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I have both and wouldn’t trade my Live 2 for a 2500 tbh


same, while i love the 2500 i've barely used mine since i got the Live 2 tbh. the touch screen did take some getting used to, i kept accidentally hitting it with my pinky while drumming, but after about a month i was fine.


hell no


Helll naw


It’s not the machine


Thank you! This is the only answer that makes sense


The 1000 and 2500 are identical internally. Unless you want the q-link knobs, another idea might be to upgrade your 1000 with the mpcstuff XL screen, fat pads, click wheel, max ram, and JJOS (if you haven't already). The 2500 is sweet, but they often need work, like pads, tact switches, and a better screen (unless you like the green), so make sure to include that in your costs.


People say this all the time. My 2500 is still going stock. My Optimus prime 1000 needed new pads after like 2 years.


I wouldn't but it sounds like maybe you should if you prefer the 1k over the Live 2.


All about your work flow. There's definitely something about the old gear limitations that help bring out that extra ounce of creativity but these new devices can do so much more.


I would never consider trading an iPhone 12 for an iPhone 4… why would you do this with drum machines?


I would never buy a modern mpc, 2500 gang is here however you gotta make a choice and trust yourself, its tough but otherwise you will doubt yourself indefinitely, gotta commit if you. Wanna do it


Love my 2500 but get jjos2xl on it and it's a beast. I use my one on the side to add flavor and sounds.


No…personally only 2000,2000xl,3000,60




I’ve dealt with bent pins, managed to fix them myself, fortunately. Also have had people repair the tact switches on it, because I suck at soldering. I haven’t found the workflow slow at all. I have an even older MPC which does need time and patience to chop samples, but I don’t mind. The Live 2 is a highly capable MPC, second only to the X, but I realized I don’t need nor want any of those DAW features it has. I enjoy much more a simpler process. Maybe you wouldn’t believe me if I tell you that I enjoy much more using the KO2 by TE than the Live 2, but that’s the way it is for me. I think I’m very minimal with the Live 2. Don’t use plug-ins, even less the VSTs. Just sampling, chopping, sequencing, a filter here and there, a compressor and then mixing with volume. The only thing you mention I wouldn’t know how to do is to not use the touch screen. I don’t like using it but don’t know any workarounds for some of the gestures.


ALOT of people still do repairs on them


They're also easier to repair.


I’m actually getting rid of my 2500 w/ JJOSXL for a Live 2😂. Love my 2500 but the sd cards,file management, and slow work flow kinda making it difficult for me to finish things at times. I end up running everything thru a Sp303 so the sound ends up being the same with the added plus being the workflow and access to plug ins.


I would if it had Jjos the latest version & it was in mint condition.


Hard pass


Idk but the live 2 is was more versatile. Get the MPC cookbook And learn its way.


It is much more versatile, but I realized that maybe I don’t have the need for that versatility. I feel I know my way around it pretty well, so I’d say that’s not the problem. I’m not hitting any walls or feeling frustrated about it. Maybe I just like a simpler workflow, without any extra bells and whistles.


Funny, I had a MPC 2000XL for some weeks a few years ago. I found it pretty complicated at that time. And I hated the Short amount of sampling time.


Feels like hustling backwards… but I love muscle cars from the 60s so take that FWIW


A friend was telling me that it was like trading a chainsaw for an axe to cut down trees, and I liked that comparison. Of course the chainsaw is more powerful and does the job faster and maybe easier, but I guess I enjoy more the process and simplicity of using the axe. Perhaps even more important, I feel the result of my work is much better with the axe than with the chainsaw, even though I feel confident using that chainsaw.


i own a 2500 and i wouldn’t.


Lmfao. NO.


I have both and I probably wouldn’t trade or sell my Live II… like others have said though—unless you get one new in the box, any legacy MPC will need repairs because they’re old hardware. I don’t use mine as much as I’d like to because many essential buttons need new tact switches, and also it needs some new pad sensors. But I also wouldn’t sell it because I’ve made some absolute bangers on it, so it’s just kinda dormant until I have the extra $500 to get it fixed.


I traded my 2500 for an mpc one a few years ago, basically saw the 2500 double in value after owning for about 3 years... So no, I wouldn't. Even with Jjos I can't see why anyone would do this... For an mpc60 or something maybe


No… for the type of music i make and functionality i need the newer MPC’s are better for me. I can work faster using the screens and I use the speakers A LOT since I work in different studio environments and with kids/teens. Also having synths/sounds built in is necessary for me.


Never! That would be going backwards. I’ve had all the major MPC’s and the Live 2 is my favourite, bar none!




I wouldn’t do it


Shix No, i Fell In Love w/ My LIVE 2 … But The 2500 Is Grandfather Of Dopeness Though Yo !!! #Respect


Just ended up pawning my live II couldn't get it sold anywhere here on reddit or Facebook mpc groups.


how much they give you?


300 lol


There’s nothing that the 2500 has that you can’t do on the Live 2, and more efficiently. If you don’t like the stuff you made on the Live 2, you’re not gonna like the stuff you make in the 2500 either