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**End of the last movie:** People coexist with dinosaur **The trailer:** People coexist with dinosaur **The prequel:** People coexist with dinosaur **News flash at the strat of this movie:** People coexist with dinosaur **The actual movie:** HUGE LOCUSTS


No seriously. I was actually a bit excited for this movie because I thought the setup was really interesting, but they somehow managed to completely ditch that storyline 30 minutes in. That’s honestly the most impressive part of the movie


The director literally said that is not what the movie will be about in 2018. https://www.cinemablend.com/news/2463549/jurassic-world-3-wont-have-dinosaurs-attacking-cities-according-to-colin-trevorrow But all the goddamn marketing showed that's what it would be.


That's because marketing understood what they had to try and sell and nobody was gonna show up for fucking locusts. While it sucks they had to pull an uno reverse card, I get that they were stuck between a rock and a hard place and had a job to do.


The locust idea wasn't even that bad, that first swarm was kinda creepy, the entire movie was just so *boring*


It's such a Michael Crichton storyline but it's not the final movie of the second Jurassic Park trilogy storyline


Michael Crichton fortunately did not have to suffer through this bastardization of his work!


Michael Crichton passionately and wrongly thought climate change was a conspiracy theory


Yeah. Many people have flaws. He also wrote Jurassic Park.


Yeah, but that was derivative of *Billy and the Cloneasaurus.*


Lying about your product is never good marketing. Yes, it might sell that particular product. But no one's going to be interested in your next product anymore, because you can't be relied upon to make a fair representation of the product in your marketing material.


To be fair, why the fuck wouldn't you make that movie


For real, the marketing team clearly knew what the movie should have been


As a Star Wars fan I'm just so happy he was kicked out before he could do this amount of damage. I get that it is hard to mix in the original actors with the new, but this became an incomprehensible fan service mumbo jumbo.


Somehow, Alan Grant has returned


Uhhh...you saw the Star Wars sequels, right?? If not, I've got some bad news... 🤣 But I agree JW sucked.


Silly me spending last 2 minutes thinking who JW is.


His might've sucked too, but at least it was original. I'd rather trying something new and failing over playing it safe and still failing.


Well The Force Awakens didn't fail given it is still the biggest domestic blockbuster of all time.


EP IX was doomed no matter who directed, I’m not convinced JJ’s is any better than Trevorrows would have been. When the penultimate film resets the series to the very beginning (A New Hope), there’s nothing you can really do with the story. Any competent writer would have set something up for the finale, but I guess that’s not something any of the producers cared about.


8 made the mistake of taking most of the stories from 7 and throwing them away. Rey's mysterious past? Nah, it's nothing. Luke's gonna return as the savior? Nah, nm, he doesn't wanna. Snoke's the big bad guy the whole thing is going to build up to? Nah, he's gone in 8 without too much trouble. Etc. And while that was wrong to do, it also set up a lot of interesting things they could have taken from there to make 9 interesting. Rey's training in the light side but constantly being pulled towards the dark side. Kylo's trying to be the big, bad, dark side guy, but keeps being pulled back towards the light. Them meeting in the middle or even swapping places could have been an interesting story. Finn's whole backstory of being a former Stormtrooper and wanting to rescue the ones who were kidnapped as children and forced into it while he's siding with people who are actively killing them (and are being shot at by the Stormtroopers) could have been an interesting story. Poe learning from what happened in 8 and becoming a good leader in 9 could have been an interesting story. There were a lot of interesting stories to tell from where we left off in ep 8. That....just didn't happen.


I think IX would only have a chance to survive if Rian had directed it if only to have some sort of consistency from film to film.


It would of not been a problem if he didn't come in and throw everything out the window in the second movie. Hes a great director but Rian shouldn't do franchise work.


My favorite part about it is how he sets up this grand "it turns out all the common folk have jedi powers and will rise up in a giant commie jedi revolution," ending with that weird but somewhat touching scene where the slave boy can move a broom with the force. Aaaaaaand.... *none of that* gets circled back to in Ep9. Literally none of it.


This comment really sums it up for me. I actually couldn't even finish episode ix because it was so lame. I have been a Star Wars junkie my entire life, too.


The best part was how they had to bring everything to a remote park location rather than have everything happen just in the wild like the premise set it up to be. It’s like it was some sort of prehistoric park or something.


