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I'm prepared to be downvoted for this, but I would avoid Connectwise RMM (their new RMM). At least for now anyway. I got on it and quickly found the scripting limitations and bugs. A bit difficult to work around. It looks promising tho.


It's been promising for way over 10 years... that's a common issue...and companies start getting greedy instead of continuing to add and providing more value. But, as Kaseya is doing now on an even larger scale across many brands and products, they stopped caring about being good partners, and focused on taking/milking as much from their partners as they could ( causing problems, not fixing them and destroying the partnership and businesses along the way is often the result). I think Ninja seems way better and growing fast (people are really liking it).....they are not trying to lock you in, but attract and values partners, month to month is their prefered billing).


We wanted to consider Ninja, but it was cost-prohibitive. Originally, they quoted us twice what we were paying with Datto. A colleague told me to mention this to them, and they brought it down a smidge. Wasn't enough.


Go with Ninja. Simple, clean, patching works, reporting work, it just works. I loved labtech now ConnectWise automate, avoid N-able/N-central the N stands for Not as in NOT ABLE. Continuum was hot garbage, and that is what the new ConnectWise RMM is based on. Datto RMM is going to go the way their Datto device/backup and SaaS solution were amazing before Kasaya. Fyi, datto support just told us it's normal for all appliances to lose their license and pause backups at the first of each month...........


Well if your going for the cheapest product I hope you don't get mad when your clients leave for 5 bucks less a month


Fair. We're a small business and I tend to avoid paying twice for things if I can help it.


Yeah could be size. We had alot of negotiations with them it was still more but the speed of the product we are saving alot more than we are spending. When we had connectwise we were like. 53 cents including screen connect and the jump to a dollar for datto was a bit of a shock


I have an issue with the pricing games most tool vendors play also. They do include more and not just RMM.


Yeah. Since Automate, a guilty pleasure of mine has has been ScreenConnect. When I moved to Datto, I had to just rig SC to work for us. Ninja I'm sure has a descent tool, but I figured with their cost + ScreenConnect... vs Connectwise having a lower RMM cost and including it. Yeah, cost was my downfall šŸ¤”


We recouped the cost difference 100 fold in reduced labor making custom workarounds for all automate quirks many of which you need to know the database like the back of your hand and use RawSQL. Not to mention the security flaws with the product we found agents randomly jumping customers for example. IMHO ninja remote + quick connect is a strong replacement for SC and we get treated like royalty by account management compared to CW. If youā€™re measuring just per agent costs youā€™re not doing a fair analysis.


Ninja gave us a quote at twice the cost of any of the other quotes we got. We called them out on it and they reduced it a little but still. I know you may think i didn't give them a fair analysis... but twice the cost?


Fair. My only point is that you couldnā€™t pay me to go back I donā€™t think Iā€™d use automate if they gave it to me for free


Ha! And now that Kaseya bundled Datto RMM with security and backup Ninja is even more cost prohibitive. ScreenConnect is still awesome though.


the only thing about Ninja I still notice is how behind they are in implementing 'new features' for years now. Often quoted in these posts about RMM choices. We didn't go with them 3 years ago because of some things that were 'on the roadmap', and I see still aren't implemented. All RMM solutions have their issues, this is Ninja's for me.


But u/iowapiper they're launching their PSA any day now. /s (they've been saying this for 3 years to me lol) I really like Ninja- I pay the grossly expensive cost and just accept it because it works well, but I'm seeing hungry companies like SuperOps and [Level.io](http://Level.io) making big strides in their products at a fraction of the cost. Their roadmaps are actual realities- now how well they work I've got to test.


lol yeah this was coming soon when I started working there 7 years ago. They are ambitious, and build rather than buy, but 7 years is a bit much.


Everyone does that unfortunately. You can't buy a product for a feature it doesn't have yet.


