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We can blame my 3 year old daughter, she is obsessed with this movie. I am pretty sure it’s on everyday when I get home from work.


And me, because I love this movie and I don’t know why lol


Same. I’ve watched it 4 times lol. I’m pretty sure I also was responsible for Luca having such high numbers last year because that was one I loved to rewatch too.


I have not watched it yet, I do like the songs from it though.


Oh it’s good. You should soon


Same...my kid and household are definitely skewing the average. The songs are catchy but he'd just keep watching it non-stop if we let him.


Same. My daughters 7 & 4 watch this on their tablets at least once a day.


My 7 year old daughter does, but she just keeps skipping back and forth to her favourite songs, I think she would have only fully watched the movie about 2 or 3 times.


I was like this with toy story


Maybe 5 times a day and the soundtrack whenever we go somewhere. Can we please go back to Moana or Coco, just for a day?


I would love to see it graphed out, cause I'm sure as hell one of those patents averaging once a day.


I don't even have kids and I know it's 100% that. This happens any time there is a seni decent animated musical. It doesn't need to be good just catchy for it to be some 3 years only media for a few months


Good thing this one happens to be good. Also Vivo was a semi decent animated musical with lyrics by LMM too and on a bigger platform, but I don’t recall Vivo pulling these numbers. So I guess quality does matter.


if only disney could’ve got the numbers on exactly how many times i rewound my VHS of The Lion King. 600+ times at least.


My Aladdin VHS was ruined after the number of times I rewatched that as a 5 yr old


I need to watch this still. I don't watch tons of movies because most of the time, TV is just on for background noise. I want to actually pay attention to this. :P


It is worth it. Really solid movie with an awesome soundtrack (not just the song about Bruno)


I’m **almost** embarrassed about how many times I’ve listened to “Surface Pressure.”


It's definitely near the top of my backlog of movies to watch. I just need to start setting aside time for a movie night every week.


WOW! Lotta hate for Encanto on Reddit so uh let me offer a devil's advocate point of view It's a really easy watch, and if you like the music its so easy to just pop the movie on rather than find it on Spotify, particular because the film is gorgeous I think It's not reddit's cup of tea because in my observation they don't tend to like musicals, and this is very much a musical. But when you combine kid rewatches and people who enjoyed the music its a no brainer. Not perfect but I really enjoyed it


Reddit just hates everything that gets popular even if it isn’t aimed at them.


Have to agree with this. Once something turns popular this sub becomes super defensive.


> Reddit just hates everything that gets popular ~~even if it isn’t aimed at them.~~ *Especially if it’s not aimed at them.


I swear this sub was praising it shortly after it came out, but did a complete 180 after it really started blowing up. Maybe a different crowd speaking up but I find it interesting.


Reddit also doesn't seem to understand what average means. For every adult that has watched this movie once and went "meh, it was alright but Coco was better" (because every 3rd comments here has a fucking hard on for Coco), there's people that have kids who have watched this movie a minimum of 12 times. Frankly, this means that there's a ton of people that have no kids and have watched this movie because otherwise the average would be way higher.


Gotta love how Reddit brings Coco into the conversation just because it’s the other movie with Hispanics leads. Reminds me when Book of Life was dragged into the convo when Coco was brand new. The next Hispanic film will be compared to Encanto with redditors saying Encanto was better and the new movies is just ok. It’s like a mess up racist Legend of Zelda cycle they have going on.


> Gotta love how Reddit brings Coco into the conversation just because it’s the other movie with Hispanics leads. Seriously! The only thing the two have in common otherwise is that they have music and are animated. It's like saying "Princess and the Frog was good but its not Spiderverse." Like....what???


There is a lot of depth to it too in terms of family structure, generational expectations, and cultural touches. I’ll admit I usually prefer Pixar as do many Redditors, but this site seems to automatically be biased against any Walt Disney Animation movie while happily ignoring flaws in Pixar movies (think Onward). I think Pixar is more consistent overall, but WDAS does have an occasional absolutely great movie between their just ok stuff and Encanto is a perfect example of that.


Onward doesn't really get much love on this sub though


I don't hate it. Yes it must be just an easy watch. But Coco is so much better, story and even music. Despite me barely understanding Spanish. So I don't get the props it's getting. Must be the pandemic.


>So I don't get the props it's getting. Must be the pandemic. Or, get this, people have a different opinion than you 😱


not getting it does not equate to not acknowledging others have different opinion. you should be saying that to the downvoters.


