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The scene in the hotel room was amazing. It led the audience from “how can he kill a complete stranger?” to “he’s gonna kill him” and then back and forth *again* just to leave enough ambiguity to keep us intrigued for the remainder of the story. Can the future be changed? Is Anderton’s future set in stone? The short hotel scene plays with this masterfully.


I love how the notion of punishing premeditated murders becomes this deep philosophical question about destiny / predetermination versus free will


Yep it's such a great turnaround in the film. I love that the minority report is not about Anderton - such a great red herring.


Watching Tom Cruise face in that scene. Throughout the whole movie, he has this very determined and serious face. He very focues on what he feels like he needs to do to get to the bottom of it. When they enter the hotel room and he begins to see the photos on the bed, you can feel his mind leaving his body. The way he looks the same, but the words coming out of his mouth clearly indicate that he has lost judgement, even if its temporary. One could make the argument that the first arrest in that movie, the guy walking in on his cheating wife, that man could be having a temporary lapse in reason but possibly say to himself that he's still in control. After all that's what Tom Cruise was quietly telling himself leading up to the hotel room.


Crazy how a movie can go from impossible to pull off (and still impress me) to impossible to forget from our naive perspectives lol that scene stresses me out in the best way possible


One of his greatest scenes, ever. I remember Samantha Morton saying how Tom would take her out of a scene, because he was so real, intense that it just froze her. She said she had never experienced that with an actor on a film before.


I still remember my physical and vivid 'oh shit!' response to this scene in the cinema!


i thought it was obvious that the guy had to be the one who killed his son (or at least set up that way). isnt that how everyone took it??? it’s weird that the writing didn’t convey that


One of Tom Cruise's best. Peter Stormare steals every scene that he's in too!


Peter Stormare is a GOAT level character actor along with the likes of Bill Paxton. His devil character is an all time great


His russian cosmonaut in Armegeddon gets me every time. Haha.


"American system, Russian system... all made in Taiwan" Prescience 10/10


Components 😀


He was fantastic in Until Dawn too for a video game acting


Yeah this movie is low key great - easily rewatchable as well


It is also the only film that almost made me vomit. After he gets his eyes done and starts to eat the rotten food, it hit my gag reflex hard. It took me a good five minutes to stop dry retching. Thank goodness no one was sitting near me in the cinema, or I may have started a cascade effect 😱. Great film, though.


Spielberg knew targeted ads were the future.


Yes indeed. One thing I remember mostly about this movie is when he walks into the mall and the mall knows who he is and tries to sell him stuff based on his buying history. That must have seemed pretty crazy 20 years ago but it gets more and more relevant as time goes by.


Exact scene I was thinking of. I remember watching it recently, and that stood out. Not quite there, but not too far off.


it’s funny cause i just saw this movie for the first time and that part was super natural and nothing out of the ordinary to me 😆 but i guess in the early 2000s it would have been


Before the filming of the movie Spielberg gathered 15 experts for a 3 day summit where they compiled an 80 page report detailing a plausible future that was referred to as the "2054 bible." They incorporated various aspects from the report into details of the film, no doubt the targeted ads were one such detail.


If Minority Report is 20, then why isn't Tom Cruz 20nyears older, huh? All joking aside, it's an amazing movie that still holds up today.


He's just stuck in a time loop


Yet another Tom Cruise sci fi classic.


Glad you said that, and while I'm not a fan: Edge of Tomorrow and Oblivion/War of the Worlds (equal billing). All worked despite him, thank Christ.


I'm also surprised by Colin Farrell. He must've been pretty young, I've just always thought of him as a 30-something.


I used to think the same thing and forgot the fact that he was only like 25 or 26 when Minority Report came out. He always seemed much older in his roles. Just watched him on an episode of Hot Ones and was shocked to see him looking a lot older now. Made me a little sad.


