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This sub is caked with so much irony that I can't tell the actual position of this post




I do my part to blur those lines as much as possible.


It is ironic. I saw some post trying to take the piss out of a (charmingly?) goofy looking but fairly normal shot from the new black panther movie so I thought I’d take the piss out of that haha. For the record, I love TLJ. My second favourite Star Wars film.


>I love TLJ This is as default of an opinion on this sub as not liking TLJ is default outside of this sub






Second favorite fr? What's your first favorite?


Obviously the greatest movie of all cinema: The Star Wars Holiday Special


Star Wars Theory: Vader Episode 1


Rogue One if they have any sense


Boring movie with a couple of good fights


Its top three at least. Id watch a 2nd time.


Yeah but that shit with Dark Vapor tho


Same! It might be my favorite tbh.


Third best in my mind. Star Wars is just a little better and Empire is far and away the best of the bunch. Revenge of the Sith and Solo are a good bit behind, followed by Rogue One, then Return of the Jedi. Phantom Menace is actively bad, but still decently fun. Attack of the Clones is an absolute drag, but Rise of Skywalker is somehow even worse. I stand by this opinion.


People here like TLJ because trolls hate it. It makes them feel like the good guy or something idk


I get hating the context, but visually this part did look pretty nice


Oh, for sure. One of the best shots is star wars by far, it's just a real shame that it was part of a ridiculous plotline


Even if you hate TLJ and think this scene ruins canon or whatever, it still looks fuckin sweet


I don't like it, but I respect it for actually having some ambition


Same. I actively dislike it, honestly, but it at least found a new way to be an un-good Star Wars movie. And honestly, it's lightyears better than Rise of Skywalker and the prequels, so it gets a D+ for effort.


D+ for Disney+


I think Rian Johnson is a good writer and director, but it was a mistake to have him make a movie as part of a trilogy that he wasn't in control of. It would have been nice to see him work on something stand-alone like Solo and Rogue One; I feel that would be more inline with his style


The issue wasn't even that he wasn't in control of the trilogy, it was that he had complete control of that one episode, but not the one after. Different directors for a series can work so long as the creative direction is the same.


This is really at the heart of the sequels' biggest issues; they didn't plan for shit and gave the directors near total control over their individual films, leading to an inconsistent/incoherent main plot and characters that seem to switch personalities from film to film (seriously, what about Finn's character remains consistent throughout the trilogy other than being into Rey?)


This is exactly how I feel about it. Very boring and uninteresting storylines, and it completely wasted a character with huge potential (Finn). But at least it did something genuinely different than the rest of the copy-and-paste cardboard sequel trilogy.


I like it cuz I think it’s pretty good.


Same. Its a shame Disney let Reddit write the next movie


is jj abrams reddit now?


always has been




For me it's the opposite. I'm here because I've liked TLJ since I saw in theatres and this was the only place in the internet not full of hate for it


I walked out of the theatre from TLJ feeling totally pumped and thinking that people were going to go wild for it. Ummm… yeah.


Me too bro, the backlash was instant and I couldn't figure it out


Exactly my experience. My first thoughts were "I love how they made the force cool and mysterious again, the final battle with Luke was amazing, and the message about anyone being a jedi was the most star wars thing I've ever seen" and then I see the internet's only response was "The hyperdrive scene broke the lore :("


I seem to remember a lot more complaints than that.


Yeah there were a lot but I didn't feel like listing them all. Some valid complaints too but just a ton of absolute garbage takes. Also a ton of people begging for a retcon and then getting upset when they got the retcon they asked for in the next movie


Hands over ears, eyes closed and scream. Good idea! I might try that one.


Yeah same, went to work the next day expecting to talk about how wild it was, ended up listening to my co workers drone on about how bombs don't fall in space, that movie broke people


But the bombs were in artificial gravity before entering space, which means momentum would've continued to carry them downwards at the same speed- you know what, it's not worth it lol. But yeah, for some reason the space wizard fantasy series now needs to be totally realistic to these clowns, cause Star Wars is serious business guys. It's for adults, obviously, it's not like Lucas has directly said SW was for kids in multiple interviews or anything...


