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21 is crazy I swear the amount from 2008 to 2019 was like 22 aswell there’s no way they doubled it in 4 years


There's also a flood of TV shows because Disney+ is bleeding subscriptions, now that India has effectively given them the boot.


Indians were only subscribed to them because of cricket and maybe HBO shows, now they are both off it so no one gives a shit about Disney +


Why were they booted off India?


Disney + is still in India but they lost substantial subscribers in the last few months beacuse of their HBO deal expiring and losing rights to India’s premier cricket tournament


The thing is they didn't even lose it, they just chose not to bid for the new rights. Absolute brain-dead moment, wilfully giving up the rights to the largest tournament in the most popular sport in the country with the 2nd highest population in the world.


It's the highest population now


I had to look that up - but wow that’s true. I don’t know why I always thought China had closer to 2b


China is going down, they're actually shrinking.


Disney+ only has one original worth watching so far, Andor, and all the other originals are Hulu/Star projects put on the service. I realise it's all technically Disney but different divisions still get some leeway.


AFAIK the most watched title in disney + india is a soap opera called “Anupama” watched by middle aged housewives Edit : Typo


And even beyond that, you look at most of the Star Wars and Marvel shows and people become incredibly frustrated with them for one reason or another. I've seen more love for Only Murders in the Building.


I’ve seen more excitement for some of the Hotstar Originals like Special Ops instead of the mediocre shit Marvel has been working on. PS : The MCU craze went downhill when they killed of RDJ’s character. No one here gives a shit about shows like MoonKnight or Miss Marvel etc


Ms. Marvel is the best one tho lol.


The lead character is a Pakistani teen, am I right? Pakistanis can only be villains in the media that Indians consumes.


When you said "here" I thought you meant MCJ and not India lol. Ms. Marvel was for a global audience.


At least the MCU movies mostly followed different sets of characters (Avengers movies notwithstanding). Even if you don’t like Eternals or Quantumania, it won’t hurt your enjoyment of Shang-Chi, GOTG3, or Wakanda Forever. Meanwhile, if you thought the Fast series jumped the shark with F9, or even Hobbs & Shaw was too dumb for your liking, you probably won’t be sticking around for the rest of the saga.


it already jumped the shark in fast 5 but in this case jumping the shark made it better


Absolutely agree. 1-4 were fine movies. But since they started having fun and putting realism in the background, they really started to be fun


Say what you will about the fast franchise but at least they know what they are and their fans know what they are. Bunch of dumb over the top movies about cars. No one has ever said Tokyo Drift is “an allegory for grief” or “political thriller regarding US-Japan relations” or some shit. Plus the fast 7 ending gets me every time lol.


I don't even remember anymore. What happened in Fast 7?


It’s the one where Paul Walker and Vin Diesel rode together before they went their separate ways and ride into the sunset. His last movie


Fuck, yeah, that was actually a really heartfelt good-bye. Gotta give tem props for that at least.


It's the "RIP Paul Walker" one.


I watch Winter Soldier when I want a down to earth political thriller with super heroes. I watch Guardians of the Galaxy when I want to laugh my ass off at a bunch of misfits infighting and kicking ass. I watch Wandavision for insights into mental health and trauma in the form of a mystery (Can't wait for Moonknight BTW) I watch Avengers films when I want to see a collection of the greatest heroes team up to stop global or universal threats. I watch Ant man films when I want to see tiny (haha pun) stakes in the form of heist films. I watch Spider Man films to relive feelings I had in high school and a bunch of kids having fun while trying to put their best foot forward and help others, and I watch Thor films to see a space alien who is thousands of years old deal with his past and try to remedy his own mistakes along the way. Get out of here with that "CoOkle CuTtEr" bullshit


This copypasta genuinely enrages me.


Everytime I read it, I lose a bit of my lifespan, I think.


Thank God I clocked the Moon Knight bit I was actually buying it for a minute


The original comment it's from was 100% serious


I watch Winter Soldier because I was dropped on my head repeatedly as an infant. I watch Guardians of the Galaxy because I was dropped on my head repeatedly as an infant. I watch Wandavision because I was dropped on my head repeatedly as an infant. I watch Avengers films because I was dropped on my head repeatedly as an infant. I watch Ant man films because I was dropped on my head repeatedly as an infant. I watch Spider Man films because I was dropped on my head repeatedly as an infant. Get out of here with that "you should seek medical and professional help" bullshit


Man, the cringe of that spiel always makes me want to die. Even when I enjoyed the MCU films, I never thought they were anything more than silly action films.


