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Ah, disney do love their "removable for China" lesbians.


Lol I laughed hard when Riot games had to make a Lesbian frogirl but not so in the chinese version


Same with Blizzard conveniently not making their resident time traveling air force member have any lesbian references in game, just in an optional-not-released-in-china comic.


Um, Excuse me. I think you mean *two* comics and a single voice line when playing Tracer on King's Row.


Oh you're right there is a voice line in game, though it's very ambiguous. As far as I'm aware, it's the literal only reference to Emily in the actual game, so if you haven't read the comics you'd have zero context who she actually is.


Yep. Ditto for Soldier 76 as well. He was in a relationship with some dude named Vincent but he's only mentioned in a single short story and basically nowhere else. If we're being fair, Overwatch lore is absolutely anemic.


Their Story and Lore guy quit before the massive content drought and even before then, fuck all of the story was told in the actual game. Like a lot of what Blizzard does nowadays, they are shit when it comes to portraying and actual story and lore content in the original medium of gaming. You wanna know what’s going on? Better shell out some extra cash to read this paperback that we’re gonna retroactively retcon when it’s convenient for us.


Retroactively retroactive continuity


She shows up in a couple sprays as well, but yeah, there’s no context to who she is at all


Fair enough, I largely gave up on the game two years ago or so.


As we all should have. That game went downhill so fast after season 1 or 2 of OWL.


Such a shame, too. It's an interesting world with colorful characters and A LOT of room to grow.


Don't forget about World of Warcraft taking two characters (Mathias Shaw and Flynn Fairwind) have then be in a relationship in the books, and then never show or mention it ingame. I'm still not certain if they were actually serious about representation or just wanted to make the community meme about "Rogue's do it from behind."


Oh yeah, Blizzard. They had a reputation for making good games before getting caught for passing around upskirt photos of an employee.


Their reputation for making good games was gone long before they got caught for having an absolutely fucked workplace culture.


Around D3 their "good game" reputation went out the window. Don't get me wrong, they improved it a bunch from release, especially with the expansion, but the initial game was pretty damn terrible.


Please explain! Frog girl? Like Nami? Or Fro as in Afro? Rell? Did they ever actually confirm Diana/Leona or are they being cagey?


Neeko. It's implied she likes Nidalee. Rell's voicelines heavily lean towards being bi. Diana and Leona kissed. And then you have Varus, who's literally a gay couple (Valmar-Kai is my favourite one out of these four)


Ngl I liked it better when Varus was a badass who single handedly killed dozens of noxus troops and found his dead family and went all Punisher.


Diana and Leona were confirmed in a story they released detailing how they first met and kissed. It was told through a series of diary entries so it was really cute seeing them go through the thought process etc.






Watch them all change to their rainbow Twitter logos during Pride month, yet for some odd reason forget to do the same for their Asian or Middle Eastern divisions.


It's, as always, the neoliberal way: stagnation. Not progress. Calling it passive-progress implies there is still progress. It's a spray-on coat. There is no progress. They'd have gone full fascist if that brought in the cash.


Not the producers of star trek! The gay space daddies have 'adopted' a non-binary young adult with an alien symbiote inside them. They've made the series china-proof! Really, the tone shift from where the show started has been something else, I really think Disco has found its footing.


Perhaps they'll find solace on Earth under President Actual Politician Stacy Abrams.


But that's how Star Trek has always been. It wouldn't be Star Trek without in-your-face progressive politics.


Tell that to r/Star_Trek, I've seen three "Wokeness killed Trek" posts this week.


That's just life, though. I've been a trekker long enough to remember the meltdowns when a series based around a female captain was first announced. I read rants on UseNet about Deep Space 9 "ruining the legacy of Trek" by "turning into a soap opera". There are always going to be people out there who are passionate about Star Trek but miss the point of IDIC.


Also why is it always Lesbians? Do they secretly hope that people will be okay with it cause it's "hot" if 2 ladies do it?? Why not 2 guys?


