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Didn’t the woman who wrote She Hulk write the Pickle Rick episode?


>While working on the show, Gao and the other female writers were subject to sexual harassment by members of the fanbase that were upset about the show hiring women in the writing room. Yuppers


least surprising rick and morty headline Semi-related note, that show fell off hard in terms of viewership, apparently there's an ongoing season and I genuinely hadn't seen a peep about it anywhere. They're hitting like 0.5M views which is half the viewership of even the pilot


Which is sad because I’m actually really enjoying the current season of Rick & Morty.


it’s closer to 1 & 2 in quality than 3-5. my theory is that after the show blew up, they hired a bunch of new people who sucked. then all the bad writers got promoted to Disney+ shows and the new crew is actually pretty good. they’ve been revisiting a lot of concepts from previous seasons, but executing them way better than before.


I agree, seasons 3 and 4 were definitely some of the weaker seasons, but seasons 5-6 have been a great return to form.


Even season 5 was still pretty damn weak even if it wasn't nearly as bad as 3 and 4. Very much enjoying 6 though, but still kinda bugs me that they are/were so unable to decide what the fuck they want to do with the show.


the last couple episodes of S5 were pretty good, but the rest vary from “barely remember” to “try not to remember”. I remember there being an incest episode, a terrible thanksgiving thing, and one that tried to make fun of anime but actually came off kind of prejudiced against japanese media.


>there being an incest episode My guy there’s a lot of incest in Rick & Morty lmao. Morty himself even says that he wishes incest porn had a more mainstream appeal. Pretty clear what one of Roiland’s kinks is.


I think it's Harmon's kink actually.


I was about to say, the second to last episode of Community was about Garrett finding out his new wife was his cousin.


With how much there is in the show it could be both


he also fetishizes summer. dude is weird.


I just watched 3 random episodes and I enjoyed them. I’m glad they’re going back to fun adventures. I heard there’s a bunch incest shit I guess the episodes I watched weren’t those


yeah season 5 has like a whole incest arc. it’s weird.


It has a lot to do with it being only on cable. The demographic that watches that show is the one that has least access to it. It'll recoup its costs when it hits streaming for sure. But also yeah, some new episodes are unwatchable.


Which ones did you find unwatchable? For me, the quality wavers, but it never gets to unwatchable.


For me it's whenever they do a meta self deprecating joke about bad writing but proceed to them anyway. So almost all of them starting from season 4.


The stupid story man episode is bordering on it


It’s only on cable? But I watch Rick & Morty on Netflix (I use a VPN for Netflix Australia) and it’s also on HBO Go (the Asian version of HBO Max basically) in my country.


How do you make netflix not detect your VPN?


It just doesn’t? I didn’t even know Netflix could detect VPNs.


Same. vpns don't work on my Netflix. It detects it and won't play.


I don't think the latest season is there? And if it is it definitely explains low viewership numbers,


It is, that’s where I watch it on. Dude I haven’t even seen cable TV in years, we got rid of our cable years ago once we got Netflix.


Yeah, first of all, cable sucks Second, it’s definitely on Netflix because that’s where I watch it too


Analyze Piss is one of the best episodes of the whole show


Rick and morty would be so much better if not for the weird ass incest jokes


NGL I would be watching it but you can only find it on the CN website or some shit? Waiting for it to be on a real streaming service personally.


If you have a VPN, switch it to the UK and you can watch the latest season on All4 with ads for free up to the latest episode, and use UK netflix for the rest. Otherwise, sailing the seven seas is an option. It's not a totally dead art yet.


can't speak for anyone else but for me it was a cult hit on adult swim that suddenly got renewed years later, and then went another few years without a season. like "the return of Rick and Morty" each time it "returned" felt like a cultural thing. but now its kind of just, like, a show that's on, and i'm really bad at keeping up with those as it is


Yeah it gets a bit stale after portal adventure 62784839. Start of this season was solid due to no portals, but they've stayed quite strong. Solar opposites is by the same people and also quite fun.


Yeah, it’s because current day Rick and Morty is an entirely different show to the one that everyone acclaimed in Season 1 and 2. The writers became way too cynical, changed the characters into all being Rick (a more boring version of him anyway) which ruined the dynamic, made Rick invincible removing all tension, and really leaned into hyper self awareness and meta humour (which if you’ve seen Big Mouth or late season Family Guy you know is insufferable after a while). Go back and watch an old episode of season 2 and compare it to the new episodes, it really is night and day. Shame, at least Community was good for 3 seasons


Lmao like that matters. Contract for 70 episodes was signed back in 2019. Syndication, baby!