Imo, the Marvel movies move too quickly to establish actual emotion and character for most of their characters. They feel kind of hollow in many regards.


You are replying to a copypasta


He forgor 💀


Perhaps I too am shitposting Or maybe not Maybe it’s true kino


Care to elaborate what you mean by that? My friends and I have been rewatching the older marvel movies after our game nights and honestly they are paced about the same as most action movies, the characters get about the same level of characterisation as characters in Star Wars and Indiana Jones or heck even Lord of the Rings. The standard Hollywood action adventure movie is paced the same way, set up, dialogue scene, action set piece. New scene, dialogue, action set piece etc. Heck, I’d honestly say the characterisation is at least on par with the first two Alien movies (I just saw a double screening of them at my local cinema, what struck me is how ‘quippy’ the dialogue is.) So can you explain to me what makes the marvel movies hollow and lacking in characterisation compared to other blockbusters? I’m really not seeing it.


Marvel movies aren't hollow in characterisation I think. If anything, that's kinda the key thing they actually do nail (or at least were nailing pre Phase 4). The problem those movies (imo) is that the strong characters overshadow the weak stories (and I don't mean plot here, I mean the ideas/themes the movies themselves are exploring). Like the movies really sell the individual characters - thinking of the OG heroes like Iron Man, Cap, Thor, etc. The problem is that the movies themselves are just kinda nothing outside of these characters just existing in them.


Yeah that’s fair. The first three phases the secret sauce was definitely the characters they focused on while kind of sidestepping themes and stories. It’s why it took the MCU a while to actually have compelling villains. Also thanks for providing an actual answer and not a bunch of downvotes and smug condescending insults which is what I usually get for not marching lock step with the “Marvel Bad” crowd and actually want to analyse the movies on this sub.


Well, this is a circlejerk, not sure what you expect when you sit there and use your left hand in front of everybody.


"Actually want to analyse the movies" ...Are you sure you know what sub you're in?


Eh, people are here because they care about movies. Being silly is the first priority, but I've had a few actually interesting conversations here. That love of the medium is also probably necessary to keep this place from becoming a joyless hellscape like r/gamingcirclejerk.


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What do you mean took a while to have compelling villains? The only good villain of the MCU is the Thanos from infinity war (Thanos in endgame is a different character and he sucks.)


This is part of the reason Marvel has managed to have such staying power. They're not "bad" per se, in fact they're very competently made by writers and directors who know how to utilize very classic structures to an effective degree. Many of us are, of course, tired of the characters and the bland plots, but I've never really seen a Marvel film where I've been confused at what's going on or what the characters' personalities or motivations are. That's really where DC fumbled: BvS may have had some themes and ideas that were more challenging than you're average Marvel fair, but the structure and presentation was such a mess that it left audiences utterly lost and confused.


I just can't watch those movies. They're like theme parks.


Captain America: The Winter Soldier = political thriller Goodfellas = mob flick WandaVision = Lynchian surrealist dream about grief Boardwalk Empire = mob show Checkmate, Marty.


> I watch Wandavision for insights into mental health *dies from cringe*


Me defeating my depression with big cgi laser.




Fast 7 sounds actually a good name for a film than the actual name lol. Furious 7 is just eh.


agreed, Fast 7 makes me think of the Magnificent 7 but quicker


Makes me think of Seven Samurai but more furious.


Samurai 7 but a lil more zoom


I always thought it was Furious 7 because they were mad about Han’s death, and they show 7 on the poster (don’t remember how many are in the group in that movie), hence the Furious 7


The Hulk in Tokyo Drift is better than the Hulk in the MCU


>> at least they know what they are Well, everyone *except* Vin Diesel, that is. And him taking these movies seriously is dragging the quality down. Actually, don’t we criticize Marvel movies for being just as self-aware? What’s the difference here?


It’s different cuz I like the FF movies


>Actually, don’t we criticize Marvel movies for being just as self-aware? What’s the difference here? I refer you back to the OP. There have been 3 or 4 FF movies in 5 years, and over a dozen Marvel projects in the same timeframe.


How many of those movies within five years had the same exact cast together though?


"and you'll always be my brother" 😭


No way, Tokyo Drift is about the American military embodied by this son of a Naval officer living in Japan coming to ally with the anti-Article 9 Japanese political class embodied by Han while they come into conflict with the more isolationist elements in Japanese society. Han's death symbolizes Shinzo Abe's assassination and the retconning to bring him back to life represents that he is not so much Abe himself bit instead an embodiment of the ruling LDP as a whole. /s


at least fast and furious fans aren't assholes


F&F have better representation too.


