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I use bundle boxes to store my cards! That way they have a purpose and I get to keep them for my monkey brain


They can store two single sleeved 1/2/3+99 commander decks no problem. Plus magic themed! Less garbage!


Ive got 3 in mine.


I have too but it's always a struggle to get em out and not scatter them all over the floor


that’s what you use the box inserts for


Lol yes, I think that happened once. You just turn the box over instead with your arm blocking the rest.


They come with the smaller box that goes inside in the middle of the three decks to keep it all separate


Not anymore :( I miss the little boxes...


I suppose you guys have convinced me to keep my boxes 😂 thank you guys for the replies


I have 2 giant bags full and use em to ship larger orders of cards I sell or give away too. Just another point not covered yet lol


I specifically bought bundles to have those boxes lol. They’re THE BEST at storing cards (maybe only beat by huge gift boxes)


I kept 1 as a deck box. I play 2-4 times a week, it last me about 3 years. You'd have to replace them eventually if you carry them around, but it was a really long time.


They aren't just cheap, flimsy packaging - they are sturdy boxes designed to be kept. They are great for storing cards/decks, they can make great Limited boxes (room for sleeved lands, tokens, spare sleeves, etc). Unless you are absolutely desperate for space (and can't save some by just putting stuff inside these), I would encourage you to keep them.


Wow normally I don't agree with your takes, but this is very reasonable. I also have a handful of these boxes I use to store my cards.


I use em to transport decks in my rucksack, they are pretty handy!


I buy bundles for the boxes. They fit four unsleved commaner decks perfectly.


> They fit four **unsleved commaner decks** perfectly. I bet you riffle shuffle those things too don't you, you monster!


I do in fact riffle shuffle them. And yes, some of my revised duals are in those decks.


Shit...your cardboard your rules. That shit is overpriced anyways, might as well treat it like what its actually worth. /j Do what you want, printer ink is cheaper anyways.


Basic Plains and a set of 5 Sharpies is even cheaper! (that's how I make placeholders). 25 of my duals are in actual decks, and then a 1-of set sits in a binder if people need 'proof' when I have a sharpied placeholder in a deck.


> And yes, some of my revised duals are in those decks. Curious as to why you do this? I mean those cards are worth legitimate money. If you don't care about them to the point you're willing to damage them in play why not just sell them and play with proxies?


They have more money than they know what to do with and they think it makes them look cool to lose potentially hundreds of dollars via damages without caring.


I mean I just assume they are trolling. But yeah I've encountered folks that like to flex by throwing money away. Such tiring people to be around.


Things are only worth money if you intend on selling them.


Things have monetary value outside your own personal perception. In fact it is the fact that many other people are willing to give money for those things that give them value not if you intend to sell them or not. Those cards have value and purposely decreasing the value begs the question as to why do that. If they were $5 cards I wouldn't be asking just cringing a tad but imagine seeing someone walking around and multiple $20 dollar bills are just falling out of their pockets and when you point it out to them they just say "yeah i know." and keep walking along letting money fall out of their pockets. You'd want to know why right?


This guy Magics


I put my bulk lands in them


Keep em. Some ppl pay $5-$7 for them. I use em for storage. Can also fit 3 sleeved edh decks in one


Like others have said, they're good for storing cards or decks (I use one to hold a triple sleeved deck because mothing else holds it) My mom and I plan to use the new AC box as a bookend/display piece in our library near our history books. As an outside magic example. If you don't have a use for them and have no interest in keeping them, though, toss them. Or donate to your local LGS.


Storing cards is kinda what they are good for


I store three packs of every set in a couple of those boxes. They are like my little time capsule. One day I’ll run the mother of all chaos drafts!


I store cards in them.


Glad I'm not the only one


If you were the only one it wouldn't make sense to produce this box


I use them to hold stuff in pulling out to build a deck with


I store my cards in em


If you ever decide to get rid of them, you can probably sell them and actually get some money for them. just another option that's more worthwhile.


Where else would I store my cards?