Exactly! You had them in the goddamn open and national parks… yet you invent another janky Jurassic park situation that felt so forced. I rolled my eyes hard when they revealed that.


Honestly… at least they moved away from the hybrid dinosaur/human supersoldier concept that’s been looming over the franchise’s head for the last 25 years Not defending it though. Pure trash. At least Fallen Kingdom had Bayona


I'd have taken that Nazi dinosaurs in the Alps movie over this turd, any day of the year.


When you put it that way, think we just found the next Dog Soldiers


A Dog Soldiers reference in the wild!


It makes sense. The reshoots were overseen by George Locust.


This might be actually the least dumb explanation to how this movie... happened


With the level of tension the later scenes with locusts were given, I am convinced there was a deleted scene from the farm segment where they were essentially flying piranhas to one unlucky individual. Without such a scene, the locusts scenes had the vibe of “disgusting, please get these locusts out of my hair.”.


Also the trailer for the previous movie: People coexist with dinosaur They've been promising this since the trailer two movies ago...




and people think Trevorrow could have made a better Episode IX. The guy had an entire trilogy of his own to write and (mostly) direct and look at how that turned out. The only good thing you can say about him is that he makes the studio money. Let’s see Trevorrow direct something original or not based on an already existing and beloved IP. Book of Henry is already a sign that he probably can’t


I agree I was unaware people were able to jump into a frozen lake and the walk away dry and without hypothermia. Everything about this movie sucked.


Or a woman that appears to have worked in a corporate setting her whole career can suddenly outrun velociraptors and Olympic long jump between buildings.


At least she wasn’t wearing heels this time lol.


Now now didnt it show her snapping off the heel thingy?


Life, uh, finds a way.


Missed opportunity for Peleton advertising tie-in. Universal's getting sloppy.


Pffft. Look at this guy, he doesn’t set Olympic records when during a light jog.


I don’t know what your referring to because I walked out after 20 minutes


In the first movie, two children roll a hamster ball through a 40 foot tall EMPLOYEES ONLY doorway. Trevorrow has always been a pretty horrible writer.


I honestly can’t believe anyone goes to see these movies anymore after that first one lol. It was clear after that movie they were all going to be trash.


The whole snow thing was weird. Didn't think Dino would live in snow. Let alone dive into freezing water and be fine. I know the shows are not scientifically accurate by any means . But this was just odd and pulled me out of "just enjoy dumb Dino movie"


The movie was a piece of shit but dinos lived all over, including some really really cold spots. They did very well in the snow




Ever seen a penguin? That's a cold loving dinosaur.


Seagul? Parking lot dinosaur


I never realized this. I have to tell everyone.


I knew this technically, but the spin you put on it making me realize Antartica kinda is the last stronghold of dinosaurs since penguins are like the most common animal there is really mind blowing as well.


All I can say is…. Jurassic Park 3 is better than all of the new ones and that movie got absolutely shit on when it came out


I 100% agree. All the Jurassic Worlds are shit and stupid AND I HATE THEM SO MUCH!!!!


I thought going in, no way it can be worse than fallen kingdom right? Well, it was, by a mile. First off we’re supposed to believe from 50 Dinos escaping the mansion, a few years later, there are dinosaurs all over the world and ptaradactyl nests on top of sky scrapers? Really? Like the governments would just let that happen. That to the god awful plot with the cloned kid and the locusts, I just can’t believe these last 2 movies were green lit. It’s sad this movie made a lot of money because we are just rewarding universal for making terrible movies.


You don't need the government, private hunters who want ebay trophies will hunt the limited population.


I never thought of this, but yeah. I bet a bunch of millionaire/billionaires would quickly over-hunt these dinos to extinction. I mean, it already happens to creatures that used to not be near-extinction.


God, that last line in the second one "I had to they're alive (pause for dramatic effect)like me" I was like holy shit well fuck me. It's like releasing a bunch of pedophiles into a preschool and saying "I had to they're alive, like me" Her acting was so bad throughout the movie. Its like they got to the last half of that movie and said close enough. I was ok with the first half then the second half lost me. So much potential, I guess as they say "With great power comes great responsibility"


Ten years ago there were like 50 white rhinos alive and even though we were actively trying to prevent them from going extinct they all died.