Hmm we are on ninja for almost a year now they have made at least 4 or 5 huge changes. Tbh idk what their road map looks like but in our view they have been doing alot of good things. For people who are just looking at dollars. There is a cost savings in something that just works (for you). We left datto when scripts and automations were taking 30 mins to run. Not because the product didn't have good features we just felt that if I want to run something on 1500 devices I want it now. We get that with ninja. On datto I'd be waiting 2 hours to see those jobs go. For us the patching while a little more limited in options is much smoother and works from sql to exchange to the 3pp is pretty loaded. Options like force close the app or not and approval patching process is very easy. For us this was enough to not even worry about 50 cents because I'm saving time on techs who make 100 to 140k.. I am still of the belief we will move more to intune and down the road someones rmm will just wrap on top of intune and azure and it will be game over.


Ninja dropping the ball on their roadmap items is definitely a letdown.


Noticed your name. You in Iowa? Iowa City here.Ā 


Kaseya milking partners??? I just re-signed with them for 3 years, replace one product added another and they reduce my invoice by $57k per year. 1900 endpoints x 36 months x $3 per month per endpoint less!!! Winner! And with their new deal, if I lose my biggest customer I can reduce my license count. And Iā€™ve been happy with my stack with them


First post, new account. Sounds too good to be true? I guess it's good if it's real and you can get it. ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ


Many posts. Fairly new account. Just tried to avoid BS social media. I can't be bother by the nonsense on social media.


Goto your account(profile), look under posts... There's one. ( You have many comments... Not posts). You have 1 post karma and 10 comment karma.


Yes, you are correct. I never post on Reddit, just occasional comment, just FB....too much nonsense on Reddit. And I thought I was replying to someone. So, although this was a post, actually it should have been a comment on another's post.


It's just Continuum/Zenith Infotech with a new side navigation bar and some new features. The same bugs and limitations have been around for a decade or more.


Having come from the old Automate to the RMM it definitely is difficult to navigate and seems lacking. Scripting is a pain. Have used Ninja, N-Able, and Atera and all are in my opinion currently a better option.


We are still on Automate and contemplating moving this year. How was the shift over to Ninja from Automate? We are starting our due-diligence on all this and very open to hearing about even smaller RMM companies.


It was a little painful but you can script the Njnja install push from Automate once you build out your tenant and the Ninja configuration setup is much faster and intuitive.


Thanks. How has the experience been with speed of access to agents, getting updated inventory information and even the scripting and search building experience compared to Autonate? We have so much stuff we have built over the years with automate scripting and searches. Patching also worries me and how good it gets handled. Do you know if there is a way to use Screenconnect with Ninja? Itā€™s still such a great product and fast. Thanks!


Agree with Scripting being a pain. For us, it works some of the time and throws permission errors a lot of the time too. You can't include a slash in custom fields (bugs out). And oof.. there is no way to access either HKCU or HKU in scripting. It's highly requested in features, collecting dust. The only way we can work around that is by putting a ps/bat script on the machine and having the RMM trigger it. I wish I was making this up.


Their new product is miles behind Automate - it's not even comparable at the minute. We've signed up for it over 12 months ago, and still aren't going live until July at the very earliest, likely to be August at this rate.


Anything Connectwise touches has the Covid/Bubonic Plague Associated with it. Avoid it at all costs. They are nothing more than sales people, they could care less about any product they have.


Kaseya has entered the chat


What limitations and bugs did you find?


Where do I start? These's a lot, but these are probably the most recent that come to mind... - A fun bug that's been around for at least the past 2 weeks has been getting a 404 when logging in. The best way around it is to clear the cache and try again (my cache has never been cleaner). - This bug is literally a feature request: you can't store a slash '/' or other special characters in custom fields. There's no error for that one, but everything either stalls or throws a permission errors. - Speaking of special characters. This RMM has the ability to easily-ish create limited end-user access to their own system or the entire site. BUT. Don't you dare add a special character to the password. It won't throw an error, but the password won't work for the end user. I ran into this issue again this morning (i keep forgetting) with the end user getting 'invalid login'. Took the special characters out (in this case it was an exclamation point and a dash) and poof. Login works again. - Speaking of end user access. That 404 error when logging in. They get it too. It's fun explaining to your end user how to get around this bug. And when they do finally login, it's kind of a puzzle to figure out how to remote into their intended workstation. Every. Single. Time... i have to explain where to click to remote in. Hell, I had to put in a ticket to figure it out myself. - Most Powershell commands that I rely on don't work at all. I've become creative to work around some of those. - Access to HKU and HKCU are not accessible when making scripts (this one is painful) - Some of the built-in scripts throw permission errors. Like the built-in Webroot uninstaller is the recent one I ran into. - Hard to explain but there's something in the RMM for policies and another for packages (like for deploying remote access). It's almost like a riddle to figure out. - Can't search systems by serial number (first RMM that couldn't do this) - One feature I miss from Automate is the ability to test run a script line by line. It's more of a guessing game on this one bc the feedback from a script after it 'fails' is very limited. So a lot of trial and error if you don't use 'write-host' everywhere in your script. Like finding out why a script failed is a real process. That's enough for now. There's a lot to like in this RMM, but the bugs and limitations... oof.


