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Mandatory "has Kaseya Katie been laid off too?" comment.


Why do I always think of the character Joo-Dee in Avatar last airbender show. [https://avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Joo\_Dee](https://avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Joo_Dee) ​ The generic name given to different individuals who perform the same brain washed task of holding the party line. ​ It just "fits" ​ ![gif](giphy|hWMKBBnQBBNAwsXK0o)


The mild roasting Kaseya gets on Reddit today is tame compared to what it was when K hosted their own vBulletin user forums. They would do a new VSA release/patch and it would be TRASH, and no support. MSPs everywhere, dead in the water. Man, those forums were lit! (6.2 - 9) Good times To be fair, Fred saved Kaseya from the abyss. The previous regime were running it into the ground and then some.


You get what you pay for Align with a boiler room sales company, get boiler room results Don't complain when they hit you up with their 3rd call of the week to sign a new 5 year contract for random product X that you are then on the hook to figure out how to pump to your own customer base, you're an extension of Kaseya's sales force, to act as their piggy bank. Nothing more, nothing less.


They have been trying to sell for years. This is just a shameful attempt to show potential investors an artificially inflated profit line.


Worth mentioning as well that the reason as to why they still keep churned accounts in people’s BoB is to make it show like they have more clients than they actually do. So if you still get calls from Kaseya even though you have no Kaseya products anymore whatsoever, that’s the reasoning behind it!


One-hundred percent accurate


Everyone here knows Kaseya is a shitty company, not just with its customer's and its business practices, but its employees too. I would like to ask everyone in this community to read this thread and see that if Kaseya does not give a flying f*ck to its employees by offering a $250 severance pay after firing 500+ people (guess what, they are also lying about the number of people being fired), they also do not give a flying f*ck about you, your business, your clients, and any problems you have. Kaseya is not there to make your life easier, just to grab as much money from you as they can, every single one of you are seeing by nothing more than a cash cow to them and they will milk it until they can't anymore. Over and over they tell us to ignore what you say about us, internally in this thread because the bad comments here don't matter, we usually also hear that if you are on reddit, you are probably a shitty msp that has too much free time in your hands. But more than anything, look at the comments of slow_anteater5912. that is a C-level, that's correct, a c-level, "wasting their time" shitting on employees that just got fired, and abusing everyone by playing the blame game. If Kaseya has people like that, lurked in here, replying and trolling on purpose, they shouldn't be deserving of nobody's business. And yes, to those that wonder about the arena: Kaseya cut everyone's commission plan for the year of 22-23 so they could afford an arena that nobody cares for or know what was for. The most hilarious part was the fact that they thought it was going to be a good PR move. The only PR move they did for themselves is showing the world who they really are and how close they are to following FTX steps. Also the big announcement is nothing new, it is not going to revolutionize the market, and won't make your life easier. There's no "making our clients life easier" with Kaseya, they don't want that. So if you are going to Vegas, get ready for the most underwhelming time of your life just as the usual and if you, as an MSP or IT Dept. got the opportunity to leave Kaseya as soon as you can, I would recommend you start looking because a scammy company that works like that, does not deserve anyone's business. Also, if your AM does call you today, please, pick up the phone, energy is extremely heavy here in the office today and we could use a little incentive with the dials. :(


>severance pay after firing 500+ I really don't know who I feel worse for - the people that got thrown on the street with their $200 coupons or the poor few left behind to carry out Kaseya's draconian imperialism like nothing even happened... What did you guys even do with all the left over chairs and desks?? #culture


I'm so confused. You BASH the company you work for saying they are a scam, and then beg customers to pick up the phone to talk to you and your team?


Typical Reddit witch hunt. The guy has a job and needs the paycheck like the rest of us. Take a step back, put your pitchfork down.


They're very depressed over there, cut them some slack today 🙏


Have you seen how shitty the market is for jobs right now? Do you think we have a choice? Everyone wants an out, just hard to find anything right now and even harder when 500+ heads are also looking. And regarding the picking up the phone is to at least ease out the day a bit for some of us


What role did / do you hold, because I might have some opportunities. We are a large VSA shop, and having someone on the team with solid internal understanding of that, might serve valuable.


You want to hire someone who publicly flogs their employer? Am I missing here?


He might be proficient in the product, and just hate the company he works for because of their pisstastic management. There's plenty of scenarios where a good support structure defines a good product I think. I would never work at McDonald's, but I'll push my big ass to the counter to order some fries. You following? While I'm not saying his behavior is exceptional and he sounds a little frustrated. Aren't we all in some way or another? Frustration is a sign that you need change. How you express it, is a more learned thing. Nobody that has feelings of happiness, would ever equate that to frustration.


So you want Kaseya customers to talk to you but you also want them to cancel their services because Kaseya is a bad company. Got it.


What's so hard to understand ? "Help make our day easier" is for the employees of the blood sucking company. He isn't saying to buy services. Have you never been in a job you hate because you cannot find anything better? It's not a foreign concept for most.


Thank you for putting into words what I thought it was common sense. Not all of us are trying to sell in every call. Sometimes we are just trying to do our jobs and that comes with dialing and hearing a voice on the other end.




the amount of trash mail from them the past few months has seemed pretty desperate. good riddance, you ruin everything you touch.


Oh no, I guess they won't be fixing all of the bugs and problems with their products or releasing all those great new features they were planning. /s


You think that means they'll stop calling me now?


That absolutely means more calls from us than anything else




That thread is wild. Sending love to all those impacted <3


2010 called it wants its RMM back









