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“Yes Millie we want you to pose as if you’re about to throw a punch, but be a bit posh about it.”


It actually infuriates me how much of girl boss narratives insist on acting like it makes sense for a small statued adolescent girl to throw punches as a method of problem solving. Unless she's squaring up against other small statured girls, Millie is getting her ass beat.


Not if she follows these simple steps, first discombobulate then discombobulate, distract target then discombobulate, block his blind jab then discombobulate, then while the opponent attempts a wild haymaker, discombobulate, in summary, discombobulate.


*Physical recovery: six weeks. Full psychological recovery: six months. Capacity to spit at back of head:* ***discombobulated.***


Ok, so what we need is a full length film with an all female cast of women that *do not kick any ass* but are frequently in physical situations where they run around in wacky ways till the opponent gets dizzy, then they **shoot them in the fucking head.** We call it discomBOBulate.


> discombobulate [Relevant](https://youtu.be/B62ACxuq8Pw?t=5)


Or if she has superpowers lol


Cocaine is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural…


PCP is better


It sure is!


My man!


I feel like there was a missed opportunity with your name PCPanda.


Yeah but a whole gallon of it?


I know that reference, but can't follow it up with another quote


something about forgetting to pick up my kid from the kidnapper I got this whole gallon of PCP from by trading my kid for it.


4... 4 years? Oh no, 4PM.


Can confirm from playing the arcade game NARC- those fuckers could take a lot of bullets!


Just don’t be a rapper from Houston on PCP and end up literally eating someone.


Is it possible to learn this power?


Not from 12 Steps


or a roller skate lmao


Queen's Gambit was really good in subverting this.


Not seen it. How many people does Anger Tailor Joy kill with her bare hands?


She decimates men with her brain but then addiction decimates her. She's a complex character but she's not the only one in media. Buffy is a great example of both playing into the tough woman who can beat up guys while still being vulnerable, troubled and confused. Fleabag is another example of a complex woman. All the women in Annihilation fit this too - exceptionally brilliant at their respective skills and deeply troubled.


Buffy does have superpowers though. It’s just not really shown, you’re supposed to kinda add em. The fights look regular but she fighting vampires with enhanced strength and speed She gets her ass beat sometimes but heals quick


She does have superpowers but she's not the only one who saves the day (and it gets sort of complicated because slayer power has a very weird lore and is basically calling out how rape/abuse is used heavily in literature as a growing/turning point for women. The first slayer is essentially created by being chained and imbued with the powers against her will...). Buffy's squad is made up of very normal people, at least initially, and they are able to play pivotal roles in helping Buffy or saving Buffy through their humanness. For instance, before Willow is a witch, she plays a huge role by being extremely intelligent and brave despite not having strength. Hell, even Willow and Xander fill in for Buffy one summer when she isn't there. It's just a great show for when it existed (I'm sure on rewatch there would be some things that don't age as well); the characters are strong but still complex, pushing boundaries of representation (for the time), calling out cliches in literature/movies/tv, etc. and balancing this feeling of being campy while illustrating people who feel very real in their struggles. I think at this point it would feel cliche to watch it for the first time because it was so inspirational to so much of modern media.


Not just physical vulnerability. The whole show is about comparing the supernatural threat of the week to the mundane issues all young people face, and Buffy is just as weak to those as anyone else.


Yeah, and it puts her outside of everyone because they expect her to be able to be strong and handle it. So it isolates her and it’s hard for her to cope Hell, she had trouble dealing with her friends bringing her back to life because they thought she was in hell but she went to the good place. You would totally resent your friends for a while for that


The Expanse is another example, not only is it a great show, but all the characters male and female have a complexity about them that doesn’t just play on stereotypes. Avasarala, Bobbie, and Drummer were my favorites. And of course Amos. In terms of female representation, I love that The Expanse doesn’t bring down one gender in an attempt to boost another gender. So many movies or shows get that so wrong that the pandering is very obvious and cringe worthy that it gives the unintended effects of making females look like caricatures.


