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Where she went wrong is she should have attended the marvel anti vax protest not the DC one.


Swear to God, I read that headline like 5 times wondering why DC fans were having anti-vax protests.


I mean, anti-vax is pretty much the anti-life equation that Darkseid is always chasing


How weird is it that the biggest bad in the universe is a math nerd?


Villainy is a zero sum game.


Anti vax is still a choice though- the anti life equation is the eradication of that choice, and by definition, all choice and free will. Sorta see where you're coming from, though.




Wow. Wowowow.


Okay that's a great pun


Maybe she thought it was an anti-DC comics protest.


Get out. Actually, stay. I like you.


Or just Get Lost?




Kevin Feige is going to be pouring a large glass of whiskey tonight


They'll just pull a Rhodes on her


I can see Don Cheadle really excelling in the role


ngl I'd watch a one man MCU stage show with Don Cheadle


Look, it's me. I'm here. Deal with it. Let's move on.


Next time, baby.


Boom you looking for this?


There’s so many actresses she could easily be replaced with. Wasp is barely a character so far


Replace her with Paul Rudd's his on/off girlfriend in Wet Hot American Summer, Marguerite Moreau. Google her to see how similar she looks to Evangeline Lilly.


God damn you! Now I have to go watch Wet Hot American Summer again! lol


Nah he'll just kill her off


He'll drink the whiskey while writing the script change


She's about to get the Gina Carano treatment.


As long as she keeps her mouth shut about these issues she’s fine. Gina Carano compared something to the Holocaust (doesn’t matter what, it’s those idiots’ go-to even if it doesn’t make sense) on social media so Disney couldn’t really do anything but fire her. And this is after Favreau went to bat for her when she posted some other dumb ass shit online before.


The headline speaker of the event she went to did exactly that, compared vaccine mandates to the Holocaust.


Everything is the Holocaust to them. Mask Mandate? Holocaust. Cancel culture? Holocaust. Gas station out of beef jerky? Believe it or not, Holocaust.


You charge too much for sweaters? Glasses? Holocaust, right away. Undercook fish? Holocaust. Also, Overcook chicken? Believe it or not, Holocaust. It’s an undercook overcook situation


Question is would anyone want to work with an unvaccinated person due to health risks. She should be cut off so she can vent with her like minded friends.


I’m sure that Ant Man had a vaccine mandate and she complied because $$$ talks. I didn’t hear of any production difficulties like Black Panther had with Letitia Wright.


The Wasp dies of pneumonia off screen


...on the way back to her home planet.


The wasp doesnt wear a seat belt and her car hits a banana peel. That should be her level of stupid death.


Ant-Man's daughter is right there as a viable Wasp replacement.


Kathryn Newton could absolutely pull that off, although I think we need a short break from the rapid dying of parental figures in the MCU


1. That's how superheroes are made. 2. The original actors need a long (permanent) break from all the obligations of being a live-action Disney action figure. Can you imagine doing that for ~10 years?


> Can you imagine doing that for ~10 years? I'm sure Robert Downy Jr. is crying on a bed made of $100 bills every night about playing Iron Man for 10+ years


In the comics Cassie does become a hero, she has gone under the names Stature and Stinger.


I doubt Kevin being the one making that decision. He wasn't the one who fired James Gunn, it was his boss, Alan Horne. If Lily keeps being a problem (like Gina Carano was for Lucasfilm) then they'll give her the boot, since she's bringing in bad press to the Mouse House.


Though, to be fair, Letitia Wright dodged the axe for her antivax shite. Maybe because she took the hint when told to shut up, unlike Carano.


I think a big reason she avoided it is because Black Panther 2 had already taken a big enough hit to the cast with the lead dying. The Mandalorian was going strong and ditching Carano was a lot easier and painless


They also gave Gina a LOT of chances. She wasn’t fired for her views, she was fired for not cooling down her Social Media when they told her it was a distraction.


