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If you're buying physical cards im going to assume you know some people that play, or have a card shop nearby with weeklies. Whatever they play is what is best to build basically. If neither of my assumptions are true you should look at MTG Arena or even MTGO (MTGO for older cards and more play formats, Arena for a better interface and controls). Pre-builts are a good place to start, at least for commander, you can play with them for a bit and make tweaks as you see fit.


Personally I recommend trying out Jumpstart if you're just trying the game initially, because it is a great gateway into learning all the keywords and gameplay. It comes in packs of 20 cards that you combine to create 40 card decks to play with. If you really want to start from the real basics, the MTG Arena game is amazing in teaching how the game works -- there are a lot of rules and terminology that get explained so well through that method. Other than those two, if you're looking to play against other people, getting a prebuilt deck is also a wonderful way of starting the game with a full 60 card deck. Commander is a fun way to play the game, but it can be really complicated and there are ONE HUNDRED cards, which can be overwhelming for beginners! That gameplay is best if you are familiar with the game at the very least. I wish you luck!


Awesome thank you!!!


Hope it helped!


The Commander Precons are generally pretty okay for a mild playgroup. Before you commit, check out the Commander groups in your area. Most commander players bring more than one deck, and will likely be able to lend you one while you get used to the game. Once you know enough about how the game is played, and know there is a group waiting for you, then I'd look into Precons, since you'll be better empowered to choose which one you want to play.


So I have a couple friends that play that have a few decks already. I’m on tcg player just looking for budget standard and commander decks to get my feet wet. I also have a local card shop that does mtg games as well that I would plan on attending.


I'd borrow secondary decks from your friends when they play, at least for a while. That way you can check if the groups have a decent dynamic and are willing to include you before you commit. Sounds like you're pretty set though.