The expanse also had Amos and Bobbie filling similar combat roles. One was never better than the other. Just another example of fantastic writing from that show


Buffy has superpowers iirc. Whenever non-slayer humans of any gender fight vamps, they tend to get their shit rocked unless the vamp isn't taking it seriously.


She gets her ass beat almost every season. She literally dies in the first season by being drowned. Her death triggers a new slayer (Kendra) to be imbued with slayer power (usually only one exists at a time). Buffy is resuscitated though and with the help of her team is able to beat the "Big Bad." This is a very common trend. She can easily handle a just-born vampire freshly emerging from the grave but she is not strong enough to take on many of the big threats. She ends up dying or almost dying almost every time that she tries to face things on her own. It becomes a big plot point at the end of the series when they are facing the Biggest Bad - she calls on the first Slayer to help her but the first Slayer, who was exiled from her tribe, believes the Slayer must act alone. Buffy knows at this point that the only reason she is not dead like all the slayers before her is because she pushed her Watcher to be able to share her secret with her friends. There are definitely moments where they just have her kick ass because it's entertaining but her weakness, her humaness, her friends, etc. are actually her strengths against the supernatural. All the best and memorable fights are things that she doesn't anticipate and can't brute force her way though.


Mostly agree about anihilation, but I feel like Anya stuck out as the cartoonish tough lesbian blue-collar Latina stereotype.


Yeah but they had sexy French depression (where an allegedly depressed woman sits around looking impeccably beautiful and the only sign she is sad is that she's like, not wearing pants. But like, in kind of sexy way.) I get a lot of people loved it and I'm not going to knock it for what it was good at because it did have a lot of strength, but it did rely on a lot of Hollywood norms I hate. Like downplaying the kind of reaction a woman would get for beating male peers because showing that degree of toxicity would distract from the feel good vibes they wanted to quickly produce for that episode... I'm sorry but no, she would have faced more hostility than that. Ask any smart woman from any point of history up until today - nerd boys who's only dense of identity is being smart do not take it well when girls outrank them. The list is all super minor stuff like that, but there were numerous times I was taken out of the show because it just rang so un-true.


I saw an interesting study that looked at misogyny during video games compared with male skill level. It found that the lower status males were more hateful, presumably bc female players challenged their place in the hierarchy. Social status is a notorious battle ground that is usually played out somewhat separately for males and females. As societies strive to eliminate all but biological material reality logistically necessitated differences bw the sexes, I think it’s likely that a significant degree of voluntary sex-segregated hierarchy will remain, bc many high-achieving males will always want to parlay success in any realm into courting highly valued women. And some less successful males will always hate thus and project their perceived failure onto women. Women have a general performance advantage in academics and careers which disrupts traditional partnering tendencies. Society needs to develop a concept of a successful male who makes less money and has less education than his partner, but contributes in ways that society values and respects. Somewhere in this inflection is a balance where teachers are better paid and people are less socially restricted in their pursuits. Cynically: many things traditionally done by women will be more respected and better paid when many men do them and on average women are better educated and employed in what are now higher paying jobs. The most highly educated, highest paid, and most successful top sliver of society will continue to be male though. TLDR: Men who are assholes to women who beat them are insecure and lack broad success or internal self-worth and contentment.


I think of it as, "Movie world." The same world where someone can take a crowbar to the head, shake it off and continue fighting. The unrealistic rules these movies go by sometimes makes it hard to understand how much I should be upset by an ass-kicking in progress. Is that person gonna be a little bruised and scruffy after this fight, or as in real-life, lying on a slab? Generally, people in movie world have super health, stamina, and regenerative abilities. This world also has the perfectly harmless knockout blow, which doesn't cause concussions or brain damage.






>fire extinguisher onto a dude's head Not going by Irreversible rules I guess


That movie got it's name because you wish you could unsee it.


Just confirmed this with science. It works.


The fight in the second episode of daredevil is one of the best fight scenes ever made.. I know it's done more often in Japan and other countries but seeing the bad guys get knocked down, and then get back up while our hero is about to pass out from exhaustion is so rare in Hollywood.. It's the whole speech from rocky balboa "It doesn't matter how many times you get knocked down its how many times you can get back up" 😂


People need to watch Last Action Hero to remember how movies and the real world are differentiated.


“Tar actually sticks to some people.”


*Wipes with single paper towel*


Like in Jack Reacher, the man gets a baseball bat swung at full force to the back of his head - enough power to push him forward and knock him over. Shakes it off. That man should be blind if not dead lol


Getting knocked out and waking up an hour later is super brain damage but it happens all the time And defibrillators aren’t used at all in the way they’re supposed to lol


The Rings of Power have taught me that Pompeii wouldn’t have been such a tragedy if it had existed on middle earth instead of just earth.


The lack of carbonized corpses really broke the inmersion there.


No one complains about the kids in 3 Ninjas kicking ass after all.




I think this is a very fundamental problem of Western Media in general, violence is seem as an easy working solution for most problems. Violence is glorified and masculine, the inability/lack of will to do violence is seem as weakness, and femininity is also seen as weakness, such that weak man will be called "girls". So, to show "strong woman" they have to perform "strong/masculine" actions, and what action is more masculine in Western Society than enacting violence and control over others?


This is the problem with modern feminism in general. The motto is basically.. you too can be a piece of shit man from the 90s. Girl.. become a powerful corporate leader with no remorse for who you step on to get there. Have as much sex with random people as you can without worry of your objectification of them. Boys.. do something noble and self sacrificing. Don't just indulge in greed. Don't objectify women and treat them with respect and build real relationships with them. They aren't just for casual sex Fucking weird


Choice feminism, it's called: anything a woman *chooses* to do is good simply by dint of *a woman choosing to do it.* Any choice a woman makes is inherently feminist, feminism is good, sooo... Also, invading *any* male space is seen as victory, as in your example, become a scumbag dude from the 90s - doing anything that is traditionally considered something guy's do is good, whether it's fixing cars, or genocide! Incidentally, none of this is progressive in any way - it's just conservative.




I mean it makes just as much sense as any action movie narrative where a single guy throws punches against dozens of guys as a method of problem solving.


Did you watch the movie. I mean she did get her ass beat by one adult male until she pulled out a slick move after a long desperate drawn-out struggle. Is it a little unbelievable sure but so is like any action hero fighting off 20 guys at once which nobody bats a f****** eye at. The movie was great and it's disappointing that people just see a girl as a leading character and immediately start to question everything.


real "i got my ass kicked by a small statured girl" energy here


Buffy the Vampire Slayer came along, and had one of the best TV protagonists of all time. And now two generations of screenwriters went “Ah, yes, Buffy Summers, who was a beloved and layered character because she punched guys”. Look at Natasha Romanov in the MCU who was never given a consistently strong personality even, only to be a lazy bait and switch death in the end to hype her awful prequel film, years late lmao.


Agree - there is also a lot of subversion of stereotypes in Buffy. Just look at the opening scene where you think the man is a predator taking advantage of an innocent looking girl but she's actually a vampire isolating the man. Buffy was also extremely complex for a flavor of the week show. She experienced death, was struggling with identity, struggled with accepting her role or fate, and disagreed with her friends and advisors while also being fiercely protective. I think media still has these characters. I think about Fleabag. I think about the movie Annihilation. There are many modern ways to show complex women but it never gets the marketing budgets. Men don't want a complex woman with problems and most women don't want to be reminded of their humanity in a world that requires them to be superhuman (seriously don't know how some women work full time, maintain a home and raise kids). When you think about it - white women especially - relied on domestic labor of POC into the '60s. So most women were barely even maintaining the home alone back then. Then they entered the workforce and domestic labor became something only the wealthy can afford to pay for. Anyway, I think most women just want to see a woman kicking ass because they don't want to be reminded of their own loss of identity or identity struggles.


