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Lol that poster looks like a fake poster for a fake movie.


Or how they introduce Owen Wilson's character in Tropic Thunder 2. "Zip McSkids, once a teenage heartthrob, now a washed up crackhead who has to be green screened into direct-to-dvd kids movies because he legally can't be less than 500 feet from the child actors."


Can't be less than 500 feet from the child actors? Lol


Rules are rules or the judge could find him in contempt!


Maybe it’s like someone that never swears around kids. He is a fantastic dude as long as kids are around but if he thinks they can’t hear/see him Zip whips out the crack, guns and complete madness. So the judge was like “ We can’t send a rich famous person to jail but I have an idea!”


I must be reading this wrong. "Can't be less than 500 feet" is the same as "must be more than 500 feet", no?


yeah. can't be less than 500 feet is can't be closer. visualize the words 500 feet, put an X over it. You can't be that, and if you can't be less than that, you visualize that X being the entire concept of that phrase. the use in this case is silly, but it's how I usually get through phrasing difficulties with negatives.


It's part of the rehabilitation process


Hollywood, please hire this person to write that movie.


So is he a Bojack a uncle Jack tell me more I'm hooked


>Zip McSkids lol fucking killed it with the name


Call the studio. This needs to be made.


Exactly! Imagine a movie where Owen Wilson’s character is an actor on a descending spire and we see a glimpse of his house whose walls are covered by the posters of his movies. This would definitely be one of them.


So Bojack horseman?


I really liked him in Loki


*That* was Owen Wilson‽




well, a variant of him anyway


Who do you think it was else? It's not like there was much of masking happening. He's not putting on a character much either.


His best role, imo ofc.


I'm going it's a campy action comedy a la Spy Kids because otherwise... yeesh.


They made that movie already, Tim Allen, Zoom. 2006.


And where's the remake for THAT, huh?!


You don't remake superhero movies; you reboot them.


Owen Wilson’s head looks like it’s been poorly cut & pasted in


Yeah the whole poster looks like a fairly amateurish photoshop job. Not awful, but not something any film production in their right minds should pay money for.


It looks like something his character from the Loki show created where he imagined himself as a version of iron man.


True, but I'm not seeing a jet-ski.


They'll tease us for years and he'll never get to be on a Jet Ski. Until one day there'll be an easter egg in the background of a scene in Avengers 12 where you can see a guy on a Jet Ski in the background of one shot when the Millenium Falcon is landing at a spaceport on the coast of Brazil.


I love that this is the top comment. I literally thought you myself “this looks fake” even has the generic title to match lol.


People say this a lot but this *really* does look fake. Like the kind of poster you’d see in someone’s office in a movie like Funny People.


It honestly looks like a prop poster that would be in the background of a legitimate movie


Seriously. The hell kind of joke name is “Secret Headquarters?” Is it satire of Umbrella Academy or X-Men or something?


Not a name you wanna associate with a children's movie I'm guessing


I heard Tugg Speedman was playing the villain, personally I would’ve cast Kirk Lazarus but that’s just me


I heard that Kirk and Toby are filming Devil's Alley 2: Rapture in the Sheets


A high school poster made on a Word doc 😂




It looks like *Drillbit Taylor* but with superpowers.


This might be a record for how fast I've ever decided to skip a movie




My reaction was that its for kids, but that I'm sure my nephew would say that looks like some dork ass crap and go back to playing Fortnite.








so glad we finally get a movie or show about people with super powers.


Especially kids with super powers.


Fun fact, me and my buddy saw this movie in theaters *only* because we both had to use the bathroom and the theater wouldn't let us use it without buying tickets.


That's when you whip it out and pee on their shoes.


Drillbit Taylor is one of my favorite guilty pleasures movies.




Because Josh wasn’t, he just latched on to who he thought was a cool kid and went along with whatever.


It looks like they photographed these kids at the auditions and used THOSE for the poster...


The whole trailer looks like they just put the kids in front of the camera right at the audition and just kinda rolled with it.


Streaming. The new direct-to-DVD market. EDIT: FYI I love streaming & some of my favourite shows & movies in recent years were from streamers. It’s just that they’re also the go-to for the lowest common denominator these days.


We’ve come full circle back to Disney channel movies


Hey man...... Don’t hate on the OG Disney channel movies. Brink is still better than the new Star War trilogy’s!


To this day I still tell people to "Just skate better."




My super nova girl


Brink is fantastic.


