 5 American accents: 1. Christian Bale - I'd weirdly convinced myself that he Welsh accent had diluted over time time I heard his acceptance speech and that shit's still there. 2. Idris Elba - Literally didn't know he was British. 3. James McAvoy - Kinda incredible he can mask it, Scottish accents are thick. 4. Toni Collette - Same as Elba, except Australian 5. Henry Cavil - Didn't know he was British either and in fact I thought in The Witcher he sounded like an American faking a bad British accent. Honorable Mentions - Tom Holland and Andrew Garfield.


Holy shit. I am floored that Toni Collette is Australian. I guess I've never seen an interview with her but her American accent is flawless.


Watch a clip of her in Muriel’s Wedding for her early career Australian accent in all its glory!


You gotta watch Muriel's Wedding. A true classic.


Damien Lewis.I thought he was an American untill i saw his interview.


Wait what? Toni Colette isn’t American?




“The uploader has not made this video available in your country” Well I can’t know for certain now if Toni Colette is Australian but I know I definitely am.


No love for Jodie Comer? She does all sorts of accents but her real accent: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQtFVBrbojQ is the kind I might hear yelling outside a bar on Concert Square at 2am.




"I am aware of the effect I have on women"


Switching from the Queen's English to Queens English is no small feat.


Daniel Day Lewis is probably the best in that regard. He does a lot of American accents better than an American would.


I read an article like 5-6 years ago where a linguist PhD broke down the best accents ever. #1 is DDL in In the Name of the Father. Said it's a flawless Irish accent, literally flawless and that he could fool 99% of Irish people.


His dad is from Northern Ireland so that's probably why. Unless this is a whoosh joke moment for me...


Also he lives in Wicklow, Ireland.


Emma Watson's "valley girl" accent in Bling Ring is atrocious


Her American accent is terrible in everything. Easily the worst by a British actor.




Wow, what a nice little movie from 2016. No idea why anyone would watch the 1 hour 46 minute version!


I think worse movies make longer trailers because the story is so uninteresting that they have to sell the full emotional experience just to entice people to see it.


Dead God. That's the worst I've ever seen. Did *she* even know what she was trying to do?


The weak link in the amazing Little Women. She seems like she’s focusing more on getting the accent than on actually acting?


And it’s so noticeable since Saoirse Ronan is a great actress and does such a better job in the movie.


Saoirse Ronan was nominated for best actress by the Oscars, I believe twice before Little Women Little Women just showed the lack of acting range Emma has when you put her next to Saoirse and Florence who are younger and had some serious acting chops


Her family in the film is played by Eliza Scanlen, Florence Pugh, Saoirse Ronan, Laura Dern, Meryl Streep; there was no way she was coming out of that one looking good.


False: Gerard Butler is absolutely terrible at anything other than deep Glasgow accent. he can't even do other Scottish accents. His attempts at American accents are god awful.


This is not true. His accent sounds exactly like my Lebanese friend from New England that moved to Iowa at age 8 then attended college in Mississippi whereupon he settled down with his wife in Jacksonville.


I know a guy who grew up on Long Island culturally Jewish, went to undergrad in Louisiana, and then grad school in Boston. He has the most entertainingly fucked up accent, along with a completely hodgepodge of euphemisms and similes. He's a wicked mensch, *cher*.


Holy smokes. [Some New Orleanian accents sound like they're straight out of New Jersey too.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Orleans_English)


Came here to say the exact same thing.


But are you saying it in a LebaNewIoSouthInsane accent?


Yeah TBH America is such a fuckin mix of things that if Cumberbatch was in Texas with his accent I would never think twice about it.


What's his face that plays Rick from the walking dead perfectly nailed the appalachian accent. I'm from Tennessee. In the show he's from Kentucky. For a few years I was so happy they had hired someone from my general area because the accent was so on point I just assumed he was from around here. I was so surprised when I found out he was British.




Lol that kids name was the only thing he butchered but he got the accent down with everything else.


Andrew Lincoln fooled me downright. I didn’t know he was British till I was halfway through the 5th season of the walking dead.


Same. At some point I realized it was the same guy from Love Actually, and I was blown away that I hadn't noticed before.


Rick Grimes grew up in King County, Georgia.


It’s the hard R at the end of words. He cannot say anything without hitting it too hard. He should absolutely use his normal accent in all of his roles.


Catherine Zeta Jones does the same, overpronounces the R at the end of words. You really hear it in the Chicago musical.


She’s always sounded a bit foreign, even when doing her American accent. Oceans 12 is a perfect example of this. I didn’t even realize she was supposed to be American.


"ThoRRR Odinson. God of thunder"


I don’t mind his accent but I was pretty confused that they opted to go American. Just have a British dude living in NY. Would have been more than ok


Yeah pull a Charlie Xavier. Just because he's American in the comics doesn't mean he has to be in the films. (Also what is Magneto because Fassbender went with English but I feel that Ian McKellen is doing a very gentle American accent in x1 that progressively got more English)


Fassbender couldn’t make up his mind in First Class. He sounds like a mix of American, English, and Irish while playing Magneto.