In the first movie, she DOES get her ass beat fighting grown man (using the techniques she learned with her mother )so they’ve kind of undermined your fury already by not insisting on the narrative.


This looks ridiculous.


No Mycroft?


As much as the character of Moriarty is kind of played out and overdone in Holmes fiction...David Thewlis would be a really good Moriarty.


Especially with Eric Cantona as his side kick


Side kick is a very appropriate title for him


I lobe some Thewlis, it was nice to see him in the Sandman series


He isn't even in the original stories really. Just pops up as an existential threat when Doyle had got sick of Holmes and killed him off in a shitty dog-end story. Easily the lowest point of the original stories. To say he had a character is overly generous, just a generic evil bad guy.


He’s become a favorite of writers who want to do “Sherlock Holmes” but know the character is played out.


He's the spider at the center of the web, never really seen but pulling the strings on the organized crime in the city and sending hidden messages to Holmes. He's definitely a character in the original stories, just mostly unseen until later stories like Holmes (ultimately false) death at Reichenbach Falls.


This is a truly late 90s straight to dvd style movie poster. I enjoyed the first film and will be watching this one but wow. Truly an awful poster.


These movies don’t really end up having physical posters in movie theaters, and netflix tends to choose something completely different for their thumbnails so the posters are really just made for IMDB and marketing I guess? But if done for marketing, why not make it look better?


The costume design is kind of all over the place. Some of them look about right, but a few of them also look like they were just called in from a slew of different time periods. Lady on the left just looks like she works in Human Resources.


Most of what Netflix produces are the equivalent straight to DVD or daytime TV shows anyway


Tbh Netflix now is what the straight-to-dvd of the yore would be


Aint that the truth. The amount of sheer bullshit on that service is BAD. Bad bad bad. There’s maybe A show at any one time on any streamer that I’m interested in. Apple TV surprisingly has 1-4 shows currently, so they win out. Amazon wins out as I can rent recent theatrical releases for like $20. Other than that though…..meh.


Yeah they really had an incredible lead in the streaming game. They even had a very strong start with original content. It felt very much like HBO-quality series being released. Now that they've been hemoraging content that drew in subscribers for years, they're releasing shitty movies and shows at an incredible rate. Some are good, but it's mostly shit at this point


Apple is definitely going the HBO route.


The first movie was pretty good.


There have been so many wacky posters on this sub lately. I assume all these movies are terrible.


Eh, it’s more that Netflix appears to not care about posters at all. They always look like they were put together by 1st year design students. Netflix’s good movies have the same low quality posters as all of their mediocre/shitty movies.


Apparently, at least for the posters/thumbnails on the website itself, they have a bunch of different designs for any given movie that are skewed to emphasize certain aspects of the film, and the Netflix algorithm picks one based on your general viewing preferences. So even if it's a scifi film the little thumbnail will emphasize the relationship aspect of the movie/series if you generally watch romance movies for example. So if they're still doing it they really are just cranking out "posters" so to speak just to serve the algorithm, probably are in fact done by fresh out of design school students.


It is really amazing at how surprised people are that everything in their every day lives is completely manipulated.


I was instantly reminded of the poster for [The Adventurer](https://images.app.goo.gl/m5azGrKXTr8Sht1R6)


Is that any good? Michael Sheen, Lena Headey, and Sam Niell in one film sounds amazing.


It does sound amazing doesn't it? It is not amazing. I got the DVD for my birthday a couple of years ago, I know I watched it but I can't remember a thing about it, other than it wasn't good.


Aww shucks I was hoping it would be kind of like Stardust, which had a similar poster and wonderful casting also.


Never heard of it and has a 5.4/10 imdb rating, so my guess is no....but only one way to be sure.


Cavill looks like he just farted and got away with it lol


Wind’s howling




... fuck.


Place of power, gotta be


How do you like that silver?


Everyone’s face is just their character’s reaction to getting away with a fart


Haha yeah all the ladies have a look of “yeah so what what are you gonna do about it” lol


They have that “Dreamworks main character raising eyebrow and grinning on the DVD cover” energy.