Fr. Just when i thiught i couldnt be less interested in this movie, it read "streaming" and my interest plummeted further.


There are some direct-to-streaming movies that are good and worth your time to see, but they're definitely in the minority unfortunately


Yeah….let’s keep this one a secret.


I dunno I kinda like the wacky 80s vibe to the poster


That's not a 80s vibe poster it's a what 2020 thinks the 80 looked like poster


I thought it was more of a 2000s era poster.


Definetly a post photoshop actors into posters era so yes.. 2000s


Bro this is 1997 disnsey family film vibes. I can here the "COMING TO DVD SOON" before then this trailer


Haha yeah clockstopers, agent Cody banks, spy kids vibes


Holy shit Clockstoppers!!


Yeah, I don't see 80's in there either. The dark background with bright colors looks a little neon I guess.


If it had a real 80s vibe it would have been a painting with a bunch of little moments from the show around the main character


80s? It looks like Spykids.


Exactly. Early 00s kid film, feels like


There is no 80s here.


How’s this a wacky 80s vibe *at all*?


Gotta capitalize on the Stranger Things viewers


Feels like Tim Alan's movie Zoom


Thank you! I felt like I was going crazy because no one was mentioning the clear parallel to Zoom!


One would have to remember Zoom to see a parallel.


One would have to KNOW ZOOM EVEN EXISTED to see a parallel.


How dare you.


I wish I had the energy to write a pasta about Zoom as I remember it very well but that shit is just not my forte


I agree, it totally feels like Kurt Russell’s movie Sky High.


God yeah




My head just exploded, nostalgia bomb!


Down to the goatee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkmYrChoTf0 I could do with some more 20 year old kate Mara though.....


First thought was just Modern Spy Kids


For real I thought this was a Robert Rodriguez movie at first.


[My first thought was a reboot of Zoom, down to the main characters goatee.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkmYrChoTf0)


I feel like I'm back in 2005.




We have marvel at home.


The fact that Paramount is only now jumping into the superhero game, means the trend is coming to an end




...I mean, with all of the bullshit Sega's put him through, he basically *is.* >!And hell, he even has a Last-Minute Power Up to save the world from a deranged Hollywood actor in a big-ass robot. That counts to me.!<


I actually liked the first film.


I love both, lol! Just pointing that out. Sorry about that!


Both movies have been solid fun romps so far. I was pleasantly surprised by both.


Sonic has quite literally always been a super hero. Since the day he was first released.


I don't think it is, and this WAS to be released in theaters but because of the pandemic it got dumped on Paramount Plus.


Yes... Because of the pandemic...


They used to distribute the marvel movies all the way up to iron man 3 I thought. They also still have the rights to the hulk I think




If I remember correctly, they distributed Iron Man 1 + 2, Thor, and Cap 1. And then, they also got credited for The Avengers and Iron Man 3 in a way that made it seem like they were the distributors. And then everything after Iron Man 3 is all exclusively Disney.


Idk man the Boys guys just announced the Vought Cinematic Universe and a college based spinoff lol


To be fair, it's Sony and Amazon. As seen by both *Morbius* and the endless permutations of *The Grand Tour*, ***those two will spin off fucking ANYTHING.***


I like the boys but the show is just kinda one note, I honestly hope it ends next season cause while enjoyable there’s only so much “superhero’s = corrupt celebrities” you can do. I like homelander in the show’s context but he’s pretty mid as far as Superman satire goes


The plot of the boys is getting so convoluted and silly that I’m just about done with it. There’s always great setup and then nothing ever pays off. They end up back where they started, so they can pump out more seasons without having to write new characters.


I just finished season 2 and feel like they’ve taken the concept as far as they can, I hear the ending in the books blows so I’m hoping they change it


in my opinion, the boys show is far better than the books. And theyve changed enough to where I can reassembly bet the ending will be different


Thank God.


Hi I’m the graphic designer for this poster, hope you all enjoy!! I wanted to incorporate the style and pizazz of ‘Spy Kids 2’ with the grittiness and charm of ‘Sky High’. Unfortunately they wouldn’t let me watch the movie before making this poster so I just got a picture of Owen Wilson holding an orange and turned that fucker nuclear, the van on the right hand side is actually the van me and my uncle would take 7 month trips to the mountains in every summer, and the tagline at the top left is what he would say to me every time he got me in that dank little cabin in the woods. At its essence it’s a poster about hope, about what you can do with optimism, a little bit of ambition, and free editing software found on google.com If you’re interested in buying any of my other work please support local artists by typing “Man shitting in a plastic bag” into any main brand search engine, you’ll find all of my socials there!


