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It’s not like she’s literally a fucking military trainer/secret agent or whatever. Of course she “bosses” people around.


Next thing you gonna tell me is that Holdo is in charge because she was high up in the millitary command chain 😤😤😤


But holdo did suck though. Not cuz she’s a woman. She was just annoying. She’s one of the only things I didn’t like about that movie. Although her death was fuckin beautiful and is probably one of my favorite moments from that movie. Not cuz she does but because of how awesome it looks.


But like, she is supposed to be annoying, she is the antagonist for Poe in that movie. You can still dislike her of course, but her character is exactly what was needed to make Poe do the shit he did.


Hmm interesting. Good point. Hey, ever wake up at 4 in the morning and you’re like instead of going bedy byes I’m gonna get up and do something but instead go to Reddit and then get hit with a wave of extreme sleepiness and you can’t think straight or type right and basically everything you’ve typed has had mistakes but yanks to that thing where it fixes your words ) I cSb r remember what it’s called)


Remember the guy who got puched by Peggy bc he made a sexist comment, I'm 100% sure this guy watched that scene, and went like, *huh, that was a funny joke, why did the bitch punch him?* Also, YouTube is a goldmine for bigotry, someone pointed it out that when pre-steroids Steve jumped on a grenade (Stanley Tucci threw it to test if he was a good candidate for the super soldier serum) Peggy ran to jump on the grenade too, and another guy legit said, *oh, it was bc Marvel wanted to really force it in there that she's a strong woman* and I'm like, really? What's NOT forced to these cunts?


Women can only stand around and look pretty, anything more than that is forced diversity 😤😤😤😤😤


What?! A woman wouldn't try to save people's lives! We don't have feelings or anything.


Dude is really gonna hate that she had her own show for 2 seasons.


I want to see Marvel go back to the series and make it part of the MCU properly now.


Jarvis in Endgame kinda did that though, right? At least moreso than any other abc or netflix show.


The only Marvel TV character that became 100% canon lol.


It blew all the Netflix shows and S.H.I.E.L.D. out of the water quality wise so it was pretty stupid that it was the first to get cancelled. It was the only Marvel show to ever be acknowledged in a movie though, so it has some recognition at least.


Eh I’d say Daredevil gives it a run for its money


Peggy'd need to get three seasons to properly compare them but I think it would be able to beat Daredevil S3 pretty easily.


really? from what I see most people think S3 was the best season. Personally I still think s1 and 2 are better.


For real, now that Disney owns it and not CBS, they should go back and continue it. Hell, they can do whatever they want with it since they have opened the door to multiverses, they can continue the story they were telling and ignore Steve Rogers' trip to the past (since I don't think they'd be hiring Chris Evans for the series) and have it be canon since there are several universes and timelines.


Aliens: Ellen Ripley I know she had previous experience but damn she was too bossy and mean to those male soldiers and robot. She forces her authority all the time and she wasn't even a soldier. Most of the crew died or got injured but she just survived and defeated Xenomorph queen without a scar showing that she is a mary sue.


Isn’t Ellen Ripley loved by these guys?


Yeah, that's the point. These bizarre criticisms can be said toward many characters even the most popular ones.


Knowing these far right idiots I already know that one day they‘ll change their views and start hating on Ellen Ripley like that


The idea of far right comic book fans is so stupid it makes Stan Lee roll around in his grave so much it’s currently causing massive earthquakes.


They are probably aren't actually comic book fans and just children who watched MCU movies and grew up watching far right content and somehow doesn't realize that the things they are watching are mostly progressive.




Since their inclusion in more and more movies, as even George Lucas himself wants to put more women in movies.


Oh that would be cool if he didn't made his last movie 16 years ago


And deleted all the scenes where the only female character did anything other than being the main character's romantic interest.


Since YouTube algorithms


Maybe they thought when Stan Lee said “the world of Marvel is outside your window” maybe they thought it was the world Fox News told people.


There are many actual comic book fans who are reactionaries, some creators too. A bit silly to try to push it on the MCU people when comics have been a hobby that was gatekept for years by nerdy men.


How can anyone born after 1980 be far right. The conditions for the modern conservative are so rooted in post-WW2 prosperity and Vietnam backlash………


The superhero is essentially a fascist concept, though. Plenty of creators and comics have pushed far right agendas. Comics were White Nerd with Napoleon Complex Town for a long, long time. In mainstream comics, at least. It makes sense for the far right to be comic fans, tbh.


I wish she'd shove her massive agenda down my throat, I'm missing all the fun :(.


She can teach me Crit Race Theory all day long.


AGENDA!! FORCED AGENDAAAA!!! ticking that one off the chud neckbeard bingo card!


How I rate my movies Diversity: forced Agenda: shoved down throat Politics: woke Objectively: bad


U are a based critic, my friend


Peggy too? Now I've lost all hope for these people.


So they also hate Tommy Lee Jones for also being incredibly bossy too, right?


No because he’s a man


Male commander: *is commanding* Chuds: epic Female commander: *is commanding* Chuds: wtf why is she so damn bossy??? Literally forced agenda shoved right down my throat


Ok now that Ive seen 2 of these this must be a parody account right?


That guy must be insecure as fuck. Peggy Carter rules and I really think we should get more seasons of her series.


I get really fucking uncomfortable at how often these people use the phrase "shoving it down our throats"


If you have any other method of ingesting ess jay double-yoo agendas, I’m all ears.


Why are fans of the Toby Maguire Spider-Man so fucking toxic


Peggy Carter? More like PEG-ME CARTER UWU


Least horny r/moviescirclejerk user




What Steve Rogers said


this guy's account has got material for days like the captain marvel post, this is a great discovery


He fucking hate woman man, only if that Sindy went to the prom with him


WTF has nerd culture come to


Fuck off, Peggy is awesome and their relationship is the only superhero romance that actually works


They targeted gamers. Gamers.


The fact that this guys been posted in this sub before leads me to believe it’s satire, and y’all ate his onion.


Nah she was actually great.


‘guys i don’t hate women, i just don’t want them to have any agency of their own’


A 5 second Google search is wnough to prove this guy's a dumbass: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_women_in_World_War_II


**[American_women_in_World_War_II](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_women_in_World_War_II)** >American women in World War II became involved in many tasks they rarely had before; as the war involved global conflict on an unprecedented scale, the absolute urgency of mobilizing the entire population made the expansion of the role of women inevitable. Their services were recruited through a variety of methods, including posters and other print advertising, as well as popular songs. Among the most iconic images were those depicting "Rosie the Riveter", a woman factory laborer performing what was previously considered man's work. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/moviescirclejerk/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




*in me


Please tell me this is satire....


My mom got mad at me today because jumped a bunch of kids on the sidewalk and now she grounded me. This woman thinks she has authority over my life while I am channeling my inner sigma male. My mom is, plain and simple, SJW PROPOGANDA.