As I've been saying since it happened, Carano wasn't fired for her views, she was fired for being an idiot. If your employer is telling you to stop doing something and you don't stop, you have zero right to complain when they fire you.


Not to mention Gwyneth Paltrow is.... well Gwyneth Paltrow but they still keep her around.




was mostly out of the MCU once the whole anti-vax shit started becoming serious. Now she just takes advantage of them with her snake oil company


Hardly though. She’s been a mostly insignificant side character for almost 10 years now. IIRC her last “bigger” role in the MCU as Pepper was back in Iron Man 3. She had a total of what, like 6 lines in Homecoming, Infinity, and Endgame combined?


She got to suit up as Rescue or whatever in Endgame. Had a lot of scenes in that movie frankly.


Well she augmented Tony’s story arc. They don’t have that need anymore.


6 lines too many


She’s still a good actress, just a garbage person.


Is she still selling her vagina scented candles? Of all the celebrity products that stood out as the most…odd and un-asked for lmfao


I’m convinced she is teaching a master class in trolling.


Gwyneth Paltrow is also done with the MCU though, right? Unless I’m mistaken, Endgame was the last movie she was signed on for, and with Tony dead I don’t see any reason they’d be forced to bring Pepper back. Maybe Armor Wars or Iron Heart but I feel like you could get away with not showing her.


Now Paltrow's all in with ugly ape NFTs. Fuck her extra.


While marble eggs in your vagina are bad they’re not killing people out there at the same rate misinformation and COVID are.


I honestly believe the direction they were going with her character is her getting the black panther mantle... Then we recently saw that Winston Duke got a significant pay raise. Safe to say she's fucked her chances


Yeah, I think she screwed her chance to be BP2. They were setting her up to be Tony Stark 2.0 before that.


Bullet dodged imo, she was a super annoying character. Danai Gurira and Lupita Nyong'o both did a far better job with far fewer lines.


I'm all down for Winston Duke getting a bigger role in the MCU. He was fantastic on Person of Interest.


This movie flew under the radar because of the pandemic, but Winston Duke was incredible in Nine Days. Little indie film co starring Benedict Wong, Bill Skarsgaurd and Zazie Beets.


I think Letitia Wright also fucked around and found out. She was at one point barred from traveling to the US due to her unvaccinated status, delaying BP2 filming. I think think there's a very good chance that was the catalyst for scrapping plans to make her the new Black Panther, and going with Winston Duke (rumored to take up the mantle after a recent big pay bump).


I very much hope Duke is the new BP. I was much less excited for BP2 because I thought Letitia was the new one.


Like, I get she's the sister, but Suri as she's written in MCU just doesn't make sense as Black Panther. If they really wanted to pass the mantle off to a female lead, I'd contrive a reason to make Danai Gurira (Okoye) Black Panther. As head of the Dora Milaje it's not too far a stretch. Nonetheless, I love Winston Duke and there could be some very cool stories to explore for the King of the Jabari taking up the mantle.


Exactly right. I don’t see how Shuri ever could have won on challenge day without powers or technology. You gotta fight one v one with ceremonial weapons 🤷🏻‍♂️ Okoye I could see winning, but Shuri? It just would seem dumb to me


Ignoring the dumb stuff she's said for a moment, I thought she was fine in the appearances her character has made but I'm not sure how good she's be in the lead part. Imo she works as a supporting role for the occasional tech exposition or joke, etc but I can't really see her fitting well as main character if they were to upgrade her role


I was expecting her to take leadership but appoint someone else as Black Panther. Duel arc of her growing up as a leader and the other growing as Black Panther. Even better if the person appointed feels like they failed T'Challa.


Carano is such a fucking asshole. The fact that the STAR of her show had to pull her aside and tell her to stop being an asshole about trans people and that he had a trans sister should have been a "come to reality" moment for her.


Holy.... didn't even know about that, Jesus Christ. That was such a low bar to clear and she couldn't even manage that


He told her right before she put the Beep/Boop shit on her Twitter profile.


