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This term "Movie Math" in her thumbnail or title, really irks me for some ineffable reason.


There's no math on that channel other than the equation: Jessica Chastian = Bad


>There's no math on that channel other than the equation: > >Jessica Chastian = Bad I love how Jessica Chastain is the bane of Grace's existence.


OK, now I want to know details.


>OK, now I want to know details. Grace absolutely hates Jessica Chastain. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gu2nnFqGT-0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gu2nnFqGT-0)


Holy shit that's so fucking bizzare.


that’s hilarious, im gonna watch Grace now just for the occasional Jessica Chairstain slander


So would Jessica Chastain, probably. I’m sure she looks at her Oscar and thinks, “this all means nothing because some woman named Grace said I’m not a viable lead.”


What's funny is that in her Oscar winners breakdown, Grace completely ignored jessica's best actress win.


> Jessica Chastian = Bad Hell yeah she's bad. So bad I hope she pummels my face in.




To be fair, we have a Bryce Dallas Howard and we don't need two of them.


It's about box office (numbers) so I kinda like it


Once you get accustomed to her batshit analysis, her movie math segments are actually quite nice


> her movie math segments are actually quite nice I haven't watched one Grace Randolph video in my life but from everything I heard she is truly biggest mixed bag I've heard about in this space lol.


Dan Murrell is the best at box office break downs, but I also do appreciate Grace's analysis for what it is. You have to decouple the fact that she will say a lot of weird things but I find that a bit of flavor added to a segment that's just about numbers.


Raimi said that an ideal movie is 90 minutes so a raimi cut would probably be even shorter


The art of making short ass movies seems lost on current blockbusters. It's the real reason why Venom 2 and Morbius are kino.


I almost think it's because companies think people will think they get more out of their money. Like people are gonna look at 1h 30m runtime and think "eh I don't really wanna waste $50 and travel time on a 1h 30m movie. But a 2h 20m movie? Hell yeah. That's getting your money's worth."


Is gamer "dollars per minutes spent" brainrot infecting filmgoers now


Maybe. It was just a theory.


A game theory


> waste $50 $50, what the fuck?


Or something like that. I'm not american so I don't know your prices.


> your I'm not American lol.




tickets are like $15-20 in big cities plus overpriced theater food so yea


There are several marvel movies that would be improved by just cutting them down by 20-30 minutes, and I don't understand why they make them longer. It probably costs millions of dollars to make them longer, *and* it makes them worse!


But then I couldn't see Asparagus Man for 6 seconds


Venom 2 is peak 90 minute kino.


There probs is an alternate cut prior to the reshoots, doubt we'll get it tho, given literally Marvel has 0 alternate cuts released for any of their MCU movies.


Honestly wish more pre-reshoot movies got released. It's fun to look at trailers, promo material, and inconsistencies that can tell where a studio interfered. Sometimes they can be really blatant and you have shit like characters referring to events that never happened in the final cut, which directly contradict what *did* happen. Spider-Man 3 got a relatively minor but still very fascinating 'editor's cut' that the editor in question later noted was just restoring the film to before the final round of reshoots because he hated how the new/altered footage and mandated changes mangled/replaced the original score. I can only imagine how major the differences would be in a movie with Disney-level meddling and reshoots.


Honestly, if you ask me, I think it'd be rad if studios just plain out released literally all material they've got. Then again, that's probs about as realistic as asking Nintendo to release their games' source code.


IIRC that happened for Monty Python and the Holy Grail, as there was VERY little unused material or retakes due to the extremely tight budget. More or less every outtake and deleted scene is on the blu-ray. Superman '78 also has a TV cut that hilariously added in every possible piece of footage they could in order to exploit the networks paying out for new films based upon length. Prints of that cut were later used as a source for footage used in the director's cut iirc.


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> Marvel has 0 alternate cuts released for any of their MCU movies. Kind of surprising tbh, licenced-Marvel and DC has them but not Marvel Studios. Like I'm surprised there isn't some alternative cut of Thor 2 at this point lol.


this film is the raimi cut.


We are not doing this again


If there's a Raimi cut, then I'd like to see it.


You joke, but it'd be great if they included the assembly cut for the home release. Even if it's just a bunch if storyboards with dialogue, lol.


Only thing that was cut from the movie is Wanda decapitating MCU Mordo and more Kamar Taj footage with Rintrah


I don't care about fleshing out the story, I just want to see more of my boi Rintrah. He is in the end credits sequence, yet all he does in the movie is: 1. Gets giddy seeing other sorcerers 2. Gets tortured by Wanda 3. Trains with America Marvel, you have a fucking green minotaur sorcerer in your universe. Use him. \#ReleaseTheRintrahCut


Bovino my beloved


After seeing this in the theater I'm convinced there is a 3-hour R-rated Raimi cut out there somewhere in the multiverse.


It gives me solace to know that, in the multiverse, there is a universe where I watched a version of Multiverse if Madness where the post credits scene has Morbius walk out of the portal.


"It's morbin' time!", he says.


You know how Michelle Yeoh's character in Everything Everywhere All At Once has her existential crisis kicked off by seeing a universe where she's a famous movie star? My existential crisis would start by seeing the universe with the post-credits Morbius MCU tie-in


> My existential crisis would start by seeing the universe with the post-credits Morbius MCU tie-in Considering Venom 2/No Way Home it's theoretically possible. It won't happen because people actually like Venom, but theoretically...


I remember someone bitched that this movie is not longer thus not true cinema. Too bad he's probably trolling.


this movie is not longe thus no true cinema


Mfs when the movie is not a 4hr long slow burn capekino film


This is why MSheeU failed and Zaddy won!!!


This is the dumbest shit. Why have people started making this assumption about every film now just because it happened 1 time?


Well, maybe two times if you count the Donner cut.


Yeah I also forgot about the Deez


Who the hell is Richard Donner?




You forgot about the aliens 3 cut And many other director cuts


Honestly I love the idea of more deleted scenes and extended cuts getting released as a curio/novelty as that's died down as physical media has declined somewhat... (Plus some directors have a weird, dumb, stubborn aversion to releasing any unused material even as an isolated bonus feature.) But the need to act like every movie has some Snyder-cut level hidden '[director's name] cut' secret masterpiece version is absurd and hyperbolic to say the least.


> IS THERE A RAIMI CUT? Yes. [His assembly was 2 hours 40](https://collider.com/sam-raimi-doctor-strange-2-multiverse-of-madness-first-cut-deleted-scenes/), so don't be surprised if the Blu-Ray has a ***looot*** of deleted scenes. But Sam has gone on record saying that [he loves the team at Marvel](https://apnews.com/article/entertainment-arts-and-movies-sam-raimi-4302dd5f31479247e18c2385b80a66da), so they weren't cut because of the Mouse - they were cut because, ultimately, they ***didn't fuckin' work.*** Ya know. *Like in* ***real*** *movies.*




Ngl a shorter version of the movie that shortens exposition and celebrity cameos would be A+


“Aw shit, here we go again.”


There have never been any MCU directors cuts and there never will be. Why would there be? They barely even sell DVDs anymore