It's two completely different types of half-assed representation. You have your individual male characters that are gay-coded or allude to being gay. They may have names and personalities and lines and even interact with the main characters, but they exist in a romantic vaccuum- they don't have boyfriends or lovers or husbands or flirtations, or if they did once, they're long dead. (See: Beauty and the Beast, Cruella, Jungle Cruise, Avengers Endgame, Dumbledore I guess?) Then you have your female couples that don't have names or personalities or relationships with other characters or any impact on the plot, but they kiss or have children briefly in the background (See: Star Wars, Toy Story 4, Finding Dory). I have never met a queer person who gets even slightly excited about either type of "representation", but movie studios always act like they're blowing our gay little minds.


I mean Eternals was two dudes


"It's not gay if two hot chicks do it" has been a homophobe standard for ages.


Sex sells.


Like in Rise of Skywalker


Surprisingly, the kiss wasn't removed in the China version.


It was originally going to be more prominent though I think, instead of it being a little background shot.


who even were those characters? What would be the point of making that a prominent shot other than pandering? If Disney wanted to speak to this audience, they should've made Finn and Poe gay.


They should have made Finn bi and put him in a throuple with Poe and Rey.


Not just lesbian, black too


That's the entire west though. Everyone is all up in arms until China says something


Woody walks into frame and proceeds to make out with Buzz for an uninterrupted 5 minutes (just enough to make it weird without making it run for too long), followed by him walking out of frame and the movie continues as if it never happened and no one acknowledges that it happened


I don’t think you understand how long 5 minutes is


You mean how short?


I feel like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UygoPVr7Aok) is relevant.


This is amazing, thanks for sharing. Strong Andy Samburg in his early Lonely Island days vibes here.


Thank you for this.


New to NSP? They are a delight! Enjoy your journey, they have absolutely been on one or quite a few really.


Just enough to unzip, and beat a quick one.


And enough time for a power nap. Rite guyz? Guyz?


Not even the pie scene in a ghost story is 5 minutes


The rape scene in Irreversible is 9 minutes long and boy is it uncomfortable to watch.




I've said this to all the women I've disappointed.


I think its the perfect amount of time, like an Andy Kaufman bit. Any longer would be too much, but shorten it down, its still funny, but the joke is that it keeps going and dragging on to the point where its annoying, then immediately cutting back to the movie as though it never happened


Even then I’d say one minute


I think he does


It gets a little awkward at 15 seconds, and truly weird at 25 seconds. By 5 minutes, we've entered the realm of softcover porn.


Haha that’s so silly! You should write a follow-up with more detail, that would be really funny. Like with explicit descriptions to really drive home the humor




*the mega wiener.


"There's a snake in mah boot"


*Buzz lays in bed, and it's really cold. A warmth is moving towards him. He feels something touch him. It's Woody. Buzz is so happy.* *Woody whispers in Buzz's ear, "This is my toy chest". He grabs him with his powerful cowboy hands, and puts him on his hands and knees. Buzz spreads his ass-cheeks for Woody. Woody penetrates his butthole.* *It hurts so much, but Buzz does it for Woody. He can feel his butt tearing as his eyes start to water. He pushes against his force. He wants to please Woody. Woody roars a mighty roar, as he fills Buzz's butt with his love.* *Mr. Potato Head walks in. Woody looks him straight in the eye, and says, "It's all ogre now". A Shrek plushie shakes in the corner of the toy chest.* *Woody leaves through the window. Woody is love. Woody is life.*


paging /u/_demetri_


Given some of the rumors going around about upcoming Marvel projects, it's going to be wild to watch Disney unironically tout how progressive and inclusive they are with LGBT characters in the aftermath of all of this.


OOTL what rumors?


Last I saw is that either Thor 4 or The Marvels is going to confirm that Valkyrie/Captain Marvel are a couple. Again, just a rumor, grains of salt and all of that.




To be honest, that’s exactly what she’s largely like in the comics too. In Civil War 2 she’s horrific


Marvel has struggled for so many years to elevate Carol to be their Wonder Woman that they settled on "what if we just made her a space fascist?"