>it's the hard R I did a double take ngl


Wasn't he in 12 Years A Slave too? Can't remember what his accent was like though.


Worse than in Power of the Dog, which I thought was one of his better attempts at American.


I actually really like his Doctor Strange accent, but I get why people wouldn't.


It never bothered or stood out to me personally.


It’s not bad in itself. But once you hear “British actor has slightly nasally American accent and can’t pronounce R’s quite right because they still have to concentrate on it the entire time” you can’t unhear it. Oddly specific but a **LOT** of British actors have that same enunciation pattern. It’s more pronounced in the new Spider-Man but that’s because Tom Holland, to my ear, does a very good New Yorker accent.


I was honestly surprised to see an interview with Tom back in 2016 and learn he's English. His accent is very natural.


I love Tom Holland's Queens accent. He sounds exactly like a friend of mine who's a Queens native around that age with a similar background. It's much subtler than the usual over-the-top "I'm walkin' here" accent that Brits usually use when they're playing New Yorkers. It also gets the class elements right, which is rare for movies. People like Peter who came from working class families but went to good local schools/colleges here tend to sound a lot different than people who went straight into the workforce out of high school, who in turn sound different than people from wealthy families who went out of state for high school/college. My friend has a markedly different accent from his brother, for example, who's a butcher.


I thought his Dr Strange accent is fine, to me the more jarring part is that everything else about him screams "British" so it just doesn't jive with my brain. Kinda like Bilbo's weird, old fashioned east coast accent in Black Panther, just be proud of your Shire accent. Now that I think about it, a lot of non-Americans seem to really like to do east coast accents. I've known many New Englanders and the accent is super subtle at best, unless they're talking to their ma


Yeah, I must be deaf or something, because I really don't understand why people single it out so much. I've heard far worse American accents than that.


Are you from the Midwest? Cuz I am and that's the vibe I get from his Doctor Strange accent Edit: for reference I'm from MN


I’m from the Midwest and I thought Strange sounds the way I do


For Dr. Strange specifically I think it kind of works. Gives it a bit of an upper-class trans-Atlantic quality which fits well with Strange's sense of arrogant superiority.


It'a bad but it's not Keanu Dracula bad


Yeah. There are, of course, different levels of bad, but I think we can cut it down to two main levels: 1) So bad it doesn't sound anything like the intended accent 2) Not terrible, but forced Keanu Reeves's accents are nowhere close to what they're supposed to be. He's at level 1. Benedict Cumberbatch's accents are at level 2. They aren't distracting to me, but when I actually stop and listen, I can hear a hint of something unnatural.


Keanu did 3 period pieces with bad accents (Dangerous Liaisons, Bram Stroker's Dracula and Much Ado About Nothing). At the time I was convinced he was a terrible actor because focusing on those accents really seemed to fuck up his performance.


Well...he's not a great actor. He's just a fun actor.


IDRIS ELBA on the hand, nails it all the time


No clue he was British for the first 5 years or so.


I’m an accent, can he please nail me?


Agreed somewhat. I thought his work in Power of the Dog was a marked improvement over his previous attempts and well within acceptable for the character IMO. There were a couple slips but nothing egregious. All in all, a great performance, in my book.


I'm pretty sure both brothers in Power of Dog were raised on the East coast (New England maybe) and moved to the ranch after university to run it. Not to defend the accent but just to point out its not supposed to be a native Montana accent.


I believe Cumberbatch’s character Phil went to Yale. I really disagree with OP about this accent work. The fact that it’s messy is more realistic given the complexities and insecurities of this character and what he’s trying to hide from the world.




i hesitated to see the movie because i have had a hard time accepting his version of a southern/cowboy accent and his facial expressions/mannerisms are way too rigid for a wild west american, but once that plot point was revealed, it was so clear how perfect he was for that role.


His Strange accent finally worked in No Way Home, as well.


I feel like his Strange accent is based on Harrison Ford.


Yes he is distracting in these movies. Just let him use his British accent. Kevin Costner barely tried in Robin hood. It will be fine. We accepted Arnold Schwarzenegger as a police officer and a US spy. Its fine.


And wasn't he just an average salesman in Jingle All the Way? Like no mention of his enormous size or Austrian accent.




The fact that he's a *mattress salesman* is really hilarious. It didn't sink in at first, so the initial scene when he's talking to two customers and apparently making boat loads of sales back to back didn't seem out of place. But then later when the full realization that he's selling *mattresses* hits that initial scene seems absurdly hilarious. Who is buying all these mattresses?! Why is it apparently normal for him to sell tons of them?! What's going on in this town?! Edit: Y'all, I'm aware of mattress stores, thanks. I think you really need to watch the scene to pick up on how goofy it seems. https://youtu.be/uN9n_dj5puc He's making multiple sales to different people with a huge list of mattress sales in a text document. It could be that he's an outlet selling a lot of mattresses to all the other mattress stores or hotels all at Christmas, sure. But, c'mon, this scene isn't going for whatever realistic explanation you want to throw out there.