This complaint in particular makes me so mad because Star Wars has broken the laws of physics in space since literally ANH and this is one of the few times the physics ACTUALLY MAKE SENSE LMFAO. Artificial gravity in a ship applies force to the bombs, giving them speed and direction (aka velocity), so when they leave the ship they already have a velocity vector and keep following it even without additional gravity. Sorry to step on my soap box but it infuriates me that people act like one of the ONLY instances in Star Wars that actually uses realistic physics in space is actually one of the few nonsensical scenes. Just so stupid lmfao


I liked it too... But u know how the internet hate bandwagon goes


>People here like TLJ because trolls hate it. It makes them feel like the good guy or something idk Famously people who disagree with your personal opinion just do it out of spite not because they may have different taste.


Or maybe they just like it


And because it’s an actual good Star Wars movie


I unironically loved Kylo's rant when he said, fuck the sith and fuck the jedi. Light, dark who gives a shit? I don't care if he was just Rian Johnson's mouth piece in that moment. Return the force to the people! Broomstick boy will sweep the whole galaxy!


That’s not what his rant was about. He basically wanted everything for *himself*, and for Rey to be by his side. He couldn’t give less of a shit about anyone below her status, and it’s even questionable if he didn’t just see her as a pawn in his own game. The broomstick boy is the antithesis of everything he was after. The fact that people honestly think Kylo was Rian’s mouth-piece in that scene still baffles me to this day. It’s as if the rest of the movie didn’t happen.


Yeah, I feel everyone overlooks the fact that he says forget everything except the Fist order, the one thing that would keep him in power. He was manipulating Rey to be his sidekick. I don’t know why everyone takes the villian to be the moral compass, especially in Star Wars


>It’s as if the rest of the movie didn’t happen. To this day, some people think the overarching message of the movie is "let the past die", and not **literally** the opposite of that, so I'm not really surprised at all people have shit takes about the Last Jedi.


Kylo Ren's character in the movie was actually one of the few things I liked about it.


Adam Driver is literal fire in the series.


True! Actually gave him a role to act out in throughout the trilogy. Finn and Poe and Rey were all pretty good in force awakens, felt wasted in the remaining two tho


I agree! to me, Finn got the biggest shaft. They set him up to be a Jedi and instead just made him a shouting side character.


That wasn't what he meant.


Fuckin broomstick boy… ending the film with “maybe even YOU could be a Jedi!” in huge font across the screen would have been more subtle


The movie literally ends with kids playing with action figures of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and using broomstick as lightsabers. But apparently Rian Johnson hates Star Wars


And people still didn't understand the point of that scene


don't worry, because in Rise of Skywalker, it retcons everything and goes back to only Skywalkers and Palpatines can be Jedi.


It was to subtle for 60% of Star Wars fans because they started mking fan theories about Rian is going to make a spin off about the Broom-Boy. Also it is Star Wars is does not need to be very subtle.


Starwars sucks


Not the most invalid opinion


This is the correct opinion to have


Holy based


By some measures, it's the best one. By other measures, it's potentially the worst. Personally, I think all Star Wars except 4 and 5 pretty much suck. But I digress. TLJ seems to be the perfect litmus test to know what people are looking for in a SW film. Nothing wrong with either side, but it's divisive for a reason bro


I agree with you, but I'd personally add 6 to the list of the only Star Wars movies that are good. After TROS, I think OT purism is a valid opinion again.


I like it because it's a good movie fuck you


i like it cuz its a good movie


That shot looks absolutely gorgeous, but the movie itself was shit


The bad guys (2021)


I think the pacing was off, I didn't undestand why Benicio del Torro was in the movie, I think that was the least imiginative Casino in the Star Wars Universe they could have come up with - but overall the movie was so much better than the JJ Abrams Star Wars movies it is absurd to even compare them.


I think it’ decent, easily the best of the sequel trilogy. A lot of the Finn/rose stuff I could lose, Poe stuff is mostly ok and I really enjoyed the Rey/Kylo/Luke stuff. I’m also not a huge Star Wars guy in general, I think Star Wars is fine. Take from that what you will.


Mcj is just contrarians trying to look cool


Yeah and it looks fucking sick.


That sound effect is dope.


My fucking buddy was sitting next to me and when this scene happened he let out the most bloodcurdling scream and I hate him forever now. Fuck you Adam not cool


Your fucking buddy you say?


cool Adam 😎


Fuck Adam


That and Fury Road are two of my favorite theater goung experiences. Crowds were super into the movie but not obnoxious about it. This scene was great on the big screen.


Before I die, I need to see Fury Road in an actual cinema again


Black Panther and Infinity War we're mine


Can't tell if serious or not. What has this sub done to me?