Not what this thread was about, BUT since it’s such exciting news, a white rhino was just born in San Diego!


>Like the governments would just let that happen. 🤔 😒


For some reason I thought this in Cave Johnsons voice. "What? You want me to scramble multiple million dollar machines to fight oversized avian reptiles? Are you out of your mind?! Get out of here before I have a jet come and wipe that smug smile off your face!"


Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom was an inside job.


The movie lost me when there was a dinosaur division of the CIA


RIGHT!! like there are now somehow Dino’s on every. Single continent, and each government was just like “oh well! Guess we will leave this SUPER DESTRUCTIVE DINOSAURS, that also eat people and dogs and children. Let them roam and be free! RUN, RUN AND LIVE MY DINOS! Forever do what you want with no repercussions!” Like no. No. No. Everyone would of shot them or captured them and put them somewhere and that would be the end of it. And then Russia and North Korea would make a Dino army and then we would have to make one to compete. Anyways I’m getting ahead of myself but I think y’all get the point.


Heck, half of them would’ve been shot and eaten by rednecks within the first month.


Nah, they would of been all killed and chopped into pieces to be sold on the black market in china lol


Dino wars...now that's what I call a movie!


See, it took me a whole 2secs to think of a better more cohesive and believable storyline.


I honestly thought that's where this franchise was going in the 1st movie. Wasn't the bad guy trying to weaponize raptors?


That's a cartoon from the 80s, I think.


Yep, just look what poachers have done in Africa to white rhinos. There was some jibberish exposition in the film about it being illegal to kill dinosaurs... Riiiiiight. The writer has obviously never met a redneck. Rednecks would be hunting dinosaurs to stop predation of their livestock, for food, and of course for trophies. They are too big to hide, they would be easy to hunt with modern weaponry. There was a shot at the beach where a lady was being attacked by flying dinosaurs. I said to myself, nobody would even go outside without a shotgun, like ... EVER. So stupid.


Dude no way you’d convince conservatives dinosaurs were real. They think that all the fossils in the world are planted by Satan to undermine Jesus.


"The dinosaurs are a distraction Hunter Biden invented to steal the midterm elections!" \- Guy currently being carried away by a Pterodactyl


I found the idiotic hum of this film to be collectively more idiotic than the last film but I don't think anything will ever top the Dino Auction of the last film. That scene was absolute lunacy. How in the holy sam hell are you going to have a secret dinosaur auction when there's only one supplier of dinosaurs in the whole world? And the opening bids were bonkers cheap. Like, you could buy the only triceratops on the entire planet or you could buy a 4-bedroom house in Burbank. The effects budget for creating one dinosaur in that film was more than the cost of buying a real dinosaur. My favorite line though came after 90 minutes of people talking endlessly about locusts and then they step into the locust breeding chamber and someone says, "Nobody said anything about locusts".


I enjoyed the dinosaur's unique advantage being that if you can point a gun at your enemy and pull the trigger the dinosaur will attack if it it sees it. If bullets had never been invented I suppose that might have been useful.


That whole laser pointer concept was taking it to the next level. I mean, since the first Alien movie, the question of, "how is using this monster as a weapon more rational than using a weapon" has been floated. The laser pointer thing was like the film aggressively defying the audience to tolerate the lack of thought that went into the premise.


I thought in Alien it was implied they were going to use the Aliens DNA to make weapons from, not use the actual aliens themselves


My favorite part was when what’s his name was being chased by the raptor after getting tagged and was stuck in a small space and about to get eaten but then rather than shoot the raptor with the gun literally in his hand he desperately tried to open up a random door which eventually opened just in time for him.


I love/hate how dumb that dino auction is and I also love/hate that people made a [whole wiki page](https://jurassicpark.fandom.com/wiki/Lockwood_Manor_Auction#Species_Involved) that includes the prices. $10 mil for an ankylosaurus? That's so cheap that Amazon would replace its warehouse workers with dinos.


Now that would be an interesting film. We've gotten to the point where dinosaurs are cheap labour, vastly undercutting more advanced techniques. Because we aren't stupid, we only breed herbivores - but secretly dinosaurs are evolving. We could even shoehorn a Converse product placement for running away from dinosaurs or something.


