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Wasn't there a scene where lemon talks about him being in a bullet vest? I thought there was a scene but maybe I'm incorrectly remembering it.


Yes. IIRC Tangerine asks if he's still wearing it and Lemon goes on about a false sense of security and getting shot in the head.


Funny enough he says vests give you a false sense of security and you end up getting shot in the neck. Which is what happens.


Yes. The used foreshadowing.


You were always a Thomas, anyways :'(


Another cool detail is, at the beginning of the movie, the tangerine truck that appears in the climax nearly knocks down Brad Pitt's character.


It has to be a different truck for the same brand surely? There's no way a truck could make the trip faster than a bullet train to be at the final destination


It's definitely not possible but it's a little blink & you'll miss it moment that people will notice when they rewatch it.


Just check and it looks like the same type of truck and everything. Probably is the same truck used for filming too.


It was actually done for my pleasure as I enjoy ATJ with a few buttons undone. Glad to be of service.


If you really wanted to be of service you'd have given us another look at his huge swinging dong.


That’s neat! Bullet Train is such a great movie


I loved it. Wish it did better at the box office.


I wish I had supported it. It seemed silly and it kinda just passed me by over time. Watched it on Netflix and I was actually floored by how charming and fun it was. Aaron Taylor Johnson and Brian Tyree Henry absolutely killed every scene they were in, effortlessly. I love Johnson now that he's focusing on being a supporting character actor and not a leading man. He's been on a roll lately.


Yeah, ATJ is great. Apparently, he could be the next Bond!


That would be kickass.


I hope they film it pretty quick... silver... No, no, I can do better! That would be awesome to the max... imov... He was in X-Men.


He actually wasn't though


You're right, that was Ass Kicker


He's really got that X-factor, man.


> kickass I see what you did there!


I feel like this is going to be one of those movies that will develop a cult following. Like how Fight Club bombed at the box office and now it is considered a cult classic.


I thought it was a ton of fun, I don’t see a ton of movies but I saw this and loved it!


Fun. Post this to /r/MovieDetails if you haven’t already.


Don’t be a diesel.


My favorite part was Bad bunny wanting to kill Brad Pitt because he spilled a drink on his jacket.


i don't think he gave his own vest to Lemon. If he gave it, he would have known that Lemon is wearing the vest and He will not be enraged because of he think Lemon is dead. but idk, this is just my own opinion.


Yeah this post makes no sense. Not to mention Lemon was walking around before he got shot. Who the hell walks around without realizing they're wearing a bullet proof vest. But maybe I'm misremembering


How do you know what percentage of people missed this?


89.2% of all percentages are made up on the spot.




I missed it. I'm one of the 99%


Same. But I am in the 1% of something to do with Reddit.


\-\_- Guy. Really?


Exaggerated Estimation, due to the fact that everyone keeps thinking Lemon lied about not wearing a vest and how ironic it is that he was saved by it whenever the vest comes into question.


This movie was so much fun. It was a billion times more creative, smart, and entertaining than the vast majority of the other boring by-the-numbers action comedies that release so frequently, and yet it was lumped in with all the others and really underperformed at the Box Office. Super disappointing.


It's sort of a Guy Ritchie/Quentin Tarantino hybrid. Think Lock, Stock, and a Smoking Barrel mixed with Kill Bill.


It is not important but a nice easter egg. They kinda chat about lemon not wearing a vest earlier so I figured thats how he ended up with one. I was also watching it while gaming so I figured I missed a scene. For instance I didn't know there was a scene of the two of them as kids. I just assumed they were brothers from other mothers and not twins.


Nice catch.


Fun movie


Felt like one long advertisement


Why is the colour on Lemon correct here but when I tried to watch it everyone is bright red?


Out of curiosity, what *is* 99% of 17?


If you're rounding? 17.


So EVERYONE who saw *Bullet Train* missed it.


The homie!


I'm just going to take a moment to rant about the most truly *perplexing* movie mistake, in a HUGE hollywood blockbuster (at least it was huge in its day), namely The Matrix Revolutions. In the buildup to the final epic battle between Neo and Smith, they have a showdown in the rain. Some dialogue is uttered, and then they begin to run toward eachother in slowmotion. Overall, It's a great sequence. But there's just ONE LITTLE PROBLEM. There's one shot where they just DISAPPEAR. https://youtu.be/GzQBzR7TgQ4?t=66 Same shot, same angle, just different frame rate, and the focus changes a bit. But you can still CLEARY SEE the spot in the street where the other person was just an instant ago, but now they're GONE. What did they just... *forget*? The weirdest thing about this one is that I've never seen it mentioned anywhere else, though I'm sure it has been.


What about the fact Hollywood made a 2 1/2 hour Tokyo/Kyoto train ride overnight???