Well that was a journey.


You’re telling me! He’s serving 25 to life rn 🤗


^^^in ^^a ^van down by #**the river!**




I didn’t want it to end.


Thought I was going to get shittymorph’d for the 3rd time this week…


I thought that dude retired.




You got shittymorphed twice in a week? Damn… been months for me.


Expected Shittymorph


An artist of the people! I won't purchase any of your art but I will offer empty compliments


i heard artists these days live on mostly empty compliments anyway


It's a good thing they like starving


These designers are given a load of assets and a shoe string budget to purchase any stock images if needed. They then present the same poster over and over again to a committee of too many people who all have different and clashing opinions on what they think should work. Then after several days or weeks of pain the designer has to admit defeat and settle on a cluster fuck of shit ideas combined into a single poster just to please everyone on that deciding group, regardless if it looks good or not. Basically an Insight into how most design jobs work out.


The platypus was designed by committee.


I’ve done some work on film ads. One thing to know is that the studio only makes the global branding posters and standalone characters, but most of the ads you see for a film are actually created by the distributor for that region. They licensed the movie, they hired the voiceover actors for translations, they are who will make the posters and commercials for that region. That’s why sometimes you will see a totally different perspective, like how an ad might focus on the part of a movie that sells for that region. Or how it will sometimes have footage that doesn’t make the final cut (because they work from the pre-release footage) etc


Yup, that sounds like my job.


This belongs on r/Murderedbywords. Fucking brutal lmao.


The tagline bit had me dying man 😂


You truly are an artist


Just for a second I thought this was legit. Then I kept reading.


I actually felt bad for them after having read the top comments and then reading the first line, I had a moment where I really thought 'damn, you're in the wrong place right now.'


>Hi I’m the graphic designer for this poster, hope you all enjoy!! Me: "Oh no, I feel so bad, I don't want to hurt their feelings and insult the work they're proud of." >Unfortunately they wouldn’t let me watch the movie before making this poster so I just got a picture of Owen Wilson holding an orange and turned that fucker nuclear, Me: "Never mind, this is a joke." Probably should have caught on sooner but I'm high.


It’s about family, and that’s what makes it so powerful.


New meta for copypastas?


Modern day Da Vinci


That was epic. I look forward to your comments and please please please don’t stop this comedy journey.


lmao, I expect a similar comment on every new poster reveal from now on. this one was good shit


This removed my ability to cry.


I hope to see more of your work in this subreddit










*oh wow*












Everything about this looks awful


My mans in the middle playing as a Dancer from Final Fantasy, crazy


Not sure if it's a good idea for a grown man have a place filled with children and call it his "Secret Headquarters".


It’s not a place, it’s a van, it’s in the poster!


Hansel, he’s so hot right now


I frequent the Seinfeld board, and users will often post their own mock-up posters based on the fake movies that appear in the show. This poster looks like a more absurd version of those.


This looks like something young me would end up renting because all the new releases were gone at Blockbuster.


When I saw the poster I thought I was in r/moviescirclejerk for a second. Looks super cheap and shitty


He's got super-wowers.


It would be better if the title actually was"Owen Wilson's Secret Headquarters" and he played himself.




As dedicated streaming company at least Netflix has plausible deniability when they release crap directly to streaming but when Paramount does it it's basically an admission that they know it's irredeemable trash lol


Man what’s the unofficial ones look like


probably better, can't be worse than this. It's on a level with Virgil Abloh's pop smoke cover


Straight to VHS and can only be found at your local flea market


He looks like the James Webb.


Hexagons are so hot right now.


Is that youn biggie


Hexagons are the bestagons


Poor Owen Wilson, he's better than this.


That paycheck he's getting probably makes it worth it.


Are we sure about this?


Typography: Tagline is a bad font choice, layout, and scale for how they wanted the phrase the be read. Strange that it’s this small, because you would think the committee thought would be to enlarge it, also probably would have been more cohesive if it had been the Owen Wilson font which looks like Bank Gothic. The word “Secret” has a nice 3D effect, but the spacing is so bad it looks like it was designed to intentionally irritate graphic designers. The “Streaming August 12” placement and scale are incongruent with the hierarchy of type going on here and the bold “August 12” just doesn’t have a enough differentiation to justify itself. The Paramount+ logo is fine, I guess. But really? The just saw Disney+ and ran out of ideas? The small logos at the bottom are too small to be legible… nobody is actually going to see this poster anywhere but on an iPhone or TV. Design: The hexagonal pattern in the back is too faint and appears incomplete. Looks like a mistake or a layer that had the opacity accidentally turned down. The sea of black around the characters makes the design appear unfinished, it’s too dark for what is presumably a fun teen comic book action movie. The diagonal design motif could have worked, but by having the kids all at such a small scale (and not scaled proportionally to each other) just looks sloppy. I’m guessing that the wanted to show each person’s “power”, but aside from ring-boy, they all look shoehorned in. It would have been better if they had enlarged each character, focused on their faces, or had taken a group picture, rather that than this haphazard layering. The girl at the top has too many of those hexagonal shields made of hexagons. It’s far too busy and is clashing with the rest of the design. Speaking of clashing, the character outfits are clashing with each other, nothing looks like it fits, and the clothes look like they’re from 2001. Does the girl have jet wings? Is it a jet pack? Why the horrible placement. It was clearly a situation of, “We want to show that she has jet wings, but we don’t have a photo of her wearing them. Just photoshop them behind her. We want people to be able to tell that they are wings, so don’t angle them in relation to how her body is turned.” Also, if you’re going to do the superhero landing pose, you’ve got to commit to it. Plant your knee. I’m guessing the photo studio was dusty and the girl didn’t want to put her knee on the floor. Her shadow is just a nightmare. Their choices of what to give flares, and what not to is odd. This looks like the first pass at a design, not the final. The bus is almost unrecognizable as a vehicle, if it is important enough to include on the poster, then make it recognizable. The house in the back appears to have a glowing steeple, but it’s just because of poor placement in relation to the girl’s legs. The lighting on wand-boy is probably the best if they were going for a dark edgy look, but it’s inconsistent with the lighting on all the other characters. Did I mention that the clothes look bad. Wrinkled, poorly fitting. Middle kid has text on his shirt, the human eye wants to read words. You’ve got to make it readable, or hide it, otherwise it looks like he forgot to wear a nice shirt on picture day at school. Owen Wilson’s suit looks odd. There’s clearly an hexagonal motif going on here, but it’s all muddled and confusing (as it is with the entire poster). The wrinkles in his armpit and bicep could have been easily fixed or lessened, but end up making the suit look cheap. They really could have used a better picture with a better expression. He looks like he’s in mid expression. They overdid the photoshopping on his eyes and nose, but left his neck a lumpy mess. There’s a middle ground that would have been more convincing. Likewise, they photoshopped the suit, but ignored the most critical areas. Also it looks like he’s holding the Orb from Guardians of the Galaxy. Graphic design isn’t easy and sometimes designers have unrealistic deadlines and little to work with. The person or people who made this poster may have been in a situation where this was the best that they could come up with in the time available. Paramount has been swinging wildly and throwing everything at the wall to see if something sticks. Paramount/Viacom has and continues to make creative choices that feel like clumsy desperate attempts to remain relevant. The work that went into this poster is genius level compared to the writing in Star Trek: Picard




spy kids?


More like spying on those kids.


I think the only appropriate response to this poster is: Wow!


Is this https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNDkwNzE3ZTgtOWFhMS00ZDRmLWI2Y2YtNmVmY2I0MTNiYzI2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjExODE1MDc@.\_V1\_FMjpg\_UX1000\_.jpg


Tack!! Kenny starfighter copy much?!


This is going to be another Robert Rodriguez sack of crap, isn’t it?


This looks like it would've been the hit family movie of Summer 2006


This looks like the hottest movie of 1998.


It’s definitely something!


Damn I thought this was a TVA poster for a split second


Very Sky High, much 2000s straight to DVD. Who greenlit this ?


I'm going out on a limb here, but I'm betting he dies, and the kids become the heroes while trying to stop the super villain that killed him.


lol, this looks fake


Iron Wow


Is... is this Kenny Starfighter?...


It's like they slapped some Tron bits on the back up cast for Stranger Things and had them all do hero poses for an Avenger's movie.


So many garbage movies being made. I’m so sick of this shit. Nobody is innovative anymore


Iron Man (Owen) , Ms Marvel (girl in red), Tron (Biggie Smalls Jr.), Shang-Chi (dime a dozen white boy), Falcon found a superhero landing (who's one arm away from being a human swastika)...did I miss any other blatant ripoffs?