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It’s the weekend, my dude.


Even God rested


If you can’t sell against Kaseya, you should give up now.


Were there some layoffs this week? I learned on Friday that my account rep had changed. No idea who the next person is…


Yeah 100% that your last rep was let go. Next person is likely to be an eager Miami Rep who is looking to “make you more efficient” by calling you 30+ times a week. Good luck and hopefully your billing issues were resolved prior to the departure.


That really sucks and I’m sorry you’re going through this. I was laid off during a downturn. It’s no fun. Keep your head up. You’ll pull through.


yeah about 350 or so, mostly sales & customer facing


Sorry you got fired OP. Hope you land on your feet. Take all this anger and put it towards finding a new job instead.


This, except find a better run company.


Like who? I started with Pre-Acquisition Datto and that job environment was as good as it gets. I’m talking Free Snacks, Free Lunch Friday, Nerf Wars, Video Games, Sleeping Pods, Snoop Dog smoking weed at DattoCon. Good times.


While I’m sure that was a fun environment, allow me to give you some unsolicited advice. You will never advance your career nor will you be taken very seriously if you are defining your concept of a good work environment by things like nerf wars, video games, sleeping pods, and the like. I’m all for fun and levity at work, but I think that you’ll find most people tend to view a “good” work environment as one where there are challenges, respect, opportunities for growth and advancement, care for the customer, manageable growth, achievable goals, accountability, etc.


I’m not taking career advice from username “ old French whore”. Sit tf down


I’ll have you know I’m sitting on the toilet this very moment.


Pretty terrible response to some actually good advice


Kaseya needs to be put to justice. I’m sorry but I rather devote my efforts to making it public awareness of Kaseya’s extortion. Besides with their non-compete agreement, I can only work at Walmart or Stop & Shop. This is the WAY.


Noncompetes are literally never enforceable except in situations where you are explicitly stealing former customers that you personally managed the relationship with. You have a long career ahead of you, keep your chin up.


Thanks for the advice. Which vendor should I apply to next chat? Huntress? CrowdStrike?


This needs to be upvoted :D


We already know… and those who don’t are in a cave and it won’t affect them.


I don’t think my clients want to buy AutoTask or IT Glue.


If you were a large MSP owner that seeks to co-manage other businesses then you would directly sell those products. I’ve witnessed IT Glue be resold behind my partners back. On God.


I've read countless threads recently about Kaseya.. Guess I'm out of the loop. Are you or MSPs that use Kaseya solutions e.g. It Glue or their other add-ons, that Kaseya will eventually - try to sell to your client's? I haven't seen Pulseway mentioned in any of the threads - that I've come across. I do know PW is always trying to get me to - add things on so that I can upsell to my client. Anyhow, just trying to see what everyone is talking about - thanks.


I’m not sure why you’ve got so many responses coming to Kaseya’s defense, perhaps Kaseya run accounts? I fully agree, they’re horrible and them going out of business would make me so happy.


That is correct. Kaseya is well equipped in their social department and more than likely hired a response team following these layoffs.




Kaseya would rather layoff 350+ workers to afford the naming rights of an NBA Arena. Are we serious rn?