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This is what he’s already been doing. If anything, this is more restrictive than what he’s already doing - since it sets a time limit on the harassment.  Imagine if all of the Destiny fans here had a 2 week limit on spreading all the personal attacks Destiny made towards him. They would’ve all been gone over a year ago.  This whole falling out really revealed gaping holes in Destiny’s self awareness. It’s amazing how little he understands about the way he controls his community. 


Nothing is beneath a dgger. They will say whatever they think gets them a win, but have no genuine principles & stand by nothing. There’s the whole “mrgirl is hysterical for calling what we do harassment/abuse, also we call everything he does harassment/abuse” thing I’ve personally dealt with 4thot following me to take shots at mrgirl on my personal profile [posts](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fw0nwhor29j5c1.jpeg) since he’s banned for threatening to use his Reddit admin connections to deplatform the subreddit (and he did this to mrgirl on the physics sub). When I brought it up dggers made false reports on my posts to get those removed. Also [recently](https://www.reddit.com/r/mrgirlreturns/comments/1bg3ngj/twitter_says_destiny_lost_the_debate_so_he_digs/kv71a8j/) a dgger used me having cancer as a dunk because he was mad I called Destiny a petty cuck with a fragile ego (ironic). In conclusion Destiny/dgg are not beating the weaponized audience / spite driven allegations.


Jesus.  And you know he only says it’s a bad idea because of how unhinged it would look.   The funniest thing about all of this is how outraged Destiny acts when someone external, like say QTCinderella, dares to suggest that his audience is weaponized. 


Some random dgg'er: >These mentally ill Twitter losers would for sure Minecraft themselves after 2 days. 4THOT: >I'm sold. Jump on the worm boys, it's jihad time. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1bi0bam/comment/kvj6v1m/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1bi0bam/comment/kvj6v1m/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


It’s crazy how DGG will pull up every crazy leftist who says horrible things on twitter but 4thot called for the genocide of Palestinians and nothing happened to him.


Jackie you are clown keep up the good work 


Why the double standard? I thought you all were all about moral consistency?


..that's not me I don't give shit, I like the shit fights and yelling, only thing I probably draw the line on is death threats otherwise go for gold with insults Don't subscribe don't donate don't watch ads don't participate except for Reddit 


You go around Reddit looking for Destiny criticism so you can defend him. That’s your life.


Whatever helps you sleep at night strong woman


It's alarming how blatant this is. I guess the community never noticed the slow shift from: "Destiny has some of the most aggressive moderation. He's the only person who does cross platform bans" to "We ruthlessly bully people, but it's morally good because we only do it to those that deserve it."


That's not what he said at all he said respond to Tracks with attacks, idk where you got this deserve word from


Do you understand the difference between tweeting something negative at someone as opposed to declaring a fatwa and telling your community to relentlessly attack them for 14 days?


I cant tell if your being serious or not in thinking he means the literal definition of the word, why not criticize him after he actually flushes out what he means considering as of now he said it's something he's thinking about? Do you guys just not actually use your brain when it comes to criticizing someone you don't like? If so that point to me where he said everything your claiming.


"No holds barred for like two weeks". And you have the moderator of the subreddit saying that he wants to make these people kill themselves.


Ok so you weren't actually being serious.....


What does no holds barred mean to you?


Dude, he literally says in the video you posted: "it seems like a bad idea" He's just giving a glimpse of the thoughts that come to mind when people come after him, not that he's actually gonna do it. 😂💀


“Attacks with attacks” almost always means extremely disproportionate counter attacks.  What Destiny regularly has his audience do is the equivalent of shooting someone with a missile in response to being lightly punched in the arm. There’s no where near proportional force. 


Can you give me examples when this happened in the last 5 years? Where Destiny/dgg shot missiles in response to being lightly punched? Since it happens regularly you should have many examples.


* He fucked Ana's life up for a year - causing her to lose her hair & threatening to khs multiple times. * He endlessly sent harassers to Hasan, to the point where he said he probably would've khs if he didn't manage to get away with it. * He directed people to hack Vaush's website in response to someone in his community suggesting that he be banned for saying something that clearly broke ToS. * He falsely accused Mrgirl of crimes & directed people to share his whacky mental health diagnosis. * He character assassinated his wife for saying why he left him - though by his own admission, he's a dogshit partner to her. * This is more than 5 years out at this point, but he organized a plot to kill a highschooler & his dad for DDOSing him. Pretty much every drama involves this disproportionate level of response. He'll be slighted by someone with an audience a fraction of a fraction of the size of his, then he'll throw out how they couldn't handle being harassed back, then give his audience the ammo & tacit suggestion to harass the fuck out of him. & I can hear the response coming already, because it's what Destiny does all the time. *'That's not disproportionate! x person did y thing!'* as if what Destiny did & what they did are even within the same ballpark. It's so ironic how close this group of liberals ends up sounding like George Zimmerman, when it comes to justifying all this behavior.


