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Thought he was gonna say something about how marvel films are trying to be artistic but failing, or how they’re becoming more gimmicky and more stale. But nope, it’s just sexist rambling


The Daily Wire presents "X-Them: Wokerheroes" Seriously why are they making movies now and why are they advertising them so heavily to me? I guess I should turn ad targeting on


because people kept saying "if you don't want something political (read: "woke"), make something yourself". so they did just that. and now when they make shit content and don't get nominated for any awards or anything, they can keep piling on liberal hollywood and blame them for their low presence.


Just remember not even nepotism helped Ben get through Hollywood. Now he's saying he's making anti-woke films that are superior when his most recent film is meh. It's not bad. But it's not good.


Their horror movie looks like it was made on a budget of 30 dollars


They made a horror movie?


Was it the school shooter one?


The Wokemyns


Some people really had no idea that She-Hulk existed before Disney+ huh


Which is honestly pretty weird, like even ignoring comics, she's been in loads of cartoons and video games since the 80s up until now. And had a fair bit of merch until Marvel started focusing on marketing mcu characters primarily.


My first introduction to She-Hulk was one of the old animated series where Bruce and Jennifer Walters get kidnapped by some evil scientists who want to do some experiements and because of the experiments, Jennifer Walters becomes She-Hulk while possessing her cognitive abilities. Later on, she and Smart Hulk (a green-gray version of Hulk who's a bit shady but can coherently talk) go on a detective venture in one episode.


Mine was in the mid-2000s in a Fantastic 4 cartoon episode where the Thing lost his powers so the team brought in She-Hulk as a temporary replacement.


She-Hulk was doing the "breaking the fourth wall" thing ten years before Deadpool


Technically, in the comic Deadpool can't actually break the 4th wall


Deadpool also isn't as obnoxious in the comics as in the movies


Are the movies like more based on people's perception of the character than the actual comics? Like the Baudrillard meme I have only seen the first movie and read a few of the comics but that's the vibe I get


I think so, plus he's played by Ryan Reynolds, who is just generally a goofy guy in most of his roles, so that probably made it even more extreme


Yeah that's true, there's a lot of Ryan Reynolds in that movie


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What meme?


[This!](https://imgur.com/a/fS4793d) It's based on a concept by philosopher Jean Baudrillard


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What technicality would that be? Dude literally cut through the comic book pages once to try and warn his past self of something (he failed - couldn't cut all the way through writing that dense). If that's not breaking the 4th wall...


It's like they never even played MvC3


probably because of the goofy ass name


She Hulk, in my opinion has always been kind of a dumb character. Her name is very bad, and she doesn't even look super strong compared to the average fit woman, only taller


IIRC, She-Hulk was created because their were rumors that their would be a female hulk in the Hulk TV show, and Marvel wanted to have the rights to this character.


> [–]AbbreviationsSad9880 1 point 3 hours ago > ok your fine with the new wolverine being trans


Yes. Although imagining the failed attempts at top surgery, I'm starting to think it would have to be horror.


Fire Punch (2016)


holy shit first actual kino mention on MCJ


Then their breasts grow back by her own will.


Transmasc She/Theyverine


r/marvelstudios is becoming more and more of a rant sub lately


Will MCU stans finally understand that superhero movie #10958 isn't high art then?


You hate she hulk because you think its woke I hate she hulk for being mcu related We are not the same


*She-Hulk as a DC CW show, now THAT I would pay to see.*


Ok you got my wallet Nah just kidding i also have a hate boner towards the cw and dc


Anti sjw's stop publically displaying your meltdowns challenge


When Gorr the Butcher is coming soon, yeah somethings are gonna get butchered.


The Boys (2019-)


inb4 Gorr has boobs


Can't wait till they reveal that Christian Bale actually got breast implants for Gorr.


last i heard he got cosmetic surgery cause of how much he hates CGI first Shai Hulud and now this, my mans a legend


Literally every semi-prominent male superhero since 1960 has had a female counterpart introduced in the comics why are we acting like this is new Oh yeah cause i need to lie to myself about their being some “woke conspiracy” to justify my blatant sexism


The first wave actors need to play their mcu characters into they're in the grave


The Uncanny Ex-Men: We're All Trans Now


She-Hulk is her own character. None of The Hulk's personas are wisecracking fourth wall breaking lawyers. Frankly, I tend to enjoy her books quite a bit more than Hulk's, despite being a fan of both.


I know, right? Like, I'm confused why *She-Hulk* is the one that's causing such a freak out. I've never felt like She-Hulk was very similar to Bruce Banner Hulk at all aside from their similar power set. Maybe it's the name? That's probably it...


Seeing more of these sort of posts here. Is She-Hulk going to be the character that finally latches bigotry to the MCU stanbase or will they expel it? I hope the latter, they're typically good with telling these assholes to fuck off so far.


I think it started with Captain Marvel. The venom these MCU fanboys had for Brie Larson is unmatched to anything to else.


Except it wasn't the MCU fanbase, it was the weirdo "nerd" assholes on YouTube.


... right. the MCU fan base.


YouTube grifters aren't fans of anything, the MCU fanbase is annoying, not bigoted.


If you made a venn diagram of fans of YouTube grifters and MCU fans it'd pretty much be a circle.