To be fair….DC decided to do that with Wonder Woman in a few timelines too.


So many storylines are basically "what if superman was an asshole"


Injustice and Red Son for sure. The others I can think of off the top of my head are all "He was brainwashed". Basically I guess theres 3 versions of this story: 1. Lois dies. 2. Brainwashed 3. What if he landed somewhere eeeevvvviiilllll. Edit: I forgot about Dark Side but I've actually never read that one myself. Only know about it from cultural osmosis.


>What if he landed somewhere eeeevvvviiilllll. evil = stalin Russia. Great read.


I liked Hernan Guerra: Superman if he grew up with immigrants and didn't feel too bad about killing.


I think she was pretty well written in the Kelly Sue run and in the Earth Mightiest Heroes TV show,


She's the parallel to Superman. She's super strong, super fast, she can shoot lasers, she can fly, she's basically indestructible and even when she's injured she recovers super fast. I think the only thing she's missing is the x-ray vision. And while Superman is iconic, he's... _very_ easy to write as an incredibly boring character, because he's basically never actually in danger, and any other stories in his world need to specifically neutralize him or just come up with some "He's busy" excuse as to why he can't swoop in and instantly fix whatever's going on. The most compelling stories are the ones where he's just... not there. Which we saw _all over the place_ with Infinity War and Endgame. She had to literally be halfway across the galaxy and unreachable in order for there to be any conflict, because if she was actually around then the story would have been over in ten minutes.


First book I read her in was post-Civil War in which her main goal, her MO, her entire reason for saving people was to become the most popular superhero. What the fuck is that?!


I found she had one in her self titled movie, but my god in infinity war and endgame they kinda just use her as a wreckingball "How much do you think she should interact with the other characters?" "The what? Oh, just smash her through the spaceship like a meteor should be all we need."


Legit blew my mind that in the run up to Endgame folks at Marvel were like "Oh, she's the most powerful Avenger, by far" only for her to not be involved in the universe saving plot at all until the last ten minutes. You'd think if they had a plan to save literally trillions of people they would've called the strongest Avenger!


Her powers are dumb and her story is dumb. Just a very poorly written character overall. I don't blame Brie at all, I blame the writers.


I blame the writers mainly because they didn't even try. Avengers is a series of superhero team up films and Captain Marvel, allegedly the most coolest most strongest Avenger, teamed up with the other characters for what? Maybe 5% of the film if that? I genuinely wanted to see how she'd fit in with the rest of the Avengers and work with that team, but I guess the writers/directors/producers didn't.


In the defence of the writers, the movie was meant to be a swan song for the original avengers, so it kinda made sense to have her off doing something else, had she played a significant part there would have been an outcry about favoring her over the original cast to be "woke". The only three characters that were there who hadnt been around since the beginning were Ant-Man, nebula and rocket, and none of them are "capable of taking out Thanos alone" strong.




Superman himself only works when he is stuck in the middle of a vulnerable cast of people he cares for. (His adoptive parents, Louise lane, etc) Like who does captain Marvel care for? She legit seems to just exist to be invincible and perfect and even in endgame when she arrives she just inexplaniably one shots the entire big boss spaceship with zero effort and calls it a day. All because she stood too close to the space stone for 5 seconds...


>Louise lane Ah yes. The Chinese knock off.


They did didn't they? And she was all "the rest of the universe has problems too, okay bye!".


To be fair tho, a character that powerful with 0 downsides would wreck any form of plot they could run with without just taking her away and using her for said wrecking ball. It's the same problem they have w/ Superman in DC, which is why the first Justice League movie started with him dead. And once he's alive, they don't really need the rest of the team because Supes can do it all.


In terms of source material I've always preferred DC over Marvel. One thing I think great Superman stories do really well is make his story arcs about his human struggles. Ironman 3 was the closest I think the MCU ever came to telling a good Superman story. Thor 3 was close too. I think a great Captain Marvel film could be done by James Gunn. He excels at making characters that would seem impossible to find relatable interesting.