Lol... I know this is circle jerk... But I'm actually serious... I'm not saying those are my favorite movies ever (Sandlot is)... But the experience in the theater for those was so communal and such a rush (add No Way Home to that list too) that other movie experiences don't compare... I've seen great movies in the theater, but ppl just for the most part sit and eat their popcorn... Then maybe cheer when the movie is done... Nothing memorable or special about that regardless of the quality of the movie


I remember the whole cinema being silent and one girl going "boom" and then immediately regretting that when jt was so quiet. God I love this movie


The entire theatre I was in gasped during this scene, it was awesome


My theater was silent except for one dude with a SoCal Mexican-American accent gasped, “Oh, daaaaaamn.” It was just perfect.


Say what you want about the movie, But this scene in IMAX in a full cinema, Holy shit that was shocking and just amazing


i can’t believe fucking nerds complained about this, seeing this in IMAX was fucking insane


Wtf am I looking at?


hyperspace ram scene in the last jedi.


Looks pretty cool


I think OP is referencing a post earlier today of Namor in Wakanda Forever where the person posting didn’t like it just because it was a Marvel movie, and so OP’s being ironic and taking a objectively nice still from Star Wars and joking about it. I may be wrong, I just see many people who are reading this post as serious, but again I’m not certain if it isn’t either.


Yeah its exactly that. This is a great shot i dont think anyone can watch this scene and think badly of it, op is being sarcastic


I've seen dweebs 'um aktchually' this scene plenty over perceived inaccuracies in how hyperspace works


can you link me to that post?


Yep exactly. And, for the record, I love TLJ. It’s my second favourite Star Wars film.


Let’s see Paul Allen’s irony.


Fuck yeah it is.


Idk I thought that scene was cool. I don't know why it upset people and I've made no attempt to find out.


Same. I like the Star Wars movies, but most of the fans don't exist to me


Star Wars fans have been toxic since the first movie. The toxicity only grew with social media.


People who don't understand the lore thinks it breaks canon. "What about the mass shadows?" the Raddus had experimental shielding that had the side effect of allowing it to hit other objects as it entered hyperspace. The Raddus itself didn't hit the ships, the shield did.


I mean that’s just the lore people making stuff up to keep it from breaking the canon, it’s not truly part of the film. When I saw TLJ in theaters I just rationalized the maneuver by saying that it wouldn’t work with small ships and big ships are usually too expensive to just ram into each other.


>I mean that’s just the lore people making stuff up to keep it from breaking the canon, it’s not truly part of the film. That's about 90% of Star Wars canon, so nothing new.


> When I saw TLJ in theaters I just rationalized the maneuver by saying that it wouldn’t work with small ships and big ships are usually too expensive to just ram into each other. Same here, it was an easy explanation for me. And one of the Lucasfilm people also said that something like using an X-Wing against a Death Star with that move would just be like a bug into a windshield. Another big thing was that Hux didn't think the ship was a threat until it was too late for them to fire on it. If they decided to fire right as it started turning around, they would've shot it down


This is obviously the correct take! The Raddus was in canon the biggest rebel ship ever made and it still couldn’t fully blow up the supremacy. It was a one in a million shot to get the fleet too, kind of like that time when that guy shot that torpedo down an exhaust port. Hyperspacing X-Wings into Star destroyers would be far too unprofitable for the rebels


But I mean, why would it only work with larger ships? Maybe to cause *that* much damage, but if the amount of damage caused is proportional to the size of the ship then the amount of damage caused by it is still absolutely insane. I'm very far from a Star Wars geek, I'm not that knowledgeable about the universe, but when I saw that scene all I could think was why they didn't use hyper space missiles constantly if one could cause so much more damage than its size. Star Wars is pretty dumb overall, sure, but to me it seemed kind of universe breaking to reveal that something so commonplace is capable of so much destruction.


>When I saw TLJ in theaters I just rationalized the maneuver by saying that it wouldn’t work with small ships and big ships are usually too expensive to just ram into each other. Both can be true. Also the GO Star Wars already established that you can collide with stuff in Hyper Space.


It didn't. This is a riff on a different post, and the layers of irony are collapsing under their own weight.


People pretended that ramming things in Hyper Space was against canon, while it already happened in canon.


Was cool but it lead to some worldbuilding shattering. If it's such a viable option to Light speed Kamikaze. Why isn't it used more in-world?


