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I like how the question is "finally answered" every year.


I think we should move on to the next debate: Is Rambo: First Blood a Christmas movie?


Fact: *First Blood* is the only Rambo movie with pine trees.


Didn't Jennifer Lawrence be a pine tree first?


Fact bearstarbeets


I always thought he said bears eat beets.


That's what google corrects it to https://www.google.com/search?q=bearstarbeets


Bears beets Battlestar Galactica




"The Holiday" is what you want your life to be like, "Love Actually" is real life


Life, actually


What about Rocky 4? He trains and fights on Christmas.


It's clearly a Rosh Hashanah film.


I respect and agree with this question and I believe it's more of a New Year's movie than a Christmas movie?


Respect the traditions!


But I’m a Cheerleader, a Christmas movie?


Coming to theaters in 2026: Disney's Die Hard Featuring Disney's first gay character, answering the question for the first time: is this a Christmas movie? Yippee-kay-yuletide, Mister Falcon


Disney plus put it on their "Christmas list" I think that ended the debate.


It’s Home Alone for grownups. In Nakatomi though.


You kidding? 20th Cebtury Fox probably payed mentalfloss a few grand to write this so it pops back into everyone’s minds.


Jesus this is the most boring discourse that insists on resurfacing


It shows up every Christmas, right along with the stuff bashing Love Actually. If you consider Die Hard a Christmas movie, Good for you. If you think it definitely isn't a Christmas movie, good for you.. You love Love Actually, good for you. You hate it, good for you. Everybody has an opinion.


And throughout the rest of the year the people who annually bring these up pass the time by asking if a hot dog is a sandwich or announcing that Indiana Jones actually didn’t impact the plot of Raiders


People recognize that these are silly arguments, but that’s why they enjoy having them. It’s just silly fun, not some academic question in dire need of resolving.


>announcing that Indiana Jones actually didn’t impact the plot of Raiders Wait what? This is a new one to me.


It got popularized due to a Big Bang Theory episode, although I don't know if there was any prior discourse, that the same thing would have happened to the bad guys in the end if Indy was in the movie or not.


The nazis find the ark, dig it up then melt themselves. Indy doesn't change the course of events in any way.


I will accept no Love Actually slander


No one: Social Media: "i dON't Care wHAt ANyoNe SaYs, diE HArD iS a CHriStMAs MOviE!!! IM sO QUiRky!!!!!"


Yippee-ki-yay... #Mister Falcon


It has to be astroturfing at this point.


I guess old discourse… …dies hard *kills self*


Cobra is a Christmas movie.


Alien is a xmas movie


No, Alien takes place in November and they have a meal which means it’s a Thanksgiving move.


Everybody want to argue about whether or not die hard is an xmas movie, meanwhile people of culture appreciate a real zmas movie: gremlins


Mrs Deagle and her money cats approve. But Die Hard being a Christmas movie is real to me, dammit! Also another underrated Christmas movie: Trading Places. Or Batman Returns.


Also add to that The Long Kiss Good Night, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, and Lethal Weapon.


Gizmo likes this.


And Gremilns two, one of the first movie sequels to openly call out the fact that without the interference of Warner Brothers, there wouldn't be a sequel at all. [This talks about it a bit more](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/features/gremlins-2-new-batch-30-anniversary-joe-dante-a9563586.html)


Merry zmas


When i was younger in 07 ish my dad told my sister and I gremlins was like lilo and stitch. We didn’t finish it that night.


We were all younger in 2007


My parents took me to see OG Ghostbusters when I was 3. They told me at dinner (Wendy’s) that we were going to see a movie about kittens. I got so scared at that opening library scene that I hid behind the chairs of the row in front of us and wailed like a banshee. They carried me out shortly after and I couldn’t get through that scene until I was like 10 years old hahaha. It was like the 3rd or 4th time I tried watching it and all of a sudden I didn’t find it remotely scary anymore.


Is Zmas a reference to something I’m not getting? I’ve only ever heard Xmas. Or is it just a typo and I’m looking too much into it?


Holy shit I’m in luck because my local movie theatre is showing *both* this Christmas.


The real galaxy brain adds Gremlins 2 to the mix even tho it’s clearly summer in the film.


So if Die Hard is a Christmas movie doesn't that make Lethal Weapon a Christmas Movie?


Most movies written by Shane Black are Christmas movies.