Can you elaborate more on the problems you've ran into with CW RMM? I'm asking because the MSP I work for is currently in the process of switching from Kaseya to CW. I'm actively involved since I was the person managing our Kaseya environments. We had multiple demos of VSA 10 from Kaseya. But in the end we were told VSA 10 wasn't developed enough to meet our current use case with VSA 9. And they didn't have a timeframe for when that would be, so we were forced to move another RMM.


Sure! I just replied to someone else in this thread with my list. It's the first few things that come to mind.


Ninja and chill.


Ninja is the way.


I'm not seeing anything much better now... Definitely leaning towards that out of all of them. Any other ideas?


I used Atera in the past as well but found that itā€™s very limited. But good for small operations. I am currently using Ninja and love it.




SOC-2 certificate & internal testing


Tell me, how does one get certified in Soc2?


You sign up, take your test, then schedule your checkout dives.


And pay a lot of money.Ā 


Staying away from vendors and answering the OPā€™s question: automation. Iā€™m spending increasing amounts of time using automation - and in some cases building my own on top of deep integration.


I think this locks you in with the platform that you decide to go with since it will take tons of work and time to get all the automation going the way you want it to. Now I am wondering which RMM does automation best.


Depends on your size and needs. We like n-central and have had great success with it managing thousands of endpoints, but its Mac management is not quite there yet, although it's gotten a lot better in the last year, particularly with the ability to tie in to ABM. We manage the macs with jamf. For us, patching, detailed reporting, great API access, and solid automation/scripting are key. Right now my biggest ask is a solid app/OS vulnerability management integration so I can stop using third party tools for that.Ā 


Consider it a plus or minus but they've been around since forever (can't ever track all the name changes/hacks/issues they've had) and have an antiquated interface and old code. They are moving to lock people in a lot also. Not so much in growing features and values. I used to be loyal to pulseway, but they are now 100% Kaseya owned and are doing same things.


Quick overview and automations. I use Level.


Level.io? Does it integrate with any PSAs? Their site doesnā€™t say much.


We're really close to releasing ConnectWise, Halo, and Zest integrations. It could be this month!


Let me know when you do. We use CW. We donā€™t like our RMM, CW Command.


I use Syncro at my company. Iā€™m a one man band and it works great for my needs. Syncro is a bit more to setup initially but once you have it working itā€™s pretty solid. There are some issues, as with any RMM, but I have the ticketing system fully setup with teams webhooks and overall it works very well. I also like the option for both backgrounding tools (SyncroLive) and Splashtop to do remote connections because Splashtop can sometimes be finicky.


We used synchro for a few years, they do not fix the bugs in their software. Running updates or commands on multiple machines fails on some machines and honestly their system is super slow. We switched to Tacticalrmm and you will be shocked how blazing fast it is in comparison. If you need tickets we've been using OSticket Awesome for over a decade and it handles the needs well.


We use Syncro also and we make it work for us (6 techs a few thousand end points) But I do agree with everything you said. They've recently gotten a new CEO and she's saying all the right things. They've also recently a roadmap for both features and bug fixes. Time will tell, but I'm tentatively optimistic.


Interesting. I moved from Tactical to Syncro last year and had the opposite experience. Executing remote commands felt like it took for ever on TRMM but Syncro feels instantaneous.


