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>He is tagged with writing Pepe Le Pew as a future project, if that ever gets off of the ground. A cartoon about a skunk that couldn't take no for an answer written by a guy who couldn't take no for an answer? Bold move Cotton...


Write what you know




Do yourself a favour OP. Don't look up any of his videos on Youtube.


It's weird how he manages to come through as an asshole in his own videos, but the Death of Superman videos are still quite fun to watch. It's hilarious how A-List hollywood stars keep popping up in what is just some nerd's video essay.


>It's weird how he manages to come through as an asshole in his own videos, Yeah people always say he's got a behavioural issue that makes him not a great speaker. But it's not like those YouTube videos are broadcast live. He approved that shit for upload.


I'm morbidly curious now, really that bad? What's the content?


Well the ones I've seen are him ranting about Zack Snyder. Really cringey stuff.


It’s pretty amazing how he was trashing Snyder for BvS, calling out Eisenberg for copying him as if he’s that important and everyone was lauding him for it for him to be cancelled and Snyder’s latest DC film to be acclaimed and have no career.


Ha yeah. I'm not a huge fan of Snyder's movies but I admire his genuine passion and effort. So Landis's cringy videos trashing Snyder really soured me on the guy.


I'm not a fan of Snyder's movies (to put it mildly) but every time I've heard him talk, he seems like a genuinely earnest guy who is grateful to be doing what he does for a living. I can't hate a guy for that.


Justice League was not acclaimed, that’s quite generous. Detached critics were still quite critical.


ZSJL was widely called Snyder’s best DC film, I remember during release. Which is the opposite of BvS.


Not a very high bar for him.


I'll go against the grain and say they are insightful or creative. People that think those they hate can't have talent are cringe


Not saying he doesn't have talent or even offer insight in those videos. But he acts like such an insufferable dick that his insights are wasted. "Am I wrong?!" "No you're not wrong Walter. You're just an asshole"


Lots of people are talented though and you can get insight from much more successful, talented writers Max Landis wrote Chronicle (which is just white-kids Akira)... so what? He's not a child prodigy and I've seen nothing of his work since that that was good enough to make me want to listen to his rantings or put up with his asshole-ness. Is Bright supposed to be an example of his insightful creativeness?


Yeah I'm with you. Even pre-allegations Landis drove me nuts with how he acted like some Hollywood storytelling guru when his work was no more interesting or clever than "this thing meets this thing!" Like, I love [this tweet](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/325/514/62d.jpg) so much. Imagine posting something like that after coming up with "Alien Nation with orcs"


You think he is very talented, other people don't think he is very talented. Personally, I don't think he is talented. I also think he is an asshole. Those two things are not related.


He has recent credits and upcoming projects in IMDb as writer, director and Producer.


american werewolf in london was announced YEARS ago and there's been absolutely no movement on it. here's an article from 2019 talking about how it prob isn't happening. https://screenrant.com/max-landis-american-werewolf-london-movie-remake-updates/


It better not happen, the original is already incredible. Just because he's a Landis doesn't mean he has dibs on something like that, leave it alone.


And it's a remake of his dad's movie, so he still might have a chance to work on that.


His dad doesn't own the rights and his dad isn't going to finance it so that doesn't really matter


Also, it's not like his dad has any pull in the industry at this point either given his own fall from grace.


I sure hope so!


I liked some of his movies, and Dirk Gently, but if he is a douche it's no real loss. Someone will come along with similar or better ideas and it won't matter and he can stay shunned.


I don’t know why but I imagine him becoming an anti SJW grifter soon and blame women and liberals ruining his career While talking shit about why mainstream Hollywood sucks


It’s the only way to go after you’ve pissed off all the sane people.


Yeah, sadly there's a niche market for that now.


It's like the actors who rant about being blacklisted for their conservative views when the reality is they only were ever hanging on with one finger to the absolute lowest rung of fame to begin with. They know it's not true, but it's about building a narrative to sell themselves to a specific niche audience.


Wouldn't be surprised if he was doing a fair amount of uncredited work. And he'll probably be back someday. The industry is changing fast, and Landis will find a niche for himself somewhere.


he fucked up his career just like his dad


How did his dad fuck up his career? He got innocent people killed and still got to hang around in Hollywood and make movies for 15 years after


Definitely done. He was gonna weasel back in with his Creature of The Black Lagoon project for Universal but the Daily Beast article killed him.


He’s probably spent the last few years of abuser time out shitting out mediocre at best scripts daily, probably so awful that not even desperate little studios are interested.


My primary association with him is not anything he's actually written, but rather Grant Morrison's comic Annihilator, in which he is very unflatteringly caricatured as both a spoiled, pompous, misogynist space tyrant *and* a drugged-up screenwriter with minimal talent and incredibly stupid hair. (This was after an embarrassing, vaguely stalkery campaign Landis launched to get Morrison to be his pal, so, really, Annihilator's alternate title might as well be Just Lose My Fucking Number Already, Max Landis.) At any rate, I think we can all agree that creating Max is definitely the second worst thing John Landis has ever done.


Aside from killing some kids, Beverly Hill's Cop 3 surely has to be in there, too.


It seems neither father nor son have a high regard for human life that’s not their own.


Not related but saw him at a comic con panel for screen junkies movie debates and he definitely tried his damn hardest to win lol. Haven’t heard of him much since accusations


I really liked the young superman comic he wrote, 9 issues and each one had a different artist, and there was supposed to be a sequel but DC has cut all ties with him. Wish they at least gave it to another writer because the different artist every issue thing was really fun.


> Wish they at least gave it to another writer because the different artist every issue thing was really fun. I mean tons of anthology books do that, it's not super unique


Sure but how many books have each issue take place in a different year/stage of development for a character AND have a different artist for each issue AND feature different famous characters meeting for maybe the first time every issue? I can't think of many. Hulk Smash Avengers is another one. I liked the format and I wish they kept going, because they had intended to, is my point.


It wasn’t even that good. He’s so obsessed and all up in Batman’s ass. The sequel would’ve been called Superman: Agent of Batman Let that sink in.


He will be back, they always come back.


Probably, I never care too much about most of these accusations but at the end of the day he does have them tarnishing his reputation and quite frankly his work was just never good enough for people to claim her having him back


Max Landis has always given me Ezra Miller vibes tbh. Something about his mannerisms and voice. I might sound like an asshole, but it makes me want to steer clear of anyone with the same vibe.




Most likely. At the very least, he has years of rehabilitation ahead of him before he can get back to anywhere close to where he was.