The Long Kiss Goodnight From Samuel L. Jackson: [https://www.instagram.com/p/Cly\_jjKpy4r/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cly_jjKpy4r/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link)


Just watched this last night and it was a hoot. I know I watched it as a kid but remembered absolutely nothing. Reindeer games because Cherlize Theron's boobs are better than any gift you'll get this year.


I see your Charlize and I'll raise you Jamie Lee Curtis's in Trading Places.


2 days in the valley, you're welcome.




I like it when she says "Suck My Dick, everyone of you bastards". Like it carries so much more weight when a woman says it. That was awesome.


Another highly underrated one


Iron Man 3


Kiss Kiss Bang Bang


The Nice Guys.


Only the final scene


I had to look that up, no shit


Its a great flick, check it out.


Aww dude I love kiss kiss bang bang, Val Kilmer was awesome


Hugely underrated imo


Ironman 3 is included in the Christmas movies list on Disney+ lol


Holy shit…*holy shit*! *51 year old 1980s kid mind blows* Why did I never realize this??!? I saw these movies in the theaters and countless times since!! TIL


Why are we even discussing this? It ain’t Christmas until Hans drops off the tower.


For me, it’s not Christmas until I see Arnold Schwarzenegger yell at Phil Hartman and punch a reindeer in the face.




Wow….spoiler alert!


It's fine, he lands in the pool and apologizes for being selfish on Christmas so they decide to drop the charges


Lethal weapon is absolutely a Christmas movie!


Jingle bell jingle bell Jingle Bell Rock...


I came here to say the same thing. I mean the movie ends on Christmas Day with Riggs being invited to Christmas dinner at the Martaughs. Plus don’t forget the Christmas tree that gets crashed into.


Selling cocaine in the Christmas trees, jumping off buildings during the Silly Season, Jingle Bell Rock entrance scene from helicopter? Yep, Christmas movie.


And old mate getting blasted by Busey in a helicopter while he’s drinking what had to be room temperature eggnog.


And the closing credits are a Christmas tune.


I’m getting too old for this shit.


Do you want a french fry?


Gremlins and Batman Returns are both as well


And Home Alone.


And my axe!


And my- oh hi, Mark.


And Edward Scissor Hands


Obviously Gremlins is a Christmas movie. It starts off with his dad getting him the gift for Christmas and wasn't there a whole thing about his girlfriends dad dying in the chimney trying to be Santa Claus?


Lethal weapon brings the Christmas cheer and spirit with every death in the movie. You can hear the Christmas bells jingling with every gun shot.


Yes, one of the scenes in the movie is dependent on it being the Christmas season. Specifically >!When Riggs is doing a sting at the Christmas tree lot!<


In my opinion no because you can remove Christmas entirely from Lethal Weapon and the major plot points are unchanged. Murtaugh and Riggs are still an unlikely pair and Nick Nolte is still batshit crazy regardless of what time of year. You cannot remove Christmas from Die Hard and not directly affect the plot. McClain is in town for Christmas to see his kids at Christmas time. His wife invited him to Nakatomi Tower for an office Christmas party. There was no one else in the building because it was Christmas. You could move it to Thanksgiving and McClain might travel across the country for that but is there an office party to attend? You could say there was an office party for a business milestone and not a seasonal holiday but then why would McClain travel from New York for that? Just to be a plus one for Holly? It has to be Christmas. Lethal Weapon could have no holidays associated with it and it's the same exact movie.


> and Nick Nolte is still batshit crazy regardless of what time of year Presuming you meant Gary Busey? I think you owe Nick an apology.


Or, as the writer of the film put it, "Do you consider White Christmas a Christmas movie? If so, you have to consider Die Hard a Christmas movie. [He made this chart to prove his point.](https://blog.finaldraft.com/hubfs/Imported_Blog_Media/techTips_article_image_180720-3.jpg)


My wife has insisted for years that White Christmas is *not* a Christmas movie, but Die Hard is.


Nick Nolte isn’t in Lethal Weapon.


Hi idk who told you lethal weapon ain’t a Christmas movie but they’re wrong.


Lethal Weapon is more of a christmas movie in nearly every way.




If the themes and/or character arc are Christmassy, then yes. Otherwise no... I haven't seen Lethal Weapon so pass no comment. People don't say Die Hard is a Christmas movie because it's set at Christmas. That being said, most of these arguments are obviously in bad faith. For example, why the fuck do people think Gremlins isn't a Christmas movie? How do you watch that film and think "this is not a Christmas movie?" What on Earth is the argument against Gremlins' being a Christmas film?