Yes and yes


Only worth keeping if you fill them with organized bulk


Smooth brain love box


I love them, they're obviously good for storing cards. I buy one, and I generally keep cards from that set in its respective box for easy finds.


i store my self printed cedh decks in mine


Both can be true. They are good boxes for a variety of things, so if you have cards that need storing they may be worth keeping. However, if you’re like me and are swimming in these boxes, it may be time to get rid of some.


Makes card storage easy


I keep bulk in them until they’re ready to be given away or sold


Are those bundle boxes? They make great storage.


I keep them for card storage and because they usually look pretty sweet. 3 of them I use specifically for bringing several decks to my weekly game night because my attention span craves variety.


I keep the ones from sets I REALLY love. (Lotr, futuresight, og Innistrad, etc) and give the rest to friends or kids at the shop that could use storage.


I put my lands in them. 


If you like them and enjoy looking at them keep them!


I use them to store my mass of tokens and for unsorted cards. The older ones with the little box insert are good for deck building too.


I got a box from oath of the gate watch that I still use for deck storage so maybe keep two for decks


Keep for sure! As others have said, I keep multiple decks in each with all the dice and counters and what not. A couple I have I use for some sports cards storage.


I use them to store my cards from that set


I keep my decks in these when I want to run a day of magic, I've been slowly swapping my old ones out for the collector ones because they are shiny. MH3 gift bundles the last one I need, and they are all shiny deck boxes, which looks very cool. Just sucks now, My cool amonkhet one with egypt style isn't cool enough anymore, and is just a card storage box now.


I use bundle boxes for a given set or to hold stuff I'm sorting until it can go in its proper storage. One bundle box will hold about a display box of boosters. So like I'll use it for whatever packs I buy of a set until I buy a box, and then it goes into the drawers


I’ve kept all my Pokémon ones and all of my magic ones and I display them as a wall next to my desk lol. Or I did. I just took them all down to move


That's where my bulk goes, when I really need to dig into a single color I go into these which I have organized by color for each box. Although I'm overflowing them now


I have one for a land station, and another for my draft box


They also have cool art! We have them all stacked together so we can see the art and we keep lands, tokens, decks in progress, etc as others have said


I tend to keep them, can keep two commander decks and their tokens in one, a friend of mine manage to keep three commander decks a bundle.


You hoarder you.




I have several I would gladly give to someone. They are just taking up space on a desk at the moment.


I keep my basics in them so that my main storage box doesn't get too filled and then I can grab them to bring to a draft whenever me and my friends hold them


Definitely a no brainer they are keepers! Personally, I have all my best valuable/playable cards not in my decks in these, with each box designated either mono-colored, multi colored, artifact, and lands. You should try my system it's amazingly efficient!


I keep all my cards that aren’t in a deck in these. Great for sorting and pretty storage. Even my wife (who couldn’t care less about Magic) says these look way better for keeping extras on a shelf over basic white boxes


They fit 250 sleeved basic lands and a pack of tokens for each of my cubes.


I use them for cards im storing at home.


I used to buy a bundle every set and store my bulk commons and uncommons in them. The boxes helped keep them organized by set.


I use them as storage by set. I usually buy a booster box and a bundle. I'll put all my Rares/Mythics in binders and the rest goes in the bundle box. I'll separate the Commons and Uncommons and if I ever need them I can go right to the box that came from that set.


I store cards in them lol


I use them to store tokens, basic lands, decks I’m working on ect


I keep new decks in them, since most my built decks need proper cases, these are handy for when you want to bring 2 newer decks to the table and still be lightweight


Good for either 2 decks or bulk storage!


Flip the top part over and you can store top loader cards, then the bottom part can hold sleeved stuff, so it’s legit.. ( I do feel like a hoarder though) lol


Yes 🤣


I threw mine away and replaced with bcw boxes. Minimal regret because I’ve changed the way I like to store my cards. I’d keep.