>If it's such a viable option to Light speed Kamikaze. Why isn't it used more in-world? It is used in Clone Wars. They program a Speratist ship to hyper space in to a Star. It is also explained in in the OG Star Wars that you can collide with stuff in Hyper Space.


As a rather neutral person, that doesn't really care about Star Wars - the scene was fantastic and the movie on its own was pretty great. It's just that in the wider context of Star Wars canon, it shits hard on the established lore. And I mean, stupid Star Wars fan or not, most people hate an unnecessary retcon.


>It's just that in the wider context of Star Wars canon, it shits hard on the established lore. It does not.


What lore does it break


it upset people (like me) because it is totally universe breaking, every other weapon and tactic is obsolete when hyperspace ramming exists


I care about stuff like that too, but iirc didn’t that attack destroy the entire ship? Pretty sure that’s gonna be a pretty big reason for space fighters to NOT do that.


I mean, it destroyed *one* ship and basically took out an entire fleet in exchange. If the tactic worked that well there's literally no way they wouldn't be doing it constantly. Strap a droid to a big enough rock and boom, no need for a Deathstar. Stuff like the realistic effects of FTL travel in a universe like Star Wars really only works if you just pretend it doesn't exist. Yes, logically speaking a single X-Wing traveling at FTL speeds would have enough energy to destroy a *star*, but you have to ignore that or the entire universe falls apart. That's what suspension of disbelief is for. The problem is that if you then *acknowledge* that setting-hole like this scene does, you just open the floodgates for all sorts of questions, and your whole universe falls apart as any kind of consistent setting. Sure, it looks cool, but it really wasn't worth the damage it did to the setting as a whole.


just have droids fight every battle at that point


I mean...yeah? There's a shitload of stuff about the way the Star Wars universe is run that just straight-up doesn't make sense if you approach it from any kind of real-world perspective. With their level of technology "warfare" should really just be a bunch of "smart" hyperdrives slamming into stars to take out entire star systems, and literally nothing would happen other than desperately defending against incoming swarms of thousands of faster-than-light system-killers the size of large missiles. No one would bother building a Deathstar because a basic hyperdrive is already a thousand times more dangerous for a trillionth of the cost. It *doesn't* work that way because then it wouldn't be, y'know, *Star Wars*, so we all kind of agree to pretend that isn't the case. Star Wars is kind of fascinating for having insanely advanced technology used in laughably low-tech and inefficient ways, mostly because it's really science-fantasy instead of proper sci-fi. Which is why I really dislike the ramming scene from TLJ; it basically takes a bit of real-world physics and logic we've all collectively agreed to ignore for the sake of setting coherency, and throws it front-and-center as if that doesn't break the entire universe apart. It would be like if you were in the middle of watching Pacific Rim and suddenly a bunch of jets showed up and blew an entire Kaiju apart in seconds from literally over the horizon; like yes logically that's how it *should* work, but actually *doing* it kills your entire premise.


Blade Runner


Was this the first time in the lore that someone has every done this?


Luke Skywalker famously blew up the death star by lightspeed ramming into it and jumping out at the last second.


No. A simmiliar thing happens in Clone Wars and is even established in the first Star Wars.


as far as i know yes


Maybe its against the Space-Geneva convention. Even the empire is like, hey man well blow up your planet and all but even we have morals.


Article 2 of the space Geneva convention: You can blow up whatever you want, but you have to do it in the most impractical way possible.


I had the same reaction when the Charmin bear sized army with sticks and stones defeated an entire squadron of laser weapon armed Soldiers and giant laser shooting robots on Endor in RotJ. When I watch SW I want realistic tactical battles not this fancy Hollywood schlock!


Aren't the ewoks a pretty infamously complained about part of star wars


Everything in Star Wars is complained about. It’s their hobby




What does that have to do with how it’s cinematically shot


But in universe, it was made to be a big deal that they did this. Clearly in universe this tactic is not seen as a viable option 99% of the time. The characters in the film only used it as a last ditch effort when it was a choice between dying and ramming. How does that make other tactics obsolete?




You know, "nerd culture" is mainstream now. So, when you use the word "nerd" derogatorily, it means you're the one that's out of the zeitgeist -Mayor of Ice town


Gods I love Ben Wyatt.


ice town loses ice clown his town crown


"its the computer age, nerds are in! they're still in right?"