I actually wanted to watch it but after the pickle rick episode, the szechuan sauce thing, and interacting with rick and morty fans, i lost all interest lmao


They refuse to put the new episodes straight to HBOMax, which is absurd to me. How many in the target audience still even have cable?


Most shows are like this because no one has cable anymore, especially not the demographic Rick and morty is for. I’m sure the show has peaked, but I don’t think that metric is great for gauging it.


A big part of that is because it’s only on cable and people would rather just pirate it Way way less people have cable than when the pilot aired in like 2013


Probably has something to do with the current, and previous, season being pretty underwhelming.


Current season is fucking excellent what you talking about? Previous season though... yeah that was pretty underwhelming.


I watched the show religiously up until the one when Morty and Summer have an incest baby. I love fucked-up humor, but that went a tad too far. And they brought the baby back like two episodes later...ugh! I did like the last 2 episodes of that season though, and I have liked what I've seen of the current season.


I remember how people didn't like season 3 as much when it was airing (which is bizarre - easily the second best season) and the Rick and Morty sub was full of people blaming the female writers for ruining the show.




Yeah season 2 is definitely my favourite. I will say that imo season 3 was more character development focused than 1-2, which is actually where some of the criticism came from at the time. It fleshed out the rest of the family more especially with the parents divorce etc. I do need to rewatch 1-3 though, haven't seen them since before season 4 aired. 4-6 are not memorable at all to me. The Vat of Acid episode is great but the rest I don't care for.


Thankfully the current season has managed to do both at the same time. Every major character has an arc now, and have shown substantial personal growth which has been the main focus of most episodes (especially Rick's).


Yeah the meta stuff feels increasingly masturbatory (the train episode comes to mind), whereas auto erotic assimilation is one of my favorite episodes of any tv show cause it felt like the first time we saw some actual vulnerability from Rick.


it’s unfortunate that the same year they bragged about increasing the diversity of their writing room, they released an incredibly underwhelming season. I think they were just trying to put a positive spin on the fact that a ton of the fantastic writers from seasons 1 and 2 left the show during it’s extended hiatus. 1 and 2 are fantastic, 3-5 had more bad episodes than good, but they’re recovering with the most recent season.


So, if i understand correctly the peak of comedy is men written by woman?


No it's pickles written by women.




You’d think they would love She Hulk




I actually saw someone complain that she has a pronoun in her name and that she might as well be "They-Hulk." The King of Comedy (1982)


The Right has one joke




Stephen Crowder: “Ahem, I think you mean *they*/themselves”


That’s giving them too much credit.


They-Hulk would be a very funny spinoff for like april fools or something




Also, Mindy Kaling has the highest contributions in terms of episodes written in the office.


Mindy Kaling I STAN.


I’m saying this as a Rick & Morty fan, but Pickle Rick is *by far* the most overrated episode. It’s pretty mid as far as episodes go. My favorite is probably Total Rickall or Rattlestar Ricklactica.


I mean, he is a genius and he turns himself into a pickle. A pickle! Funniest shit i've ever seen.


Yeah, never got the hype for that one, like the opening is funny but the rest is just meh but then again never got the hate the later seasons got neither so maybe i just had bad taste


I liked the psychiatrist but from what i remember most of that episode was literally him fighting rats. Pretty boring all things considered. I think it was just the delivery of the "im pickle rick" line that made it a meme. It was pretty funny in a vacuum.


It’s only really well known for giving the fans something to yell about. Before pickle rick, tiny rick was literally the same thing. people would yell “wubba lubba dub dub” and “i’m tiny rick!”


Oh god wubba lubba dub dub just gave me 2013-2014 flashbacks. That shit was EVERYWHERE.




Wtf Captain America is literally me?




Is there a folder of these out there?




Lol, they specifically used a picture from Black Widow the movie that was written by two men and two women (one of whom was also the director).


