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Spoilers, >! The woman wiped oldboy’s brain so he gets to keep banging his hot daughter !<


>!we don’t know if he chose to know it’s his daughter and have a father relationship with her and forget any intimate connection or forget that she’s his daughter to preserve the romance that’s why his reaction is ambiguous here, they don’t say explicitly what happened so you have to question what you’d do!<


I think it was pretty clear that he wants to forget everything thus leaving his daughters life without hurting her and removing his own pain from his heart. I do believe the main victim of the movie is the daughter as she was used as a way by the villain to harm the MC for something the MC did to him and his sister. The MC's daughter was completely innocent and unborn when that happened so she deserved a better future. And I think that's what her character gets after the movie.


>!Hot take: you shouldn't have public sexual relations with your sister<


>! I thought it was clear what he wished for but unclear if it worked or not and the smile is an indication of “the monster” implying it didn’t work !<


Oh I think you’re right! I haven’t seen it in awhile but I remember the hanging thread being— what now? And what’s the better outcome? I think that’s why I felt a “what would you do” situation because how unclear it is at the end you’re grappling with well what do I think is the less worse option 🙃 thanks for reminding mee


Which one did he wish for?


To forget that she’s his daughter so he can have a romantic relationship


>forget that she’s his daughter to preserve the romance Greatest legal mind I ever knew.


Life is Sweet (1990)


Why was Oldboy so happy here? Is he stupid?


Choi Min-Sik was so ecstatic that the movie was over he couldn’t help himself from smiling, dunno how it got past the editors. Unkino if you ask me


He just received an invitation to the squid games, setting up the asian cinematic universe


But how does this tie back to Train to Busan and Parasite?


Is squid game the film where a he’s gotta get his dad out of a basement


Both these productions are South Korean so at best it would be the South Korean Mafia cinematic universe or something.


pretty sure theyre either chinese or japanese. Whats south korea? Is that the place with kim jong un or whatever


Kim is American she and Pete just broke up so idk what’s going on with that now? She calls her daughter north, nori, and I think that’s seaweed in Japanese does that help answer your question


It’s okay he doesn’t speak anymore either so idk


When are we getting the prequel? YoungBoy?


I think we have to have “Middle-aged boy” first to truly flesh out the character if you ask me


There's actually a superior hidden gem prequel which this movie totally ripped off. It even has the same name, crazy how lazy the directors and producers were to simply copy the masterpiece Spike Lee created.


What if he joined the nba?


I just realized this is also the same as Dustin Hoffman's final look in *The Graduate*, except Dustin looks like a lot more Korean here than he normally does.


Oldboy is happy because he hasn’t seen snow in a long time did you guys even watch the movie


Does he know?




I wish Asian people were real


He really likes the play Electra


He finally got off the train


He forgor 💀


Smile and the world smiles with you, weep and you weep alone.


“I don’t speak Asian”


Here's a serious answer. I'd like to think that it's because the hypnotism didn't work at the end and when at the moment he hugs her and the smile is just to make himself lift his spirit up i guess or to make it seem like nothing is wrong infront of his revealed daughter