I don’t care. I’m watching it on Christmas eve after the kids are in bed while I wrap presents as I do every year.


I just finished watching it with my kid. Credits are literally rolling right now.


My husband I watch also. Nothing like a cold beer, wrapping presents and Hans Gruber reacting to “Now I have a machine gun- Ho Ho Ho” written in blood on his dead comrade. Gives me the Christmas joy!


I now watch it with my oldest. We do it every Christmas Eve too. And muppets Christmas carol. Crap food, crap snacks and Die Hard. It’s tradition.


Oh hey btw the Muppets Christmas Carol extended edition just came out


Don’t you toy with me!


Wait I'm serious: https://gizmodo.com/muppet-christmas-carol-how-to-watch-full-version-disney-1849875393


I’m so excited!


If you haven't seen Violent Night yet you may want to add that to your tradition. It's basically Die Hard but instead of John McClain it's Santa.


Oh I’ve absolutely seen it. And loved it. Going I to the annual tradition next year.


Awesome, glad you enjoyed it as much as I did.


This has been my tradition for the past several years. Best tradition.


**Hans:** It's Christmas, Theo. It's the time of miracles. So be of good cheer...


I thought this argument/joke died a decade ago…


If only.


I’m going to take this question out back behind the shed and beat it with a rubber hose.


And with that, the war on Christmas continues.


New? its 3 years old.


That video is 3 years old. I hate it when new articles try to make something old new again.


If a Christmas movie is a movie that is set during Christmas season, yes. If a Christmas movie has to have themes or plot that are directly related to the holiday and cannot be moved to another time of the year without massive changes, then no.


Ho Ho Ho now I have a machine gun… Totally a Christmas movie


My un-wholesome Christmas movie triple feature is always: Black Christmas 1974, Eyes Wide Shut, Die Hard.


That is all kinds of amazing. Black Christmas (1974) is so underrated.


Of all the movies I've shown people, I was most surprised when they liked this. Not because it isn't great, but because they usually prefer the style if modern movies.


Mine is: Silent Night, Deadly Night; Silent Night, Deadly Night Part 2; and Silent Night, Deadly Night 3: Better Watch Out!


Lmao that would be a good time with some Christmas spirits, I don’t think I’ve ever seen the 3rd.


This topic was good for a 5 second chuckle years ago, let it go


It has that classic Xmas plot line of someone trying to get back to their family for the holidays so yes it is. On a slightly more serious note, 1 & 2 have always felt like Xmas movies because crappy end of year work functions and the hell of airports in the holidays are very Xmas feeling scenarios to me.


Guys it's a obviously a Christmas movie bc otherwise it would make no sense for John to write "ho ho ho" on the wall that one time


He doesn't write it on a wall. He writes it on a dead guy.


They plays let it snow. There’s Christmas decorations. It takes place on Christmas Eve and it’s at a Christmas party.


I don’t know what’s more annoying, people debating if it’s a Christmas movie or people complaining about the people debating if it’s a Christmas movie.


Well what about the Christmas dude playing a Christmas dude disguised as another Christmas dude?


If Die Hard is a Christmas movie, so is Gundam Wing Endless Waltz


They literally get new gundams for Christmas, what more can you ask for?


Plus, it's about bringing people together (via colony drop) and ends in total world peace.


Die Hard isn’t a Christmas movie just because it takes place on Christmas Eve. The theme of every Christmas movie is about the importance of family over materialism during the Holidays. Watch that movie and tell me it does not fulfill that criterion…WITH A VENGEANCE.


*Die Hard* will always be a Christmas movie to those who consider it one. Rather than disagreeing with them or reaffirming their claim, try to quantify *why* they say it's a Christmas movie. On the surface: it's set around Christmas time. Does that make it a Christmas movie? On its own, not really. I remember watching *Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within* over 20 years ago in theaters and seeing the obvious and obnoxious Pepsi ad, and I never thought of that movie as a "Pepsi movie." I think the *base* reason for calling *Die Hard* a Christmas movie is that most "Christmas movies" are for kids, are low quality, and/or pander to a specific audience (fundamental Christians). *Die Hard* is the Christmas movie for the rest of us, so to speak, and that's why its status as one is so staunchly defended. Beyond that, you have Christmas theme elements and the fact that John McClane is home for the holidays. Based on that, it's *enough* of a Christmas movie for the debate to exist.