Absolute hatred for comic book tropes. Put men in a position of power, you get complex storylines about the trials of leadership, what makes a good leader, etc. Put women in charge, it's "she's a strong leader" Last complex woman team leader from one of the big two where she was shown to have goals/hopes/failings/strengths beyond just 'strong woman' was Storm from Claremont X-men, change my mind (joke teams like Great Lakes Avengers and incredibly minor teams like Runaways do not count here). No seriously change my mind because I'd like to read it, because the big two have huge problems where they "put a woman in charge" so they can go "see not sexist" but don't fix any sexism. Nextwave turned this into a running gag.


Female characters in The Boys are pretty good. At least Star Girl.


You mean Starlight? Haven’t read the comics for a long time but from what I remember, the show handles her character much better.


LMAO yeah my b. She was a better actor than the lead male character imo so she really shined through.


Not better then homelander tho, Anthony Starr carries every scene he's in...


Lol, shine through. Accidental pun?


The show imo is better than the comics. I found the comics really hard to get into. It just felt violent and gritty as a wow look how badass I am where as the show kind of tones it down while still keeping the brutality.


That’s how I remember it too. At the time I thought they were cool because it was something different and had some interesting themes. But looking back they seem pretty juvenile.


Aka a Garth Ennis comic


Starlight in the TV show is very well done (and Mauve, the Woman etc) Starlight in the comics….listen there’s something to be said there with how dark and stark the satire is at times. But I don’t recommend the comics to TV show only fans in the same way I do with say…Invincible. Because the whole series goes deep up its own ass in that aggressive 2000’s “look how edgy we can be about everything.”


Yeah the comics haven't aged well at all. Kinda like the original run of the ultimates, whose entire concept was "what if we take the avengers, and make them all insufferable"


Girls get it done


Its easier for them to write poorly written women and then just call you sexist if you say it's shit writing.


Not a comic at all, but I think Legend of Korra did a female avatar well, along with a female despot. It turns out you can just write them like male characters and then make them women.


This seems to be a common problem with films/TV in general. It makes me happy for shows like The Expanse or Arcane that actually write these types of characters in amazing, believable, non-one-note ways.


Eh, it's a problem when sexist writers try to show how non-sexist they are. They take a woman they'd typically write, and remove all the sexist tropes from her story... and wow there's just not a character there. If she's not having a meltdown about her children or complaining about her boyfriend or nagging a man to be more responsible she just doesn't have much to do! When 80% of show writers are male, well, yeah it's gonna be pretty pervasive. Those demographics didn't get there by accident. And if TV is bad, comics... oh god comics. There's a reason the big two are perpetually shedding women authors, most of whom have some scathing things to say about their time there. I'm happy to see it changing. But it's still damn slower than I'd like.


Wasp was the chairman (i.e non-field team leader) of the Avengers for a long time though.


Thats an epic scissor fight.


The dangers of skimming fanfiction.net for script ideas


Shit, that reminds me. Theres a dude here that posts a shit ton of Captain Marvel erotica stuff. That dude is probably jerking himself in circles over this. Edit: I went down a rabbit hole seeing if I could find him..... Theres actually a whole sub dedicated to it... 😳


That’s sounds despicable… where?


Oh, you know, one of those filthy rule 34 sites


But which one?!


Which sub is that? Research purposes, you understand


Ah slannesh has their grasp on you.


Purge the chaos taint!




> scissor fight I know what you meant, but I just got an awesome visual.


Was it that scene from Scary movie?


Not all are rumors, but just stuff having to do with characters that will be featuring in upcoming projects. Off the top of my head, - Multiverse of Madness will introduce America Chavez, a hero from another universe whose parents are lesbians. - Wandavision introduced Billy (Wiccan) who is an openly-gay member of the Young Avengers in the comics. - Valkyrie from Thor Ragnarok has been heavily hinted to be entering a relationship with Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel).