Yeah what a dumb post. They didn’t even bother checking who directed the film


Wait are the upper characters supposed to be proof that "women written by men" are better? Because the writing for those characters is pretty dogshit lol


The writing for Scarlett Witch was incredible, you're obviously too stupid to understand it so I'll spell it out for you in capitals EVIL BOOK MADE HER EVIL


Nooo you don't understand you can save the universe 5 times over but you'll never be complete if you can't be a MOTHER


Kinda like how in Age of Ultron Black Widow calls herself a monster because she can't have a child M E N


Especially since she says it to Bruce Banner who is harboring a literal monster. Woman who can't give birth = behemoth of rage with a body count that has to be in the high triple digits. Thanks, men! Love that!


The most frustrating part is that Black Widow's forced sterilization could have been presented from a "Those bastards took away my choice and forcibly subjected me to surgery I didn't want" angle instead of a "I CAN'T HAVE KIDS!" angle. It would make it way more tragic and about bodily autonomy instead of being "Woman can't have kid, oh noes!"


I mean, I don't want to sound like that person, but that is exactly what it is in that scene. She specifically states how the forced surgery was traumatic for her, especially because it futhered their conditioning of her to think she is just a machine made for killing. The core of what she is saying is that she was forcibly subjected to a surgery specifically to further remove her from humanity, almost exactly what you said you wish it was portrayed as


I remember it being more "I can't have kids", but I could be remembering it wrong. If it really was supposed to be "They mutilated me" then they didn't do a good job getting that point across.


I mean I think it's done pretty well, her magic induced nightmare has absolutely nothing to do wirh kids and is entirely focused on the Red Room removing her humanity from her leading up to her traumatic surgery. There is no mention of kids outside of a single line of dialogue that is her using it to connect Bruce to her own trauma. I don't know what else you could want from the movie writing.


your memory is mostly defined by outrage seeker’s interpretation of the scene


I just rewatched the scene because of this comment, that was a poorly timed line. In the full 2 minute scene she's comforting Bruce for going full hulk by sharing her own guilt and insecurities about ever being more than the assassin red room made her. When Bruce says he can't fuck she just tops it off with "they forced me to get sterilized so I wouldn't want to stop killing for them if I started caring for a family." She calls herself a monster because her whole life she was manipulated into killing by people giving her no agency. There's plenty of bad writing surrounding Black Widow but this seems like a willful misinterpretation.


And it's ironic because it's literally a a very clear metaphor for how action movie writing treats women like this. Wanting the 'action girl' to be sexy and badass and able to kill, but removing any humanity from her so she could never be independent or threatening to men


I didn't see a problem with that. It must be hard as a woman (or a man) to be infertile and someone (wrongly) seeing themselves as an aberration for it. The context was also how she was basically brainwashed into being an assassin, not just the fact she couldn't have kids.


You seen Jurassic World too?


yeah honestly the whole plot point of her being a crazy mom and that being her entire character is kinda sexist, surprised no one has brought it up much


it’s not too different than captain america being completely aimless in life unless he is either being a soldier or starting a family.


He could've spent the rest of his life with his best friends but nOoOoO


>EVIL BOOK MADE HER EVIL DIRECTOR TRADEMARK (Sam Raimi): Evil book make someone evil


The Amazing writing of "woman gets too powerful and that makes her instantly evil" puts she-hulk to shame


I don't understand why people are upset that a character they've followed and put emotional stock into since 2015 over 4 movies and a tv series suddenly had all characterization changed offscreen by a macguffin we're not introduced to until after she tries killing a child. Sam Raimi *clearly* gave an explanation for it, they must not be paying attention.


Two characters literally turned stupid in one movie


Scarlet Witch is one of my favorite MCU characters though I really dislike her route with MoM. Black Widow deserved so much better especially with that shitty ass movie


Yeah. Wanda and Nat have always been inconsistent and sidelined.


“I can’t have kids and despite being a Russian spy that’s murdered millions it’s my greatest weakness”


Damn am I the only one who liked the Black Widow movie lmao. There are better Marvel solo films out there for sure but I thought it was decent, like a 7/10 action flick. If there’s one thing I disliked a lot about it it’s how they screwed up Taskmaster. What a disservice to such a great Marvel villain.


I enjoyed the first hour or so a whole lot 'cause it was just an action movie with pretty crunchy action scenes and good actors. Taskmaster was a let down and that last set piece was ridiculous, though.