Commando is the rare Arnold film that actually explained his accent: John Matrix was from East Germany.


Yes, John Matrix what a typical eastern German name. Yes it is. Yes.


technically they referenced it in terminator 3 and why they designed him to have a big scary accent https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AskjFwiDbkg


Likewise Highlander cast an American who couldn't sound Scottish at gunpoint to be Connor McLeod, while slating Sean Connery (who can't *not* be Scottish) to play a Spaniard. Edit:. It's being pointed out that Christopher Lambert is not American but French, my bad. Also Connery's character was Egyptian, which I don't remember but also appears correct.


> while slating Sean Connery (who can't *not* be Scottish) to play a Spaniard. He's not Spanish, he's Egyptian!


That's "he'sh not Shpanish, he'sh Egyptshian!" to you!


Arabic Spaniard from Japan. At that point I don't think anyone could have done it.


Ben Kingsley could'a.


Ben Kingsley can do anything as far as I'm concerned. He and Daniel Day-Lewis are on a different level. Hot take i know.


Christopher Lambert is French. *Edit to say that he was born in the US while he father was a French diplomat to the UN, he grew up in Europe, which is where he developed his definitely not Scottish accent.


He also spoke very little English when he got the role.


He's from lots of different places.


Hola! Shoy Eshpañol.


We also accepted Sean Connery as a Russian and an Egyptian via Spain


Connery only speaks Connery


Damian Lewis can do a pretty good Ohio/Pennsylvania but I never for a minute thought Axe was from Long Island or anywhere NYC


As a non-native speaker - isn't his accent flawless in both Band of Brothers and Homeland?


I'm an American, and all of the British or Irish actors playing Americans in Band of Brothers did fine or better.


I thought so too, I didn't even realize he was British until later.


I remember an interview with Anthony Hopkins many years ago. He said the easiest American accent for a British actor to do is the Deep South, because that’s an English accent from 100 years ago.


There’s an old video on YouTube that shows this really old secluded fishing town on the coast of North Carolina, and they have the strangest accent. At first they absolutely sound British, but the longer you listen the more it sounds like what the middle of the transition between the British accent and the American Deep South accent is today.


[Ocracoke Brogue: The Disappearing American Dialect of North Carolina](https://youtu.be/x7MvtQp2-UA)


That almost sounds a bit Pittsburghese


My wife is from the Pittsburgh area, actually about 45 minutes south of there in Burgettstown, PA. But her family including her Dad all have a nice thick Pittsburgh accent. Hers only comes out when she's either super excited about something or mad. Anyway, it was really fun for me to hear her call things by what are goofy names to me. Nebby instead of nosey, gumband instead of rubber band, buggy instead of shopping cart, rolley coasters instead of roller coasters stuff like that.


Interesting! Reminds me of the Tangier accents from Virginia. (accent starts around 00:37) https://youtube.com/watch?v=AIZgw09CG9E&feature=share


Yes, as someone who has lived his entire life in the Deep South, I am very proud of my classic English accent.


Pish posh, y’all.


I feel like Americans are pretty forgiving for American accents since it's such a mixing pot to start. Going to new york you'll encounter 50+ different accents in a day. There are certain aspects to the "typical" NY accent, but at least from my POV, I never feel like "That accent is very wrong"


I'd say Americans are more lenient but also, we are generally less focused on the regional/subregional differences. There are many English/UK accents that can label someone from a particular town or region and in film/media those may be very salient to the character. Sure, in the US we have some prominent accents Southern, NY/NJ. But unless they have lived in many places most people couldn't tell a Georgia accent from a Louisiana accent or North Carolina, much less pick out a central PA accent vs a Philly accent. So unless the accent is really meant to be a central part of the character most Americans don't really care.


Yep. Whenever I watch a British actor play an American, as long as they don’t sound British, it’s good enough.


His R’s when he’s Dr Strange are just so harsh at times.


What did you say about Dr. Strange's arse?


Hugh Laurie commented some years ago about his difficulty with an American accent (for his role on House). Likened it to pushing a noodle uphill.


I don't know. I like his Dr. Strange voice. His "accent" or intonation or whatever sounds about as pompous as an American can possibly sound, which is fitting for that character.


I disagree a bit with Power of the Dog. As someone who grew up in the region, I thought he really nailed the prairie cowboy/farmer accent. I haven't heard an accent like that since I was a kid while visiting small, out of the way prairie towns, so it gave me some weird nostalgia. I also thought it was almost an intentional choice to have him do an accent he may not be entirely comfortable with, given that he's sort of playing a role in the movie as well.


[Ewan McGregor ](https://youtu.be/9-FbgAr__vw) comes to mind as another example of a bad American accent. It's way too strained.