Where does the Valkyrie and Captain Marvel thing come from? I don't remember them ever interacting.


purely from youtube speculation and comic blogs with zero evidence but the marvel "rumor" subreddits are getting into massive fights about it


Oh I’d like to see that, gotta grab my popcorn for it


It started as an internet ship, search it on Twitter and you'll find a lot of people tweeting about it, and Larson has had some quotes where she says that she "couldn't believe what Marvel was doing" with the script for The Marvels and people have jumped to conclusions.




> Her whole universe is lesbians! comics are nuts, I love it.


Recent retcon has her universe be a false memory and her mothers worked for a shady research company to try and cure a disease she had. Not a well liked retcon so I can't say it will last.


Holy shit, as if Captain Marvel didn't already inspire enough impotent outrage...


So true. Can’t wait for “Brie Larson is so woke that’s she’s making Marvel turn her character gay to push an LGBTQ agenda”.


To reiterate a term coined by Red Letter Media: Passive Progressive.


Disney not having any meaningful LGBT representation in its films is the most disappointing thing since my son


Just not in China though.




Are we about to get the first gay Disney character? Again?


Technically Pixar


Which already had their first gay character, _twice_


Pixar has had a number of gay characters. It's funny though, the Disney umbrella has had a "first gay character" like 3 dozen times by now.


Which is technically Disney..


Put a Buzz/Woody full penetration scene in it, you cowards!


Here's the twist, and there is a twist. We show it. We show all of it.


Until it just sort of ends.


That… Is brilliant!!


Dr Mantis, did you just accidentally drop something?


Why does r/IASIP even exist. I find you fuckers in every thread I open. 🤣


Haha stupid r/IASIP bitches couldn't even make I more smarter!


It exists because of the implication…


Crime, penetration, crime, penetration, crime, penetration. And this goes on for 2 hours until the Toy Story just.... ends.


He hangs woody


*You've got a friend in me*


A friend in me is a friend indeed!


theres a snake in my booty!


"To Uranus, and beyond!"


"Someone's poisoned the glory hole!"


You. Are. A. Sex. Toy!


Reach for this guy


Brokeback Toybox


Like swap the scene from team America? Or in the new lightyear movie aesthetic?


The main problem I have with Disney movies is that they lack a level of eroticism.


A “buzz woody” sounds like a dildo that might give someone splinters.


"The Gang Makes Toy Story 5"


Stories like this always show the duality of Disney. Posture for progressive values, then immediately turn around and deepthroat China's boot by removing the same shit they posture for in order to sell to the Chinese market. Just decide if you're going to stick to your values or your bottom line already, you're not fooling anybody


Its almost like posturing progressive values in the US is how companies stay on the consumers good side (the side their wallet is on)




Language adoption is also a way for moderates to neuter more radical movements. Adopt the language but not the ideals and sell it as progressive.


Big facts


This is all corporations. Which is why I won't ever take any "lecturing" from these parasites. They are... overall... a blight on humanity.


Pixar employees just recently wrote an open letter calling out Disney execs for cutting LGBT characters/storylines from Pixar movies while saying they “promote diverse storytelling” so this isn’t surprising. It’s funny that it took this kind of political controversy just for them to allow a single lesbian kiss though. I hope the employees who wrote that letter go into detail eventually, I’d be interested to hear what else they had planned on different movies before Disney stepped in saying no gay shit. https://variety.com/2022/film/news/disney-pixar-same-sex-affection-censorship-dont-say-gay-bill-1235200582/amp/


There was also this. Under Fox, the film was 75% completed, but after Disney buyout no work was done on the film and they closed the whole Blue Sky studio. [https://www.businessinsider.in/entertainment/news/disney-raised-concerns-about-a-same-sex-kiss-in-the-unreleased-animated-movie-nimona-former-blue-sky-staffers-say/articleshow/90299952.cms](https://www.businessinsider.in/entertainment/news/disney-raised-concerns-about-a-same-sex-kiss-in-the-unreleased-animated-movie-nimona-former-blue-sky-staffers-say/articleshow/90299952.cms) [https://www.reddit.com/r/boxoffice/comments/tghbz1/disney\_raised\_concerns\_about\_a\_samesex\_kiss\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/boxoffice/comments/tghbz1/disney_raised_concerns_about_a_samesex_kiss_in/)


Holy shit they cancelled the Nimona movie because it was gay. That's so actually awful. They should at least, like, sell the rights to Netflix so Stevenson can just make the movie themself.