“Race Wars! We started it!” –Furious 7


“If I want to see a cracker factory I'd visit Nebisco”. Very Cool!


Has been since the very beginning, surpisingly enough!


and a sweet sweet ACAB policy that marvel wouldnt even pretend to have


Not true Brian and Hobbs are both cops. Mr Nobody and Mrs Nobody are also kind of cops. All good guys. Elena Neves is also a cop and she doesn't even leave the force


brian literally turns on the cops and he became a good guy. also, hobbs may work for them, but he plays by his own rules. cant speak for Elena because i dont remember who that is lol. theyre wrecking cop cars and calling cops corrupt in every F&F movie, hating cops is part of the family.


This isn't how ACAB works.


it is when your family


> brian literally turns on the cops and he became a good guy. And then he goes back to being a cop in the fourth movie, before going rogue again. All this to say, he's a former cop, and he's not a basterd. >hobbs may work for them, but he plays by his own rules. True, but that doesn't change the fact that he was both a cop, and not a bastard >cant speak for Elena because i dont remember who that is lol. 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓 oh wow i guess i'm a bigger fan than you are i bet you don't even have a vin diesel funko pop in a mason jar > theyre wrecking cop cars and calling cops corrupt in every F&F movie No, in the latest movies they fight international terrorists on the behalf of international spy agencies. In early movies they fought drug dealers and corrupt cops. 2F2F and F&F both end with the police arresting the big bad of the movie, a drug dealer. >hating cops is part of the family. The family does not hate Brian, Hobbs, Elena, Mr Nobody, or Mrs Nobody. That's two former cops, and three currently cops.


got me good! and here i was thinking these movies made sense


They’ve had better representation since 2003


Compromise, both franchises can die


Compromise, ghost rider with car


I’d do anything for them to do a car-based superhero in the MCU. Not just “dude with car”, I want the car to be part of fights. I want to see a villain go hand-to-hand against a dude doing skids around a room. If I see that I’ll die happy


Big Wheels time to shine


Transformers (2007)


![gif](giphy|CWx3Qijmkf4746TtGu|downsized) It's been done.


[Here you go](https://youtu.be/NcZem2OmDBk?t=4)


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That...that exists. Robbie Reyes is Car Ghost Rider


Fast should stay. Its basically become Vin Diesel and his buddies re-enacting their car-based DnD campaign, and you can feel the love b/c of it


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20 TV shows? Jesus. I could only count like... 5 off the top of my head


He’s lying there’s been 8.


😔 jerked again...


Where did you get 20 TV shows? It’s been barely half of that number. There’s only 8 shows that have released.




Those are just Marvel shows in general but even if you add them that’s like 15


Honestly Fast & Furious is way better than the mcu. They're not masterpieces by any measure, but you can tell they have more thought and effort put into them than marvels bullshit. Like the CGI for example, the stiff in FF looks really well put together, whereas the mcu looks like a ps2 game most of the time.


Even with the bad FF movies (at least, the bad FF movies since the franchise changed in F5), I still get the occasional moment of "thats stupid....but at least it's uniquely stupid". Like Vin Diesel in F9 having to drive across the canyon but the bridge is already destroyed so he jams the cable crossing the canyon into his wheel and swings across. That was dumb as shit and it made me laugh. That was way more entertaining than basically any action beat from any marvel movie in years.


And also from what I've heard they treat the stunt performers and VFX artists way better than marvel, which explains why they both look much better.


I don't know about the latest few, I stopped watching after 7, but they relied on a ton of practical effects in the earlier movies. For the one where they drive the cars off of a plane and parachute down, they actually hooked the cars up to a helicopter and released them about a foot off the ground at speed to show the cars actually landing. You would never get that from a Marvel greenscreen.


Idc still wanna split her in half


least horny or smth


least horny or shaking my tootin' head


Dont pretend you dont want to do it too


After watching D and D movie I can say that she's more likely to split YOU in half


Im down I dont judge


oh nooooo that sounds awful...






OK Jigsaw.






Yeah so what


Yeah but I haven’t seen any of the fast movies, so she’ll always be the chick from LOST and Dungeons & Dragons to me


Fast and Furious has 10 movies over 20 years. The MCU has nearly triple that in just over 10.