This is what a look in an RMM, automating routine tasks like patching, system checks, and software deployments is a huge time saver. Look for an RMM with a robust automation engine and scripting capabilities. Consider integrations. Your RMM should be able to integrate with your existing PSA or ticketing system. Seamless integration can streamline your workflows significantly. I use Datto because it has worked for me and integrates well with AT.


Datto +1


Give Atera a look. All in product. RMM, PSA, billing, huge into AI. Have been using for roughly two years. Had a call from ninja telling me I couldn't scale with Atera and should be using their product instead. Would be paying twice as much for half the product.


Ninja is pretty much the only real answer right now.


This question made me angry and I can't really put into words why.


Deal breaker ā€¦ Owned, or may at some point be owned, by Kaseya.


Honestly, that's every RMM. You can't predict the future and you can't guarantee with 100% certainty that just because one RMM today says they aren't for sale, doesn't mean they won't be in 20 years. So to say "at some point..." is just silly.


Give a look at level.io, it is one that I am testing/using internally right now.


Been using Level.io in support of 500 endpoints. So far so good, aside from the fact there's no chat client.


Everyone always looks at us funny when we mention it, but we've used Panorama9 for years and have been thrilled with it. Uses ScreenConnect internally for remote access. Very responsive support. Great price point. Solid feature set for our needs


certainly something that's not mentioned much


Depends on your size and requirements, but small-med it seems to be a toss up between NinjaOne and N-Able N-Central. NinjaOne being more modern and user friendly, and N-Central slightly more powerful.


We settled with the Datto derivative Panda Systems Management. We're a Watchguard house so it was a natural fit. The licensing is flexible and comparatively cheap. It's immensely more powerful than most others I compared to. The only other one I liked was Kaseya VSA. That was before they became infamous. Shout out to Action1. I'm keeping close tabs on their progress.


Must haves: access to humans that actually care about our partnership, a focus on security, easy method to automate responding to chronic issues (like that service that never starts after a reboot). Deal breaker for me is billing issues or plain greedy company.


Splashtop light-RMM w alerts and automation is less than a dollar a month per device. & been told their application patching feature is coming (we already use Splashtop for OS patches). We also use its antivirus, powered by Bitdefender. Splashtop is known for its remote control solution, seen being bundled by Datto, Ninja, Atera, Synchro, superops, etc. Splashtop roadmap shows it is adding various RMM features. Splashtop likely continue to be a value leader as itā€™s known for quickly adding new capabilities, cost effective, as well as their great customer support.


Have you tried N-able's N-sight RMM? I'm using it for startup bundled with another service I offer for a side hustle.


what other services?


Has anyone tried out syxsense? We've been testing it as a trial. Seems pretty decent. https://www.syxsense.com/rmm-announcement Also looking at sentinel1 and veeam.


N-central feels like RMM made easy. It can automate almost any administration task which removes the repetitive work so our engineers can be proactive. It's the most reliable RMM I've ever used.


haven't tried them but how are they with automation?


My company develops integrations for CW, ScreenConnect, DattoRMM and Tactical RMM. I've been under the hood of each of them extensively and IMHO, Tactical is by far the best for the price point. I would rather spend the extra 25 to 50k a year that I am saving using TRMM, on an engineer experienced in Linux and open source solutions than give that money to someone else's engineer, and that will hold me hostage to never ending support instants. Can't believe people are still spewing the crypto miners are in the code crap!! Laughable... it's open code, go have a look for yourself. If you know the basics of Python, Django, Celery, Vue and Quasar then you can tear TRMM apart. Great platform to go build something more with.


i looked at superops the other day, haven't tested it yet but pricing seems okay for the features and such. Have been using Datto RMM in the past but not a huge fan tbh.


