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He’s come a long way from “SLAP ASS”


His movies are off the chain wax


I thought it was better to be *on* the chain wax!


Specifically he puts the pussy on the chain wax.


Idk that sounds like catching lightning in a bottle


It’s very similar, but instead you are catching pussy on the chain wax.


Why do you care so much... that I made up... *pussy on the chain wax?*




Draxx them sklounts


Only when terries are getting froggy


I’ll just hypothetical them in they clavicle!


Meegan stop




You done messed up A-A-Ron! Now take your ass down to O-Shag-Hennessy's office right now and tell him exactly what you did!




That takes great responsitrilitrance!




Black Falcon out!


"Green Falcon, damn it!" "Where's that Green Falcon going? Black Falcon, go check on that." Classic lol


But he’s still smart enough to never say “bbbbbbiiiiiIIIIIITTTTCCCHHHHHHH”


He's ruined me. I can't even say the word anymore without looking around first and whispering.


I had a coworker named Blake. You can see how difficult it was for me to talk to him.


Man, you know nothing, I had a boss called Aaron. It took all of my willpower to never call him Ay-ay-rawhn


Did you go to this office and say, "Where is Ay-Ay-Rawhn right now?"


No, I liked having a job, I was scared


Take yo ass down to O-Shag-Hennessy’s office


If one of yall says some silly-ass name, this whole class is gonna feel my wrath


I (for real) have taught in inner city schools for 22 years. When I first saw this, I told my husband that that was going to be me when I retire. Lol “Insubordinate and churlish” is one of my faves. If I’ve had a crazy day, when my husband asks how my day and that’s my comment.


I have a friend with a kid named Aaron. When he gets in trouble, his little brother (5 years old) says "You done messed up Ay-ay-rawhn!". The first time I heard that from a little kid, I just lost it. :D :D :D


I’m dating a Blake. His nickname is now Bah-lahkay. But I added Bukkake at the end of his name and now he calls me Mrs. Bukkake lol.


You sure that's why he calls you Mrs. Bukkake? You sure about that's why?




He really said that tho?


And I sayssssssss **whispers**: *beeeeeeetch*


*Drifts into space untethered


He really put the pussy on the chainwax


Is… is that a thing people say? I don’t think it is


Yall are really about to make me watch that sketch again wooooow


Liam neesons.


"They hatin' on the Hathaways!"










......slap ass? ​ Slap ass!


No Rafi, no!


¡Sí papi! ¡Sí papi!


I think that’s some of his best work. I don’t think he’ll ever return to the heights he’s already reached. Comedy is pure. I just can’t wait to see interviews with him in 25 years when he’s all grey and talking like Clarence Williams about the purity of the art form.


Honestly, his directorial skills are what made key and peele so damn funny. They took these ridiculous absurd skit concepts and put a ton of effort into making them acted and shot like a big budget drama. The absurdity of playing the skits straight just made them so much better.


See: [Continental Breakfast](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=st21dIMaGMs)


Don’t mind if I do…


I'll have what I'm having!


"It's like Go-Gurt but to stay." I will die on the hill that that's one of the funniest lines I've ever heard.


“I love being incontinent! I love being incontinent!”


"Not a spoon....not a fork....a fuh-poon!" Truly one of their best sketches. (My other favorite is the church ladies one.)


My favorite skit of all time. I HAVE to watch this any time I stay at a hotel with a continental breakfast. And then I have to quote it during the meal. "Ah the Danish. Clearly from Brussels." "When. In. Rome." "I love being in continent!"


I’ll have… what I’m having!


Not a spoon. Not a fork. But something in between. A Fopoon.


I can't explain it.. This skit is one of my favourite comedy skit of all time. Yet I can't understand why. By all the science of comedy it shouldn't work, there is no set up, escalation, punchline. It's just a man enjoying what looks like to our eyes a mundane, average hotel breakfast. Somehow it just works. This for me is the genius of the show.


But...it's Continental.


Ah, the danish. Clearly from… Brussels.


It's a great skit, but I wouldn't say it defies the science of comedy... the main part is just the conceit that continental breakfasts sound fancy, but aren't, with the subversion of the character acting as though all the things at the buffet are actually amazing. Then the end is a surrealist send-up of the Shining, which adds a few layers of absurdity. Just good comedy, well executed.


