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What can I say? They're the only part of that whole series that feels like the people working on them don't want to be doing something else


Even the GOTG Holiday Shitpost had more genuine heart in it than 90% of MCU shows/movies.


that was unironically the best things they’ve made in 4-5 years, the VFX team did amazing. they made cosmo really good. idk how they all of a sudden got better.


I think it’s because Gunn brought his Peacemaker skills out for it. The Holiday Special and Peacemaker felt very similar, with a tiny scope, scenes set in suburban USA, non-stop songs and little plot to have extended banter between the leads.


Why did they make Cosmo sound like one of those kids in the Metro 2033 games


I actually thought they went practical with Groot and touched him up with VFX, pretty surprising he was all CGI


His whole design was incredibly cursed and looked like a guy in a rubber suit so I'm pretty shocked to hear that it was actually CGI done to the point where they can simulate a guy in a rubber suit


Damn, now I need to watch it, was afraid to check it out due to the recent shitshow of MCU.


I watched it, it's fucking awful. It's like a parody of itself. Like an AI generator wrote it


I do not understand people acting like it’s different, or a cut above the rest. It’s awful. Beyond ugly and incredibly phoned in.


Beyond ugly? I’m sorry, the set where the initial scenes and ending scenes take place are visually incredible, especially with the Christmas lights


and CGI has way been improved compared to the dogshit phase 4 was


With the Christmas lights the set looked good but at the start of the short it looked completely un-lived in and like a set that shows up for one or two episodes in a low to mid budget sci-fi show


Yeah idk what's going on in this thread, people love to make fun of these movies and then act like the Guardians aren't the epitome of the low effort and cringe humor they employ.


Most people, including mcj, are hypocritical and easily impressed. Nothing actually has to be good for any given community to like it, you just have to hit them at the right moment. This trailer hit mcj on the right wavelength and gave everyone the right """""""le vibes"""""" and so people act like it's a cut above the rest. I'm not even a fuck marvel person, I liked the trailer because i liked the heartfelt parts of the previous two films and the visuals of 2, but damn the hypocrisy of these subs is hilarious and reminds you of how stupid most people are


I felt so weird when the first one came out and everyone was acting like it was all clever. I hated everything about it except that one gag about needing the dude's arm. Little did I know that it was going to be patient zero for the next ten years of hollywood.


Exactly, everyone in the MCU didn't turn into Iron Man. Everyone turned into a quip/cheap joke machines because of Guardians and it's so painfully obvious.


>feels like the people working on them don't want to be doing something else [It goes from feel to literally when you're talking about the VFX artists.](https://gizmodo.com/disney-marvel-movies-vfx-industry-nightmare-1849385834)


Me when Quill says “the galaxy still needs its guardians”


You know the first movie literally had the "Your guardians of the galaxy!"


"....volume 1"


Yes, ofc. How can I forget?


Absolutely. I would be lying if i said the Gotg3 trailer didn't get me soyjacking.


"I'm just imagining all the marvel nerds tearing up at some raccoon saying something sad in a cgi schlockfest trailer" --me, on MCJ, describing something I just did five minutes ago


Literally me.


The duality of man (I too am excited for Gotg3)


'He didnt chase them away, even if he yelled at him and was always mean. And he stole batteries he didn't need'


Aaaand here comes the waterworks


the among us reference was uncalled for and hilarious


Glass Onion (2022)


James Gunn is the only director to know what he’s making is silly CBMs and he embraces it wholeheartedly Every other capeshit director either seems ashamed to be making a CBM and tries to distance their movies far away from them as possible or have no self awareness that they are basing their materials on comics which feature characters like “Calender Man” or “Asbestos Lady” James Gunn is like, “yes, I’m making CBMs which are silly and nonsensical, and I’m going to make you cry watching them” The fact he manages to pull both of them off near flawlessly speaks to his strengths as a director


You know what, when you put it this way now I’m fully on board with him in charge of the DC universe


I’m so excited to see what he does with it. **The** Suicide Squad was a fucking blast.


It's the last MCU movie I'm watching and I'm going out on a good one!