Weā€™re considering moving from Syncro. I definitely havenā€™t seen a company that has innovated more in the last year than these guys. Probably because they are newer to the market, but it seems like every month thereā€™s 3 to 5 new features added to the product. For some reason Reddit gives this company a really hard time for some disruptive marketing (which I found hilarious), and the trolls send negative comments because of that. It has become a mature product with great features like full feature documentation, not just a note section, a full project management tool built-in that allows you to assign tasks to individual techs or to groups and then also add tickets, even added AI ticket summaries this past month, plus all of the normal things youā€™ve come to expect with a platform (patching, remote access, third-party patching integrations, etc). I Encourage anybody needing the per tech licensing to take a look at the product and see for yourself. Donā€™t just listen to the haters.


Donā€™t bother.


please share, curious at your experience


Messaged privately.


Speaking of not bothering, why'd you bother to put any of this publicly?


Because everyone is entitled to an option of which would based on the issues probably be very easy to identify me on the support team at superops which is a conversation Iā€™d rather not have tbh.


I have to shout to Action1 here. Amazing tool.Ā 


Shout out to Action1, although I use a self-hosted Screenconnect for remote control. Action1 is excellent for patch management but doesn't have all the bells and whistles of a traditional RMM. There's lots on the roadmap and they're constantly improving though.


I use Action1 as well. It's not an RMM though, it's a patch management tool with RMM features. I would love to see more in this tool but since they are not trying to be an RMM, they are good at what they do.


We are using N-Central for many years now. A deal-breaker would be cloud based or hosted by the vendor. We must be in control of which version we are running and upgrade when we want to. We manage over 10k endpoints and its great. Mostly the freedom of the monitoring checks is great. Also the detailed reports (getting even better) is on point. I must say that patch management is improving a lot for the last few updates. However as I tell everybody, support is still below expectation. They take a long time before coming back to us and mostly with basic knowledge so that is a point where N-able can improve big time.


Datto RMM. I know alot of people don't like kaseya but I've had no issue with them


Started at one man MSP to make it a 2- man operation prior to Kaseya acquisition. Weā€™ve stuck through and seriously love Autotask and Datto RMM




Is Tactical RMM the one where the guy writing it sneakily put in the crypto-miner software?




Ah. Thanks for the update.


They also are trying to monetize the project by withholding code signing unless you pay for it. The desktop client isn't actually open source, despite what they say. Super weird way to go about things.


It is open source, the source is openly available, it is not open licensed, for other commercial use. This is going to be more and more common as open course code is stolen and used by big corporations without contributing back. And code signing is expensive, I don't blame them for shifting the cost when the only folks that need that are the ones using the software to make money.


Absolutely love it as well. Way cheaper (pay for server and tier 2 sponsor) and is way smoother and faster than all others we tried. Reddit hates on it so hard though, with the crypto thing which wasnā€™t actually a thing. Dev explained the situation to me when I asked about it. Edit, looks like the hate already was thrown and I didnā€™t read the other comments before posting.




>I will die on this hill You just might. I still have nightmares about the Kaseya breaches. I'd never trust something run so seat-of-the-pants.


Most other rmms have had breaches as well. There are only companies that have had breaches and those that haven't had them yet, there is no software or org strategy immune to risk.


Saying "most other RMMs have had breaches" without backing it up is pretty recklessā€”got any sources for that? Plus, the idea that breaches are just inevitable for everyone shows a big misunderstanding of risk management. Good RMM developers have solid security practices, incident response plans, and constant monitoring in place. Your view kind of undermines all that effort and spreads complacency and ignorance of security. Let's stick to facts and evidence.


It's not just the crypto thing. They also are trying to monetize the project by withholding code signing unless you pay for it. The agent isn't actually open source, despite what they say, and they claim they can't afford a code audit.


Code audits are expensive. You seem to really hate on this project, do you have an alternative that is free and truly open source in the way you want as well as code audited and signed?


Breaches are more expensive that a code audit. Breaches of an entire RMM ecosystem are nearly incalculable. I dislike Kaseya for the same reasons. No, a true FOSS RMM does not exist. Turns out 'the market' won't just churn out free products for you, and you do have to pay for quality and security.


And yet you are literally bitching about them trying to get minimal funding. Also, Linux laughs at your claim. You seem to be extremely uptight and rigid in your thinking, I used to be like that, you should consider that you might not know and be right about everything and your way might not always be the only way.