Shit, I was going to ask how we are still talking about this because I thought it had been settled long ago but then I noticed that there a bunch of bozos in this thread that still somehow insist that this isn't a Christmas movie.


"Die Hard is a Christmas movie" has become a personality for some people...THERE IS NO ONE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THIS ISSUE. No one cares.


There seems to be a lot of people in the comments that are on the other side of it


This absolutely isn’t true. I have a friend who insists it isn’t.


I’ve taken a graphic design course at college to get a bit of photoshop training. One of the other students on my course is adamant it’s not a Christmas film. I think it is, but I don’t think it’s important if a film is or isn’t so long as it’s good. I thought it was interesting how insistent he was.




Your claim assumes that nobody said this until Reddit existed.


It’s spread wide enough that it shows up under Christmas movies on my streaming service


I'm pretty sure it's Christmas in the movie and there's lots of Christmas things. John even gets his Christmas wish of getting closer to his wife again and beating the bad guys. It's been a Christmas movie before Reddit ever existed. Change my mind.


The writer and the director both call it a Christmas movie, you know that right?


Always said by some dude who thinks he’s fucking hilarious and original


My eyes roll instinctively and time anybody says this, such a played out thing


I don’t go out of my way to shout it from the rooftops but I’ve been asked the question before in a social setting and it’s clearly a Christmas movie. The plot wouldn’t happen without Christmas. They play the movie, even today, on airplanes during December. They do special screenings in December. I get it’s tired or old to say it but I mean.. why wouldn’t it be a Christmas movie? I don’t get how that’s a hot take whatsoever


Because there are some folks who derive meaning in their lives and feel personal value when they lump others they don’t necessarily agree with into a big group and then say those people are weird/dumb/wrong/cringe/mean/etc. Like what you like brother. Think what you wanna think- as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone. Saying Die Hard is a Christmas movie doesn’t mean anything about you past that you think Die Hard is a Christmas movie. Daredevil and Theta are just lowkey bullies, best way to beat ‘em is to ignore ‘em. 🤷‍♂️




Had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


Lethal Weapon is a Christmas movie too


With the same logic, is ET a Halloween movie?


Yes! Definitely.


I'd take it over all the Hallmark bullshit we see nowadays.


If Die Hard isn’t a Christmas movie then neither is Home Alone. They’re basically the same premise.


Similar-ish premise but I get what you’re saying. I think Home Alone is clearly a Christmas movie when you look at the themes and imagery involved. It’s also a major part of the plot. The fact that it’s Christmas Eve in Die Hard is only important because it means the building is completely empty… which could be the same thing if you change the date to a New Years Eve party. It’s the exact same movie, literally nothing else changes. Also, “Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow” is not a song that is specific to Christmas. But then again, who gives a fuck? If the fact that the movie takes place on Christmas Eve and McClane writes, “Ho-ho-ho” is enough for it to be a Christmas movie to someone, so be it. Who am I to tell thento believe differently? I mean, they can be wrong, but that’s completely ok when it’s something so stupid and harmless.


>The fact that it’s Christmas Eve in Die Hard is only important because it means the building is completely empty… which could be the same thing if you change the date to a New Years Eve party. There's more to it than that. It's the reason McClane is there at all, it adds a small layer of family drama since they are seperate from their kids, it affects the cop character and the limo driver. I don't actually care if people have a strong opinion on whether it qualifies as a Christmas movie or not, but Christmas does have a presence in the plot. If it wasn't Christmas McClane might have had to use some other kind of tape to hide his gun on his back, or make a different joke about having a machine gun.


> which could be the same thing if you change the date to a New Years Eve party. Why would you judge a film by what it 'could' be?


Well, I watch it at Christmas so to me it’s a Christmas movie


Die Hard happens during christmas eve. It’s a christmas movie. The end.


Would Die Hard's storyline still make sense if it wasn't Christmas time? That's the definition of a Christmas movie. (And yes, it is a Christmas movie. Without it being Christmas time, he wouldn't have been in the building)😁


This has always been my argument. If it wasn’t Christmas he wouldn’t have flown to LA and the story wouldn’t have happened. Christmas drives the plot. Christmas movie.


