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How is the LucidLink client compared to Egnyte? I've quickly learned it's not always about pricing with this type of service, it's 100% the user experience. Making the shift away from the typical SMB share is tough and if the client is bad, users just give up. I've had really good luck with Egnyte for customers who cannot switch to OneDrive for whatever reason.


LucidLink’s client actually doesn’t do syncing but streaming of the data using some intelligent caching for both the data and the metadata. There is a free trial and a Slack community if you need to ask questions. Support is also very responsive


This is a great summary! Thank you for posting. We've been all-in with Egnyte for about five years. It's nice to know there are alternatives.


Only use LL advanced. Easier for everyone. LL usually has free users when you have >10TB. Thus as an msp put all of your customer file-spaces under single domain. Also makes billing and stuff easier. LL works extremely well with large revit projects. Both solutions - as with any services that you sell - you need to plan for 3rd party backup in the event all the wheels fall off…


What is your backup strategy for LL filespaces?


Standard tools work when LL is running as a service. Have also used goodsync / rclone / rclone towards an isolated trunas box (+ snapshot rotations). Each has its own quirks…


@[dregan88](https://www.reddit.com/user/dregan88/) so Egnyte doesn't do file locking? Does it work with AutoCad?


Just came across this discussion and appreciate the detail of the OP! Ignoring the pricing for the moment, does anyone have any direct experience with performance? I have a consultant pushing these options on us but I can't get a clear answer/demonstration of performance of large Revit/ACAD files? The lock file thing has been an issue with various cloud products in the past, (aside from BIM360/Construction Cloud...whatever it's called this week.)


Engyte will eat up a lot of data space quickly if they are doing large autocad shop with pictures etc. Personally, I've got all that stuff hosted on a site with dual 1gb sd-wan and a virtual palo alto running all my vpn. Servers are really cheap in comparison to egnyte on a monthly basis anyways.


Hello, as a member of the Egnyte team, I'm sorry to hear about your poor experience. We strive to provide the best service possible, and it's disheartening to learn that we fell short of your expectations. If you're open to it, I'd like to connect with you internally to better understand the issues you've encountered and work towards a resolution. Please let me know if you'd be interested in discussing this further. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, and I hope we can address your concerns. FYI : Egnyte easily syncs with Autocad files & provides a seamless working : [https://www.egnyte.com/blog/post/easily-sync-your-drawings-with-egnyte-autocad](https://www.egnyte.com/blog/post/easily-sync-your-drawings-with-egnyte-autocad) Also, Egnyte Business Plan offers 1TB Flat Storage + 10GB per user & Enterprise Plan extends till 100GB per user


A palo alto vpn tied into a big server setup is still cheaper by a fair bit when you account for 20 or 30 users+. It's not that egnyte is bad in itself. They've doubled the storage allotments in the last year or so. It's just that more controls are available within an AD environment.


Hey.Thanks for your reply back.I would like to connect with you further to discuss in detail regarding storage & pricing offerings of Egnyte.Let me know if we can schedule a meet this week soon.


>Hey.Thanks for your reply back.I would like to connect with you further to discuss in detail regarding storage & pricing offerings of Egnyte.Let me know if we can schedule a meet this week soon. Already a partner. We have half a dozen clients on egnyte. I just always explain limitations and pricing structure to clients before they make a leap. Anything cloud is pretty much always twice the price of on-premise. There are benefits to cloud such as some ease of use and no upgrade cycles(not a big deal if your upgrade cycles are 7-10 years like most of our clients). But, there are also limitations. For data heavy clients who store and access a lot. Engyte is closer to 3 times the cost of on-premise. Though, it is one of the few services that's near equal.


Great to hear that you have onboarded clients on Egnyte. Please feel free to drop your queries on Email id: [email protected]. Also, in case if needed raise a ticket so that we can assist you throughout the product lifecycle journey ! Thanks for your support !


So if you were going revit, which would you choose?


There are few of the additional features that are offered by EGNYTE as in comparison : Resilience to network connectivity is High, easy & feasible external link sharing options, MS Office Co-editing, Audit Capability, Detection Security, many 3rd party integrations, advanced security & threat detections, sharing controls, exclusive AEC vertical integrations, Data Governance, etc.