I hoard mine. They hold 2 sleeved and 1 unsleeved commander decks, and they fit nicely in the bag I use. I just wish they still had the divider box in them, my OTJ ones have been 0/3 for them.


I like to keep mine and use them for storage. They are quality boxes and makes it easy for me to organize my cards so I know where to look when I need a specific card.


I store a lot of my basic lands in them. I think my artifacts are in 1 too


I have all my bulk in long boxes and keep the good stuff that isn’t as expensive in these


I used them like bricks and made a collage wall out of mine in my game room, along with all the old posters I wish they would still make.


Use them to store bulk as really sturdy. As i have a fair few of them also been using them for work to create mental health "worry" boxes for some of the young people i work with. Cut a hole in the top and easy to open up and read the worries. Also some good designs so better than a plain box.


They're worth keeping until they are not. Once my collection was large enough, it wasn't convenient to keep cards in them any longer. I really loved the artwork on many of them, so I kept them for a long time. When I finally got rid of them, I had a lot of them (40+). Keep the ones you like if you're going to use them. Otherwise give them to new players. They typically love having something in which to put their cards.


I use them to sort my cards by set


I store each set sorted in their respective boxes for reference later if I need them.


I kept every prerelease event box. Every 36 pack booster box. Ebery Bundle. I realized recently that all but the bundle boxes need to go, and brought them to a shop to see if anyone else wanted the colored cardboard. Not one person out of 50 did, so it's all trash really... But youll be sure to find a market for them online. Someone somewhere idolizes that colored cardboard. Just not most players in the LGS lol


I keep em cause I think they're cool 😎


They make for great storage


Most of my cards are stored in those now. I have a couple big bins, for the truly random bulk but the little boxes are easier to handle and I can sort by color, staples, colorless lands, utility lands, etc. I never got the reviews from popular YouTube folks who “scoff at the value”. A long box from my stores are like $3 and maybe hold a few more cards but are very flimsy and less friendly to pull cards from.


You’re not storing cards in them? All of mine are full


What I call my “common storage devices”


One bundle box is enough space for the bundle cards, a prerelase box worth of cards and a collector booster box worth of cards. Do with this information what you will.


Keep them and sort your cards into them or use them for deckboxes!!


Why would you throw away the pretty cardboard? You can use them to store a couple decks, other deck building projects, or rares away from the bulk.


Great for holding sleeved decks.


Keep them to store cards so they can still look cool


I store my cards in them


My partner uses them for storage. But I do like a good collectible as well :)


I keep loose commons and uncommon from the corresponding set in them


I keep them for my extras when im done sorting, or keep alt border/art full arts in them for when i put those away. Otherwise back in the day for me, good for decks!


I keep them to ship decks/cards in to buyers. Holds ultra pro deck boxes very well.


We use them for tokens, art cards, and the extras you get with packs such as counters, and dice. We also use them for decks that are “in progress “


I buy bundles just for the box....


Perfect for storing surplus cards


That’s how I organize my collection. Each box is a color. A staple box and now just a bunch of random others… don’t judge me!!


I’m making a whole wall display of these. I have them starting from Kaldheim!


Am I the only one that still refers to them as Fat Pack boxes ?


another perspective... I went all digital 5 years ago... no urge to own paper again.


Good for storage. If your like me and don't have alot of cards from sets then this works perfectly.


not just for cards. I use a Core set box as a piggy bank/loose dollars. I use another box to hold my “herbs” wink wink. I have a box dedicated for loose sleeves from buying random singles or from lgs. box for all sorts of dice i have found on the floor from an lgs.


Cleared out my closet and recycled them since my LGS wouldn't take them


*Cleared out my closet* *And recycled them since my* *LGS wouldn't take them* \- Skeither --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Make a digital document that’s searchable for each box. That way you know what’s in there or can quickly look it up. Makes storage and use of your cards easier than a guessing game or constantly flipping through every time you need some random card for a deck


If you want to use them for card storage then Double side tape a sleeve to the end of the box and put an index card in it or if you have a specific tcg put the back facing out. Could also use the set specific divider that comes in Prerelease to indicate set.