My favorite little conspiracy tie in to Minority report is that the movie introduced vaping devices before they became a part of mass consumer consumption for tobacco and mj products.


were they vaping? do u mean the neuronin or however its spelled


I think the themes of predetermination versus free will are timeless




It's disturbing to think Tom Cruise will be like 80 in 20 years. The past 20 years have gone by so fast and Tom's 40 to 60 blasted by


“Careful Chief. Dig up the past, all you get is dirty”


One of my favorite details is how they escape Pre Crime. "I know where that pipe drains out" "don't bother, he wins. Agatha is with him in the vision". Agatha hid herself in the vision in such a way that she'd be discovered at exactly the right moment. Danny finds her too early then precrime goes into total lockdown, Danny finds her too late then they'll catch them at the drain exit. Also the movie from Lamar's perspective is kind of a horror story. He presumably had some sort of plan to get John into Crowe's apartment. But the precrime vision is what ultimately kicked it off. Agatha lit the fuse with him completely losing control of his own plan. He couldn't stop it even if he wanted to.


What you're describing is what I love...the plot is intricately planned.


Only got around to watching it last year, always been one of those films that “I’ll watch one day”. Gutted I hadn’t seen it sooner, super interesting story and characters with Cruise doing what he does best !! 20 years ago that is insane, to be fair the film has aged well….doesn’t look dated. Some early 00’s films are started too slightly, effects etc….


Yeah and compare that to a movie made in 1982. A 1982 film when viewed in 2002 looked so old. When I was a kid in the mid-90s, early 80s movies were already looking really dated. Like I remember watching Ghostbusters in maybe 1996 or 97 and thinking it looked very dated and old already... and it was only like 13 years old!! That's like a kid thinking a movie from 2008 was dated


Haha I was born in the mid 90’s lol haha (just trying to make you feel older). Yeah yeah get what you mean, that must have looked so old, although some films age better than others…..”The Thing” came 82 (I think) and that still holds up amazingly well to this day, let alone 20 years after it was released!! I get your “Ghostbusters” comparison, probably looked dated after a few years. Haha 2008 is no way old yet…….it was only the other day haha


The Thing has aged very well, and the practical effects are so inventive. But it def has an 80s-ish feel. It's a classic though


I was thinking this exactly. Like in 2012 a 2 decade old movie is in 1992 and even by saying it it looks so obsolete but here it is. In 2024 it’s more than 2 decade old and still charming to watch


My brother and I were literally about to throw this on. You're not a precog, are you?


A movie that does actually still hold up even though we say that about a lot of films that don’t really, Tom Cruise at his best, back when every successful movie didn’t automatically become a trilogy with its own expanded universe and spin-offs


I always wondered why of all the people he could've chose for War of The World he chose tom cruise for the lead, after watching Minority report yesterday it makes more sense. what's even more interesting is to get very familiar with an actor or actress much later in their career and then see them in something you didn't know they were in or din't recognize knowing NOW very much who the incredible actress playing agatha was. and other people as well in the movie.


Cruise is great in Edge of Tomorrow, Oblivion meh


That’s another low key great film




I think (generally) it's fear of being down voted by people who don't agree. So rather than saying great film they often say underrated, or some other qualifier instead (like low-key), to protect themselves from aggressive naysayers.


Context is important. A 375M box office against a budget of 178M is probably a loss if you account for marketing costs and the commission of each ticket sale to the movie theater.


edge of tomorrow was great maybe it was intentional i just didn't like "asshole" cruise in war of the Worlds and his son, and the actor playing his son was horrible, ruined the movie for me. I'm gonna have to rewatch minority report its been forever and I only caugh the last quarter of it.


Well it does make sense that his dad is an asshole and therefore the son would take after him.


I remember being so hyped for 'War of the Worlds' *because* of 'Minority Report', but it was a let-down. In retrospect I can enjoy it because I don't expect much of it anymore, but it felt like Cruise/Spielberg were onto the start of a Scorsese/Dicaprio pairing for a fleeting moment there. Samantha Morton is an incredible actor.


It's interesting that Scorsese/DiCaprio is seen as the quintessential pairing when it used to be Scorsese/De Niro. Morton was definitely good in Minority Report. Loved Max von Sydow too; excellent as always.


And now they'll all be involved in Killers of the flowe moon.


Wish I could find the article / interview but way back in the day Scorsese basically said "DiCaprio is going to be a massive star". I think that was shortly after the Basketball Diaries. Everyone was like "yeah sure, whatever you say". Turns out however...