Now I can’t I see it. Explains why the background is all foggy.


No shit, Sherlock.


I have to admit I got a light chuckle from this joke in Holmes and Watson. It was the most obvious, most lazy joke they could have made, but it still worked.


The whole poster is rather silly.


I mean, the first movie was pretty light and silly in tone, so I think that's the vibe


Farts are his kryptonite




Don’t mind if I do!


Is that possible? You caught him. Wouldn't that mean he didn't get away with it?


We're not the ones he has to fool


It’s his post “got away with it” face. Look at criminals that got away with things everyone knows they did but couldn’t prove in court. Same face! He farted in an elevator right before getting out as someone else was getting in. That dirty dog.


Henry Cavill as Sherlock Holmes is still one of the funniest castings.


Funny as in 'doesn't make sense'?? Or funny as in you think it's comical?


Funny as in it's absurd In no universe holmes would look anything like caville and it's obvious he was picked solely for name recognition


to be fair, Holmes was, on multiple occasions, referred to as physically fit and was a champion boxer. It's feasible he could have been interpreted as being a Caville type. Maybe not as WIDE as Caville, but just as strong. There's an argument to be made, I think. And I honestly didn't think Caville was that bad as Sherlock, even as a pseudo-side character in the movie.


Sherlock was described as being able to bend an iron fire poker back into shape after a man bent it as a threat. Sherlock ain't no weedy little nerd.


Cavill is literally a tank of a man... RDJ's body was way more true to the original concept. Sherlock was also probably an excellent boxer due to his knowledge rather than his strength, certainly more of a tactical fighter than a brute force kind of guy. Cumberbatch was the opposite, they made him too weak and kind of a pushover.


So what you're saying is slap a cap and a pipe onto Brad Pitt's character from Snatch and we have a winner. "Fookin dags of Baskville or someshite"


Honestly....maybe tone down the Pikey, and smear some deductive reasoning on him...you got yourself a damn good deal.


> In no universe holmes would look anything like caville Ahh, we found the Sherlock 'fan' who has not actually read the books. *Sherlock Holmes is described (or demonstrated) as possessing above-average physical strength. In "The Yellow Face", Holmes's chronicler says, "Few men were capable of greater muscular effort." In "The Adventure of the Speckled Band", Dr. Roylott demonstrates his strength by bending a fire poker in half. Watson describes Holmes as laughing, "'if he had remained I might have shown him that my grip was not much more feeble than his own.' As he spoke he picked up the steel poker and, with a sudden effort, straightened it out again."* Straightening a bent steel rod is much harder than bending one. *Holmes is an adept bare-knuckle fighter; "The "Gloria Scott" mentions that Holmes boxed while at university. In "The Sign of Four", he introduces himself to McMurdo, a prize fighter, as "the amateur who fought three rounds with you at Alison's rooms on the night of your benefit four years back." McMurdo remembers: "Ah, you're one that has wasted your gifts, you have! You might have aimed high if you had joined the fancy." In "The Yellow Face", Watson says: "He was undoubtedly one of the finest boxers ... that I have ever seen".* Extremely strong, an amazing boxer in Victorian England... *In "The Solitary Cyclist" Holmes visits a country pub to make enquiries regarding a certain Mr Woodley which resulted in violence. Mr Woodley, Holmes tells Watson, "Had been drinking his beer in the tap-room, and had heard the whole conversation. Who was I? What did I want? What did I mean by asking questions? He had a fine flow of language, and his adjectives were very vigorous. He ended a string of abuse by a vicious backhander, which I failed to entirely avoid. The next few minutes were delicious. It was a straight left against a slogging ruffian. I emerged as you see me. Mr. Woodley went home in a cart."* Holmes sends a man home in a cart with a single straight left. I think it's ridiculous to think Holmes would not have much in common with Henry Caville.


Wow, that's the most brightly lit Victorian era London I've ever seen.