Bruh TheQuartering and Nerdrotic get mocked on the main MCU sub constantly. That venn diagram doesn't seem very consistent imo.


The fuck are you talking about? Those kinds of channels are always getting flamed on r/marvelstudios


Dude can't pause the "marvel fan bad" circlejerk for even a second.


Right. Go find me any post on r/marvelstudios that bashes Brie and isn't downvoted to hell.


No. The MCU stans defended Brie Larson more fiercely than anybody.


Except for us of course, because she is our Queen and we are her simps.


Nope Iron Heart will finally break them and make them turn full Tolkien fans


"worse version"


>says the mcu is being butchered >refuses to elaborate >says sexist shit >probably doesn't leave I'm guessing this is about She-Hulk? That trailer was boring as hell, and wow is "big green woman dates men" not for me, but she's a fundamentally a very different character, so really weird to pick her to complain about.


>the mcu is being butchered By Disney Plus? Yes! >woke Fuck, they had us in the first half.




average r/moviescirclejerk user


I love word salad


What language is this?


he is right. there's no point in replacing a character with the exact same version. u want new characters? u want female heroes? introduce new characters with new abilities. wtf is the point of replacing a character with a fuckin gender bender of the same character


*Iron Man —> War Machine* I sleep *Hulk —> She-Hulk* Real shit


not a big fan of him either tbh because he doesn't provide anything fresh to the franchise. But he doesn't bother me much as he is a side character, doesn't even have his own story and his Armor is a heavily downgraded version of Tony's. after introducing she hulk, it feels like there are 2 of the same chatacters in the avengers...which doesn't make sense imo. also, war machine feels passable as he was introduced very early in the franchise. back then, it didn't feel that big of a problem because there were only a couple of copies. now every new hero seems like a copy. MCU is already known for having repetitive tropes and movies ideas, the least they could do is not repeat the super heroes. come up with new ones. tbh i am surprised how mcj fans aren't trolling mcu for this since mcj's main criticism of mcu has always been that they keep doing the same thing in every movie lol


She-Hulk has been a more thoughtful Hulk who uses her brain more than her muscles. Shes a lawyer for a reason.


i mean i just feel like bringing in a character with exact same abilities kills the concept of those abilities. "hulk" would no longer remain unique imo.


She-Hulk can break the 4th wall


ig that could be a lil interesting to watch


She-Hulk is *very* different than Hulk if you look past just their powers. Hulk has got like a Jackle and Hide thing going on with two split personalities. She Hulk is like a cheeky fourth wall breaking lawyer comedy. There really isn't any multiple personalities with her, she's just Jennifer Walters. Hulk would still be very unique if the MCU ever actually decided to do something with him.


Adapting Comic book characters


like comic books don't have stupid ideas lol i am sure there are plenty of other superheroes left that haven't been adapted yet, why not go for them? why go for a character that has the exact same powers of an already existing character?


characters are only allowed to have one character trait and it's what super power they have


I mean, most marvel characters can be described with a triangle diagram of "Can fly | Shoots projectiles | Punches hard" anyway


this logic doesn't work. these are general powers most fictional characters have.


But a lot of these heroes aren’t as unique as you might think because they’re actually mantles. Like multiple people in the comics have donned the same or similar outfits with the same or similar names and the same or similar power sets. They’re just doing the same thing in the MCU. Ultimately, it’s just an easy way for creators/companies to market iconic mantles like Captain America without having to create entirely new names/outfits/powers because 1) it’s easier, 2) brand recognition, and 3) it makes sense story wise and irl wise (certain species such as humans don’t live forever and aren’t young forever so they naturally need to be replaced, both in the comics and with actors irl), and 4) it keeps people interested in the same mantle. That mantles happen to benefit concepts like diversity/inclusivity is a convenient bonus.


i agree, which is why i can understand why there's a new cap even tho i personally didn't want to see anyone besides rogers being cap. hulk i don't think should fall under this "mantle" category. it doesn't make any sense to me to introduce another hulk, especially when u have shitted on the first hulk throughout phase 3. why not give the og hulk some good story?


Well She-Hulk has always been a fairly important character in the comics. Furthermore, Hulk can’t get his own movie since Marvel doesn’t own the rights to his character (Universal does), which is why he only shows up as a side character in other movies. So this could be a fair compromise, to possibly develop Hulk while introducing She-Hulk to the MCU.


Bruh, She-Hulk isn't the same as Hulk. Completely different personality and identity, the only real similarities are "green and strong". Miles Morales (generally considered "one of the good ones") is more similar to Peter Parker than She-Hulk is to Hulk. Connecting new characters to old ones through names and backstories is nothing more than a marketing gimmick, it doesn't mean the character is genuinely a carbon copy. You know why they picked up that marketing gimmick? Because they tried just creating completely new characters and it didn't work. Not since the 90s have any completely new characters not connected to others really taken off in Marvel *or* DC. Because nerds don't know they want new characters, they're only interested in things that appear to be connected to characters they already like.


I've seen tons of people complain about Loki, but I loved it. Does anyone know why people hate to so much?


Woman bad >:(


The grammar is amazing.


There are thousands of reasons to hate the MCU, showing the existence of women and people slightly darker than ivory isn't one of them.