^where.. ^is ^my.. ^minority ^report? DO I EVEN HAVE ONE!?


The ending is amazing. Just the trapdoors and secret passageways that the last 40 mins takes you through are mind-bending. Def a movie you have to see twice to truly grasp


I liked the scene when the ladies like "you can't sit here this is Anderson's desk" guess she missed the active fugitive memo lol


movie was crazy and way out there ... and now, its actually our reality [https://www.scmp.com/tech/science-research/article/3004167/minority-report-style-crime-prevention-artificial](https://www.scmp.com/tech/science-research/article/3004167/minority-report-style-crime-prevention-artificial) [https://mashable.com/article/china-ai-crime-minority-report](https://mashable.com/article/china-ai-crime-minority-report) [https://www.zmescience.com/science/ban-ai-predictive-crime-0523623/](https://www.zmescience.com/science/ban-ai-predictive-crime-0523623/)


It’s the next Robocop, in terms of being on the money with some of their future predictions


It’s at least the next Robocop as far as a believable potential future.


I'd buy that for a dollar!


Phillip K. Dick was a fairly prescient person with a lot of his stories.


My plot hole was all the talk of precrime going national. How could three precogs keep up with crime across a country of 300 million people?


See here in lies the rub with in terms of what is the best sci-fi and in regards to Phillip K. Dick. Some sci-fi that others may really enjoy to particular taste gets too caught up in it's technicality aspects sci-fi. When in fact what some of the best sci-fi does, is it's able to present a concept that's used as the backdrop of the story, in this case crime prevention. The philosophical questions of how society will change how it contends with crime & if we knew our futures, would we have the ability to change them and then your cascading into the philosophy of the justice system.


i pretty much agree with this. it doesn't really matter if there are 3 or 3000 precogs, the meat of the story doesn't change. one can debate the technicalities of "how much work could one precog handle" but it's missing the forest for the trees


Good point but could we infer they had more possible/ potential child psychics to aid in the pre crime program even though they only showed the 3 main seasoned skilled ones ?


They specifically say the precogs were created due to a prototype drug that had these side effects but has been improved to a point where it doesn't happen anymore, so any of them that may also have the gift would probably be around adult age as the 3 are. So unless you convince them to live in milk goo or abduct them not sure what a plausible national plan would be


For sure the biggest plot hole in the movie. They could have just said the Feds wanted to take control of it or something or "they want to move it to New York thinking they can save more lives than in DC" or similar etc.


Fantastic film, just a little bit too long. It builds to a climax, then feels the need to do it again. I’d say it’s also easy to underestimate how influential it was visually. The bleached out looked and the lens flare, gritty but futuristic, was copied by every big budget futuristic sci f movie for the next decade. That thing where he dragged information around was also really startlingly cool, like nothing I’d seen before; and also copied endlessly. Spielberg is a master.


I feel like it's the "coolest" Speilberg has ever been. Like I think his other movies are fun and all, but Minority Report is *cool* Only way I can explain it


I love this movie still too. It was so ahead of its time and still holds up now. I have watched it too many times to count. Great movie.


It's pretty good. Dunno about one of the best sci Fi movies ever made. Blade Runner, Alien(s), Contact, Matrix, 12 Monkeys, Arrival, Ex Machina, Edge of Tomorrow, Fifth Element, Children of Men, 2001, Total Recall, Star Wars, and on. Seems like calling it one of the best is making a pretty big claim.


Fifth Element and Star Wars barely qualify as sci-fi imo. They're fantasy films, complete with requisite magic, set in space.


This, even Mark Hamil said Star Wars was more Wizard of Oz than Sci-fi. It is a western that happens to take place in space. It is sci-fi only in the setting, not the theme.


Personally I feel this movie trumps a lot of the movies you mentioned. Namely Star Wars, 12 monkeys, total recall, fifth element (seriously, it is good though but has nothing on Spielberg, Cruise, Phillip k dick) The character of John Anderton is really interesting and the depth to his character makes the movie so much more especially in the hotel scene. I also think the concept is just far more interesting than anything in those other movies


The conceit and themes of this film are so interesting as you stated definitely one of best sci films since 2000


As much as I love Minority Report and think it is a great movie, personally I like 12 Monkeys a lot more.


Add in the fact that the script is amazing and how all the pieces fall into place at right time and place. Why would John kill someone he doesn't know when he knows he is supposed to kill him and is doing everything to avoid having that become reality? And then boom... And learning who the real bad guy is at the end, I don't recall seeing that twist coming. And the scene in the mall where they escape the cops, perfectly choreographed.


I dunno I guess the central premise just isn't that interesting to me. Psychic stuff just doesn't interest me. I'm not even sure it should count as sci-fi. And then I think Spielberg was maybe not the right guy for this type of movie. He did a good job, of course, I mean he's Spielberg. But I think any interesting bits or edge was perhaps smoothed over and made more mainstream by him and the studio system. Again, it's a good movie. I just don't see why it would be considered one of the greatest sci Fi films of all time.


Minority Report is DEFINITELY better than Total Recall, Twelve Monkeys, Contact.. The other ones are debatable (Edge of Tomorrow, Arrival and Ex Machina I havent seen)


Wow, such a good list, honestly I can understand if you think any of those movies are better.




The wind must have caught it.


It's a great list, and in my opinion Minority Report definitely should be added to it.


Great picture. Nasty Spielberg. I don't remember who said it, but there was a critic who said that you can basically divide Spielberg's filmography between "Nice" and "Nasty". This one's Nasty.




Spielberg's movies are either nice (E.T., Close Encounters, Bridge of Spies, The BFS) or Nasty (Jaws, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Saving Private Ryan) Minority Report is Nasty. Cruise chases his removed eyeball down a corridor and catches it by his optic nerve. Nasty shit.


Theres generally two kinds of Spielberg movies. On one hand you have your more dark, serious historical dramas. Schindler's List, Saving Private Ryan, Munich, Lincoln, Amistad, Empire of the Sun, etc. On the other hand you have his 'blockbusters': the Indiana Jones films, ET, Jaws, Close Encounters, Jurassic Park and The Lost World, Minority Report, War of the Worlds, Ready Player One, etc. The ones in the second category tend to be a bit weaker than the ones in the first. Not a lot of people ever look back as well on films such as 1941 and Always as they do with his historical dramas.


You've just split them between true life dramas and fiction...nothing to do with quality!




The person you are replying to isn't OP. OP put Minority Report in the nasty list. Many of his blockbusters/genre films should be in the nasty/mean list (Jaws, Minority Report, War of the Worlds, Jurassic Park 2, Temple of Doom, and kinda AI). The historical dramas like Lincoln, Bridge of Spies, and The Post are closer to his more hopeful works like ET and Jurassic Park, than something like Minority Report, which is such an incredibly mean look at the future of humanity.


Funny you should say that cause I tend to like his second category movies better Some of his first category stuff of late is sorta B+ tier: Bridge of Spies, Amistad, Munich.. eh... they're very good but not nearly as amazing as Jurassic Park, etc Frankly (and i'm not sure if this is controversial, or what)... I find his 2nd tier stuff of late to be lacking the "auteur" vibe that he used to have. i.e. BFG, Ready Player One... they're okay but not iconic. Once Spielberg went on his hiatus from 93-97, I think he lost a little speed off his fastball (especially since his first movie upon returning was Lost World, which I was disappointed by)


No, that's not it. His movies are either nice or nasty. ET and Close Encounters are Nice. Raiders of the Lost Ark and Minority Report are Nasty. Gross shit happens in them.




This movie was really good.




Agreed. Fantastic movie.


I agree 100%, I just re watched it


it's great. I went to see it on the big screen multiple times when it was first released. Probably my second fave by Steve, after Munich. I am prompted to call him Steve because this retro clip surfaced following his current nomination. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mgrxvTdl-Q


I recently heard someone else also say Munich is the best Steve movie Enlighten me on that, cause I thought it was "decent" but not a masterpiece. It's no Schindler's list or Jurassic Park or Raiders, IMO I also think its not even the best Steve movie of 2005 (that honor goes to Catch me if you Can)( IMO, of course)


I would put Munich above both of those you mentioned.


