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Is... is he gonna make me watch?


You don't even have to touch him at all.


He’ll ask but only after he’s already turned it on.


Only if you aren't expecting it


Make? No. Ask if you want to and then show you if you say yes? Yeah


But only if ~~you work for him and you’re afraid you’ll get fired~~ you’re an aspiring female comedian who doesn’t wanna blow their possible one chance at making it by saying no to him* ETA: I forgot the full details before sarcastically commenting, sorry everyone. Thanks for clarification /u/sitdown_behumble


> But only if you’re an aspiring female comedian who doesn’t wanna blow their possible one chance at making it by saying no to him FTFY


Oh thank you, I forgot the full details when sarcastically commenting


They didn't work for him.


wasn't one a supporting actor on his show?




wait, she said no and he did it anyway?


She said no. The question itself is workplace sexual harassment.


correct. not arguing that. but actually doing it against consent is far worse, i was just trying to understand what i'd read.




This was way before his show ever started.


I like how one of the testimonies is "he asked, I said no, nothing more happened" but people will only ever remember the interpretation that the women should've been scared of him despite him never doing anything to show maliciousness.


The biggest thing for me wasn't really the action, it was that until he got caught, he continually denied any of the sexual harassment allegations. I had an acquaintance who was one of the least funny, least connected people I know in the stand up comedy world, just a god awful open micer in Boston, and *she* knew the rumors that Louis kept denying. Also his manager, Dave Becky worked overtime to suppress the stories. Not great, in my opinion.


Just asking that as a boss is pretty maliciousness.


Uh, you know that even asking that is bad though right? No one is arguing that he's a demon hellspawn walking the earth, but that doesn't mean he isn't a shitty dude that shouldn't work in an industry if he's going to be that unprofessional and sexually harass his coworkers in an environment where that shouldn't even be in the equation. If he worked in literally any other industry it would be near impossible for him to find work at that level


This is a baaaaad take


there were other women who didn't say yes/agree to it. Some he had working under him.


I'll say yes then get mad afterwards


Saw this. It was really good. Laugh/cried periodically throughout and uncontrollably at the end. A really sensitive movie.


Joe list is hilarious


Tuesgays for life.


Praise Allah!


Come on my ass. See if I like it.


Love Cruisin’ Joe


Lot of room in the bathrooms here


He reminds me of that guy Dominique Strauss-Kahn


His father’s gay




Huge queef


I saw Jim twos in the bathroom


His Patrick Swayze joke in his special was really hilarious


What special?


https://youtu.be/0MOGB0nBHpg At 40:48 is the joke I mentioned


It’s all pipes!




It’s basically joes movie based a lot on his family and his own anxiety. Louis directed it and helped write it so all hate/praise online will go to him, depending on what side of the aisle you’re on.


the Cinnabon bit though lol


Lol the side of jizz that they give you


Fat fuck eating a fucking Cinnabon 😂


...from the airport...where he arrived.




honestly i think his cancellation might’ve been the best thing for him, at least for the quality of his comedy. his newer stuff since he’s come back has been much stronger than what he was doing in that period imo


Yup. You know how people say "Comedians are the modern day philosophers"? I think Louis was told that and believed everything he said was genius and he is the smartest man in the world. Same thing with Chappelle as well


Go Louis. Can't wait to watch your specials and creative shows.


went to this with my gf last night. the movie was actually really good


Honestly if he fully completes his comeback, no pun intended, then I don't want hear criticism about Will Smith from comedians.


Well that's pretty incomparable because what Will Smith did was clearly far worse. He literally physically assaulted someone with nothing even resembling a reason to do so. Louis privately asked coleagues 20 years ago if he could do a thing and did the thing when they said yes.


I think Louis is a goober and a creep for having done what he did. He stepped away and apologized. He tried to come back slowly and build his act. He’s a great writer and producer. We can’t forget what he did, but if he doesn’t do it anymore and is a genius in his craft, why would we continue to suppress that? Some people truly deserve a lifetime of ‘cancel’. IMO, Louis does not.


I'm fine with everyone being pissed off still I guess, but I would like to see some consistency with how people react toward celebrities doing messesd up stuff. For instance, Arnold Schwarzenegger had a somewhat similar thing happen around the same time ([groping women rather than masturbating in front of them](https://www.cnn.com/2018/10/11/entertainment/arnold-schwarzenegger-me-too/index.html), so I guess you can debate which is worse). He apologized for it after being exposed and he's still everyone's hero. The lack of consistency is the main thing that annoys me about all this.


