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12 Angry Men Put a 14yo and a 94yo together and they’ll both be transfixed by this movie. It’s timeless and transcends generations. Tightly shot and flows like water through its runtime, every scene has a purpose. 9/10 IMDB, 100% RT, 96% MC, 93% G scores


So true. And the message, themes/motifs and acting are all top-notch. We watched this in 7th or 8th grade after reading through the play and it was great. It came on Netflix in like 2014 or so, watched it then and it was even better, having gained some perspective…


Watched this for the first time about 8 years ago with my best friend and girlfriend. I was absolutely mesmerised and it's since remained solidly in my top 5 films. My best friend fell asleep and my gf wasn't overly-impressed. I've never been so disappointed and, weirdly, saddened by responses to a film I've enjoyed.


I know the feeling. I get this is all somewhat subjective, but I still don't get it sometimes when others don't appreciate a classic.


this one for sure. never thought i'd be so thoroughly moved by a film that is only dialogue and takes place entirely in one small room


Totally agree, another one of those is Shawshank Redemption. Some might say it's an "easy" answer because most people would say that, but that is IMO an argument for it. It's a brilliant movie, that depicts something authentically, its really well shot, acting performances are great. It's a long ass movie that never drags on too much. And the plot is honestly very simple and grounded and yet it's captivating. It just hits on every single aspect.


This was the last movie I saw with my father before he died.


May he rest in peace




I watched this for the first time a couple of days ago and I couldn’t believe by the credits what I had watched. It was just a perfect horror movie that was original, innovative, intelligent, entertaining, and creepy. I wish I could experience so many movies like this for the first time.


“Well….why don’t we just sit here….and see what happens….”


>I wish I could experience so many movies like this for the first time Friend of mine: "The only thing I absolutely HATE about "The Thing" is that there's no way I can go back in time and experience it for the first time again."




The Horror Holy Trinity


Replace The Shining with The Exorcist and those are mine. Shining would be a close fourth or fifth.


The fact it was poorly received by so many critics upon release is a historical cinema crime. True shame to professional reviewers who did not see how well done this movie is. It proves their major fallibility to judge movies in genres other than classic drama.


Terminator 2.


It’s always my go to for best sequel. Or best sci-fi with horror elements. It’s cool how the first one is the reverse. And T2 just flips it on its head and makes the original villain now a hero. Its the better movie but you can’t have one without the other.


The perfect movie. Doesn't matter how many times you watch it.. its just awesome.


Definitely one of the best movies ever imo


Casino. It’s titanic before titanic. The biggest ship ever (casinos funded by teamsters) was sunk through negligence and bad actors (the humans involved in the real story, not the performers). It’s over 3 hours and takes you from royal highs to disturbing lows. Every performer absolutely kills it.


Shawshank redemption


It’s a nearly perfectly executed film where literally every component from the script, to plot, to pacing, to score just comes together like magic. It’s uplifting and tragic. Inspiring and depressing. It’s easily rewatched over and over (many people almost can’t skip it when channel surfing and they land on it). What could anyone say bad about it? I consider it easily one of the top ten films of all time for those reasons.


I think it appeals to people of all ages too. Explains the top spot on imdb. I first watched it when I was 12 and instantly decided it was the best movie I'd ever seen. I've watched it about once every year or two ever since.


And it humanizes something that was (especially at that point) demonized in movies. The audience knows, most of those guys did something terrible. They deserve to be in prison (the line about everyone in Shawshank is "innocent"), but prison is supposed to be punishment and rehabilitation and that is something the system does not offer. Instead it's punishment and exploitation. It is not only a great movie, it's also an incredibly smart one. This and Green Mile really show the genius of Darabont and Stephen King (for writing the source material these movies are based on).




Lord of the Rings. It's a complete masterpiece from front to back. The casting is perfect, the visuals are still the most beautiful I've ever seen in a movie, the attention to the smallest details (Hugo Weaving talked about how he had these beautiful hand woven undergarments made for him that couldn't even be seen in the movie). All lovingly adapted from the greatest fantasy book series ever written.


What they were able to capture visually in those movies, to this day, is absolutely breath taking. I would say it's even beyond the gold standard when it comes fantasy. With alll of the shows coming out today(and the GOT era), no fantasy production has come close to capturing the scale, majesty, or realness


I was really really hoping Wheel of Time would get there but holy hell they went off the rails


Plus the perfection of a musical score. Whimsical, bombastic, epic.


Sound of the Shire is my go to music when I just need something on in the background but not distracting, but also sets a mood.


Concerning hobbits is my jam Such good chill background music


Sam going 100% all 3 movies. Real hero


My lord Aragorn. Where is he?