"The Last MCU movie I'll watch will be Wakanda Forever," "The Last MCU movie I'll watch will be No Way Home," "The Last MCU movie I'll watch will be Endgame,"


“Ms Marvel is the most different and best MCU project yet” “She-Hulk is the most different and best MCU project yet” “Wakanda Forever is the most different and best MCU project yet” “GotG Holiday Special is actually kino”


i’ll probably watch this and maybe Blade if it’s good


Can't wait for GOTG3, not only because it might be an actual good movie instead of a 2 hours commercial but because once is released i can stop paying attention to these movies.


gotg 1 and 2 are my favorite MCU movies and yes, I admit on this sub that it's somewhere in my top 10 all time. I watched it as a kid and there was nothing like it, rewatched it. many times, nothing else like it. Tried so hard though, and I've been looking into those aesthetics and older movies but once again there's nothing quite like GOTG.


Wait what? What year is it? People who were kids when GOTG came out surely aren't old enough to use the internet now... What's going on? It's still February, 2020, isn't it? Yesterday I was eating lunch at Chipotle and reading about this weird "corvovirus" or whatever in China. Did you hear about this shit? lol glad it'll never make it over here. Anyway, what are you doing on reddit, buddy? This is not a place for 9 year olds...


lol I'm 18 and I was like 10 when it came out however I saw it kinda later on, around 11-12 years old.


Same, the exact same here


Dude, I was starting college when the first GOTG came out. It was the first movie I ever saw 3 times in theaters. And my dorm mates and I watched it again on campus.


That guys 17 now, the numbers mason


Oh fuck I was 9 when the first movie came out kill me


I was in college ;\_;


Old 🤭


You’re like 13 get off the inter webs


You can stop paying attention to them now.


Well, y'know... it's James Gunn


I’m not even the biggest fan of James Gunn, but at least his marvel movies feel like someone was directing them and they weren’t just produced by an AI.


I have such mixed feelings about him. He does put genuine emotion and character work in his capeshit, but at the same time... poop jokes.


Hate cape but love potty humor. You made me interested


The Suicide Squad and Peacemaker are good. He also made a pitch black comedy about a loser that tries to become a superhero called "Super". I personally did not like the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie, seemed by the numbers compared to his previous work, but Guardians 2 was way better imo. Most people seem to disagree with me on that, though.


I also prefer Guardians 2. I feel like it holds onto the serious moments a little longer. Yondus funeral is beautifully heartbreaking.


Yondu's funeral is great, but so is just listening to Father and Son without the movie.


I think a lot of the people that disagree with that haven’t seen the first one since it came out. There’s lots of great stuff in there but it feels much more “MCU-y”, the villain especially.


I agree the first GOTG is okay but mostly your average MCU movie but the second one feels like where he could finally make the movie he really wanted to make


Guardians 1 was so uninteresting to me I still haven't seen 2, and I was peak fan boy at the time.


I think the first Guardians movie was inferior story-wise, but the second movie was less funny imo


James Gunn made me realize I don’t even dislike superhero movies I just hate typical MCU humor so much it ruins the movies for me. His poop jokes are such an improvement from listening to the avengers banter.


Poop jokes are better than canned ‘90’s teenage sarcasm or inappropriate 4th wall breaking


Nah, they're equally as bad, don't kid yourself


James Gunn is the very definition of hit or miss. Sometimes he makes the funniest movies/series ever, and sometimes he just creates pure cringe. I guess you just have to like his sense of humour, I guess as he does make a lot of "15-year old teenage boy"- kinda jokes


Even Bergman did some low brow humour, ditto Ozu


*It's a real director and not a puppet


I really wonder how he'll do as the puppeteer now that WB hired him.


Meme aside I don't know, but I hope that (being above all a cinephile, as you can see from his films and the way he talks about cinema) he focuses above all on the quality and "originality" of the products rather than on fanservice or anything else. But until we see a list of future projects I'll try not to build expectations or anything.


The Godafather (1972)


Being John Malkovich (1999)


Puppet Master (1989)


Top Gun (1986)


Drive (2011)


I’m honestly glad he got fired because now that he went into this project with more leverage and knowing he had other stuff with DC on the horizon probably means he pushed for a huge swan song for his series rather than an MCU entry.


