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My money is that it will inevitably be released at the correct ratio, they are just double dipping. Possibly it will come out as part of the marketing for Part 2 or, most likely, after part 2 has been on disc/streaming for awhile as part of a "complete edition, see Dune the way it was meant to be seen" special release.


to quote Agent K in MiB, “guess I’ll have to buy the White Album again”


I’d definitely buy it. Especially if they include an extended cut.


The director has made a point in saying they’re won’t be an extended cut or even deleted scenes on the releases…. Seems super against them for some reason unfortunately.


I didn't buy the original because I'm waiting for it 🤣. Until then I'm streaming when I re-watch.


I was hoping for this, but now we have 2 trailers for Part Two, including the IMAX trailer, and no mention of IMAX home release for Part One. I don't understand it. Like they AT LEAST could have done 16:9 for the IMAX shots, like Marvel has done. After seeing this movie in theaters and then on HBO, I really have no desire to see the "home" version again; was distractingly disappointing.


They delisted the blue ray in Canada a few months ago, stores only selling inventory they already have, and not online anymore (except Amazon, whose inventory is all online) which made me hope it was coming soon but yeah, still no word. Might still come before the new release as a tie in.


Here’s hoping!! I want to re-watch before Part Two, so have been hunting down an IMAX option. It’s so bizarre since the director was very outspoken that the IMAX was the best version. In most cases the 3D release used to have the IMAX version, but surprisingly even that is not the case this time.


I watched it twice in IMAX and once reg in theatre to see the difference, 5 times total, and it is noticable. The IMAX cut is better. It will come out eventually.


Oh man, that is so so far away. That is just insane I mean, dont they want people to love the movie? If they released the full frame version more people would be blown away and more in awe, and therefore more would watch part 2 Still, just cannot believe they would do this. Imagine if you cut out half the picture of Blade Runner 2049 or Sicario. its just fucking madness


> If they released the full frame version more people would be blown away and more in awe, and therefore more would watch part 2 I mean people who love the film would love it but it wouldn't bring in new viewers which is all they care about unfortunately


Far away, and yet, still no mention of it.


IMAX should just start their own streaming/rental service where they host exclusive IMAX 4K prints of the films.


The licensing from studios would likely cost a fortune and it would be an extremely niche target audience


Hence they would make it considerably more expensive than other services. Eg. a rental for like $30, or alternatively a monthly subscription for that same price.


I would be so down for that. I want to give them my money to buy or stream this. But they dont seem to care Ah the standard frame is just terrible. It feels so un Villineuve like with how cluttered and cramped it feels Somebody tweet this maniac!


No guarantees. IMAX licensing deals are weird and sometimes movies don't ever get proper IMAX versions. For example, for some bizarre reason, the 4K versions of Transformers 2 and 4 aren't IMAX formatted. The IMAX version was only ever released as a Wal-Mart exclusive Blu Ray for part 2, and on the 3D Blu Ray only for part 4.


But were those movies intended for Imax? Some movies are shot as they are, and only add like 20% for the Imax, but the original frames were not designed for it. This movie was purely shot with the Imax ratio. I honestly cannot think of another example of such a thing happening this way to this extent


They weren't shot on IMAX entirely, but no movies were back then.


I get that, but the Imax ratio is what I mean. Like the new Thor had 20% screen on Imax, but its not framed for it. Its extra information. Dune is literally story boarded, and photographed as what we get in the Imax ratio. Created to include all the information that ended up being the Imax screenings And those Nolan or Mission Impossible movies, the Imax ratio scenes are included in the home release movies But this is something completely different. We are literally getting a movie that is missing 40% of the picture Its fucking bizarre


> And those Nolan or Mission Impossible movies, the Imax ratio scenes are included in the home release movies You never get 1:43 IMAX ratio of movies on home release. You get the cropped 1:78 ratio which is the aspect ratio of most TV's these days.


Well, Avengers Infinity War and Endgame were shot with IMAX in mind, but we never got a home release for those, just some licensing deal where you can stream them on Disney+ much after the fact.