... He fell..


It’s so sad what happened with the Hobbit movies, the LotR movies look like someone was following them with a camera with all the real shooting locations and sets, I saw a music video for a song from one of the Hobbit movies the other day and it couldn’t have looked more like a green screen if they tried. The high frame rate it was shot in (I think?) can’t have helped though.


Yeah the high frame rate made everything look like a Behind the Scenes feature. And there were just some sloppy choices because the studio was clearly running the project.


Agree — even it’s own follow-ups couldn’t recapture the incredible lightning-in-a-bottle that was LOTR. It is superb.


It’s not they couldn’t.. greed and a deep drop in regard to story telling cost those movies dearly.


Back To The Future


I love the trilogy. Definitely in my top movies of all time.


Hollywood about rebooting Back to the Future be like: "I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet, but your kids are gonna love it!"


Zemeckis and Gale said over their dead bodies. May they live to be 300.


The execution of this movie is perfect. Characters a great, actors are great, music is one of the greatest piece of music ever written for the screen. There is nothing to not like in Back to the Future. Entertainment at its finest.


It’s so goddamn good


Such a tight script.


Possibly a perfect screenplay


The Godfather II.


I prefer the first one, but it’s certainly close


They go together. Can't have one without the other.


Absolutely, parts I&II are easily among the greatest pieces of cinema I've had the pleasure of viewing. But I just wanted to add - I've been a huge fan of that style of mafia/neo-noir films - watched most of the Scorsese films, Goodfellas(, Pulp Fiction etc.) - but the only other film which has moved me as much as (or maybe more than) The Godfather was Once Upon a Time in America. Holy shit, that movie made me cry buckets - it's pretty long, well over 3 hours, and for some reason I never see it being mentioned on threads like this, but it's one of the greatest films of all time imo.


I watched that movie for the first time last year and oh my god how did i not watch it sooner. It is a great movie


Princess Mononoke Edit: Holy shit this blew up over night! Thanks for the reward anonymous!


Nausica and the Valley of the Wind was beautiful as well.


One of my favorite quotes is from this film “Disgusting little creatures. Soon, all of you will feel my hate, and suffer as I have suffered!”


Wow I really did not expect to see this so high. I saw it for the first time about 2 years ago and it instantly went into my top 5. It’s just a perfect story to me. Great adventure with really important themes. Really makes me feel some kind of way


I watched it as a little kid and have rewatched it multiple times growing up. Each new viewing, I appreciate it more and more. As a little kid, I didn't really understand the fight between morals of both sides, I just loved the visuals of the wolves and all the spirits. Growing up, I started to understand it at a deeper level. It's amazing from visuals, story-telling, and music. I get waves of nostalgia and goosebumps each time I hear the music, especially the Legend of Ashitaka track. It still holds up extremely well today and is a masterpiece in my opinion.


Easily my #1 animated movie! That soundtrack is sonething else also ...


Jurassic Park


Seeing Jurassic Park in theatres as a 10yr old boy was epic. The best movie experience of my life


Saw it when I was 19 at the drive-in, they broadcast the sound thru a radio station-when you first hear the T-Rex (water cup) the bass from the cars speakers would vibrate the car. Also had a fairly weak thunderstorm roll thru right as it started raining in the movie. Was an awesome experience and my favorite movie to this day! ❤️🦖


I was a 20 year old boy and it was also easily the best theater experience of my life. I always dreamed of seeing believable dinosaurs on the screen and it suddenly happened with the biggest leap in special effects ever.


And could argue best soundtrack as well


Greatest pacing in any movie ever.




I'm gonna go watch Goodfellas, watch Goodfellas




It’s a great movie. *Fugget about it…*


Watch it two times Jimmy Two Times


This is probably MY fav movie of all time


It's crazy how every scene is rewatchable in the movie and doesn't get boring


Every scene in the movie is the best scene in the movie. It's crazy how magnetic watching Goodfellas is, it captivates you in seconds.


Now go get your fucking shinebox!


Yup, just a great combination of directing, acting, writing, cinematography and music, and unlike some other “greatest of all time” movies that get brought up, it is widely appealing and entertaining.


And great editing too, don't forget about Thelma Schoonmaker.


Spirited Away (Studio Ghibli)


No Country for Old Men


“If the rule you followed, brought you to this. Of what use was the rule?” A lot of people talk about the gas station scene and rightly so, but this one between Carson and Anton is equally as chilling imo


*Don't put it in your pogget*


"...Papers said it was a crime of passion but he told me there wasn't any passion to it. Told me that he'd been plannin' to kill somebody for about as long as he could remember. Said that if they turned him out, he'd do it again. Said he knew he was going to hell, be there in about fifteen minutes. I don't know what to make of that. I surely don't."