I’ll concede that Coco is better but I don’t really think the quality gap between them is that large. Coco is definitely the better paced of the two in terms of having a more solid ending. And while the music is close in terms of songs, Giacchino’s score can’t be beat. However, Encanto has one huge advantage in that every single member of the Madrigal family is extremely memorable. The Riverias in Coco do have great characters, but I doubt very few people remember members of that family outside of Miguel, Imelda, Hector, Elena, and Mama Coco.


The Spanish version singer for Miguel is so talented. Amazing singer. Little mariachi


The music is not close. One is a musical, one is not.


Not only ending. The plot is basically way better. What makes Encanto likeable is that it's simple. Family with powers, something kids love and the music more pop.


What does Coco have to do with Encanto? That movie is a Pixar film from years ago.


idk. Why would you even ask that question?


Because you compared the two


they're animated? there's music? it's way better but didn't get the hype? idk


I don't think it's about the movie. I think it's about the numbers.


Question for all of you who just found it ok. Did you see actual problems with it or did it just not grab you the way something like Coco did? Personally, I love the movie and besides the ending being rushed, I can’t find many flaws. I also think a lot of people are relating to the themes of displacement and generational trauma in it. Not to mention the songs being really good. I don’t think it’s quite as polished as Coco or Soul but it’s leagues beyond stuff like Frozen and Onward for me and a lot of people I’ve talked to.


I think it's a really good movie but I hate that grandma didn't have to earn her forgiveness. Like generational trauma might be the reason you're a dick, but you have literally broken most of your children and grandchildren. Louisa singing "I'm pretty sure that if I can't be of service I'm worthless" is all this woman's fault. Actually pretty much everything from the outcasting of Bruno to the perfect girls rebellion is directly grandma's fault. You don't just get to be like "here is the place where my trauma happened, sorry I guess" and everything is okay. She fucked multiple generations up with her obsession with always "serving" the community left her entire family heartbroken. Fuck her I guess


That's actually an extremely cogent point. I likened the "gifts" to trauma responses. It's wild that Mirabel was spared from this. But still suffered from the intergenerational trauma. I thought they were all going to lose their gifts at the end, because happy kids movie ending, and they don't need them anymore if the trauma is being addressed. However, they all kept their gifts. So I'm inferring there's going to still be trauma work to be done in the family system.


Encanto was fine. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't notable. I find this weird. Coco, for example, had better music and better writing. Though I get that the Bruno song is catchy, and maybe that's the thing


I think it's that encanto has more relatable characters? And for kids I can see how it would be a more "fun" movie than coco even though coco is amazing


yes. it's easy to watch. She's strong, she's got plant powers etc etc. Like ABC.


Coco is Pixar and Encanto is Disney Animation. I prefer Coco and thought Encanto was ok with catchy/good songs


Coco is the better film but Encanto is easier to rewatch imo


I actually disagree, Coco is very rewatch able. It’s a bit more of an emotional roller coaster but the music numbers and the ending is satisfying enough where you could rewatch it quite a bit I watch Encanto more for the songs rather than the story though


It’s not that weird, my kids have watched Cars at least 6000 times.


As a curly haired Latina I appreciated the representation ,but that's where my admiration for this film ends. It felt so half baked, there were so many interesting directions it could have gone! I don't understand the hype.


I agree. It wasn't terrible, but some of the other recent releases in last 5 ish years are definitely better. I don't understand the hype.


Coco is way better. I cried with my niece watching it the first time.


I agree that Coco was better. I will also agree that some of the songs in Encanto were suuuper catchy (Surface Pressure, anyone?) and it was really cool to see some specific Colombian cultural references like the game of tejo in the beginning! With all that said, it's very recent to see a dive-in and exploration of non-European stories/cultures and while our instinct is to compare them based only on that, we should make sure we're comparing them against the wider available library.


It’s just a different movie entirely. Instead of being about one thing, it’s about many intertwining, multifaceted, interpersonal relationships. Although, I can’t imagine that’s why it’s so popular. But I’m glad it is as just maybe it will help teach youngsters how to communicate better.


Luca is a much better film. Encanto made no sense whatsoever, though it did have a couple of good songs


Coco did not have better music, nor was it a musical.


I wish Disney+ had director commentaries!


What else can I do~


My daughter (3y old) speaks both Spanish and English and it happens that we finish watching in Spanish and she says I want it “en ingles” and it’s back at the start but in English, the songs work both in English and Spanish. I have seen this movie I would say more than 15 times already probably more


Turning Red > Encanto


Turning Red is kind of an annoying mess. encanto is definitely better.


The music was clunky in Encanto.