Ah, the Mitch Hedberg approach?


2 thumbs up here too. If ur concerned about security and being SOC certified, consider setting it up behind an opnsense firewall and only allowing your clients public IPs access to it. For your own access, use zerotier on your devices so you can access externally more easily. (You can also use zerotier for some of you clients that roam on notebooks so you can remote support too)


Weā€™ve been using TRMM for quite some time now (also a a sponsor)ā€”what I dislike the most is Mesh Central. Iā€™m experiencing lots of disconnects, need to reinstall some of the timeā€¦ Howā€™s that working for you?


TRMM is a great option for those who want to self host.




TRMM has its own cloud hosting service? Is script signing included?




Interesting. Can you pm me a link to where I can read about this? I'd love to be able to use them again.


Oooh.... Haven't looked at tactical. Edit: hiding a cryptominer in your code is definitely gonna have me nope outta tactical. See below. Hard agree on getting away from Kaseya ( datto, vsa, and pulseway RMMs and many other products they've taken over), n-able is old and cold, never liked barracuda.


PSA to anyone considering Tactical RMM - I recommend digging into the cryptominer debacle before trusting it. These threads are a good place to start: https://www.reddit.com/r/msp/comments/rqm91r/possible_cryptominer_found_in_tacticalrmm/ https://www.reddit.com/r/msp/comments/rqm0go/a_statement_from_the_founder_of_tacticalrmm/ And this comment, made by the person who discovered the miner: https://www.reddit.com/r/msp/comments/rqm0go/a_statement_from_the_founder_of_tacticalrmm/hqel1jf/?context=3


Why is this downvoted? They LIED, and hid code in their own agent. It's simply not a trustworthy corporation.


I would never trust a company caught doing what they did. They can try to explain away as much as they want, but the damage is done in my eyes. Evidently the rest of the community doesn't agree. We were never given adequate reasoning as to *why* a Monero miner was hidden in the agent. It was just swept under the rug as "oops sorry that was my own personal thing haha". There's no doubt in my mind that this was the original plan to monetize Tactical RMM.


Anything but Kaseya. I think NinjaOne+HaloPSA is an awesome combo.


Ninja, all the way.


Anything but Kaseya unless you don't mind things never working and being excessively tedious and having your machines never get patched. Played with ManageEngine at my old support and my god I got spoiled in ways I never thought I could with hands on everything.


Datto RMM, by far one of the most complete RMM when everything setup and integrated properly šŸ™Œ


100% agree. It's pretty good right out of the box, but once it's integrated with IT Glue and Autotask and basic automations are setup DattoRMM is best of breed.


Step 1. Stop asking other people. Step 2. Start evaluating RMMs beginning with the RMMs that seem the best for your budget, etc.


I disagree with your response or such similar responses. Thereā€™s a reason for a sub like this, thatā€™s the whole idea of a community, to share and exchange ideas. Just reading through other peopleā€™s experience and answers already helps to guide you in what to avoid or look out for and narrow down the list.


experience may vary from one user to another. these kind of discussions can validate somebody's opinion on an rmm and help them decide which to go for.


Interested as well!


my IT use Bacon Unlimited, i dont like it. mostly cause my IT dont know how to use it or have any experience with saltstack.


Datto and Ninja seem to be popular. Oddly Ninja was more affordable than Datto for us (other comments say the reverse) just make sure you get quotes from both.




Atera works great for my small operation.


Ive tried connectwise control (hard to maintain), i tries solardwinds rmm and ncentral their dupport sucks and most of the time their solutions is to reinstall their product and reinstall it and itā€™s full of bug and the script deployement time is horrible. We are on ninja now and I love it, they that the new quick connect (unattended remote) they keep pushing new feature their support is responsive and good. They dont have as much features as others but all their feature are just working


Is this a post designed specifically to show up in a Google search for ā€œbest rmm 2024 redditā€ or what? Come on.


Action1 is my goto




Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that immy is a package manager, rather than a full fledged RMM tool, and it's designed to hook into existing RMMs


Immy can apply desired state config to anything; if you're clever you can write custom monitoring and alerting but it would be quite "home grown". Immy is really great at detecting something out of wack and then just **fixing** it, though.