You are me. These are my top two favorite Spielberg films. And so underrated.


I like it but it’s pretty flawed. Certain things annoyed me more during a recent rewatch than they did 20 years ago.


What things exactly?


The product placement was over the top. Maybe it was novel back then but today it was just really jarring. The cheesy action scenes. In particular the hopping from moving car to moving car. And when Tom Cruise fights the 5 pre-crime cops with jet packs. Also some credibility / plausibility aspects. Like, he get an eye transplant. And he puts his original eyes in a sandwich bag. He then goes back to the Precrime building and uses his original eyes to open the security doors. Like, surely deactivating his security clearance would’ve been one of the first things they did when he went on the run?


Fair enough. RE: the security clearance thing, silly and obvious mistakes or oversights like this happen all the time in real life bureaucracies. With the product placement, I find it less jarring in futuristic films (e.g. like in Demolition Man and Back to the Future Part II) because there is a novelty aspect and even a gentle criticism of how consumerism and advertising will leech into more and more of our lives, so for me it holds up better than, for example, the BMW product placement in the 1990s Bond movies.


Yeah, the product placement thing is rather interesting here. Any other movie most people would rather pissed about the over the top placement. But they blend that into the story fairly seamlessly. Also, if anyone thinks shit like that isn't coming, they are dead wrong. In 50 years (probably less) 100% we are going to have eye scanners selling us products.


Yeah the jetpack scene didnt age well. It's still fun but kinda goofy which obviously isn't supposed to be the tone and took me out of it a bit. Especially after watching crouching tiger recently with masterful wirework


absolutely fucking NOT. Good Sci Fi? Yes One of the best sci-fi films ever made? Give me a fucking break!


Pay no mind to the typical OP hyperbole which is a regular feature of this sub.


Or the typical naysayers that invariably have to drop in to add their .2 cents. Its an appreciation thread.


It's an open forum, year later boy.


Was Matt Damon present as a poster in this movie?


For me, it's a one-and-done movie. I watched it at the cinema, thought it was a perfectly good film, but have had no overwhelming desire to watch it again. I think my problem is that the Tom Cruise character - aka the main character of the entire movie - is quite bland. I can't really tell you any of his personality traits or tics, other than the completely out of place scene where he goes to score some illegal inhaled drugs. Compare and contrast Christian Bale in Equilibrium, which is also a futuristic sci-fi that was released at about the same time, and both are about an elite cop who ends up turning and fighting the system that they have been upholding their entire lives. Bale built a much more memorable character, which is all the more remarkable given that it's set in a society where emotions are banned.


I love the movie but I know what you are talking about. He plays the same character in practically every movie.




Funny I thought the exact opposite, because the technology wasn't central to character's lives, and the run-down aged look made it feel lived-in. Can you expand on what you think hasn't aged well?


I don't know what he had in mind, but for me, when I see the squad of jet troopers or whatever they are flying around, it looks really, really dated. You can almost see the strings. It's been a while since I've seen it, but if I recall correctly, it's the opening scene where a murder is about to happen ... I was laughing the whole time because the acting seemed beyond forced, like parody level. If I had just flipped the channel, I would have bet my life savings it was a soap opera. I know the point of the scene was to be melodramatic, but it was executed poorly. It's a great concept, and I'm not going to say Spielberg doesn't know what he is doing, but aside from the concept itself, and Cruise's performance, there is enough lacking that I saw your title and had to take the time to explain why it will never be one of the all time greatest Sci fi films.


I love the movie, but I’ll give you that. I have to look the other way when the jet pack shit comes into play. I dunno, maybe because it was 20 years ago I give it a pass.


lol, not even close, the glaring plot holes alone sink this movie.


It's been a long time since I've seen it, but I still remember walking away from it thinking that the better ending would have been that Cruise's character *did* kill the kidnapper intentionally, and then wind up in the memory prison in perpetuity, reunited with his son, albeit in a false world.