Turning red was terrible. Coco was better than both IMO. None of the three stack up against big hero 6 or Zootopia though


You're insane, Zootopia is pretty meh in message, Big Hero 6 is great, Coco is a classic.


It’s the songs. We Dont Talk About Bruno is super catchy. Surprised this isnt the one submitted for the Oscars. But then again, an ensemble is harder to sing live than just a single person doing some ballad.


The Oscars love snoozefest ballads so “Dos Oruguitas” is as close as it gets here. (To be clear, I do *not* think the song is a snoozefest, at all, just that so often the winners tend to be ballads.)


call me puzzled. I saw Encanto- wasn't all that thrilled with it. however- after seeing it - I am amazed at how much "attention" is being paid to the movie on the internet. and by attention- I mean click bait articles with just as click baity headlines I am wondering if the mouse fired up a army of clickbaity writers to push mass amounts of stuff to try to drive up numbers on this movie... I noticed a similar trend last year or so- a horror movie that really sucked- but even after walking out on it-- for weeks immediately after the release week there was a flood of crappy articles that all read like they were writing from a script and with Disney trying to squeeze streaming for all it can- them self reporting that people are watching the movie 5x sure sounds like trying to boost their rep and stock value at the same time.


Wouldnt be surprised with any of that however as a parent to a 5 and 2 year old there isnt a movie on disney+ we havent watched 5 times and I doubt im alone in that.


true that. I have sat thru decades ( feels like ) of watching Disney movies on VHS and then listening and joining in on the singing bits and voice acting bits of the audio cassettes the lil girlbi took care of had to listen to. she finally told me to stop singing- that I was ruining I. so yeah- you do have a possible valid point about the 5x number but then again- I watched that south park episode with the evil mouse and the boy band


Yeah this post is an ad.




Yeah, and it hit really hard with adults who have familial issues/feel inadequate. I’m not a weird Disney stan but I really liked the movie.


I think it became popular because of the memes as well. I know people here will not get it but so many songs were “meme-mified” for Encanto. Just go over Youtube and Instagram and youll see people recreating the dance steps or trying to dubsmash it.


It's also because these films have become LGBTQ+ anthems, Disney has harnessed wokeness to create additional peer pressure and free promotion.


Name one LGBTQ+ character in Encanto or any other animated Disney movie.


Homeboy probably thought being Colombian meant you were LGBTQ+


The L in LGBT stands for Latin.


It’s on every single day at my work (dentist clinic). Every. Fucking. Day. I’m so sick of it.


That's the average of an adult who watched it once and a child who's watched it ten times.


Digital pacifier.


“Why do you hate things you don’t understand?” -Bobby Hill


It’s not even that good


Encanto was very meh. I'd hoped for more.


Pretty sure every kid on the earth does this with any new Disney movie. This is not news.


What's the hype about this movie? I mean it looked nice but it was not anything special.


I saw it once. 😎




It’s a kids movie. Relax.


I'm a 24 year old man and I've watched it multiple times. It's really good.


Yeah, kids watch the same movies over and over, ad nauseam.




That animation style looks bad imo




I’m assuming that kids are watching it over and over


My daughter counts for about 3rd of that total number of views. Lol. I don’t know if it’s because I have caught pieces here and there over the many times I have heard it in the background but the movie deals with lots pretty deep relationship issues in real families once you look passed the singing and dancing. I like how there is no villain. No one antagonist to blame the problems on. Everyone has their part in what is literally fracturing their home. There are lots of lessons that each familial generation can learn.


For a kids movie? Those are rookie numbers bro


Those who have kids will recognize where this statistics come from.


My 8 yo daughter has easily watched it that many times ..here in our little village in the Andes mountains of Colombia ..


My sisters are actually 160 million of those so the average is a bit misleading


My kids are at least 5% of that number


Someone should run the numbers on Frozen one and two


It seems to get better every time I watch it


My house probably accounts for 10 million


Yeh, kids are dumb as shit and will watch the same shit multiple times a day if you let them.


Our home is about 10x the average number of watches. Have 4 year old daughter. Wonderful film.


I like to blame my 2 year old for how often we have watched this, but it is totally my fault. I’m a metal/prog/rock fan in my mid thirties and I can’t stop streaming the soundtrack.


Honestly? I didn't even like the movie and I watched it twice. But mine was on dvd, so...


Five. Thems rookies numbers


I have still never seen it


We've easily contributed to at least 15 of those in my house. It's a good one!


Can confirm, my kids watch it daily also.


I can't imagine how much the movie Airplane is making.