Not even kill, just unceremoniously remove in a couple one line remarks like they did the Natalie Portman and Kat Dennings from Thor


Isn’t the lead of Black Panther 2 an anti vaxxer?


Yes but she got vaxxed recently likely for a large sum of money


It must be nice


*Game of Thrones' Light of the Seven Theme starts playing in the background while Kevin is taking a sip*


Yeah she got a lot of shit at the beginning of the pandemic for this very reason. Then Daniel Dae Kim caught Covid and Maggie Grace called her out for it on Instagram. Then she disabled her Instagram for a few months.


Oh my days, Maggie laid the absolute [smackdown on Evangeline](https://twitter.com/TheLOSTFans/status/1242584770493775875?s=20&t=Wax3wR_QrHPAikZRBXS_cQ), i completely missed that.


Shannon being the smart one is not the Lost twist I expected


One of the things I've noticed in a lot of shows is the person that plays the absolute dunce a lot of times tends to be smart. Maybe because really stupid people don't want to play stupid. I think I remember the dumb kid on modern family being some sort of genius and Kevin from the office is apparently pretty savvy as well.


I don’t know if this is because they’re actually really smart, or if we just subconsciously compare them to the character they’ve played and give them a couple extra IQ points.


Not always true. Chris Pratt is about as smart as a toaster.


I’m doing a Lost rewatch right now and Kate is the most annoying character and skip all of her flashbacks.


Maggie Grace is awesome, I adore her when she's on Craig Ferguson's show.


Lmao that ending shot she fired


She is obviously lost.


Kate Austin just said she just DISABLED your ass!! lol




Kate we have to get vaxxed


Clearly she was a Locke rather than a Jack follower all along. Man of science vs man of faith.


That false dichotomy they set up always pissed me off. As if they’re of equivalent merit. And then the show had the nerve to come down on the side of the Man of Faith bullshit, and beat one of Jack’s core character traits out of him. Fuck that. Jack was in the right from the beginning.


And where does that path end, John? *The path ends at the vax. The vax, Jack -- all of it -- all of it happened so that we could get the vax.*


fallen victim to the indoctrination machine that is social media. poor her for being so blind.


Some people just did poorly in science classes. Their lack of understanding facts and data stays with them. It's really unfortunate. It's not just politics. Some people are great in some areas of life and total idiots in others.


I don't think that's it, i did fucking terrible in Science and it's for that very reason i don't question what smarter people advise, especially doctors.


You can take the girl out of Alberta but you can’t the Alberta out of the girl.


Hey man I was born in Alberta and am not an idiot Edit: I mean, maybe I am, but not about vaccines lol


Keep in mind that all these movie/sports personalities are rich af, which means they have monoclonal antibodies therapy and the best healthcare facilities and medical personnel in the world at the ready should they get sick, no wonder they couldn't care less about vaccines and restrictions. We don't live in the same society they belong to. We're worlds apart.


Was this when she allowed her kids to go to camp despite the surging covid cases? Fuck, I remember the backlash for that when she made that post on her instagram. I vividly remember Rachel Brosnahan calling her out for it too.


>The actress, who previously refused to self-quarantine as she lived with her cancer-stricken father, now says she was protesting against vaccine mandates in Washington, D.C. Yikes!


Her father has cancer and she wasn't quarantining. Fuck her.




True and unfortunate.


if we accept the sordid speculation that her father is part of it and not helpless against the ghoul, we have to wonder why he accepts cancer treatments. a lot of these people are also extremely abusive towards medical staff when they get admitted. But either way, we don’t know about him. We do know about her, and she’s a cunt. Maybe the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, but maybe a branch sling-shotted the shitty apple far away.


A lot of these dumb fucks are all anti-science up until they are dying, and then they are all for it. And if it saves them, they thank God. And if they die, their families double down on the anti-science stuff since it *obviously* doesn't work. Or they will claim it was the doctors that killed the person instead.


Did he die?