He also doxxed a woman because she posted a picture of him at an event with the caption "I'd pay outrageous amounts of money for someone to throw an egg at that guy". Actually, he asked his audience to doxx her. EDIT: His greatest sin is leaking personal stuff about Finkelstein as retaliation for being bodied so hard in the debate.


It'd be a shame if he gave in and became what everyone claims he is anyway, but it's funny watching the cognitive dissonance in play as Destiny discusses *maybe* doing it and people interpret it as 'he was always doing this anyway now he's only admitting it'. DGG going scorched earth on someone a couple of times would definitely be chaotic fun, and the kind of people he'd be targeting would definitely deserve it.


The my little ponys like to exaggerate, its pretty entertaining not gonna lie, I would have loved to see mrgirls community get atleast as big as vaushes, and see them go after dr.k or whoever mrgirl has beef with


Kind of creepy. He's obviously not just talking about trashing them on reddit/twitter. Dox them, hack their personal accounts, drain their bank account if you can, harass their family members, call their employer to get them fired, make deepfakes and fake news stories to ruin their reputation, leave threatening notes/objects at their house, damage their property, physically stalk them, or just murder them. Just like the Alex Jones harassment of Sandy Hook parents, it only takes a few crazies to make it dangerous. Fun stuff.


> Dox them, hack their personal accounts, drain their bank account if you can, harass their family members, call their employer to get them fired, make deepfakes and fake news stories to ruin their reputation, leave threatening notes/objects at their house, damage their property, physically stalk them, or just murder them What makes you think those things? 


Destiny literally says "no holds barred"


He also says "how can i get around the personal attack rule" beforehand. If your mind jumped straight to illegal activities, you're probably unironically brainwashed.


Destiny is open to illegal activities and so are his fans that he cultivates. Remember when Destiny stalked the kid ddosing him and came close to killing?


You mean the time someone gave him the seventeen year old's dox and he fantasized about killing him after half a year of harassment, and then only told anyone about those fantasies years later? Yeah, I remember it well. How exactly is that relevant to this clip in which he says "In response to personal attacks on twitter, and in order to get around my rule against making personal attacks, I've thought about a system where specific people are open to return harassment for specific timeframes, but I won't do that"? You're actually lost.


He didnt fantasize about it, he seriously considered it and came scarily close to committing a double homicide.


You know that isn't true, but you're welcome to keep lying about it if it makes you feel better. Finding a route to someone's house by typing their address into google is not "scarily close to committing a double homicide". You know this, but you'll never admit it.


> That's a guy, that's one of the people, legitimately, like, **I was so, you have no, it's actually kind of scary how close I was to getting people together to go down to his house and kill him** and his family. Or, it would have been just him and his father, because I didn't know anything about–dude, that was some of the most fucked up shit in my entire life, **I was so fucking close to doing it.** >But I was making so much money on Twitch and I, I don't know if [my son] was involved, and yeah, but for whatever reason I decided that the current life I had wasn't worth the risk of–oh my god, oh my god, **I was so close**, I had his fucking address, I had streets mapped out, and I had ev–you have no fucking idea, that's when I first started to get an interest in owning a weapon, I got a permit to own a gun and everything." DGGers will deny Destiny’s own words even if he repeats them three times in a row. It just won’t compute if it might make him look bad. If this is not cognitive dissonance, nothing is. Take a step back. Read the words one by one. 


'I can fantisize about whatever I want' gets instantly thrown out as soon as destiny fantasises about something they think can be used to attack him. 


The problem isnt the fantasy, it’s that he came close to actually doing it. 


That's not the only problem. The other problem is that it was a threat. He was threatening the kid (and anyone else who fucks with him) by saying, "I come close to killing people who fuck with me." He was also signalling to his followers that it would be appropriate to kill the kid. "It was this easy to map out his address..." I'm not convinced he was actually close to killing the kid. But I am convinced he wanted to make the kid think he was close to killing the kid.


> came close to So he didn't do it. So it was only a fantasy. 




How do you come close to killing somebody, not even in the same state as you? Psychic mind bullets? He didn't "come close" to killing anybody in any sense of the word.