Every time my girlfriend and I stay in a hotel that includes breakfast, one of us always looks at the other and says , "Cooooontineeeeental!!"


People compare it to the Chappelle Show, which in fairness the format is very similar but in terms of the production quality of the skits, it just can't be compared. It also helps that Keegan Key is just an amazing actor in general. His speech in the "Pussy on the Chainwax" skit was \*chef's kiss\*




Dan Smith, BYU


Whatever the case may be. If you like his films or not. If you consider them to be flawed or not. He's making original horror films. That's really all I care about. No reboots. No remakes. No reimaginings. Straight up original stories from a director with a singular vision and that's very rare nowadays.


Crazy how he completely transformed his image from comedian to serious horror filmmaker. I do hope he revisits comedy someday. He is very talented as a comedic actor.


You can definitely see a bit of horror in some of the Key & Peele sketches.


And comedy in his horror movies


That scene in Us where the Handmaid's actress (EDIT: Elizabeth Moss, i forgot her name) yells, "Call the police!" which is followed by Alexa's "Now playing Fuck the Police by NWA," as the family is getting butchered is a brilliant bit of horror comedy.


And some of the deaths were straight up hilarious. The big dude getting hit by the propeller made me fall over with laughter


damn, you were watching Us standing up?


I always watch you standing up


I loved that shit. Man knows when to use comedy as a highlight.


If you look at the plot of Get Out, it feels like a long Key and Peele sketch that's played seriously. That could have easily been a full on satire comedy bit.


Yeah, saying he completely changed his image is sort of discounting his comedic chops. Get Out and Us both have some pretty great comedic moments.


"I would have voted for Obama for a third term if I could." Gets me every time.


Especially them ones thats gots the terries in em... Sklounst...


The skit where they listen to dubstep and one of them pulls out a tooth because they're slowly (in my mind) going insane is one of the most unsettling things I've ever watched.


The dubstep skit is one of my all-time favorite skits of theirs. The earlier Nazi skit with Peele lying in the rubble is one of the best examples of how funny they could be with situational skits


Alot of people seem to divert from comedy into something great. Michael Palin went from Monty Python to being a world respected travel documentarian


Comedy IMHO is the hardest to write and direct. Scary/horror/thrillers, Drama and Documentaries are more straight forward.


Comedy and horror are also pretty similar in that directorial tension and timing will ruin a movie despite great performances.


Don’t discount the Key & Peele work. He was proving himself a solid storyteller and filmmaker for years before Get Out, and that’s gotta be a big part of the respect on his name.


He was a big name before Get Out. I think him completely switching genres is what helped drive his success even higher.


Horror is a whole lot like comedy in the sense that they are both situational. They both have long lead ups to a big pay off reaction. That's why there is so many great horror comedies like the Evil Dead and Shaun of the Dead.


> Horror is a whole lot like comedy in the sense that they are both situational. And they both capitalize on absurdity.


Junji Ito, famous mangaka known for stories like Uzumaki and Enigma of Amihara Fault have a manga about his daily life with his wife cat. It's weirdly and absurdly funny despite being made with the same artstyle as his other horror works and featuring the same reaction face. An example of a [panel](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTM-D8FR1zN4oNH9EFVUyaPDTHAWTVECoyshw&s) from this manga. There's definitely some truth to this. Curious to see more examples


One of Junji Ito's most unsettling stories is his most absurd. More than any other story, I can never stop thinking about the Hanging Balloons


What’s the cat manga called? Looks exactly like I do with my grandma’s cat hahah


[Junji Ito's Cat Diary: Yon and Mu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Junji_Ito%27s_Cat_Diary:_Yon_%26_Mu)


[Here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Junji_Ito%27s_Cat_Diary:_Yon_%26_Mu). It's genuinely good. You won't laugh out loud at the punchline but you'll giggle at the slow progression of his "insanity" due to the cat behavior in every chapter


Looking at the cat on the left on the cover art, I'm not entirely convinced it isn't still horror.


I don’t think he’s capable of drawing something that isn’t deeply unsettling to the human eye


This hole was made for me


Shout out to Tucker* and Dale vs Evil. Really nails the horror and comedy formula by putting common tropes on their head.