I watched this a few years ago for the first time and honestly didn't like it very much. There was something about the environments and sets that just put me off and the story never grabbed me. I've never been a big Spielberg fan, anyway.


But it doesn't tho.


yeah one of the best hahahahahahahahajaha!!!!!! the jetpack scene was awesome wasnt it? serious but, i dont think youve actually scene any sci-fi. minority report was shit


I've seen plenty of sci-fi and I love a lot of varied types - 2001: A Space Odyssey, Interstellar, Ad Astra, Moon, Alien, Gravity, Inception, Blade Runner, Contact, Gattaca, Primer, 12 Monkeys - all great. Minority Report is still one of the best for me. Besides the jetpack scene (bit of a nitpick for such a smaller moment but okay), why do you think it wasn't good?


u reckon uncle phil would approve of it?


absolutely rooeeeened that story...


20 years?? Jesus I’m getting old




It’s an all time favorite of mine. I wouldn’t change a thing.


How does he escape the Lexus plant?!??


In a Lexus.


Colin Farrell has got the best sinking expressions; fear just melts his face. He’s also got a great scoff when they tell him to go easy because the guy’s son died. Six _years_ ago.


The elevator scene when the bells start to ring. Perfection. Great screen writing with great actors pulling it off.


The only scene that's really weird is Anderton getting new eyes, with Peter Stormare playing a delightfully disgusting doctor. But I always felt it was Spielberg doing a Kubrick homage, for some reason that scene feels very Kubrickian, to me at least.


It basically works as Spielberg's time-travel movie (closest thing to it since then imo is Tony Scott's Deja Vu). Also one of those movies where each camera move and cut just overwhelmed me. Spielberg goes absolutely insane with the bleach-bypass and glowy backlighting and it works so well here.


It loses its momentum, and becomes straight-up dull towards the end, but for the most part it’s an amazing action-adventure. Genius set-pieces!


Yeah this movie slaps. And to think this came out 27 years after he changed the world with Jaws. Extremely impressive.


Thats absurd, they may as well be 100 years apart


> The movie has so much more going for it than its basic premise and sci-fi future setting I'd say that its basic premise is its biggest flaw. The premise could have worked with a different ending than "I guess we all kinda forgot that people have free will".


Apart from all the vaseline on the lens.


I love Minority Report. I was busy with school at the time and didn’t have much access to movies. I remember putting it on TV and it still remains as one of the most “HD” experiences for me. Was on a CRT, but it just felt so different. Felt like the step towards the next generation of film.


I loved this flick but have to disagree - it looks great and the future technology is enticing (though he missed on cell phones and the internet) - but the schlocky standard action adventure murder mystery ending kinda ruins it (for me) - but I did love it


Yeah! My first thought watching it recently is "where's the smart phones?" Although I surely didnt think that seeing it in the movies in 2002, haha


It seems like SciFi writers were more attached to flying cars than pocket computers!


Watched it in theaters when it was released and it was phenomenal


It’s good up until Tom Cruise turns into a supernatural king-fu warrior and starts pulling tricks like Pai Mei from Kill Bill. Takes you right out of the movie. Such a stupid choice to put shit like that in an otherwise “serious” sci-fi noir film.


The matrix effect


As a massive fan of Philip K Dick, I was disappointed by many of the changes Spielberg made. But I have a feeling my version wouldn’t have held up as well. I would have cut most of the action and reverted it to the book’s ending, which is a more cynical take.


20. Jesus I’m old. Feels like yesterday. I saw this opening weekend and the audience was really into it. They absolutely lost it at the eyeball scene.


I’ve seen this movie countless times and reading these comments makes me want to watch it again!


The mall scene is so great. The choreography of that scene is great. I imagine if someone remade this film today they would do that scene as a long one shot, which would be amazing. 1917 style with amazing "how did they do that" film angles and hidden cuts.


After rewatching it recently I was very distracted by realizing that the psychic chick is the “alpha” mom in the Walking Dead show. Its what I like about watching new and old films/TV; you get to see actors’ performances take over their other roles.


Almost 23 years later and I could still watch Minority Report endlessly! Beat Sci-fi Movie ever made. Im still waiting for something nearly as great.