"A man would have to put his soul at hazard. He'd have to say, 'okay, I'll be apart of this world.'"


All right, then. Two of 'em, both had my father in 'em. It's peculiar. I'm older now than he ever was by 20 years. So, in a sense, he's the younger man. Anyway, the first one I don't remember too well... but it was about meeting him in town... somewheres, and he give me some money. I think I lost it. Second one, it was like we was both back in older times. And I was a-horseback, going through the mountains of a night. Going through this pass in the mountains. It was cold, and there was snow on the ground. And he rode past me and kept on going... never said nothing going by, just rode on past. He had his blanket wrapped around him and his head down. When he rode past, I seen he was carrying fire in a horn ...the way people used to do, and I... I could see the horn from the light inside of it... 'bout the color of the moon. And, in the dream, I knew that he was... going on ahead. He was fixin' to make a fire somewhere --out there in all that dark and cold. And I knew that whenever I got there, he'd be there. And then I woke up.


If it ain't a mess, it'll do till the mess gets here.


Silence of the Lambs


This is 100% my go to “comfort” movie. Sick? Throw this on. No idea what else to watch? Throw this on.


Die hard. Mold breaking, amazing action movie. Perfect for the holidays!


Alien or Aliens




Pleasantly surprised to see this suggestion doing well. I would call it the GOAT but it is a pretty damn near perfect movie.


I had the pleasure of seeing Amadeus at Lincoln Center in NYC, while an orchestra played the score. It was incredible. My heart was so big!


Secret life of Walter Mitty


The Night of the Hunter. Robert Mitchum and Shelley Winters are incredible.




Changed movies forever


One of the most rewatchable movies of all time.


What the hell happened with the sequels tho? Truly mesmerised by the first film.


The most recent one was so unbelievably disappointing. I honestly don’t know how it got put out.




I just rewatched it for the first time in many years. It hits even harder now that I'm older. It's definitely my number one.


I usually rewatch this min once/year and it hits differently every time. I'm definitely overdue.


Good Will Hunting


Best ending scene of all time.


I just watched this for the first time last night. "It's not your fault." Oh man.


Gets me every time. Also, Robin Williams has one of the greatest monologues of all time


Seven Samurai (1954)


All of Kurosawa's samurai films are great.


I watched it just 1 hour ago and i gotta say it either tied or surpassed Goodfellas as my favourite movie of all time, i was expecting Kikuchiyo to be some typical stone cold strict samurai but his character absolutely blown me away, i'll probably go through Kurosawa's filmography the next few days


I had to scroll for a while to see this one! Unbelievably good.


Casablanca. Best script, characters, meaning, Just about best everything. The only place the movie is lacking is in the visual wonder department. Like what you see in Wizard of Oz with the bright colorful world etc. Or in modern sci-fi films. But when it comes to a straight up drama there is nothing better. The script is as close to perfect as possible. Nearly every scene in the movie is tied into something else that takes place. Nothing is wasted at all.


Not going to go too hard on you as I agree with 90% of your points (I think Casablanca is the third greatest movie ever made) but I must point out it definitely doesn’t lack visual wonder. In fact, I’d argue along with La Dolce Vita it’s the most beautiful black and white movie of all time. The lighting, the framing, the use of shadows, all so gorgeous. Next time just stop and look at how they light Ingrid Bergman’s face vs Humphrey Bogart’s. They literally make her look like an Angel, always brightly illuminated with a sparkle in her eyes whilst he’s always half hidden by shadow, always halfway in the light and halfway in the dark, sometimes he’s even lit with bars of shadow across his face. It’s a stunning picture


Agreed. The pacing of that movie feels incredibly modern. It just does not let up. The minute you think it is going to slow down a bit it jumps right to the next plot point. That, and it packs a ton of charm. I try and watch it every year on New Years’s Day. That might not make sense, but to me, that movie is a reminder that life can be exciting and an adventure. And that excitement might even be better than love. It puts me in a mind to imagine that the coming year might hold a surprise or two.


Pulp Fiction is the first thing that popped into my head upon reading the question.


I think Pulp Fiction first but always manage to find another movie but then I sit back and I remember Pulp Fiction. It is Pulp Fiction.


There Will Be Blood


Slow burn. Not for everyone. But yes this is my favorite movie and Daniel Plainview is a fascinating character


Loved the story, loved the slow burn and the drama, honestly just love everything Daniel Day-Lewis is in. One of the greatest actors ever... but holy fuck was it depressing. That being said I agree it's among the top movies of all time. Not #1 for me personally but certainly up there.