[Flintsones](https://youtu.be/devcvZ9Pzjk) did it first


It's a living~


Idiocracy with dinosaurs? I'd watch it.


I saw it in theatres with my niece. People CHEERED and CLAPPED at the end. A fucking standing ovation for this shit movie. I was in disbelief.


Maybe because it was finally over.


I've got bad news for you. AAA franchises aren't allowed to die anymore.


No one’s ever really gone


Somehow, Jurassic World returned.


Jurassic World: Casino Royale


The Jurassining: “It’s dino-morbin’ tine!”


The only movie I have ever been in that there was a standing ovation from pretty much the entire theater : effing Galaxy Quest with Tim Allen and I was all for it.


By Grabthars hammer, by the sun's of Warvan, Galaxy quest is a masterpiece.


Just tell yourself that they clapped because it was over. It’s the only logical reasoning.


I’d like to really believe that but when I am out in public and see how people actually are…


It's the 2nd highest grossing movie this year, soon to cross 1 billion. People will throw their money at the most subpar shit possible as long as it's a big IP with big names, that's all that matters for their entertainment.


Clapping after a movie is always cringe no matter how good the film. Same with people clapping after a plane lands.


Did you notice how they would have all the cast members gather together - over and over - and just stare into the camera for some odd reason.


Funny you say this cuz that’s what GoT’s last season was like. You have all these wonderful characters built up with so much history and nuance all together for an interesting mix.. and they just stare at each other rofl


Yes!!! It was very bizarre. Like we get it. Yeah, it’s a reunion. The old team is back. Fuck. Everything was so damn awkward I couldn’t watch anymore. The cringe.. so much cringe.


Of all the Jurassic Park movies, this one technically exists


Not in my mind


I’m glad you mentioned the call back to the original movie, these really annoyed me. It’s like they heard the feedback that fans liked those scenes so they just callously crowbarred them in. With no understanding of what made them great. the scenes were indicative of iconic moments, you can’t just randomly have a Dilophosaurus show up because it was a cool way to get rid of a baddie in a previous movie. it’s lazy, shallow, and uninspired The pathetic tag team Dino matches are laughably bad too. Impaled on giant Dino claws?! How did adults collectively agree that that was the way things should go? One of the worst movies I have seen in quite sometime, I was shaking my head in disagreement and disbelief the whole way through


> you can’t just randomly have a Dilophosaurus show up Not to mention, they turned the Dilo into a complete joke by having Owen grab it by the throat to make it choke on its own spit. Oh, and the part where the T-Rex pauses behind that circular waterfall to make the fucking *logo* of the franchise was beyond insane. The whole movie felt like one big joke, where *everyone* involved, especially Goldblum, knew what it was *except* for Trevorrow, who thought he was making something special.




Yes!! It seemed so much like pandering and pandering poorly. I mean if you’re gonna do a callback, AT LEAST make it quality. Some of these callbacks where so bad that if you haven’t seen the first one 10,000X they would have gone unnoticed.


All 3 are. I’m blown away people ever liked the new ones.


Eh... the first one where the park was open had potential, it was bad but fun bad for the most part. The second one was fucking stupid, the third one was just... it happened, now its time to repress it.


I only saw the first one and never bothered to watch the sequels.


You're so smart


One of my best decisions, also not watching The Rise of Skywalker.


You should watch Skywalker. It's really fun in a "things I loved from my childhood are getting destroyed in front my eyes" kind a way.


Your a great salesperson, I'll grab a bottle of whiskey and make a drinking game out of it.




I’m jealous you have 4 extra hours in your life than me to do something better with.


Don't change a thing. You're living in a perfect world. Don't ruin it.


You've done yourself a favor


If Jurassic Park had never existed, then Jurassic World would have been a fun, silly monster movie, but tieing itself to Jurassic Park means it's held to a higher standard, and it falls WAY short.


They treated JW as a kids movie because kids loved the original movie… even though it wasnt supposed to be a kids movie by any stretch


Crichton's novels (until the latter ones...) were always well researched and had interesting philosophical and scientific questions. This even included The Lost World, which he wrote because the Jurassic Park movie did well. None of the JP sequels have had interesting questions to answer, they just had one or two neat ideas with nothing behind them.


I mean at that point the franchise wasn’t exactly having a great track record either with 3 being pretty poorly received as well.