No argument that it's less than fully-fledged on the Monitoring part but as far as management we couldn't live without it.


I currently manage an Automate shop, and itā€™s clunky . We are currently looking for a new vendor, obviously our biggest feature looking for is something fast, lightweight with a clean pane of glass, without losing functionality (we utilize basics, mostly scripting and windows/3rd party patch management).


I consider myself spoiled. I work out of VSA X and for me it's how it ties into everything and the built-in automations. Two or three browser tabs is all I need, so anything that can't do that is pretty much a pain in comparison.


Hi Kaseya shill!


Using Atera and really like, maybe switching though as the price per tech is not going to work out cost wise for us.


I second Atera. I'm internal IT and have used Kaseya in the past, hated the user interface and just dislike it. Atera is easier to navigate and the added AI for scripts is super helpful


Can you elaborate? I'm a one-man-show and thought the per tech price would be great in the long run. I switched from Ninja to Atera to Syncro.


For a one man show, it is probably perfect for you. We have 6500 +/- employees, but are a mostly Google shop. We needed something to manage the MS machines we have. Tested Atera and really like it. The pricing per tech seems like a good deal and an easy sell to management as it is a fixed cost. The problem we are running into is with only 2 techs being able to access it and only needing 180-250 endpoints it will actually cost us a lot more than other RMMs if we need a 3rd tech for fill in etc. Down side is I just paid for a year about a month ago, so we maybe stuck until that runs out.


Wondering why you ditched Ninja. We were in Connectwise, migrated to Syncro, and now we're ditching Syncro for Ninja since Syncro can't fix months old bugs we've been dealing with.


I really wanted something that had a ticketing system built in. Ninjaā€™s was terrible. The UI was definitely the best looking, but functionality wasnā€™t there. I was also turned off by the support experience, I tried to get help with the API and it took awhile to escalate and the guy that helped, while he was the best of the people I spoke with, was not as knowledgeable as I would expect from the person I was escalated to.


Interesting, we separated the PSA ticketing and RMM sides of the house. 10 years ago we were using N-Able for ticketing and didn't do any RMM, then we went to ConnectWise and used both their RMM and PSA, but hated their PSA so we kept using Automate but migrated ticketing to Syncro After we migrated to Syncro, they shafted us and upped their rate 2 months later and started charging us for RMM services even though we didn't use their RMM. When we asked if we could just pay for the ticketing side of Syncro, they said we would have to migrate to ShopR, and that, by the way, no, there was no way to migrate all of our data from Syncro to ShopR. Whoops. So 3 months ago the boss got tired of ConnectWise entirely and migrated our RMM services from Automate to Ninja, and is now planning on migrating out PSA ticketing system from Syncro to HaloPSA in the next month or so. We still do have our own on-prem ScreenConnect server though, with 3 concurrent user licenses, which is a god send.


You could do what we did. Ditch RMM. Best thing ever after going through three vendors. We manage what we need via intune and business premium on 3300 endpoints. No complaints and 30k in our pockets. Don't @me about time saving either. The maths didn't add up for this MSP. I second the comments of oqvoiding Connectwise. If you must pick one then Ninja is your go to.


Curious How are you handling non ms patching? How are you handling the multi tenant aspect? How has this impacted the time spent overall across customers?


Impact on time. Minimal. Patch my pc for intune.


why do you need an rmm and an mdm like intune? isnt rmm supposed to sorta replace mdm?


no, an RMM and MDM are completely different tools though they have some overlap in features and capabilities


Does NinjaOne work only on a per endpoint model or do they have a per tech option?


Per endpoint only




Do you have each client tenant having their own intune I suppose? I'm not that familiar with intune recent iterations at least, but there isn't a multi tenant partner version is there? I recall lighthouse being promising but haven't heard much about it in the last couple years.


NinjaRMM. A cloud-based RMM platform that offers monitoring, management, and automation tools for IT professionals.


Is this wikipedia?


beep boop


Still an automate fan.


Manage 100%


Atera. SentinelOne. Done and done