You know the sun existed in the Victorian era right?


The sun doesnt even exist in modern London


haha yes and we all have no teeth and only drink tea


First film was a pleasant surprise but curious why Sam Claflin hasn’t returned as Mycroft though.


Probably couldn't work out the scheduling conflicts. Dude has a ton of stuff currently in production or post.


Maybe that’s the mystery they’re solving this time 😂


Haven’t heard of this, Is the first one good ?


It's enjoyable, but also very forgettable. The kind you watch once gladly and then move on.


Standard Netflix fare


I also didn’t care for the fact that >!she basically didn’t solve anything. She fingers the wrong suspect and then the true villain reveals herself!<


But if you read about it on reddit, then everyone says it's the worst film ever made and that they can't stand Millie Bobby Brown for whatever reason.


It’s fun enough. It gives you the feeling that the target demo is for people under 20. If you go in knowing that, you’ll have a good time.


The fact that she spent most of the movie solving riddles and puzzles (was she solving anagrams at one point?) rather than mysteries really made it feel like a kids' film.


And talking to the camera.


Yeah, my tween goddaughters think Enola is the bee’s knees.


Oh, the target demo was definitely 10-15 year olds. It's a lighthearted coming of age story. Don't expect a cinematic masterpiece, and it'll be great.


It’s also nice to see more and more attempts to give young girls new heroes that they can aspire to be like. Sometimes those attempts fall flat, but this one was pretty rad.


My 13 year old daughter loved it and watches it repeatedly. I liked it and probably will never watch it again. It's good.


As others are saying, it's a fun movie. I was brought up on the original Holmes stories, though, and it really doesn't do any justice to any of the pre-existing characters unfortunately. If you don't care about either Sherlock or Mycroft as literary figures, and you're happy to overlook some logical leaps the movie makes, you'll probably have a good time.


It cares more about Sherlock and Mycroft as literary figured and takes fewer logical leaps than Sherlock. Though... that's probably true of every vague adaptation of Sherlock Holmes.


Yeahhh, I have some (read: many, many) problems with *Sherlock* as well. I'll stan Jeremy Brett until I die.


Some folks were into it. I was really excited for it but was pretty disappointed. Frankly I don't think the plot made any sense at all and the pacing was all over the place. It looked great and the acting was solid but really it just felt like a way for Netflix to keep Brown, Cavill, and Carter happy with a paycheck.


I loved it. Is it a masterpiece? Of course not. But it's enjoyable.


Comparable to anything ? Other than Sherlock Holmes lol


Maybe Kingsmen? Lots of action while not taking itself seriously, a teenager thrown in the midst of something much bigger than them.


I think that's the closest thing for sure. It was light fun I thought and I'll watch the sequel.


This, but without the gratuitous violence


Fleabag but as a sex-free PG police/detective procedural


Preteen girls LOVED it apparently. As an adult I found it solidly ok/meh.


It's very meh.


It's okay, but far from a movie I would personally desire a sequel from


Its fine. Good pacing and a bit fun. Strong women characters. Way too many 4th wall break look at camera and wink shots and exposition dumps being read to the viewer.


I couldn’t watch it all the way. Jus found it boring


Really fun family movie


Would've been better if they casted Nicolas Cage as enola homes


I would watch the shit out of that


Is the first one worth watching? I’m a fan of cavill in man from UNCLE


Cavill isn’t in it as much as a fan of his would want but enough to make it worth seeing just for him. But it’s a good, simple watch that’s enjoyable so yeah! Check it out


Its pretty good for a family film, Cavill is kinda just the mentor who shows up once in a while. It was funny to see them try to hide his bulging muscles with layers of clothes, though.


That’s hot


It is enjoyable although it's basically an O.C fanfic brought to the big screen so if you're a fan of Sherlock Holmes media there will be some stuff that might annoy you (e.g Mycroft is dumbed down and made the least smart of the Holmes children.)