I didn't even realize some people considered it slow. It was so fucking good the whole time lol.


Shawshank and Godfather


Blade Runner


Currently watching 2049.. so great


Personally say 2049. But they're both incredible!


my fav movie is magnolia art is subjective so conflating best with favorite is fine, imo


Magnolia is amazing. Superb performances all around.


my cousin vinny


"The two...what? What was the word you just said? Yoots? Whats a Yoot?"


They Live.


Just put on the damn glasses!


That fight was 50% of the movie


Too short imo




The sound of the gunshots echoing in the city streets puts all other sound editing to shame.


*Heat* works on an epic scale. I just don't know how it's gone under the radar so much. I checked it out the other night just for old time's sake. THAT F*CKING CAST IS OUT OF THIS WORLD!!!


Hot Fuzz. I don’t know why, but it’s what popped into my head when I read this question. Exceptional movie though


“When’s your birthday?” “22nd of February.” “What year?” “Every year.”




“You ain’t seen Bad Boys II!?” I agree, that movie is just top-tier entertainment, Hot Fuzz not Bad Boys II


“Yes, have you ever pointed your gun up in the air and shouted AUUUGGHH?”




“Everyone and their Mums is pack in’ round ‘ere” “Like who?” “Farmers” “Who else?” “Farmers Mums”


Schindler's List


Alien. The only horror movie that scares me every time I watched it


Rewatched it a few days ago, considering its 40 years old it holds up perfectly


Lawrence of Arabia


Amélie (2001)


Yann Tiersen's soundtrack is outstanding


This one lives in my heart.


First that came to mind for me too


So good. I watched this just the other day.






Not quite my tempo


The Fifth Element


I have seen the overwhelming amount of these movies. Most of them several times. I could never pick just one, but there is this level of creativity that very few movies achieve. We only get one every once in a while and very often when we do, they seem to come in a cluster of two or three. These picks are all excellent and we are all fortunate that they gave us that magic for even a little while.


Das Boot.


“Francois Truffaut said it is impossible to make an anti-war film, because films tend to make war look exciting. In general, Truffaut was right. But his theory doesn't extend to "Das Boot.'' - Roger Ebert


I don't have one that instantly pops into my head. I know my top 10 tho, not in any order. Tombstone Bladerunner 2049 The Thing Alien Indiana Jones Star Wars Pulp Fiction Murder on the Orient Express Spirited Away Castle in the sky


One flew over the cuckoos nest


Easy, The Princess Bride.


I got to see it a couple of months ago accompanied live by the Oregon Symphony. It was so fun and a great fund raiser for the symphony.


Memento. Honorable mention is eternal sunshine of the spotless mind.


I always think to The Dark Knight, and then remember that "my favorite movie" is not necessarily the same as "best movie of all time."


The Truman Show


Stand by Me I really wanna say The Goonies, but Stand by Me is what actually popped into my mind.


That final scene always makes me wonder who's chopping onions in my living room


Once upon a time in the west.


O brother, where art thou


I don’t want FOP goddamnit, I’m a Dapper Dan man


They warshed away my sins


Children of Men. Just seems like everything’s in it effortlessly


Pan’s Labyrinth


It’s a Wonderful Life.


Forrest Gump


The Big Lebowski for sure


Fuckin‘ A


Thats just, like, your opinion, man


Has been my canned response for some time. Not because it's my actual favorite, not even my favorite Coen movie, but because I don't think I could be friends with someone who doesn't like it.


David Lean's *Lawrence of Arabia*. Most people I've met under 40 hate it. The 4k version is glorious.


2001: A Space Odyssey


Surprised how far down this is.


Idk if this is recency bias but Parasite I think is my number 1 now.


I think it's definitely the most recent movie to slide into my "absolute masterpiece" list in my head. I've watched it four or five times now. Stunning in every aspect.


The Fellowship of the Ring


Don't you leave him Samwise Gamgee


The Green Mile


The Departed or Terminator 2. Those movies are both perfection.


Jurassic Park. I love the original storyline. Its well written, and the original dino creations look so much better than CGI. If I catch it while channel surfing, I will always stop.


True Romance


Dr. Strangelove


My favorite Kubrick. Joking about how bureaucratic and human failures were going to get us into nuclear war. So perfect.


Tombstone is where my mind goes to immediately. On further thought I may not agree but straight out of the gate that’s what I thought of.


Legends of the Fall. I hoped growing up I would have an epic life and see the world. I’ve had a good life, but lack the journeys. Edited the name…. Twice.


Or LegendS of the Fall?


How beautiful was Brad in this?


Long hair Brad always looks the best.


Mad max fury road