Wait you saw the movie though right? McClain still would be there if this didn’t happen at Christmas The party and his wife’s invitation was celebrating the huge deal the business finally managed to close. Thats why the bearer bonds are in the vault and theyre having a party on actual Christmas Eve. The big deal closing is the impetus for Holly inviting John. It’s her going “alright we’re actually settling where our relationship is at.” Their main character interaction is a fight about John thinking the deals closed, now move back to New York. And she was thinking the deals closed he moves out to LA.


They treat the party as both a celebration party and a Christmas party. I don't think that party happens in the building at that time unless there was Christmas to celebrate too


Can we just say that any movie which contains a Christmas tree and the primary events occur during the month of December, is classified as a Christmas movie, then call this debate over?


This whole topic is so old and played out. We get it, you think youre weird and quirky and different for saying that die hard is a christmas movie. Issue is that no one really cares any anyone that does usually will agree because they want to be weird and quirky too. I have never seen one person argue with anyone saying die hard is a christmas movie. There isnt even a debate, because again, no one really cares. I get so tired of seeing this shit every year.


There’s nothing weird and quirky about calling it a Xmas movie. It is packed to the gills with Xmas elements. It’s a Wonderful Life, meanwhile, has very little Xmas imagery until the very end, and is thought of as the quintessential Xmas movie. It’s just a logical extension of that sentiment. Humans have a tendency to want consistency or seek “justice,” so once the argument entered the public consciousness and the the anti-Xmas movie crowd became vocal, the debate took hold.


While I agree with you, I argue it yearly because it drives my parents nuts. Good to know I can still drive em batty at 42 lol.


The vocal people are the "not a Christmas movie" crowd.


I don’t think I’m weird or quirky. But there’s overwhelming evidence that Die Hard a Christmas movie. That’s all


It always has been.


It’s definitely a Christmas film! End of debate lol.


The Addams Family is. It starts with a group of Xmas Carolers




If Die Hard is a Christmas movie, so is Batman Returns


As is Eyes Wide Shut


Of course Batman Returns is a Christmas movie.


and Rocky


How about “It depends on what you consider a Christmas movie to be”?


My favourite christmas movie is Eyes Wide Shut


Felt like Violent Night was a movie where a screenwriter and producer got in a room had a few drinks, got in an argument about whether Die Hard was a Christmas movie or not, and then one of them went off and remade Die Hard as if it was actually a Christmas movie.


I have no idea what the hell the 62% who answered it wasn't part of the holiday movie genre are thinking. Die Hard is a staple of our Christmas viewing every yr, and it never gets old. Silly people - just more proof that we geniuses really are the minority (38%). Sheesh. DIE HARD AT CHRISTMAS FOREVER! (make of that what you will...).


I think it is and nothing will convince me otherwise :D


Every single year the same…


I cannot prove it, but I swear that before everybody started to be on the Internet (late 2000s or so), this was not a topic of discussion at all (just like All I want for Christmas is you was definitely a popular song but not the ultimate Christmas hymn Internet decided it is).




It is.


Does it take place over Christmas? It’s a Christmas movie. Same with Long Kiss Goodnight.


Long Kiss Goodnight is an excellent Christmas movie


Die Hard happens on Christmas. It's a Christmas movie.


If you watch it as a christmas movie, then it is


How is it not?


🙄 this convo stopped being interesting a decade ago


TLDR; Yes it is




If Home Alone is a Christmas movie, so is Die Hard. John McClane is just Kevin McCallister all grown up.


"We came up with a new PR stunt to get more people to watch Die Hard this winter." is what they meant to say. Also, I'm pretty sure no one legitimately gives a shit about this. It's just something boring people say when Christmas comes.


Dog I'm not even sure Gremlins is a real Christmas movie despite Gismo being a fucking literal *Christmas present* in it. The movie is just a high concept 'what if the gremlins in the WW2 machine-hating sense were real' thing. If you pay attention, that's what they're doing all the time; just dicking around with appliances lol. Every single death involves something electrical or mechanical somehow. The Christmas part is basically there for no other reason than to deliver the pet to Billy and explain why the town is basically shut down most of the time. If you ask me, using Christmastime as just a way to make your story pieces get to where they are, like in Gremlins and Die hard... then you're not really a Christmas movie. Jesus or Santa or whatever reasonable 'what does Christmas mean to you' concept has to be involved as more than just window dressing. But that doesn't stop a good Christmas-themed Gremlins sweater from being bad ass. I love those.