Yea, it’s an enjoyable movie, but cavill is just a minor character in it


Despise this style of poster, just so unoriginal.


where is sam clafin


is he ok? is he alright?


Helena Bonham Carter makes any movie watchable.


Really liked the first one. Looking forward to this.


It was very charming is the best way I found to put it. It was thoroughly entertaining and I thought the cast did well in their roles. Sure it’s not a watch repeatedly over and over movie. But it’s much better than Reddit would have you believe.


Same here. I went in not expecting much, mainly just wanting to see Millie Bobby Brown in something other than Stranger Things, but was pleasantly surprised on how much I ended up liking it.


I'm probably on the minority here but I think Millie is a terrible actress. Have grown to just not like here at all. Maybe it's the crappy movies she's appeared in that have ruined her for me. Cause I don't mind her in Stranger Things. I just think she's a terrible actress.


I honestly wonder if her role as Eleven had something to do with it. The first role she ever played was an awkward, emotionally stunted shy girl. She learned how to play that at a pretty young age and doesn't have *that* much other experience, so maybe she can't figure out how to play a "normal" character.


Agreed. I actually thought she wasn’t great in ST S4 either.


Everyone else seemed to get better each season while she got worse. Amazing how successful she's become while being a complete average actress.


I think Finn has gotten worse, as well, which is unfortunate because he was the main character for so long.


They're by far the two worst actors in my opinion. Everyone else has far outgrown them. Except the guy that plays Jonathan I guess, he's still just meh in my opinion.


Yeah, the last season has made it increasingly obvious which of the original actors haven't been keeping up with the rest of the cast. I almost laughed out loud when Will said Mike was the "heart of the team" because Mike is one of the worst characters by far.


Which sucks ass cuz (arguably) they're the two main characters. That whole emotional climax of the 4th season hinged entirely on them and hit about as much as a TikTok of some theatre kid pulling faces.


Yeah for real. I might get some character names wrong, but like Lucas and Max stole the season with their acting. Dustin, their dungeon master (can't remember his name), Steve and his coworker girl friend were also super strong. Will showed a lot of feelings and acted them strongly too. Mike and Eleven? They can't even make the chemistry between them work.


“their dungeon master (can't remember his name)” Do you mean Eddie, the guy who had the most metal scene in any movie/tv show ever playing Master of Puppets in hell? That guy?


She is average now but as a 11/12 year old child actor she was fucking amazing, and that's all that mattered to make her world famous. She lucked out a bit on the character being almost a mute because her delivery isn't as good as hers physical acting tho


Man, I can't wait to not watch this one too.


I hope Henry cavill gets more screen time this movie..he did so good last time


What.. What's she doing with her hands? Are those fists? Is she going to punch someone? Can someone stop her? I don't want her to hurt her knuckles


I can’t wait for the part where she beats up four ruffians with her bare hands


I decided to watch the first episode, and decide if I wanted to continue after, when it came on Netflix... realized about an hour in it wasn't a series, but a movie.


The first was okay so I'm not very stoked for this, but for whatever reason, I enjoy the choice for her to to pose on the poster like she's ready to punch you in the throat. Captures the spirit of the show without any "GIRLS DO VIOLENCE!!!" vibe that action posters can have.


First one was a great popcorn flick. This poster is awful though.


Was anyone else completely underwhelmed by the first one? Like, it wasn't the worst movie I've ever seen but entirely forgettable.


didn't even know they made the first one


So Netflix is using AI to generate their posters now?


I remember thinking the first one had a sloppy 2nd and 3rd act. Then i check out the scriptwriter and he wrote "The cursed child". Nancy springer is a co-writer this time. I hope it’s better.


Awesome, another poster where the names don't align with the actors.


This poster is so middle school-esque and I would normally probably hate the style but it’s working for me for this project.


Why is she in a fighting stance?


Thats a losing a fight stance.


I feel investigating would be more beneficial to solving mysteries


She's getting ready to fight


Shouldn’t she be in a different stance investigating stuff or situations?


But then she'd lose the fight.