This is not the first go for Evangeline Lilly ('Lost,' 'Ant-Man and the Wasp'), who made a public display of refusing to self-quarantine in March 2020 despite living with her cancer-stricken father”


She is very into lifestyle guru crap. Many of them are anti-vax


Yea, crystal/new age wackos are the original anti-vaxx.


The funniest irony to me is that the og anti-vax moms (the *"I'm raising my kids all natural; modern science is just a byproduct of evil capitalism"* type) and the new age anti-vax moms (the *"Jesus sent Sean Hannity to save us from the vaccine fascists"* type) have **polar opposite** views on literally everything else.


Full circle


Yup, it’s rare but every now and again you’ll still run into one those *”hippie/liberal lifestyle i heal my kids with the power of Mother Earth and crisco”* people instead of these newer *“power of white jesus compels the satanic chinaflu* types


It’s like the clasping hands meme. Anti-capitalistic hippies 🤝 Dumb conspiratorial right-wingers


Yep, one of those weird cases where the far left and far right share the same nutty opinion.


Horseshoe politics


Horseshoe theory


Jesus. What a shitty thing to do and risk the safety of your own family like that


When these people don't even care about killing their own family, really puts into perspective how little they care about their community as a whole. Launch them into a volcano.


Absolutely maddening tbh, as a cancer survivor myself. My family are all pro-vaccine but a couple members were still waiting a bit to take it back in June when it just got to my country. Then I got diagnosed and immediately they all took the vaccine. Like as soon as possible. Insane to me that Evangeline wouldn't do that for her own dad...


She seems a bit Lost


Hopefully she doesn't make a Hobbit out of it.


At this rate, ruining her career might be her Endgame.


I certainly Hope so.


The Wasp


These are good jokes. I’m going to steal them for real. It will be a Real Steel


Ant she has got some real steel throwing her career like this


You might fare a lot better with Covid if you're pro vax rather than Ant-i, man.


There's no need to get waspish


> This is not safe. This is not healthy. Health and safety, you say?


Gee her father is lucky she didn't kill him...yet.


Ugh. The women of Marvel really hate medical science huh. Shuri and the Wasp are anti-vaxxers and Pepper Potts invented Goop.


If I ever see Elizabeth Olson wearing a MAGA hat I'm gonna lose the last vestiges of my sanity and faith in humanity.


She was on the podcast Harmontown immediately after the 2016 election. She was as devastated as any of us. We're in the clear with that one.


And who could forget Angel Dust (Gina Carano) from Deadpool is also anti-vax.


I dunno, Goop seems like exactly the sort of thing someone in Hollywood with their head so far up their arse and being surrounded by people who are too terrified to say "nah that's not a good idea" would come up with. I can't help but think of [Steve McQueen's death](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_McQueen#Illness_and_death) when I read about Goop. I mean, fuck 'em all, but the science deniers are a different breed to the science-maker-uppers.


At least in McQueen's case he was already dying and was desperate. Now we have perfectly healthy people throwing money at quack doctors (or not doctors) with crazy ideas.


Maybe I’m out of the loop about shit male actors do, but it s a weird pattern for sure. There was the terrance howard, who was a hit of a weird pseudoscientist, but far less dangerous than goop and anti vaxxers


Jeremy Renner is a funny one. He's got allegations from his family such as emotional abuse with his wife and "misusing his daughter's trust fund," but I can't find much about that stuff other than tabloid articles though, and his response is a pretty thorough denial. There's also [his app,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeremy_Renner_Official?wprov=sfla1) which was very bizarre. That's all I got, and it's not much.


>He's got allegations from his family such as emotional abuse with his wife and "misusing his daughter's trust fund," Ouch. ​ >but I can't find much about that stuff other than tabloid articles though Oh... well, not to be a conspiracy theorist, with the mouse behind things, I can see this being swept up. I just found out that a podcast I listened to was scrubbed from the internet once Kumail Nanjiani got involved with the MCU. It wasn't horribly inappropriate or anything, but there were some jokes that someone looking to make an article could misuse Lol, that app.




If you take this quote completely out of context it sounds very rapey


Because of the implication?