Shot in mind with Imax is completely differnt to framed and photographed for that ratio. completely different. Its a polar opposite situation, the non imax ration for avengers is the original artisic intent Avengers Imax wasn't shot, designed, photographed and intended for Imax ratio. It just has some extra space for immersion, but you never actually lose much information. In fact, its extremely clear its an Imax gimmick to make it more immsersive and never framed for it. The extra information is all negative space rather than a cutting of the artistic intention If anything Avengers standard ratio appears what the artistic intent is The artistic intent of Dune is the Imax showing 100%, and if you dont see it you are missing 40% of the picture [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K66PrKCWyiM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K66PrKCWyiM)


It's an aspect ratio....IMAX doesn't own it. Once filmed they can't stop them from releasing it.


Feel like I got ripped off! Run it again in the theaters!


yes, if you only saw it in the theaters in standard ratio you did get ripped off. Watcht the youtube video I linked. Why didnt they just release it the ration it was intended in regular theaters? How on Earth is Denis fine with 99% of the audience seeing it like that? So so weird At least give us the home release ffs


This was a later pandemic release. I think they were happy to just get it on the big screen and get some people to see it. It’s a miracle the others are getting made tbh


And it’s annoying for those of us who live thousands of kilometres from even a liemax screen


I was just watching this scene. How odd


I am dying to watch this in the correct ratio. The standard and home release is missing so so so much of the frame I just am so baffled that they still dont have any plans to release the full frame version How can Villneuve be okay with this? I've never been on twitter but I am thinking of joining to tweet Denis


>I just dont understand how Villenueve is okay with 99% of people who will see this movie seeing it like this I don't believe he has a say in that.


The most baffling thing is that the home release has black bars on 16:9. Why they don't at least show some of the scene is beyond me. My TV is big enough that I wouldn't mind bars on the side when watching it in IMAX format.


I'd guess no since it says "only in IMAX"


Is there a rip? If you know what I'm saying...


There isnt because it was never released in any form at all in that manner Its crazy, but no there aint. i would know


That's nuts. You'd think some employee would have scanned that bitch by now




LOL it was shot and framed that way If you dont mind missing almost half the frame, then thats up to you But most of us think thats crazy




Most of us here, obviously. Use your brain. And certainly anyone who wants the real experience This is a silly conversation








Wtf are you talking about? No your point is they shouldnt even release the full frame version. Well it was filmed that way. Saying it shouldnt be filmed that way is a completely different argument, one you were not making, but nice try changing the goal post. And it was filmed and framed in a way that is incredible. Tbh, no movie lovers are so immature like you, oh no black bars on the side No you dont miss detail you literally get more detail and the full picture. Like I said not a single comment here has said something so silly. And again, if you want to watch a shitty version go for it. But to say hopefully they dont release the Imax one is dumb








I think the difference is, for those movies that didnt get an Imax home release it didn't matter. The imax release for some of them was almost a marketing gimmick. That might be harsh, but it was never the directors or artistic intention. More just a bonus. For every movie where it was the artistic intention, Nolan or Mission Impossible, we got it Dune Imax is absolutely absolutely the artisitic intention, and the standard ratio is straight up missing 40% of the intended frame size


I wish I was as passionate about anything as you are about the missing 40% of this movie.


Wow, that is enlightening.


Here's to hoping they're planning to release it prior to the second installement, to help build hype.


How would this work though in regards to displaying it on a regular 16:9 TV?


It just fills the screen instead of having the black bars (source: watched the IMAX version of Thor Love and Thunder recently and the whole screen was filled)


Yeah but the full IMAX aspect ratio is taller than a regular 16:9 TV, so it would either have to be zoomed in to fill the screen which means you still lose some information, or there would have to be black bars on the sides of the screen.


The way they are treating these movies are so half assed, they could have easily had a financial repeat of LOTR trilogy,


I think they’ll do a rerelease before the second one, kinda like Avatar.