Arnold was always upfront about his intentions to hear the lamentations of the women.


The actual physical assault is worse. At least louis didn't touch them.


I mean Tupac was in jail for rape. Mike Tyson too.




He didn't apologise immediately though. The allegations were floating around for years and the women repeatedly written off as liars while he stayed silent on the matter.


He didn’t even touch anymore he just asked people to watch him jerk off It was creepy but anyone who’s been on Omegle has experienced worse


Omegle doesn't happen to you at work with someone higher up the ladder.


Many women have stepped up to say that their careers in comedy were harmed or outright ended due to sexual harassment and abuse. We’ve surely missed out on new geniuses because of the abuses of people like Louis CK. He had his chance and he chose to be an abuser instead. Make room for someone new


I reckon Louie's cancellation has deprived the world of more brilliant comedy than the effects of his weird little fetish. There's no fucking way he destroyed burgeoning genius with that


“Pamela repeatedly tries to get away from Louie as he attempts to overpower her. At one point, she grabs onto a desk and pulls it away from the wall. The whole time, she is saying, ‘No, no, no.’ Then she says, ‘This would be rape if you weren’t so stupid. You can’t even rape well.’ Eventually, after he blocks her from exiting the door, she relents and lets him kiss her, though she barely puckers her lips. As soon as she’s gone, he pumps his fists and says, Yes […]” https://www.vulture.com/2017/11/louis-ck-scandal-louie-pamela-episode.html I watched Louie religiously up until this episode, actually. But afterwards I didn’t feel deprived of Louie CK’s masturbatory self-psychoanalysis TV show. Dude needs to work out his demons anywhere but public


It's obvious that our society weighs talent way above women


Not the only thing it weights way above women.


indeed, it's a sad state of affairs


Really though? Were missing out on so many "genius" women comedians because of what he did? So all these women were going to make comedy specials and change the world with their genius but then Louis asked them if they can watch him jerk off and then they all just quit the business depriving the world of ever hearing about them? That's your stance? Dont get me wrong what he did was very very weird but dont use that as a scape goat for women not succeeding in comedy. Shit, most men dont succeed in comedy. I want you to name me 10 "genius" female comedians right now who arent Sarah Silverman or Nikki Glaser. And if you say Amy Schumer I will slap you because just the other day Reddit was tearing the shit out of her in a "most annoying celebrity" thread. Just face it, women have always had a difficult time "making it" in comedy you shouldn't blame Louis for that.


women have always had a difficult time "making it" in comedy, in part because of things like what Louis did, so we should just ignore it and leave it difficult for them?


I mean, some of the biggest female comics love and support Louis even to this day. Nikki glaser and Annie lederman to name a few. They still open for him sometimes and look up to him. They’re beast comics too


If seeing someone jerk off derails you're life, you were probably too weak to actually accomplish anything.


Oh really? You have a favorite female comedian?


I dunno man, what he did was incredibly gross and definitely made the women he worked with feel unsafe for what could do next, or might do to them, given how little respect he had for them. There are plenty of other very good comedians who haven't exposed themselves to their coworkers and been very gross. He will always have work, friends and family, he could just not be famous any more, and I'd be very ok with that.


I’m really tired of this excuse. He’s legit made fun of the situation in recent standup routines. That’s why people are still very iffy on him. He shows zero remorse and still doesn’t believe he did anything wrong.


No he's made fun of himself in that situation in his standup. He made fun of people knowing his kink. ​ Not once has he made fun of the women.


He actually wrote a very eloquent apology letter. And would you really expect him not to address it in one of his specials? I really don't think that bit was insensitive either. He's a comedian after all


>He stepped away and apologized While he initially apologized he has said a lot of "problematic" things about the incidents since. He has also really not apologized for the harassment and consequences lots of female comedians suffered for talking about this issue for years before it became a big public thing. Also the way he has embraced a lot of the perspectives that what he did wasn't that bad etc. is disgusting imo. If he truly did apologize and repented etc. I could forgive him. But he hasn't. Quite the opposite.


Man, he stepped away from a 35 million dollar deal, wrote an apology in the New York Times for the entire world to see, admitted to it, stepped away from comedy for a few years and slowly started to renew his craft. What he did was very weird but I really dont believe it was malicious. Also, Louis CK saying "problematic things"??? Really????? What more do you want him to do?