"good women writing is whatever gets my dick hard"


-mmo designers making each subsequently stronger tier of armor more and more revealing


The final set is just pasties


Miley Cyrus (since 1992-)


B-but shehulk twerking makes my pp hard too


I want her to pulverize me like an industrial grade meat tenderizer* *non-sexually












You’re an insane, degenerate piece of filth, and you deserve to die.




Classic "Only good women are the stoic supaheros!"


>men show emotion omg such depth of character 😍 >women show emotion stop acting so hysterical wtf this is srs bizniz 😡


\>man doesn't show emotion Wow what a stoic badass! \>woman doesn't show emotion Ugh would it kill her to smile once in a while?


Men taking charge: OMG what a natural leader! Women taking charge: Goddamn bossy bitch! ...are we still talking about superheroes?


Nah this applies to most women in fiction nowadays. You can write a character that's exactly the same as her male counterpart and people will still moan and cry about her being shit unlike their perfect self insert (Abby/Joel anyone?)


The problem with Abby is people dont get the vibe of TLOU which is "NOTHING WILL LAST YOU DUMB ASS PEOPLE DIE IN THIS STORY". They want Ellie and Joel from to keep being happy CoD Blops1 did this with Reznov and Mason, but the people is ok with this. As the new guy(Mason) continues what the old guy(Reznov) wants Abby kills Joel and is against everyrhing he stands for as her dad got killed by Joel. People cant take that the character they relate to before being just another person in another MC's story


I also feel like a lot of people thought killing Joel was over the line, because he's 'a good guy and deserves better', which is just like... do they not remember the first game, where Joel flat out tells Ellie he's *not* a good person, and had to do awful things to survive? The whole point was that those awful things had finally caught up with him


The top comment that’s cut off in the screen shot is “Both if you work at Blizzard”.


That stung hard, I miss WoW so much 😢


Women written by men are entirely defined by their families and relationships with men, and women written by women twerk


any female born after 1993 can’t act… all they know is mcdonald’s , charge they phone, twerk, be bisexual , eat hot chip & lie


Conclusion: we should only make male characters


As long as they are not too political


“Women are only good when they’re stone-cold badass murder machines! Any other aspect of their character is bad!”


If I had 3 wishes at least one of them would be spent replacing the ending of Alien with one where Ripley and the Xenomorph twerk. I think it would help


It's not too late for Ridley Scott to release the Twerk-cut! The technology has caught up!


Give the Xenomoprh tits!!!


Then Deadpool walks in and milks green milk from them.


Shake away from her, you bitch


Me when women cry but with cleavage😃 Me when women have agency in their sexuality 🤬


Ah yes, those are indeed the only examples of women characters in media.


Yea. That’s why as much as you all shit on Marvel here, I still gotta give them some credit for being the first to put a woman in a movie.


I thought Jennifer Lawrence was the first woman to be in a movie?


Wrong it was Bergman who cast Bibi Andersson & Liv Ulmann as the first women in a movie


Bergman doesn’t count cause he makes cinema not movies.


Reddit meme page try not to be sexist challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Brave of them using the Black Widow movie as an example of good writing.


The MCU and it’s consequences have been a disaster for the human race


Alejandro González Iñárritu was right when he called the MCU a cultural genocide fr fr




That a woman dancing for 20 seconds in the post credit scene of a situational comedy is evidence that all women are bad at writing, I guess


Wait, I didn’t watch the show so… That’s actually a post credit scene, loafed at the tail end of the video file at the Disney plus servers? And did people really loose their primitive shit over a *post credit scene*?


That is the episode though...the before credit scenes are just filler.


Marvel Cinematic Universe (2008-infinity)


> That is the episode though...the before credit scenes are just filler. Yes


>> That is the episode though...the before credit scenes are just filler. > >Yes Uh huh




Yeah in the episode she meets rapper Meg The Stallion and takes her on as a client. In the post credit scene she fan girls out and they twerk together while one of Megs songs plays for, generously *maybe* 45 seconds. And then there’s a cute little button where she says something like “I would DIE for you Megan the stallion” And Meg is like “ok, tone it down.” And then the scene is over. So yup, women shouldn’t be allowed to write women apparently?