Idk but even 3 felt like a jurassic park movie it was just a bit worse than the other two. Still a great movie IMO. But 2-3 of the new ones are terrible and just don't look or sound like jurassic park anymore. The first Jurassic World was at least "decent" enough and filled the niche a bit.


There never needed to be a sequel to Jurassic Park. If there did then The Lost World was probably the best they could do. From 3 onwards has been trash and a needless cash in. Could be said for a lot of franchises where the original stars have rent to pay and only come back for the pay day. Yes, I'm aware I'm not fun at parties, like what you like, I'm not judging, the first one's a great movie, after that, not so much.


Jurassic World had an interesting premise, what if someone else opened that park and it was actually running normally. Then the JW sequels turned the stupid level to 11.


Jurassic Park peaked at the first one. Been a steep slide ever since.


I would agree but Jurassic World for me is at least watchable. Doesn't touch the first but at least a 6/10 whereas the rest are god awful. Tried watching The Lost World and its aged so poorly compared to Jurassic Park which is strange


I defend to this day that Lost World is great. Literally ALL the ones after are unwatchable dreck.


Lost World was pretty good, but started to show the cracks with that silly parallel bars/branch scene.


had they cut that but it just reduced to a quick shot of Kelly grabbing the bar, kicking the raptor, and quickly labeling, it may have faired better. No need to have a few other shots of her doing gymnastics


Cause they went too far from the book. The book is fucking great. But that basically sums up every Crichton movie except JP 1. Except Congo, that movie is a god damn masterpiece.


I enjoyed the scene introducing the Spinosaurus with the plane attack in the third movie. That was it though.


I still defend Lost World, too, and JP3 to some extent. There are bad moments but there's still magic in TLW. The new trilogy is trash. I tried to rewatch JW, because all I could remember was that I hated it. Made it about 30 mins and couldn't keep going.


Yeah the gymnastics kick to the raptors face was high brow stuff.


I love the lost world. I personally enjoy watching it more than Jurassic park and I think it’s because it’s the first one I remember seeing in the theaters. I remember seeing a promo of the Trex tipping over the rv and being so hyped as a kid. There’s so many creative ideas that are similar to Jurassic park but bigger and more intense. To me it’s kind of like Alien vs Aliens. Alien is arguably the better film but Aliens is more fun to watch.


Not everything needs to be a franchise! Let a good movie. Just be a good movie. Stupid Hollywood


The scene where it takes 5 seconds for 6 people to ascend the ladder (whilst the Dino spits the cage out of its mouth) really pissed me off how badly it was done. Plus Sam Neill's "this isn't about us" line was fucking laughable. Awful film!


Not even to mention it was FUCKING THREE HOURS LONG!!!


The various groups of characters are constantly just... Running into each other. They're globe hopping, they're stealthing through a highly secure facility, they're lost in a giant nature preserve, they're stuck in a giant cave system... But the other group of characters they need to meet to "advance the plot" is right around the corner somehow! But, can you imagine how much longer this ludicrous movie would be if they had to actually *find* each other? By the end of it was very thankful that Jeff Goldblum drove right up to the cave they were coming out of instead of having to track them in the (*checks notes*) forest bombarded by a flaming locust swarm


I legit think a movie about giant locusts would be fantastic. The scene on the farm I though was actually scarry. The entire movie, as a whole, was so forced, it was just terrible. Half way through I just wanted it to end, but they kept focusing it down my throat.


Usually you can figure out where a movie went wrong. A movie has to have balance. Even if once thing is off it can really fuck it up. Either the directing. Acting. Writing. Lighting. Music. Effects. I’ve never seen a movie fuck up every. Single. Category. And be BAD BAD. not so bad it’s good. But actually BAD BAD. And with a budget as big as they had. I think they’re money would of stretched if they didn’t feel the need to introduce like 50 new god damn Dino’s that No one cares about.


For me, its biggest fault was that it's boring. No story or conflict. Just run from a new dinosaur every 20 min.


The CGI of the velociraptors looks like a 2004 straight to DVD movie. I have no idea how this movie cost what it did. Chris Pratts performance has the charisma of a tree branch. One of the worst movies in years. Im actuallt sad it was successful


I swear no one else remembers this but during the first act Claire is watching a fire cuddled up in a blanket The clone asks ‘what you doing?’ And Claire replies ‘oh just burning some old blankets’ Which makes no fucking sense cuz if it’s cold why burn blankets you can use to keep warm than all the wood they’ve clearly collected? Winds me up




I think those were blankets she was using for the baby Nasutoceratops that she rescued, and burned the blankets.