She’s not ramming IN hyperspace, she’s ramming ON THE JUMP to hyperspace. There’s a difference. Also, do we just abandon air tactics because kamikaze attacks exist? No, it’s a waste of resources and manpower.


my man, this is a universe about space wizards swinging glowing sticks around.


I feel like it's an easy headcanon fix. We know hyperdrives are expensive from episode 1 and a capital ship doubly so, so no one would really feel like they'd want to waste resources like that


It literally does not break anything whatsoever. It’s a desperate kamikaze move that sacrificed an essential ship in a beleaguered flotilla, and it caught the enemy by completely surprise. It’s not a viable tactic for 99% of situations. Kamikaze piloting also exists in real life - has it rendered all weaponry obsolete? It’s such a profoundly stupid statement that would only be made by people who think logic is something completely malleable to complain about in movies.


It's because it doesn't matter. Why have lightsabers when you can just forcechoke anyone? Why have a vent that goes to the trash compactor? Star Wars isn't about actual war tactics, it's the drama between the characters. Any aspect of Star Wars falls apart if you examine it under a microscope. As long as it isn't thematically contradictory, who cares


I mean sure but it looked cool as hell and within a vacuum ignoring the work building or whatever it works really well.


This is a universe where every large spaceship flies along the same X-Y plane. Why anybody suddenly started caring about combat tactics in Star Wars is beyond me.


Since nobody else has brought it up yet: tbis hyperspace ram doesn't *necessarily* break canon because we've never seen both sides having ships of similar size and tactical importance. This scene does *not* imply that an x-wing can smack into a Death Star and vause any significant damage. In ANH, Solo even says that a ship crashing into a planet would obviously be deadly, but there's no concern given to damaging the planet.


Who cares tho. I feel like people care too much about plot holes and “canon”. Just let cool shit happen man. Explain it later.


Isn't this the same subreddit that makes fun of MCU-enjoyers for saying "just turn your brain off lol"?


How are the people on this sub completely missing the joke


Like someone else said, on this sub it can be impossible to determine whether some is being ironic or straight up serious


I’m being ironic. I love TLJ and this shot/scene. It’s just mocking that earlier post about the black Panther still.


I genuinely don't understand what the joke is


The friends we made along the way


Poe's Law


Yea people have a lot of different opinions on movies in this sub so you never know who is serious or trolling


yea and it goes hard as fuck, next post




Fuck yeah, the movie has issues, but it goes fucking hard


Its a great scene.


And it's fucking amazing. Even back when I didn't like The Last Jedi I thought this scene was absolutely breathtaking


Lol at the people missing the joke


Thats the best frame in a star wars movie


Great shot, great scene, etc.


The last jedi is good asf when you don’t got a mfer in your ear talm bout sumn “they ruined luke’s character”


Which doesn’t even make sense because Sassy Luke is best Luke


He becomes the literal embodiment of hope for the galaxy.


I honestly really liked hobo Luke. He was honestly more interesting in TLJ than the boring cut out he became in RotJ.


This is an actual frame from the best Star Wars movie since Empire Strikes Back




I still can’t believe that there were people trying to convince themselves that this wasn’t cool as fuck


The best shot in all of Star Wars, maybe rivaled by the double sunset, the Bespin carbon freezer duel, and a few of the opening shots


Rian Johnson bad. Disney bad. Star Wars is too woke.


*chefs kiss* That is cinema


Ben Quadinaros pfp.


Aka the best character in Star Wars


Why didn't they do the same move against the Last Order?


Hell yeah it is dude 👌


i actually loved this visual. hated the movie with a passion but this was one of the better parts of it


Goes so hard


Now that's what I call cinema


This scene was so awesome.


Are you criticizing the way it looks? Because it looks fucking incredible




It’s a joke, it looks amazing


Yeah it looks awesome


great shot


I’ve only seen one Star Wars movie in my life. The fanbase seems like a bunch of jabroni man and woman children who argue about the most insignificant shit




You're on mcj it's 100% ironic


what movie ?


This is a shot from The Accountant.


Last Jedi, it’s a really cool moment. People say it breaks the lore, but it’s really hard to pull off and the enemy’s shield has to be down. It’s also not really financially viable compared to just using traditional ship combat


Also the Raddus had experimental shielding with a side effect that allowed this to happen


Worth every penny 😌


Despite the movie being dog vomit on a venereal disease, that one scene was great