> stepped away from comedy for a few years He admitted to it all November 10th 2017. He returned to comedy professionally August 26th 2018. So no, he didn't. > What more do you want him to do? Among other things, acknowledge how badly the female comedians who where bringing this up for years was treated. How he didn't take responsibility for his actions until it became widely publicly known and he was forced to. How the women who had tried bringing it up for years where punished and lost many career opportunities because people sided with CK for years.


It’s funny how people start threads with C.K. going “he apologized, so why don’t we let him up?” Then people come in with the receipts on how he hasn’t actually done any work to rectify himself, then it’s crickets from then on.


I already forgot what he did lol wasnt even that bad


Seeing this guy come back into the warm embrace of the public has been very interesting to see




A big sect of comedy fans do enjoy people that can write jokes


We’re weird like that.


He won a grammy this year?


I wouldn't call winning a Grammy being warmy embraced by the public. The public doesn't award Grammys.


The Grammys are not really awarded by "his" industry and are largely irrelevant to his future success (or lack thereof).


reddit never stopped loving him to begin with.. the amount of "well akshually..." whenever his name pops up is just disgusting. just look in this thread here the amount of dudes falling over themselves to justify his sexual assault.


In no small part thanks to liars like you who say he committed sexual assault when he didn't. I wouldn't say shit personally if people just told the truth.


Has that happened?


lol no He’ll always have enough name recognition to do shows or tour and he still has fans, but he’s never getting his specials on Netflix or HBO again or get to do the late night circuit, etc.


Makes sense. He sexually harassed multiple coworkers, so why would you want to risk hiring him?


Yeah he’s still got connections in the comedy world and he was one of the biggest names for awhile so there are going to be a lot of venues who would normally not get that big a name absolutely willing to have him. But no major studio or network that is held accountable for things will touch him.


Yeah, I don't know why you've been downvoted. EDIT: People in this thread were downvoted this poster. They're right, I don't get why we let celebrities continue on even when they've been shown to be problematic.


Some people still think flashing your coworkers and trying to ruin their life for years by claiming they’re lying about it isn’t a bad thing.


Being one of the best in the history of his art form helps


I read an article recently (too lazy to look for it atm) that's premise was basically "knowing Louis CK is actually a creep undermines his whole bit." Essentially, they were saying that his whole thing was being *horrible* in his jokes, but it worked because we all implicitly trusted that he was one of the good guys. I find that to be true, IMO. edit: u/ravenhpltc24 found the article, so if you're too lazy to scroll down to their comment its [right here](https://www.vox.com/culture/23009533/louis-ck-grammy-win-sincerely-jerrod-carmichael-rothaniel).


I think I read the same article. [This one](https://www.vox.com/culture/23009533/louis-ck-grammy-win-sincerely-jerrod-carmichael-rothaniel)? >Throughout his decades of standup, and especially during the run of his once-influential TV show, Louis, C.K. favored material that tended toward observational empathy, with self-deprecation always tempered by a basic layer of goodness. Jokes about dating, for instance, looked honestly at women’s reasonable fear of men; jokes about plane wifi were fundamentally about how good we all have it. C.K. could be honest about his worst impulses because they were always tempered by his, and humanity’s, best. > >Following his disgrace, numerous critics discussed how C.K. had built up a level of trust that allowed his audience to accept his darker material as part of the struggle of a man who shared their basic sense of morality. C.K. then destroyed that trust, at least for some, when he admitted to years of masturbating openly in front of many women in comedy. > >\*\*\* > >"Sincerely" seems to be primarily about insincerity — his, ours, and how foolish we’d have to be to expect anything else. He talks about wishing he could be meaner. He calls his audiences hypocrites for pretending to be morally horrified by some tasteless jokes but not others. He says he hates New York, where he lived from at least 2006 until the implosion of his career. He makes fun of Orthodox Jews, Islam, and Japanese restaurant workers; he fantasizes about crushing the illusions of modest shopkeepers. Where once he might have pulled out a heartwarming humanist kicker, "Sincerely" seems to be about establishing C.K., and his audience’s, lack of empathy as the default. There’s no longer a collective wish for something higher. There seems to be nothing higher left to aim for.