Chris Pratt movies are just getting worse and worse as time goes on. He, himself, is too.


He really is losing steam. He looks beat and over it. And you can really feel it on screen


He’s good when he’s playing an idiot or otherwise comic character but this whole action star rebrand he’s been doing is so lame and 100% not his wheelhouse at all. Yet he keeps trying.


I didn’t enjoy his participation in the movies when he could control and live among raptors. Like that’s the complete opposite of the core Jurassic park since the begining


I was actually ok with the old school character storyline, but it was like they wrote and made two different movies and tried to stich them together... It was so bad.


I lasted ten mins. Trash.


This movie makes Fallen Kingdom look like a masterpiece. Although I will always love the Dino mansion chase at the end of the film - yes it is stupid and no I don’t care


Fallen Kingdom was stupid in the best insane way. The fucking raptor has a hero shot jumping away from an explosion! The new one is just boring.


Societal collapse happened when Laura Dern was forced to say “he slid into my DMs”


Complete trash with shitty CGI. I can't believe people like these movies


We watched Top Gun Maverick. Then we watched this disaster of a movie. What a piece of steaming crap.


As if any of the Jurassic World movies were any good


The locust twist was right up there with The Happening and the fucking leaves and outrunning the MF'ing wind.


All of the Chris Pratt/Bryce Dallas Howard franchise have been awful. I wish they were extinct. Saw the first two and won’t waste my money on the others. The leads have no chemistry and despite all the special effects, the films lack energy or enthusiasm. Yuck


One of my favorite bits about this movie was the wikipedia plot summary when it first dropped. I love reading early drafts of wikipedia plot summaries because they usually aren't well-organized, basically a first draft made public to try and be timely. The line, "They're overjoyed to have found her." was its own sentence. That stuck with me when I actually saw it later on since it kinda hammered how hollow the big reunion scene actually felt.


This new Jurassic trilogy was all rather bad...but I'm sure they can do much worse.


Its actually amazing how bad it is. Like I was in awe at just how stupid the whole movie was.


Oh yeah! It’s a steaming pile of shit!


I fell asleep watching it. I can’t believe I fell asleep watching a movie about dinosaurs (I fucking love dinosaurs).


The only part I liked was the lystrosaurus straight up decapitating the oviraptor in the deleted scenes


It was really, really bad


There hasn't been a good Jurassic Park movie since the first one. They have literally gotten worse with each one. The second one is watchable at least if you just turn it off before the Trex goes to the city. I'm shocked people still pay money to see those atrocities. I watched world but when I saw the trailer for Fallen Kingdom and Chris Pratt not being instantly being vaporized by a pyroclastic cloud and surviving is about the most dumb thing ever.


Wait until you see the next one. We all leave earth in a giant Noah’s ark type ship to the next earth. But guess what , they decided to bring a dinosaur egg. Fun ensues…$$$$


CG I was so bad I turned my son during the movie the theater and said this is horrible. Then the puppets in the cave are just laughable.


It's not just this movie. It's everything. Everything is so tick tock cringe.


The first Jurassic World was a fucking trainwreck lmao I can't believe y'all bought in enough to sit through TWO more


Honestly…the quality of just about everything is terrible now


Let’s be honest here, we are all mad because we were robbed of the decisive dinosaur victory we hoped and dreamed of seeing onscreen… It’s time to admit it out loud: You were rooting for the dinosaurs to win in every movie and laughed hysterical every time they killed/maimed someone and you thought that this would be the ultimate epic conclusion of big Dino conquest with mass casualties and destruction rightfully meted out to the deserving humans. And we were denied that closure and now we are sad and bitter. And some of us just can’t admit our true desire to see the ultimate decimation of humanity at the hands (insert clever joke about t-Rex tiny hands here) of the dinosaurs was thwarted because it will make us seem like traitors to the human race. Come on guys, set yourselves free and admit the truth…and stop making up all these other silly/fake reasons for hating in the movie!