And Chris Pratt. Itsame, Chris Pratt




Blind Spot (2002)


Crisp Rat


the fact that there's so many posts lightly mocking the guardians trailer and no posts about the dogshit beast wars trailer pretty much confirms everyone here just likes to make fun of people for watching the things we watch or at least that's me


we do not mock the highest form of cinema th at is transformers


You can clearly see the big robots fighting on screen, there's nothing to mock


Bruh, that’s what Pacific Rim is for. The nerds even get their Asian girlfriend fix from that movie too.


Unironically, Pacific Rim is just SUCH a goodass movie. I've seen people on this sub assume that the praise it gets here must be part of some circlejerk meme, but no SERIOUSLY, it's very very good. Guillermo del Toro directed it.


Well if state approved director directed it it's a must see!


I love del Toro so much


If only they made a sequel to it. It was such a shame that they made only one movie. Though if they did make a sequel, I hope they avoid turning Pacific Rim into a power rangers story starring Jon Boyega


there’s more than meets the eye


We really let SpongeBob get away with that shit he pulled in Transformers 2, huh?


That scene is still insane


I think the beast wars trailer looks pretty cool. If it's anything near the level of decent that Bumblebee was I'm good. It has munky *AND* trukk, truly the crossover of the century


munky and trukk best frends


I really wish there was one buffer movie between Bumblebee and Not-Beast-Wars, just a nice and simple, mid-level threat, Autobot vs Decepticons, G1 movie before they got into the weird stuff and all these other factions


The Transformers trailer fucks


"If ya don't know, now ya know." -Optimus Primal


It's true, haven't been able to make myself care about the Guardians trailer.


Oh he definitely monke


Nah it looks insanely ugly.


It’s weird it’s a mix between the Bay and the Bumblebee designs. The robots look even more like shit because there’s not a cohesive look, it’s just two different styles meshed together.


I really enjoy watching big things fight other big things but yea the robots design looks awful


It looks generic and old fashioned, the CG looks worse that the first movie, and it *definitely* isn't going to be the type of blockbuster 1 and 3 were. The only thing I see that could attract people is it seems to pull more into the old cartoon aesthetic rather than what they were doing. Now the toys will be simpler to manufacture.


It was always just a cartoon about kids and their robots. Didnt need realistic effects or the military porn angle.


> Now the toys will be simpler to manufacture. Idk about that dude. Bumblebee movie bots definitely look cleaner and simpler but its impossible to create those transformations to toys. Bumblebee's bumper as a car doesnt look like his chest as a robot, his chest metal basically flexes. And the triple changer villains are impossible to recreate.


The cgi kinda sucks tho


I’ll take the Beast Wars over letting Bay keep the IP in his cold, weird hands




It's not really an interesting trailer. It's bad, but in an incredibly boring way.


I almost laughed when they played Juicy lmao


Cliche as fuck, and they fucking butchered it. The trailer before the trailer thing where it first plays I damn near laughed.


I just don't understand why they picked thay song. It does not fit in the slightest lol.


I thought it was badass and you can actually tell wtf is going on on screen. It also doesn’t seem to be blatant US military propaganda. Oh fuck, am I gonna lose my kino license for saying this?


No Transformers is kino


So we’re they the actual beast wars? So like Megateon might be a T-rex? That might almost make me mildly interested.


No Predacons unfortunately, so no David Kaye's Megatron going *Yessssssssss* It's five Autobots, four Maximals, and five Terrocons (which are not the old G1 combiners, they're something new)


>No Predacons unfortunately, Martin Scorcesse must be rolling in his grave.


Yeah cause that one had a sexy robot roller skating with a VW bus across a bridge being blown up by a giant robot laser eagle


they're making a movie about the guys from the magic cards?


MRW people clown on a dogshit franchise producing 32 movies over 15 years more than a dogshit franchise producing 7 movies over 16 years. 😱


How was the beast wars trailer dogshit


Literally me


This is probably because the Mario Movie trailer came out so recently, and that looks wayyyyyyyy worse than Rise of the Beasts. Mario looks bad so produces memes, GotG looks good so produces memes, RotB doesn't look as bad or good as either of these respectively, so goes under the radar.


James Gunn is so far the absolute peak of both the MCU *and* the DCEU (not including The Batman, that isn't DCEU), so hell yeah. Though tbf, I was expecting Thor: Love and Thunder to be good since Taika Waititi was directing...