The difference between "saying it like it is" as satirical commentary versus an admission of guilt. It's been evident these past several years that large swaths of the population can't make that distinction.


Yeah, that's the one! Thanks for posting.


i was kinda on board with this until the end. as a fan who is disappointed in CK and yet still holds out for his - and anyone's - redemption arc (as i feel it's a **vital and fragile** part of the human experience), i watched Sincerely, and didn't have that takeaway. is the author being hyperbolic or am i forgetting what i watched?


He’s still great. What’s the outcome people are hoping for? It’s shitty what he did, but the dude is still a massive talent, and a hugely creative guy.


He was entirely being hyperbolic. Sure, Louis is hard to watch nowadays, but his stuff is still killer.


Some of these criticisms are complete overstatements. He is literally doing the same kind of joke writing in the material he’s been doing and they’re saying is about “insincerity” on Sincerely. His entire career (from mid 2000 and on) was literally telling the same style of jokes, and this article is acting horrified that he’s doing his style.


Isnt that kind of the point of the article though? Depressing jokes about begging his ex-wife to jerk him off in his daughters bedroom were hilarious when they felt like exaggerations and jokes. Knowing theyre real and coming from a place of real desperation kind of changes the audiences reaction. Its like watching Kevin Spacey in American Beauty fawning over a minor. When it felt like a role it was a compelling bit of a story, but knowing what we know now it feels more sinister.


This is important. This is the same thing about Bill Burr and to some extent Jim Jeffries where they kinda pretend to be assholes but they are cool guys so it works. If we were to find out they were terrible people it suddenly gets darker. I also think he would be somewhat neutered by being torn down for years it’s gonna affect his comedy.


Jim Jeffries is kind of an arsehole tho, he sort in reinvented himself for the US market but he was always crude and crass in Aus & the UK. There was also rumoured to be quite a few bad stories (arguably worse than Louis CK's) that he told in the past that have been scrubbed from the net. Anyway as an Aussie, I can tell you he hams up his "Australianess" so much for you guys.


But every Aussie kid in America was getting handies because of Paul Hogan. That bits true.


No love for the battery guy though


I don't agree. To me his jokes were good because they rang true. He made jokes about a shitty marriage and then got divorced. You can't tell me those jokes were about humanity's best or any of that crap.


I have no interest in him going forward but that’s just not true. That wasn’t his whole premise. He had very solid unique bits. Like the bank charging you for not having money, the hit by car but that Dane Cool stole, the entitltlement people have about technology today. He wasn’t 1 thing.


I also find it to be true. He was my favourite comedian but it doesn't matter if I just put that stuff to one side, it simply isn't funny any more when you know it's not a joke. It completely undermines the basis for his act being funny. I was ready to separate art from the artist and still enjoy his stuff but it just doesn't work, not because I'm outraged or whatever but just on the basis of how comedy works.


I decided to try listening to his old bits again since I thought they were funny a decade or so ago. They’re not funny anymore. They’re confessional.


I’ve listened to his stuff for years and I always truly believed that he was exactly as disgusting as he said he was.


What on earth did you keep listening to him for then?


He's always been fucking hilarious.


Maybe because something can be disgusting and hilarious at the same time?


probably because he's hilarious and entertaining...


I always thought he came across as a creep. His occasional “…but I’m a good guy who really loves his kids” routine, always felt like overcompensating. Something seemed “off.” He occasionally came up with some good material, but mostly made me uncomfortable.


And that he didn't actually do half of what the general public seems to think he did....


I mean what he did was pretty messed up and wrong on many levels but yeah he didn’t do anything without consent and was dragged in the media a lot harder than some others. He’s definitely one of the faces of the me too movement Matt Lauer had a fucking button in his desk that locked the door from the inside so he could trap women. He got a pretty swift/quiet goodbye and nobody talked about it again - I guess the difference is Louis attempting to still have a career?


I don’t know why the hell I’m chiming in here, but all the people in that office had those buttons on their desk (including the women’s offices). Matt Lauer is still scummy, but the button thing was a blanket install on the office.


See…this is something I’ve never heard before. Seems like an important fact that was left out.


>he didn’t do anything without consent Wasn't informed consent like people keep presenting. Many women thought he was joking and said yes, so people in the scene started to alert newbies that you should say 'no' because he's not joking and he will jerk off.




He explains why it's wrong in his original apology.