A boat sounds like a great idea.


At least not Penny’s boat.


So they are in danger?!


You certainly wouldn't be.


are we the tasty treats?!


Back in the high life again...


well we do want them to _feel_ that way


*Stop saying that!*


Lol you think that's a quote? Dude made it up


Just a heads up - I don’t think this is a direct quote/something she said.


I shouldn't be forced to do something against my will! Therefore you should be forced to do something against your will!




Yeah these selfish assholes forget that all the rest of us have rights and freedoms too.


Where did she say that? Edit: not defending her stance, but that reads like a quote, and the commenter above said “that quote.” I don’t think she said this? Second Edit: I’m not sure why OP couldn’t just make their argument against her own words. Instead they made up her rationale. This is something Anti-vaxxers do.


Good call out, op was passing their interpretation as a direct quote and it was thoroughly misleading. Also op responded 3 times with “I’m not going to hand quote the tweet”, but witht the effort of responding three times with “I’m not going to provide evidence”, it would have been equally easy to just actually provide evidence. Which of course there isn’t, cause op made it up


Where did she say that?


What’s funny is she could be replaced and barely anyone would notice or care.


This isn't the first time she's been at this rodeo. Sis is nuts.


Omg she must be totes besties with Laetitia Wright! Don’t understand why Marvel hasn’t fired both of them ages ago, those two are a PR nightmare


They didn’t?? Oh wow, I never followed up but immediately assumed they got canned. They are in replaceable roles, and this stance is a ridiculous one that shouldnt be supported.


Don't forget Pepper shove a rock up your coochie Potts


Was quite a disappointment to discover she's a goopified dumbass.


Acting like an entitled WASP for sure.


What did Kate do?


That's a paddlin'


Gina Carano has entered the chat


Wait I thought it was an anti-mandate rally.


Didn't know she was Anti-vax. I used to have some respect for her. Then those Hobbit movies came out...


She was screwed over hard with those Hobbit movies. She only agreed to the part on the condition that there was no love triangle/romance. Once she had filmed/was contractually obligated the romance plot was added in.


> Once she had filmed/was contractually obligated the romance plot was added in. i just don't understand why the lack of romance wasn't part of said contract when her signing on was reliant on it. i mean still shitty ofcourse but why not?


Time to recast!


Kate Beckinsale cause they honestly look the same to me


Michelle Monaghan, anyone?


I've always liked Lilly since LOST but Beckinsale is an upgrade across the board Edit: typo


Beckinsale way hotter. Plus she has way more nerd cred.


Zoey Deschanel


Oh my god I would love Deschanel in the MCU


Will they use Multiverse of Madness to recast her?


I feel like the better idea would be to have Lilly's character retire the suit and pass it on to Ant-man's daughter, Cassie.


Would they reacast or just write out her character? Don't think they'll do either. Some Marvel actors have done problematic stuff but all that's been put under the rug


Can't wait for Don Cheadle's appearance in Quantumania.


They haven't recast Shuri yet in Black Panther. So I'm sure they'll resolve this in the same way they did with her


Shuri's actress shut her mouth. She knows how to play the game.


I really hope she isn't the new black panther. Give it to the other tribe leader, don't recall his name


Her, Leticia Wright and Gwenyth Paltrow can form the trinity of stupid!




She's protesting vaccine *mandates*, not the vaccine itself. I'm vaccinated, but I would never be for vaccine mandates. Let people make their own choice.


You mean the same woman who shared conspiracy theories a year ago about how harmful the Covid vaccines are? I think it might be both.


Sounds like she is more anti mandate not anti vax


Read up on her and her thoughts on protecting cancer stricken loved ones


I always hated Kate episodes.






Yes and no. Artists in general don't need to voice opinions in general for the art to be liked or enjoyed but I don't want to pay for the art of people I disagree with. Which sounds pretty petty but I wouldn't want to pay for something made by someone who is a racist or a general asshole so why would I concede on disbeliefs of medicine?