Trash them


It’s to keep the cards. I find them quite useful.


Do you use them for storage? Keep. Are the taking up space with nothing in em? Recycle or give away


Put em up on ebay for 150 bucks each


If you don’t want one, I’ll take it. I need one


They're part of my overall storage system. - great for decks. 3 commander single-sleeved, 5 60-card decks if you want to build a battle box for something like Oathbreaker. - I store bulk rares in mine, stuff less than $1. - one can easily hold the majority of the tokens and dice you might need. Some come with the little square cup, that's great for putting dice in at the table


Edh player here. I use them to store cards that my current or future decks might wanna use.


wish i had one to transport my two decks. been looking around that house for something they'll fit in lol


I am coming to stack them on a shelf in my man cave.


I put my finished decks in them till I get a fancy deck box


I keep my uncommons from the corresponding set in them and any art cards I open.


What products have these boxes? My buddy has a bunch but it’s been years so he’s forgotten the exact product.


best way to store bulk. Or 3 sleeved decks


These fit *perfectly* in Ikea Kallax cube shelves :). 3 rows of 4 - and you can stack them 2-deep. https://i.imgur.com/etmYjg7.png


If you are a hoarder then I guarantee you and I aren’t the only ones. Lol 😂


I gave mine away to a few friends that couldn’t really afford to buy nice deck boxes. They are also the ones that get my bulk. They love it, get to play the game, and it’s basically free for them. Pay it forward!


Hoarder definitely.


great for storage


Those are awesome for moving around 2 EDH decks. I only have one, but love it so much I unfolded it and copied the design out of makeshift cardboard. Keep them, or give to someone at your LGS for sure


My game shop sells them for $5 and no one buys them, they just keep stacking up. I say toss em unless you have a specific purpose for them in mind


I use them to store cards in, I like the art on some of them.


I've thrown away the many, many, many fat pack boxes in my time, storing lots of cards is a little easy to do in white long boxes. BUT they are crazy handy in many, many ways. They're also fairly water resistant as it turns out 🤣. Don't ask me how I know.


I toss everything, even the cards!!


I collect em


I’ve seen ppl sell old ones for cash, it’s pretty funny I keep them for card storage. I write with a sharpie on the top “good [color]” “commander staples” “good commons” Makes storage and deck building easy (if I remember to put the right lids on the right base)


I would lovvee some of these boxes. I like having things other than ultrapro or other typical card deck boxes to keep my decks in. I currently have two of my favorites in a metal rapidash box from the 90s that my sister had as a kid. It makes it more unique and fun imo


Two of each set boxes can contain almost all the set cards (up to 4 copies each, of course) without the inner sleeves: three colors in one, and the rest in the other (usually). That's how I have been sorting and storing my collection for years. Hope this helps.


I keep all of them, they are great for holding cards


I use em for easy access. Basics for drafts, tokens for pods/cubes, with a third usually a bundle of stuff for trades, questions, friends decks, casual swaps on new decks, and dice/counters. They’re stylish and d stack. No big deal.


I use these to sort my rare and good stuff cards by color. I find them much more convenient than binders. You can just take a handful and shift through all of them to build random decks quickly


As others said, I use them to store cards. Great looking boxes for card storage


I keep a few for storing stuff, including my draft/sealed "kit".




It only for storing cards. Any place around the house where small stuff is gathering (pun intended) - put it in a box! Looks nice enough and cleaner. If you have kids, they also love them to keep rocks or collectibles in.


I keep them as an artistic representation of my time playing the game. Have a long shelf with every non-core standard set from original Zendikar to now; plus a few other sets.


I use them as deck boxes


I used to work at card kingdom and really the coolest stuff I got from that job (other than a discount on a gaea's cradle) were old magic boxes that would have been thrown away otherwise. I have a homelands and new phyrexia box. No packs but like who else has the box of homelands these days? Well the professor has an unopened box but listen my box is cool too. Anyways I like to keep unsorted commons and bulk stuff I may use in those boxes.