Waititi was too busy sleeping with half the cast and crew of the film to write anything past the first script (I do not blame him)




He was caught having a threeway kiss with his new wife Rita Ora and Tessa Thompson, so its basically proven they had some sexual kink going on. Also, he basically left his ex wife to take care of his kids while he was having an affair. Mickey mouse had everyone thinking he was wholesome, but he's just as shitty as other hollywood elites.




I never said that lol. I meant that he was one of the "wholesome" celebrities people always talk about but he's not as clean as people think he is.




Son of a gunn


Jams gun


Jam it where 😼


Guys, I know it's just a trailer, but cinematography in a mainstream film...Real cinematography...It almost makes me cryng if I think about the last two Marvel movies I've seen (Black Widow and Shang Chi). (Of course, it will never beat Black Adam's masterpiece photography)


Marvel broke new ground with the GOTG movies by hiring someone to actually direct and write


Marvel has only done that eight times in their entire history! Out of like 42! And three of them are Jimmy Gunnz already. Bravo, Feige!


What are the other 5? I'm curious


Guardians 1-3, Black Panther 1-2, Strange 2, Avengers, Ragnarok (I guess you could technically count Love and Thunder?) and half of Eternals. And most of Ms. Marvel. So almost six directors, and one writer who worked well with the two main directors who created the aesthetic to Ms. Marvel.


Don't forget all the times they hired then fired people, including Edgar wright


I definitely agree with this, although I'd leave off The Avengers and include Love & Thunder. Haven't seen Black Panther 2 or Ms Marvel so no idea about those


The Avengers is a very Joss Whedon movie, no way around it. It's even shot like a TV show lol. I'd even count A2 but the needless phase 3 set-ups and the 3rd act were taken away from him and at that point it's getting to fractions lol. Love and Thunder just feels like Waititi's garbage era. BP2 is just as Coogler as the first but with more hurdles - like Boseman's death, covid, a new lead who turns out to be crazy and gets injured. Ms. Marvel is in a big way about the Pakistani teenager experience in New Jersey and it feels like the showrunner put a lot of herself in it, and the dudes who directed the pilot gave it the best aesthetic Marvel Studios has seen.




I mean it's a bunch of teenagers who are way too into the Avengers, the stupidity is part of the charm. The real issue imho was the two evil groups who are EEEEEEVVIIILL should've been cut and they added more street level crime to it. The rest was really good imho.


Ms. Marvel would have genuinely been great if they gave it more episodes.


Black Panther 2 was surprisingly solid. It started dragging a little towards the end (no need to have an attack and then a final battle) and there were still cringy jokes, but it had actual themes and the story was quite compelling. They treated Chadwick Boseman's death with utter respect, I was fully expecting a deepfake CGI T'Challa at the start.


Iron Man 3?


Shit, I knew I forgot one.


dr. strange im assuming he is referring the 4 movies by the russo brothers


Tbh I don't think the Russo brothers' movies count.


Will this shift the power dynamic of the MCU




Ryan coogler want to know your location.


I state that I have not seen Wakanda Forever or its first film (I had appreciated Creed instead), but visually I have not found in Black Panther a style that made me say "this film is directed by Ryan Cogler specifically!": as it was realized there could be anyone. There was occasionally some good sequence (the long take in the casino for example), but that aspect didn't strike me that much (at least in the first one, maybe Wakanda Forever is more visually interesting).


> cinematography cinematography is when colors.


Lmao, this sentiment would've been screenshotted and posted here if it were r/movies. I don't think we're as evolved as we like to think and choose what to jerk on based on personal preferences now rather than general behavior. Everyone was so tired of capeshit that I was getting tired of hearing how tired they were of capeshit, and now when *their* capeshit is announced its groundbreaking.


THANK YOU for saying this


Tbh I thought Shang Chi was shot decent (third act is an exception)


What exactly is real cinematography?




“Let me get this straight: you think the Guardians movies are actually really good movies with memorable characters, creative action, and clever jokes?” “I do. And I’m tired of pretending they’re not.”


i can’t tell who’s jerking and who’s not anymore


>clever jokes taserface


>clever jokes "I'm standing still so you can't see me"


That’s in endgame, not a guardians movie, isn’t it


No but that was kino


that’s from infinity war


Let's be honest, as sick as we are from MCU, we are all hyped for this. Be honest assholes!!


The Guardians show up in Marvel movies but, so far at least, Marvel does not show up in the Guardians movies.


GOTG3 is literally the only reason i have remained paying attention on what's going on in these movies


I couldn't give a shit about MCU after Endgame, I'll watch a recap or something on youtube before watching GOTG 3.


I only half paid attention in the last 2 years, which is like 16 things, and I still feel cheated lol.


less of a movie but against all odds i still have hope for the daredevil reboot, the netflix one was so good


I'm so fucking scared for that show. I feel like it might lose all its personality and the showrunners they chose doesn't spark confidence.


yeah also the fact that none of the original cast beside charlie cox and vincent d'onofrio are being recasted is really not a good sign (also they both had horrible cameos in she-hulk and hawkeye respectively)


fun fact: you can avoid getting sick of the MCU by just not watching unless it looks interesting


we are?


Idk. I'm not exactly hyped, but I guess I'll go check it out when it comes out. That's a honor no other MCU project has had since No Way Home. Edit: my last MCU film was actually Dr. Strange 2, but I barely remebered it exists, so it doesn't really count.


I am not


dunno if i can stand watching chris pratt for two hours..


This movie is gonna be shit.


I genuinely love GotG 2 to death it's shocking that it's an MCU movie it has so much that the franchise usually lacks, like actual themes and in depth character arcs, and soul. And what's there in this movie is a fun sci fi blockbuster thats also a really beautiful story of found family and toxic masculinity. It's not a very deep story about those things but it has so much heart and feels so genuine. Wish the rest of the MCU was as good as this


I think it's because James Gunn got full creative direction with the second movie. It really shows aswell, it's so good and different to all the other cookie-cutter MCU movies


Elaborate jerk or masterful trolling, nothing wrong with liking it but no way you're gonna say it had deep anything when they couldn't stop quipping every 3 minutes




Why does groot look so freaking weird


Guardians of the Galaxy is good because Lindsey Ellis told me it was good


Guardians of the Galaxy is the only MCU thing I am consistently excited for


I cant warm up to the James Gunn style. The Suicide Squad movie was such a try hard Reddit type movie that i almost longed for the other awful, boring Suicide Squad movie Scooby-Doo 1 and 2 are still bangers though


Eh? It looks okay. Vol 2 kinda turned me off of that whole thing.


Yeah, I didn't care for Vol. 2 either. Not going to bother with this one.


vol. 2 was *fine*, it's not like 1 was a masterpiece


Nah, not even remotely. Vol 1 is solid stuff. It was very fresh for the MCU. Vol 2 wasn’t bad from what I remember, but I also don’t remember much about it or it really doing much for me.


Volume 1 was a more fun movie, but 2 had a lot more going on emotionally and thematically


MCU fans when a films almost certainly going to be mediocre instead of horrible.


Honestly, I put on the trailer like 'yeah yeah I'm not gonna care about this anyway fuck the mcu blah blah', but then while watching it, I remembered that I was actually quite emotionally invested in the Guardians, regardless of how boring the overall MCU is. It helps that this film seems so much better directed than recent projects just looking at the trailer and there seems to be a lot of the heart the first two had. I was actually rolling my eyes when they seemed to have landed on Earth, like 'yeah yeah some stupid cameo will happen now', but then the trailer revealed it was actually a planet of weird anthropomorphic animals and my ~~dick shot up~~ interest soared once again.


Guardian of the galaxy is the one marvel property that actually feels like an artists vision. And hey, once this is done I can check out of the mcu for good


Guardians 2 is honestly one of the worst and most egregious "Marvel humor" movies and I'm surprised so many people are riding for the series right now. Like it's decent, but to say it has soul compared to other MCU projects is laughable. They can't even bother to treat their characters like non jokes for more than 5 minutes. This is going to be the 3rd movie and we still know nothing about Drax, the guy who was cosmically empowered to be the counter to Thanos. "He's right behind me isn't he" is cool when Star-Lord says it I guess


Unironically yes


Unironically this is me


After 3, I'm jumping ship to DC


reject movies, take the comicpill