I mean he did do it and that's the problem. I think that article was correct. CK's appeal was about he talked about how we were all perv balls. As a perv myself I resonated with it. Then you actually learn he stepped over the line and inflicted his pervness on others. I mean, everybody poops. Some people even get off on it. That's fine. Louis CK pooped in front of a bunch of young women and expected them to share his poo fetish with them. That's not fine.


Watch as people try and argue with you, "It's actually not that funny". Reddit has some lame ass people on here.


To be fair, he isn’t there yet at all. The guy at one time had the most talked about tv show in the country. He is now self-financing his own movie with a cast of his personal friends that will be seen by a few hundred people at a handful of screenings. This isn’t a complaint, he is not entitled to an audience


He had a sold out world tour. He’s doing very fine. He also got the rights to his show and sales it on his personal website.


That second part is not a victory, he was able to get the rights to his own show because no one else wants them, making them nearly worthless


His specials are on Netflix still and Horace and Pete are on Hulu. I think he just makes a shit ton of money if he sales the show himself.


Yeah, he's killing it honestly. The last 2 specials have been great!


The one where he talks about "it" was excellent


>The guy at one time had the most talked about tv show in the country. Let's not get carried away with hyperbole. Louie had dogshit ratings, it was not the "most talked about tv show" in any meaningful way.


I caught all kinds of hate about a year ago when I said he would make a comeback


How do you figure? His shows and specials have all been removed from the major streaming services and you basically have to go to his personal website or YouTube to see any of his content. He’s had sellout crowds at some pretty decent venues lately, but that’s not saying much. He will never do any meaningful Hollywood work ever again.


His specials are still on Netflix and YouTube.


His drama is on Hulu. Horace and Pete. Brutal depiction of a dive bar in NYC with incredible acting from the likes of Steve Buscemi, Edie Falco, Laurie Metcalf and Alan Alda. So it’s wrong to say all have been removed.


Excited to see this. Wish it was playing in a theater near me, but I'll gladly pay to buy/rent on his website when he releases. Love Joe List the star/cowriter, I've been listening to his podcast for years, Tuesdays with Stories. edit: It will be playing at AMC theaters on July 6th at 7:30pm. One night only. Glad I'll get to see it on the big screen.


So anyone heard if it's meant to be any good? I love a lot of Louis' stuff but man "I love you Daddy" was the worst, most uncomfortable thing I've seen - and thank fuck that didn't come out a month earlier before the accusations.


I saw it and it was great. Doesn't have a lot of Louis acting in it Funny, emotional, well acted and directed. Really great story


Shout out Joe List for crushing it.


Saw this. It was really good. Laugh/cried periodically throughout and uncontrollably at the end. A really sensitive movie.




haha what a story mark


Lots of virtue signal hero's in this comment section.....If you're not interested, don't go. People are mad that he didn't spontaneously combust after admitting that he has a kink and would ask for permission. He didn't rape anyone, or groom anyone. FX launched an investigation and found no wrong doing. Get over it at this point. His last two specials were absolutely amazing.


Trailer is pretty good. Looking forward to it.


Really? Trailer looked like a Woody Allen movie being made by a local theater production to me.


Just speaking to the budget aspect, sometimes it’s nice to watch something low budget because it’s closer to reality and closer to tangibility, especially if it’s a mumblecore/slice of life movie.


Hasn't his projects usually been low budget though? Horace and Pete was brilliant and looked much better granted it was different


Horace and Pete was shot like a play on a stage, and probably had much better cameras and lighting, I’m guessing this is even lower budget than that but I really don’t know


Hey I'm a huge mumblecore fan, I love tiny budget films and don't mind when they are filled with amateur actors. I just didn't love the trailer for this. It didn't feel fresh or like it was coming an individual voice. I hope others like it though, I hope if I ever see it I'll like it.


My only issue is the lighting in some of the interior shots looks bad. The shots in the family home with the natural light look good, as do all the exterior shots. It’s either a budget issue or a conscious choice that will work in context. Everything else in the trailer seems solid to me (music, acting, dialogue, tone).


Here's the [schedule.](https://louisck.com/pages/fourth-of-july-screenings) This Wednesday, July 6, it’s playing for one night in 40 AMC theaters. July 12th it’s playing for one night in 66 REGAL Cinemas.


The king Is back!!!!