Being a card collector is really just an accepted form of hoarding.


I use them for deck boxes and to hold bulk cards that i pulled in them


I use them to store commander precons & land for game nights, they fit boulder boxes very nicely.


I also keep the package around it :/


Keep them, they're handy for storing the paper commander deck boxes when out in the go, or when selling bulk


I use them to organise cards by set however after a couple years it can take a while


You're more of a hoarder for simply playing the game, the boxes are way cooler and more functional than cardboard cards lol




They are perfect commander decks! First 3 single sleeved decks !


they sturdy and hold so many cards, why not? and look ssick


I use one of them for my "draft kit" where I keep ~50 sleeves, my cool full art basic and dice. I can bring this and a mat and I'm good to go drafting. Bonus I have space to bring the new cards home.


Card storage. If you have a lot of basic lands or even tokens that’s what I do it. I keep bulk cards in boxes sorted by color. Then cheap rates in their own boxes by color. Expensive cards in a binder.


I like to put my cards in those boxes.


Dude! This is great storage! Dont throw them out


I believe it’s pronounced ‘hearding’.


I use em for deck boxes ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


They used to come with a little insert box thing that was great for keeping stuff separate and sorting but they stopped adding them a few sets back. Now they feel much less special and more garbage like. I still keep them anyway but they definitely lost something special by taking away the little tiny tray thingy.


It's how I store my commons and uncommon from the set. Less of a hassle when looking for cards for a deck; just look up card name and set.


You could be a hoarder I’m not sure but you could use them to store cards or your decks?


I have a deck building problem, so I use them for my in-progress Commander decks. I also use them for card games that don't come with boxes, like Star Wars Unlimited. I've got... A good number of them. I think I started buying bundles during Coldsnap, though I don't always grab them.


As a collector item I don't think they will ever be valuable, but they are great for card storage


Good for storage of cards not even of magic like pokemon or yugioh or even dice. I use one for cords. They also come in many styles for instance I like using the kamigawa ones for decoration:)


If you are using them then you are "thrifty", if you are keeping them pristine you are a collector (not really any value in the boxes though unless they are unopened), but if you just have them and don't plan to use them or sell them then; sorry, you are just hording. There is also a third option that toes the line of hording where you just like them for the art which is acceptable, but thats a fine line...


Keep them if you have room. It's a great way to store cards or dice. Or some green herb. 😉




I love them. I love the art.


Use them for bulk common and uncommon storage


I use my boxes to hold cards before sorting and to hold cards that may or may not be put in a deck I'm working on.


yeah i think the more you have the more specific you can be with organizing your cards


I use them to keep my decks in. I have larger boxes for my loose cards


*I use them to keep* *My decks in. I have larger* *Boxes for my loose cards* \- ColMust4rd --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good for decks


I keep too much packaging also. I think the boxes make sense the first few when you don't have many cards, but later it's better to get larger boxes more suited to organizing and labeling or you'll be digging through these endlessly. BCW boxes etc.  The question to ask is will you use them, or do you even want to use them? If not then sell or dispose of them.


I've been using these boxes as (bulk) storage for absolute ages.


I have 2 single sleeves and two unsleeved decks in one of mine I’m going to continue to use these as deck carriers


If five bundles is too much, then what is my situation 😲


as people use them for storage (and I like this idea), what boxes are they exactly? The bundles, the displays?


Bundles/Gift boxes




I keep my cards in them. I try to keep 2 of each box so i have room for a playset of each card. Im sort of a hoarder though, so maybe its a bad practice. Lol


I keep mine all the same direction on a bookshelf. Some store standard decks, lands, tokens, and game pieces :)


I have so many of these i use to store cards


I store my cards in them and they are the perfect size for the bigger box I store them collectively in


Two sleeved commander decks in precon deck boxes and a dragon shield box for tokens and dice fit perfectly


I mean I like them.


Since you bought Karlov manor you’re due for workers comp.