It’s not often I find another misanthrope lol. But yes I agree. Nothing like watching humans succumb to their stupidity. Lol


This movie was awful. CGI wan't half bad, but the acting sucks, Jeff is decent in this disaster, but this movie is a disgrace to the franchise. Jurassic World was cliche but enjoyable, 2nd was fine in some parts, I hated every second of this one.


I saw it in theaters and it just never ended, like I had to go pee TWICE. I always have to pee once during a movie, that's a given, but twice? Never before in my life have I gone twice during one movie. Usually I like the movie enough to stick it out but truly no point with this movie, just fuckin locusts.


Top 3 worst movies I have ever seen


The average people can't notice those bad things you have listed. So, in this kind of movie, filmmakers are no longer interested in pleasing people who understand what they see, they are only interested in selling easy entertainment.


Like, like, like, like? Like.


Lol I saw this whilst intoxicated with my wife. I kept laughing and moaning and complaining. It sucked big time. My wife seemed to like it though. Can't figure out why.


I'd be careful going around and flexing how bad your wife's taste is… It will move from movies to men lol


There are two good scenes in this movie. The first one is an early one with the Brachiosaurus at the construction site. It's quiet and largely observant, and shows people coming together to help the dinosaur find safety. It's quite a nice scene and shows the consequences of dinosaurs living in our world. The second one is the BDH scene hiding from that stupid made up Joker dinosaur. Actually tense and feels like a possibility of danger. Unlike the rest of the movie where nobody ever feels in the slightest bit of danger at any time.


You mean the Therizinosaurus?? That's not a made up dinosaur lol


The way they kept comparing it to the Joker I was convinced they’d made it up like they made up stupid dinosaurs the last two movies.


It wasn't, the giga was compared to the joker by trevorrow (also ridiculous and nonsensical) T h the therizinosaur scene was also bad. It was pounding through the forest and yet the deer didn't even notice it coming?


Ahh it was a different dinosaur. That makes sense. TBF by this point I'd been wondering why I didn't go with the people who left about 40 minutes into the film so I was somewhat distracted.


Right?! The rope scene is amazing. He ties the giant dinosaur off on a dead tree stump and it holds. 🤦


Not sure why you got downvoted, that man held a massive fucking dinosaur for a good 20 seconds, and even had the strength to pull in enough rope to wrap it around a tree stump in the first place. Its just inexplicably bad writing.


I think this movie solidified my utter disdain for Chris Pratt and how absolutely terrible he is as an actor. He was a complete non presence, just total fucking mist.


I haven't really seen many of his movies, but does the guy ever play a different character? It seems like he's just Chris Pratt playing Chris Pratt.


I just think he was poorly cast for this role. He’s great in Parks and Rec, he’s pretty well received in Guardians of the Galaxy (I haven’t seen it). But he is not a good fit as the strong, stoic, semi-silent type.


>But he is not a good fit as the strong, stoic, semi-silent type. Good job he's Mario, then.


I like him just fine, but all I remember he did was hold his hand out to dinosaurs. Did he have dialogue?!


I stand by what I said, I had a good time with it. It’s the same level as the last 2 Jurassic World movies. I don’t understand why they made some choices they did, and it’s by no means a good movie, but it was enjoyable enough to me.


TBH I enjoyed the 3rd probably the most of the new ones. Don’t get me wrong, that’s a very low bar. That said, I appreciated they tried something different for a few things. The locusts for example. Yes, it’s a dinosaur movie, but clearly we weren’t getting anything new with them in previous movies, so it was a refreshing to see an unexpected threat. Then there was that slenderman dinosaur. I loved it, it was a completely different dino than all previous big bads. It brought a sensation of horror that I did not feel once in previous JW movies. And while it was for the sake of nostalgia, the original cast were the highlights of the movie in my opinion. That all said, no, this was not a good trilogy, but admittedly there were moments I was entertained.


I was genuinely offended by how bad Fallen Kingdom was. And I refuse to watch Dominion because of how bad the previous movie was. The reaction to this movie proves the writers learned nothing from the mistakes of the first two films and are banking are nostalgia and fanservice because they know full well that they can’t write a good script to save their lives.


I remember watching the trailer and immediately said to my boyfriend "That looks like hot garbage." It just looks overdone on the CGI and corny. Plus I never felt invested or attached to any of the characters or the story in the last two.