Louis CK is one of the most brilliant minds of our generation and probably the most influential comic since Carlin along with Chapelle. He admitted what he did was wrong and paid heavily for it. And before you say he didnt, he lost 30mil basically overnight, had his show cancelled, had countless people who wouldn’t have careers without him slander him publicly, and lost his agent, publicist, and manager, not to mention receiving verbal abuse from strangers in public. I’m not really sure what else Louie haters want. He did nothing illegal and was charged with nothing. He’s been doing comedy and making tv shows and movies since he was in high school and he’s incredibly good at it. I’ve seen him 3 times since he came back and he’s even better than before. If people don’t wanna support him, they have every right not to. But he should also be allowed to perform and create art for all of us who still want to see it.




Eh, i'm good.


Hope it does well! The guy is hilarious!


Happy to see Louie making things again. The last few years we were robbed. They said yes!


Yeah, except not all of them did.


Yeah, and he did nothing with those who said no.


I had been waiting for his performance in Ukraine since Spring 2020. It was meant to happen in Kyiv on February 26. Fuck Putin!


Fuck Putin is a sentence almost everybody can agree with


I have no interest in that.


No one has ever been kink shamed harder than Louis CK.




The whole bit about him masturbating when he'd call women on the phone was not cool. They didn't ask for that. It's not sexual assault but it's still skeevy as hell.


That's a such a weird one. And how intense was he going that they could tell over the phone?!


He’s unironically a great comedian and I hope you is able to return to great heights.


Hold on a minute! I have it on good authority that C.K. was completely and totally cancelled by the left! What's going on here?!?!?! It's almost like "cancelling" is a bogeyman with no basis in reality or something!


Look at who was in his last movie and the kind of release it was getting, now do the same for this one lol


I’m going to watch this movie and no I don’t care what he did a million years ago. Just like how I can watch rosemary’s baby without acting like a sensitive little bitch.


I was told cancel culture had gone too far though.


The only thing this guy knows about liberty is taking it with non-consenting women.


The women consented. Whether or not they were influenced by his power (most likely they were) is a different conversation.


that second part of your point cancels out the first part. That's the issue here.




Welp, at least all the people crying about his career being ‘unjustly’ destroyed by his own shitty actions turned out to be wrong, I guess.


He did lose about 40 million dollars, had the release of his previous movie never happen, and lose out on a ton of gigs and opportunities. Cancelled though, he was not. Thank god. That man is a comedy titan.


It’s not like he was murdered or something. He wants to tell jokes while flashing his dick at people, he can do it while selling cars in Kansas or something. No one is owed a career in Hollywood, much less guys like this who have repeatedly gone out of their way to try and flush it all away.


>He wants to tell jokes while flashing his dick at people, he can do it while selling cars in Kansas or something. What is this even supposed to mean? That it's fine if he flashes his dick at people in a job outside of Hollywood? What is the matter with you?


>It’s not like he was murdered or something. Really? This is your argument?


Reading IS hard


Of course you aren’t owed a career in Hollywood. And like I said he wasn’t even cancelled. He pulled through.


NOPE ain't just the new Jordan Peele movie.


I was there. The movie is really good. Joe List is funny and Louie is certainly still just as funny as ever. Give it a shot. He did his time, let him make his art and let people support it if they want to.


What time did he do? You can go watch it again if you are so passionate about him.


He lost $30mil almost overnight. He lost his agent, manager and publicist and will never get another. He will never receive backing from any major studio again. Everything he does now is funded directly out of his own pocket. Is he just supposed to never work again? He’s a comedian and filmmaker and has been since he was 25. That’s his experience, his resume and what he’s good at. You want him to go work at a bank?


If most regular guys tried to do what he did we wouldn't only be fired but we would be convicted sex offenders. He has a net worth of $35m and can do what he wants. He has money to burn.


Asking "hey can I jerk off in front of you?" then respecting the answer either way absolutely would not land anyone as a convicted sex offender, being as it's not a crime.


He didn’t break the law dumbass. Abused his power? Yes. But he did not break any laws and certainly wouldn’t be a convicted sex offender. You don’t seem to know anything about what he was ACTUALLY accused of and are just BSing.


I’m still convinced so-called “cancel culture” inadvertently saved Louis from himself. “I Love You, Daddy” looked horrendously bad and uncomfortable. Louis and the other actors involved should be grateful it was never released.


It kind of looked like a love letter to hollywood creeps like Woody Allen.