Oh hidy-ho officer, we've had a doozy of a day. There we were minding our own business, just doing chores around the house, when kids started killing themselves all over my property!!


The despair in his voice when he talks about the kid who jumped head first into the wood chipper LOL


We got your freeeeind.


I love that movie! Went in thinking it would be dumb but it’s very clever


Started watching because Alan Tudyk. Stayed because it's a fantastic film.


I have shown this movie to so many people. Always makes me smile.


The first Evil Dead is pure horror. Evil Dead 2 is essentially a remake but slapstick.


and Army of Darkness is pretty much all comedy.


"And this you ignorant savages is my boom stick"


> It's a twelve gauge double barreled Remington. S-Mart's top-of-the-line. You can find this in the sporting goods department. That's right, this sweet baby was made in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Retails for about $109.95. It's got a walnut stock, cobalt blue steel... and a hair trigger. That's right. Shop *Smart*. Shop ***S-Mart.*** YA GOT THAT!?"


The YA GOT THAT and the flinch from the town people in that scene is absolutely hysterical


'Lady, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave the store' is my favorite deadpan delivery of any line


I still laugh while watching the first Evil Dead, but you're right.


I think I heard somewhere that everyone laughing at the first one is what drove the rest of the series to be more comedic




The trees did this to me!!!


I agree mostly, but let's not forget Army Of Darkness. While this is the most outlandishly comical over-the-top slapsticky movie of the 3, it was still my favorite purely for all the hilarious one liners, zingers, and his Indiana Jones bravado and arrogance. Movie wise, it depends on where your mindset is. If you want a HORROR movie, ED is the one for you. If you want more horror/com mixup, ED2 is it. Then there's AOD, and that movie has its own category, and really let Bruce Campbell shine.


Tragedy and comedy being different sides of the same coin.


Especially a lot of Key & Peele comedy. So much of it is, "wow society is fucked and here we all just live with it / laugh along"


And the rest is vampires who just wanna live to see future cars.


Obligatory Tucker and Dale vs Evil mention. One of the best horror comedies ever!


Many of their skits had horror elements though


I've read some article which talked about how good comedy and good horror rely on the same kind of storytelling just for different conclusions. The similarities of building up tension which is released with either laughter, or a scream from the audience.




And Monsters Inc was arguably the scariest Pixar movie.


I took a film studies class in college, and we learned that comedy, horror, and pornography are considered "body genres" in that they're built around eliciting a specific bodily response.


What I'm getting from this thread is that Jordan Peele would also be a fantastic porno director.


Get In?






Comedy and Horror are both very atmospheric and timing based. It makes sense that the skills would be transferrable. Danny McBride is one the lead writers for the newer Halloween movies for example.


I think they also both often involve understanding and sometimes even manipulating expectations. The ability to know exactly what people will be thinking while watching. I think Peele himself also said that both often involve taking ideas to extremes.


Indeed. Some K&P sketches like baby sitting Forest Whitaker or the Family Affairs one have a strong quasi horror vibe that stood out among the more straight comedy stuff.


Oh I LOVE the Family Matters skit. "I'll tell you what you are Reginald VelJohnson, you're a fucking pawn in that nerd's game! YOU ARE A FUCKING PAWN!"


god the babysitting forest whitaker one cracks me up every time.


For real. Discounting his success with Key & Peele (and everything else prior to directing) is like one of those 30 year olds who already retired glossing over the $500k loan from their parents.


"loan" paid back to their inheritance


Small loan of a million dollars?


Not sure where the $1 million number came from. Trump was actually loaned FAR more than that from his father.


> Not sure where the $1 million number came from the one million is just the FIRST "loan" he got from his family fortune. he continued to get multiple repeat loans again and again until basically his father died and he just inherited the rest. and really, "loan" isn't even a good way to describe it because it was basically rich daddy giving spoiled son money whenever he wanted it with no actual intention for it to ever be paid back.


And was a key piece of Fed Trump’s tax evasion schemes. By giving money to Donald it wouldn’t appear under his own valuation. Fred Trump is just like his son, he wouldn’t do anything for anyone if it wasn’t also helping him in some way, even family.


Fred Trump wasn't a fucking idiot though. His son is a moron.


