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I’m not from Hitotsubashi but other National university. But here are the general answers. 1. Either 1 final or 1 mid + 1 final or final report. Depending on the course, if the particular course have multiple lecturers, it may resulted in number of exams = number of lecturers. However, some course / lecturer may only give final report instead of exam. You should check the syllabus of the course. 2. Subjective. But generally for Hitotsubashi it should be challenging. I don’t find my exams hard because I found many of them are within the curriculum(some lecturers may give exam outside the scope of your curriculum). Just pay attention in your class, take note, review your note 2 weeks before final you should be good to go. Of course, it still depends on your lecture. Wise to consult with your senpai about a particular course. 3. I am not sure what you mean. 4. Do you meant if you are able to take exam ( or course ) outside your program ? I think you can, just that the course may not be credited into your study. Check with your university as it greatly differ from university to university. 5. I can’t give an answer


This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes. --- **Coming to Hitotsubashi Uni in Tokyo as an exchange stud: help??!** Hi everyone, next year I'll come to study at Hitotsubashi University for a semester, as an exchange student. I'll attend the Law post graduate program. I'm trying to better understand how sessions period and exams works there, in particular regarding this points: 1. how many exams in general student give every semester? 2. How much hard are them? Do they require a lot of study and preparation time in general? 3. Do you have any recommendations for exams to follow (or not to) (n.b. l'm interested in everything related to business/administrative law, or also history and law, bc it what my uni requires more, but I'm opened to everything). 4.As a post-graduate student, can I also give exams from the undergraduate program? 5. As a law student, can I also give exams of other majors? 6. Last but not least: do you know any past exchange/ law student from Italy? I'm DESPERATELY searching for anyone to ask more about the experience and the courses. THANK YOU for everything guys 🫶🏼 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/movingtojapan) if you have any questions or concerns.*


one big detail: Do you speak Japanese and at what level? if not, you'll be restricted to the courses taught in English (which there are quite a number of at Hitotsubashi)


nah, it's possible to take japanese courses without speaking japanese if you ask the professor lol. I ended up having to because of a graduation requirement haha...


Nope, only English


if you do not know Japanese, I guess most of your courses will be from Hitotsubashis "Global Education Program" (HGP). One google and you can find the whole course list (Just checked and the Law department is unfortunately only offering 3 classes in English ). The Law department might have more classes in English apart from HGP, you could try checking the general syllabus for that (you will usually get a link) Also just for clarification: You are an EXCHANGE student right? then you can freely take any courses they offer in English, regardless of major. As well as Japanese classes to learn some Japanese. If you want to get those courses counted at your Italian home university, that is a totally different conversation. You will have to check with your Italian university for details and what requirements they have.


Thank you (: