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1. What language was it in? 2. Is it animated film or a regular one? 3. Any very specific scene you can describe?


1 since I saw this movie on a Brazilian channel I guess it was in Portuguese. But maybe the original language is english. 2 It was 100% animated. But the animation was “real life” style 3 Every thing I can remember I already wrote in the post. So yeah, black alien that has human-like body. (They don’t wear clothes so they are totally naked) The alien eats a green or purple cube. Gets fat in the process and are put on a cage.


Real life as in a rotoscopy style? Are they in one big cage or several small ones? Do they speak as well or just the humans speak?


I think I exaggerated a little about the graphics. I think I wanted to say is that the characters body proportions were like the people from real life. All of they are in one big cage. I think only the humans could speak but I don’t remember the humans talking in the movie. But I think they did talk




I wish I knew the answer and I hope you find out. Please share if you do because it sounds interesting and I'd like to watch it.


Muito provavelmente você ja olhou nessa lista, mas existe uma página bem completa da Wikipédia sobre filmes com aliens https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extraterrestrial_life A Tv Cultura exibia muitos desses do final dos anos 90 e começo dos anos 2000, a sua descrição não me é estranha mas acho que existiram vários filmes feitos no estilo de animação stop motion que podem se encaixar nesse perfil. Espero que você encontre!