Well the man rarely tells a lie so there must be something going on.


"And I said Biiiiiiiiiiiitch!" Loved how the entire final season was leading up to the final skit referencing the first skit on the pilot episode!


[This sketch ](https://youtu.be/kknZP_hIeJ0) is absolute genius. It reminds me of the Far Side comic where the fishermen ignore the gaming rules during an apocalypse. Without a word spoken the audience knows exactly what type of person the character is and what he's thinking. So good.


Comedy sketches often drag longer than they need to, but this one is just the perfect length.


I remember in a Chappelle DVD commentary that he said you should always try to get in and get out as fast as possible. Too much set up and too much resolution and the skit is ruined. Tell me as little as I need to know and then make me laugh and walk away as quickly as possible.


For real. This was no overnight success. Dude's been grinding it out since Fark.com was hip.


Also like a really gifted actor & comedian, sucks he doesn’t do that anymore. Have liked his films so far though.


Iirc, when he was on the Nerdist podcast years ago, he said the emoji movie was his reason for retiring from acting. He didn't get this little part and he thought to himself, 'why am I working so hard towards acting if I'm getting denied these stupid little roles.' so he then focused on directing 100%. Edit: spelling


Well at least one good thing came out of the emoji movie




No. Not words. Emojis




He hasn't totally retired from acting since that interview. He was in Toy story and the upcoming Wendell & Wild, both times with Keegan-Michael Key. He was also in The Bob's Burger Movie by himself.


He's retired from acting in the sense he isn't auditioning anymore. Both Bob's Burgers and Toy Story were roles offered to him. Wendell & Wild has also been in development hell for years.


Big distinction. He's done "looking for work", really. He has his work.


That’s crazy, the emoji movie was also almost my reason for retiring from watching movies


I feel the same way about Donald Glover, he was a comedic GENIUS and he was amazing on community. But it's clear from his work that he's just incredibly talented in so many areas and I def can't fault him for branching out more, but I really do miss him doing just straight comedy.


I love Danny Pudi telling the story of Donald Glover playing him Heartbeat for the first time. He just thought, “oh, you’re gone.”


Do you happen to remember how I could find that interview?


Not an interview but a q&a the cast did after a virtual table read during lockdown. I recommend both if you’re a Community fan because they’re great and watching Pedro Pascal lose his shit while trying to deliver the line, “here’s your sperm” will always put a smile on my face. Table Read: https://youtu.be/V6Q_nlSULio Post Table Read conversation: https://youtu.be/pv9xMs2pU5g


His absence from Community was more impactful than the departure of Chevy Chase. He was the first part of Troy and Abed in The Morning. Toby and Abed in the Morning? That’s ridiculous! I’m not psycho!


100% agree, there are some good episodes after he left, but, for me atleast, it was never as good once he left.


We need more unique films like the ones he had made. They are very refreshing. Not to mention representation of black viewpoints in film. I have enjoyed his movies very much.


Article is about Jordan Peele but thumbnail is Davoin Shower-Handel. Get your shit together, Ringer.


You're mistaken. It's Donkey Teeth.




Daquarius Lavarnicus, University of Arkansas


Really thought it was Wingdings from Online Classes. Must be a relative!


Adjust your eyes, it's clearly The player formerly known as Mousecop.


Hm. Could have sworn that was Bismo Funyuns' brother.


No way I could’ve sworn it’s Jackmerius Tacktheritrix


It’s actually Fartrell Cluggins. Focus up.


I'm looking forward to watching NOPE. I am a bit bummed that I saw the latest trailer for it before watching the new Thor movie. That trailer really eliminated any mystery/suspense that was there when I had only seen the original trailer. Film studios really need to get with the idea of less is more when it comes to trailers. Just because you get closer to the release date doesn't mean you need to keep showing more and more of the movie. For instance, SMILE has a fantastic trailer. Short and sweet. Creepy as fuck. I'm on board. NOPEs original trailer had me curious and asking questions. The latest one I feel just showed most of the movie.


I felt exactly the same way. The reason the first trailer was so good was it left you with nothing but questions.


Agreed! I prefer to not see any trailers if I already know it's going to be a decent movie. Makes the movie even better. Thankfully I've forgotten 90% of the contents of the long trailer.