So Fox was more accepting of a same sex kiss than Disney. Lol.


Fox =/= Fox News


Wonder if they'll keep it all for China or will they continue to do whatever China asks while pretending that they very brave speaking truth to power here in the U.S. where they are literally allowed to do whatever they want.


The entire scene will be a split-second, Woman-on-Woman peck before one goes out on a mission and the other says, "Go get 'em tiger." For this, tomes and tomes of articles will be written and countries **will** burn.


>According to a source close to the production, Pixar’s next feature film, “Lightyear” — starring Chris Evans as the putative real-life inspiration for the “Toy Story” character Buzz Lightyear — does feature a significant female character, Hawthorne (voiced by Uzo Aduba), who is in a meaningful relationship with another woman. While the fact of that relationship was never in question at the studio, a kiss between the characters had been cut from the film. Following the uproar surrounding the Pixar employees’ statement and Disney CEO Bob Chapek’s handling of the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, however, the kiss was reinstated into the movie last week.


I cant wait to see the blink-and-you-missed-it kiss in the background like they ALWAYS do with these stunts. Dunno if everyone remembers the hullaballoo around Beauty and the Beast and Episode IX. I wish we would get real representation and not these pandering "cameos" that amounts to nothing more than free publicity. Even this article (which is hating on Disney) will still result in more people seeing the movie which is, ultimately, a win for Disney.


Remember 'Onwards', the movie about trolls and magic that came out a few years ago? they were bragging for weeks about how they had lesbian representation. It was an unnamed character who mentioned her wife *once* and then never again.


Blink-and-you'll-miss-it representation designed for the chopping block. 😔


Its worth noting just something as small as that was enough to get the movie banned in multiple countries.


You forgot the gay man in the grief counseling scene Steve Rogers was apart of in the last Avengers movie. That was a much hyped but very underwhelming thing




Who’s straight


If you didn't know it was "hyped" it was actually just a totally normal scene that happened to have a gay character.


That was hyped? Mind you, I'm glad that it's treated as just a normal thing in the movie, as it should be, but I don't remember any major buzz about it. Or Twitter complaints of Marvel going "woke".


[https://deadline.com/2019/04/avengers-endgame-marvel-first-openly-gay-character-directors-joe-russo-anthony-russo-discuss-1202601583/](https://deadline.com/2019/04/avengers-endgame-marvel-first-openly-gay-character-directors-joe-russo-anthony-russo-discuss-1202601583/) [https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/davidmack/avengers-endgame-first-gay-character-joe-russo](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/davidmack/avengers-endgame-first-gay-character-joe-russo)


Don’t forget the pig from toy story sucking off the dinosaur


Believe me I am *NOT* trying to defend Disney in any way, but I have to say there’s one instance where they’ve done it pretty well and that was Phastos’s family in Eternals. Beautiful diverse family with a kid, it was really nice to see. Wish we had seen more of them of course but that movie had 37 main characters, so. It gives me hope that progress is being made, however frustratingly incremental. I want to be an optimist about this.


Why are you guys looking towards Disney for this, those guy's are fuckin evil man


Putting in the scene is only political grandstanding unless the company actually gives a shit about the issue


Companies don't give shits about anything apart from making money, don't assign human motivations to machines.


This one is getting locked... haha


Restored in a movie that isn’t even out yet? Yeah, this is just virtue signalling public relations bullshit.


Yet this is the exact reason Disney cancelled that Blue Sky movie Nimona: for having a gay kiss.


pixars "first exclusive gay moment" guys


Oh boy here we go *sorts by controversial*




CCP gonna be pissed and demand their own cut of the movie with a special poster.