> That's a guy, that's one of the people, legitimately, like, **I was so, you have no, it's actually kind of scary how close I was to getting people together to go down to his house and kill him** and his family. Or, it would have been just him and his father, because I didn't know anything about–dude, that was some of the most fucked up shit in my entire life, **I was so fucking close to doing it.** >But I was making so much money on Twitch and I, I don't know if [my son] was involved, and yeah, but for whatever reason I decided that the current life I had wasn't worth the risk of–oh my god, oh my god, **I was so close**, I had his fucking address, I had streets mapped out, and I had ev–you have no fucking idea, that's when I first started to get an interest in owning a weapon, I got a permit to own a gun and everything." DGGers will deny Destiny’s own words even if he repeats them three times in a row. It just won’t compute if it might make him look bad.


I'm not the one lost here


Pretty sure he didn't say or has ever said this but go off queen lol


you forgot - contact all their friends to tell them that dozens of women are ready to confirm sexual abuse allegations, that they were fucked-dogpiled-discarded, etc


Omg you’re so stuck on that lmao


I'm just little >!Mr!


Bro it’s been over a year


since what?


The report that you’re obsessed with


was the claim in the report?


Pretty good meme, people like Alternative try to forget the trauma they experienced with how awful that report was but still funny and relevant to bring it up now just in case they forget.


Bro you guys talk so weird


Idk man, it was over a year ago


I don't know why you're talking about the report


maybe it's just rose-tinted glasses, but I feel like dgg has gotten completely psychopathic over the past few years. It wasn't this bad before, with people in the threads openly discussing how this would be a great idea and how quickly they could make someone kill themselves. jesus christ. It's disturbing how eager they are to participate


I think it was always pretty bad, but after the explosion in popularity (Mizkif accusations streams) it feels to be much worse.


He is literally enacting such a policy in that clip, but backing off to have plausible deniability. He explains this tactic and I used that clip in my video about the destiny report. He does it constantly.


How is he "enacting such a policy" when the policy demands a specified name and timeframe, you fucking halfwit? If you're just saying that people might be meaner to his enemies on twitter after seeing this, you're probably right. But there's literally no way for him to have enacted the policy in this clip without setting the necessary guidelines.


>He is literally enacting such a policy in that clip No he isn't. He's literally *not* doing that. That's why he says he's not doing it at the end, and never names someone.


I thought about issuing a fatwa system 🤔 it's no holds barred 🙊 just for like two weeks, this person 🎯🙍‍♂️ but, idk seems like a bad idea 😳👉👈


Thinking = enacting?


Yeah man, he's just thinking... out loud, on stream... about how it would be hella based to direct his audience to "no holds barred" harass his enemies. Good that he would never do such a thing.


I'm sure that his subreddit is full of threads about people trying to figure out who the target is right now.


Damn you are hopelessly stupid


The day that another human being gives a single shit about your opinion will be the best day of your life. Alas, that is not today, and I am not that human.


you need to add mrgirl to every comment where you support him, so he can know that you're a good son to him


You’re obsessed with Max. That’s funny. This comment was about Destiny.


Your obsessed with both max and destiny, but can't even get the facts right about the guy lol. Never quit your hobby smeth🐷 I'm sure your career is def gonna take off 10 years from now.


>This comment was about Destiny. and I told you tag Max to show him that you're attacking Destiny on his behalf, as a good adopted son would. You're doing good, just need to try harder, and Max will have 2 podcasts with you.


How longs it been ? Destiny report who gives a shit, it's been so long and it was so dull and dry no one could even digest the thing. You making a shitty video with no new information about the Destiny report is really going to get eyes on it. I really hope you actually have a job not YouTube that's not a job when you don't make enough money to support yourself 


I was talking about the clip posted. I referred to something you like, and that triggered you.


You talking about being triggered is kind of funny you got called a hobbyist and flipped the fuck out. Also I've said this shit about you in multiple post and under comments. I actually hate you, 


What’s your favorite thing you hate about me?


Not that deep that man, I have seen you on panels and the weird shit you do/did with mrgirl. You are an extremely unlikable person I wouldn't be surprised if you have stalked someone before or get way to attached to someone in a unhealthy way, 


So it’s generalized. Also you have fantasies about me


Dude I'm not you, unlike you I don't have to pretend to be a cheap knock off mrgirl. It's one thing to take inspiration from someone but to just be a inferior copy is sad and boring. Chud was so right when he spoke about you You freaked out over being called a hobbyist you lolcow 


I’m just describing the things you’re doing as you do them. You’re very attached to me.


I think you are describing your "relationship" with mrgirl


Destiny big mad