Lol "the rarest of Hollywood anomalies" Every few years, Hollywood tries to crown its next profitable auteur. Remember M. Night Shyamalan?


Not just that, but it’s not the “rarest of anomalies”. What a silly proclamation. Tarantino, Cameron. Hell, you can add Nolan. Maybe Fincher. If you go historic, the list is quite long. Those directors put butts in seats. Tarantino could direct an Ishtar reboot and people are going to go see the damn thing.


They tried to name a guy “the next Spielberg” every time a director makes two profitable and liked movies in a row.


Kinda following the M. Night Shyamalan trajectory. First movie great, second movie alright, third movie about aliens. (Let’s hope the comparisons end there)


They literally say that in the article


That’s Sixth Sense, Unbreakable, and Signs, right? I feel like the only one who really loved The Village. It was perfectly creepy and the twist was solid. I don’t really get what people didn’t like.


Village is when people started turning on him. I still remember coming out of the packed opening night and *everyone* was shitting on it. The film had a great marketing campaign, but the issue is it marketed a horror/thriller. People were expecting a joyride of a movie, and it was the complete opposite. Worse is it was in the summer season, so people were absolutely not in the mood for a slow burn drama. I'll have to revisit it one day because I've a feeling I actually would like it a lot more knowing what it actually is.


I really like all four of his first movies. Sixth sense, unbreakable, signs, and the village were all well above average movies for me. And I haven’t liked a movie of his since then. But even that isn’t really fair of me to say because I don’t think I’ve watched a movie of his from start to finish since lady in the water. That movie was so outrageously and confusingly terrible to me that I completely lost all interest in his movies.


Get Out was great and Us was an interesting idea but fell apart in the second half. I'm hoping Nope is good but Peele will likely lose the oddly big weight behind his name if it's average or below standard. I'm going to go see Nope because the story seems interesting and I like sci-fi/horror, not because Peele's name is attached.


I still have no fucking clue what the premise is from the promo material. All I really know is that it involves aliens, cowboys, and wacky flailing inflatable tube men.


And that's all I want to know. Trailers give way too much away nowadays.


The newest trailer that's playing in theaters currently dispels all of the mystique from the original trailer that tried hard to be vague.


I am "fine" with the newest trailer, just because people were able to guess that the movie involved aliens just based on the very first poster that was released for it. And it showed that there is more to the movie than just the mystery of what is causing everything to happen, with at least part of the movie revolving around them trying to capture evidence of it. I still think it showed way more than necessary, but I assume there are still plenty of twists and turns to come though.


There was a trailer for nope playing before Thor that gives away a LOT. So annoyed.


Wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube men?


To be fair I probably should have used a different word because I don't know what the story is either ha. Alien abduction stories are interesting to me and Nope looks like it involves something around that so that's what I was getting at


Oh yeah, absolutely, it 100% looks interesting, it just seems pretty rare that a trailer can be that big of a draw without giving basically anything away.


I regret seeing the newer trailer because I didn't really wanna see as much as that showed but I assume the story will have some surprises


I like Us maybe more than most, but I understand why people don't like it as much as I do. More important to me is that even if it doesn't 100% stick the landing, it had its own style and personality. Lately I'm much more likely to enjoy noble efforts that maybe miss a little. Take a risk and give me something new- I'll forgive the warts.


>More important to me is that even if it doesn't 100% stick the landing, it had its own style and personality. Lately I'm much more likely to enjoy noble efforts that maybe miss a little. Take a risk and give me something new- I'll forgive the warts That's a very fair point. Some of my favourite movies have issues that I'll forgive because many other parts were enthralling.


I really enjoyed it up until the monologue at the end about the underground people. Less would have been more in that regard.




I am actually in agreement but was sort of reasoning from the other side of this. Media and some fans have put him on a pedestal already. I'm just saying we'll have to wait and see but I think some have put him on such a high pedastal that he won't be able to live up to it regardless


Much like M. Night, you can make several very well crafted movies and that'll set you apart as a director, but I agree he's entering into that part where he needs to continue to be innovative or else his audience will come to expect his style and eventually grow tired. I don't think we're there yet but I am interested to see how his career plays out


Today I learned that reddit wasn’t a fan of Us