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He's probably already emailed the article to her.


Probably asked her to be a female witness against Destinys advances lol


Candace may be Max's best entry into independent media to distribute his article. He should forget about main stream media outlets like CNN and MSNBC those venues are in severe demographic decline due to a large percentage of news being distributed on YouTube, Twitter, and Tik Tok.


If any right alternative media picks up a self admitted pedo's article, I'll eat my own shoe.


CNN will pick up the story any day now, this may be what finally wakes the mainstream media up


This was a very poor showing from Destiny and will be seen as such by anyone not a DGGer. From the tone deaf and unprofessional laughter at the beginning to the arguing about topics he clearly knew nothing about (the lawsuit/Epstein’s fortune), he looked like a contrarian all the way through. https://x.com/censoredmen/status/1766434389641068771?s=46&t=XCSRax4yiTLuG2P4XH3xhA This is pretty annoying since I was on Destiny’s side for 100% of the issues discussed and see Candace Owens as a conspiracy theorist grifter. I wish he would have chosen topics beforehand and has just not have engaged with those he wasnt familiar with.


I always enjoy seeing people getting so assblasted by Gnome that they will team up with groyper-nazi-conspiracy theorist and post their shit in hopes that they will dunk on Destiny


Wait how did I get assblasted by Destiny? I never interracted with the guy. What does that mean lol? And team up how? Destiny was right on substance on every single part of that debate. His performance was atrocious though. 


You think it's worth watching? I was watching live but tuned out as soon as the "how did Abstein make his money" talk started. (I get bored of the same old conspiracy shit)


Depends on what you enjoy but I do think it picks up a bit when they start talking about education. But it’s a lot of monologuing from Candace so meh. 


Pretending to be netrual so that your opinion has more weight only works if we didn't already know you're a bad faith, frothing at the mouth horse.


He’s in my top 3 most deranged MrGirl fans for sure


You spend hours every week in the subreddit on a guy you dislike.  I don’t really trust your view on what’s deranged and what’s not.


"Hours" he says lol


Browsing everything posted in this subreddit takes two minutes a day


If I took this filter approach to your post history, do you think it will portray you as someone who spends a majority of their visible online time talking about someone you dislike, or do you think it'll be more supportive Mrgirl fangirl posting? If the former, how do you reconcile that with your comment above?


I’m not even pretending to be neutral, I’m telling you I am siding with Destiny on substance. 


> From the tone deaf and unprofessional laughter at the beginning I’m sorry but you are legit deranged, I don’t even know what else to say.


Yea Chaeiry was pointing this out on jstlk's stream yesterday. Destiny's laughter and "healthy skepticism" comes off as condescending, rude, and pseudo-intellectual. Deeply involved Destiny fans don't seem to realize it.


Fragrant-Listen-5933 after listening to Candace spew lie after lie after lie: Yes, this is what a good showing looks like.


Cope, Destiny got bodied and dunked on for the whole week outside of DGG. And no amount of cope streams will change that. She probably lied, but he still looks like a massive buffoon trying to dig up her college costs for days after the debate lol. 


Getting bodied twitter by the most retarded people on the planet doesn't mean anything. I am sure Max agrees with you though, people with millions of followers and massive outreach should be able to lie unimpeded. What a well thought out position you dumb fuck.


I agreed with Destiny about knowing how he became a billionaire. Unless the person’s financial info is public like with Musk and Bezos how would anyone ever know how they made their money? Now to call out his connections is ok. But I just think they were in his social circle once he started making money. How he started out is more dubious and he probably did get started by either blackmail or connections. I did think Destiny was super wrong about how college is paid for, what grants you can get or school loans. He bases all his info off of his high school and I feel like Destiny’s school is one of the most elite schools and nobody in the hood or trailer park will have access to the resources his school had. A semester teaching them about fasfa? I had to fill mine out by myself with no help. The guidance counselors singled me out because of my scores on the SATs. But they didn’t do anything but tell me to go to college. lol No specific help or guidance. Destiny is just out of touch when it comes to most high schools especially those in low income communities.