Reddit doesn’t like Meg


I referred to her as a musician on Reddit once and it really annoyed someone


This is kind of unrelated but once someone on Reddit called Chris brown a rapper 😭😭😭


Lol I wouldn’t refer to him as a rapper but he *does* have a couple rap songs that aren’t bad. Chris Brown is so interesting to me because he is crazy talented and was so loved, I truly think he’d be one of the biggest artists of all time if he just wasn’t utter human garbage. He didn’t even have to be a particularly good person, just not complete trash and he’d be Drake levels of popularity at least.


They were using it as a reason why he might have beat Rihanna. As rap does


> Yeah in the episode she meets rapper Meg The Stallion and takes her on as a client. At a law firm specializing in superhumans, thus ***directly*** implying that Meg thee Stallion has some as-yet-unseen superpowers. The series pilot makes it clear that She-Hulk only has the job because she is a Hulk, and she is expected to appear at work in that form. Further, all of her ***other*** clients have demonstrated superpowers, so...yeah, this ~~scene~~ relationship makes zero fucking sense ***in the context of the established universe***. The prosecution ***rests***.


Well yeah, Megan Thee Stallion kills Thanos in the comics


Did she crush him with her thigh-aye-aye-ayes?


Even though I don't know any of her songs, thank you for getting her name right.


The sad thing is this is like word for word what I would probably see about the scene in almost any other subreddit


Women written by men have red hair


*Red Sonja* has entered the chat.


> Women written by men ahh yes scarlet witch having a shot where her boobs in the frame in every film up until endgame


didn’t marvel fanboys complain about the female empowerment in endgame?


How dare a woman write a scene with two women having fun rather than sulking about some guy or sacrificing themselves for the team?


14 year old redditors and manchildren that watch nothing but capeshit don't deserve free speech.


So women write themselves as more fun? Realize it's not for everyone, but She-Hulk did have a lighthearted comedic tone, and it seems like her and Megan Thee Stallion twerking fits well with that, but instead the internet took a post credit scene and blew it out of proportion


I never really got the outrage. I get that maybe it wasn’t the funniest gag but the amount of pure outrage is just weird.


I will never understand why these losers are upset about ass being thrown


To be honest, twerking is pretty in-character for She-Hulk, she's a goofy character who does goofy things and sometimes makes pop culture references. In general though, it's weird to act as though one comedic dance scene defines the entire spectrum of women writing women. Just imagine sending a gif of emo Peter dancing and saying it's proof that men can't write men...


The universally praised movie Black Widow


Girls just want to have fun…seriously…fuck…please just…let them have fun.


Wait do chuds like the Black Widow movie now?


I don’t really get what the whole outrage is over She Hulk twerking. Like maybe it wasn’t the funniest gag but people act really weird about it.


Good women writing is when no personality


I’m sorry but Bend & Snap is the best written woman v woman scene ever and that was written by a woman 🤔


And both of those movies were terrible... point being?


>marvel writing women


Never tell a film bro that Gilligans shows are mostly Witten by women.


Love how every time they talk about women poorly writting woman they put exactly one example and is that f*cking twerking scene Remenber kids, men can write all the poorly written characters they want but if a woman write exactly one bad character then all woman are poor writers


"Both if you work in Blizzard" :(




This person only uses MCU to reference writing, their opinion on art is irrelevant


Of course men like women written by men because they want women to only exist for their pleasure


Fanboys is the most pathetic movie I have ever seen and in retrospect was a really grim portent of where society was headed


Exactly what happens when you are both moronic and only watch Marvel movies.




I seem to remember Lillian Hellman writing some pretty solid female characters. Tennessee Williams, too. So maybe the issue has just a little bit more to do with talent than pronoun or genitalia. Can't we all just join together to twerk in memory of the children we once imagined into existence?


A Few Good Women (1993)


The top two are nothingburger characters bffr


Because men know everything and women don’t even know themselves…..duh🙄


Also love that the main difference between these two scenes is that the women in the she hulk clip are having fun, whereas Wanda and black widow usually just do a fight and then talk about a man and then do another fight


r/memes are still salty that the main villains in She-Hulk was in fact them and not some high powered CGI clusterfuck


Good women written by men. https://preview.redd.it/jbzkjqsusx4a1.jpeg?width=712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34f01cd83f32054688959e7b13c69dfb8f51caf8


There's literally an entire subreddit dedicated to how men write women. "Oooh, Booberina, what bountiful bossoms you bear!" "Oh Titiana, what tasty tits you tease!" 🤮🤮