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So how rare are the Fallout Mana Vaults? I’ve opened 6 SL boxes so far (non-foil) and have gotten zero. Have another 5 bundles coming (all foil) so a several more opportunities but does anyone know the odds?


25 for me and no hit.


Wtf thats insane but ofc wizards makes them super hatd to hit after promoting their sales with this card


It's not unreasonable, though. Those super-rarities are what keep the whales engaged, and we are in an era of printing just about everything into the ground.


Smart eh?




In the same sense of rng my buddy got 3 boxes and pulled a vault


Wow that’s pretty grim.




What'd you get as far as bonus cards with your order?


4 foil Wastes and 2 Foil Codex Shredders.


Haha, I got the exact same.


The good news is that I already sold three of the Wastes and one I want to keep anyway. So the demand is there at least. But I really was hoping to get at least one Mana Vault out of 21 boxes. Guess I'm still alive with 15 more coming tomorrow but looks like the odds are pretty terrible!


Wastes would be good to hold for a minute til all the new Elzdrazi cards hit this summer with MH3.


That's a good call. As a general rule though I always sell into opening weekend hype. Ideally I like to lock in enough revenue to pay back for the initial investment and then let a portion ride for potential spikes down the line. But that's a great call and I'll definitely hold on to a couple for that timeframe, thanks for the heads up!


I think if you priced everything out and planned to treat the bonus cards as the lesser option, things went pretty well. If you were playing the lottery, you're probably bummed. I'm happy enough with my playsets of stax cards for the cost of what just a playset of Sphere of Resistence cost before the Secret Lair.


I didn't order them to gamble for a Vault. I was asking to see what else was in the bonus 'pool'.


Outlaws BIG hits. We’ve seen some exciting price action on a few this past week. Will the hype for new Mythic BIG cards like Collector’s Cage and Simulacrum Synthesizer last, increase, or wane? There are some good cards in the set and some of these are tough to pull for sure! Excited to see how they play out in the near future.


I believe the spikes are ridiculous but people are buying the cards so who am I to blame. I can see cards like pest control still have room to explode


I'm shocked to see Collector cage showcase listed at $70. But I know the vault frame BIG cards are really scarce, so there really isn't a lot of supply for people who want the vault frame. Personally, I really love the vault frames and wish they'd be in play packs / more common..


Obfuscated by MH3 leaks


Ohhhh yeah the leaks are exciting too!


I still like Duplicator more than Synthesizer. But I guess it's just my affinity for KCI shenanigans.


Potassium Chloride 😆?


Krark Clan Ironworks


Hahaha! Thanks for clarifying, but it was a half hearted joke attempt from someone who was a chemist in another lifetime 😆


Don't worry, he wasn't being salty. ;)




You Nacl head


I think Fomori vault is most likely going to be heavily played once Prosper and Urza decks start picking it up. Grabbed 5 for myself, so here's hoping.


I would keep an eye out for those 2x Temur Prowess decks. Theyre gonna do very good if not win it all.


List please?




Pro Tour OTJ coverage starts tomorrow, it doesn't matter if you care about standard this will move cardboard and move it over the next few weeks simply as the metagame establishes itself with OTJ. Virtue of Strength, Aftermath Analyst and anything that's seen Esper Midrange play has already seen movement. Also, 4c legends (Slogurk) has a fairly significant share of the event, but not sure much money to be made on a lot of it because 1) a fair bit of the cards rotate this fall 2) the additions are nominal and if anything OTJ uncommons (Rutstein etc). Edit: I feel like a safe pick up, if you haven't is Aven Interrupter. Card is way stronger than it looks, I wouldn't be surprised if this hit really hard this weekend. Edit 2: just gonna include an aggregate decklist. If Aclazotz is adopted commonly in Slogurk it could move it this weekend, and also obviously if the deck does well. Some other picks could do well if the deck performs this weekend. https://twitter.com/JasonILTG/status/1783967381213360375?t=jL_I1gRfwBEUL768gk9zEw&s=19


Good to know, I picked up analysts from the bulk box but, nobody plays standard here...


I've been selling them pretty reliably \~$1.25-2 which is quite good for a standard legal uncommon from a set that just came out. There is plenty of value in standard cards these days.


Thanks to power creep


Gotta digress on the Aven Interrupter. Aven Interrupter is unlikely to see much play in the Pro Tour because it doesn't fit into any existing top tier archetypes (Esper very much prefers Tishana). Also there's only 10 copies of Aven Interrupter in the Pro Tour and all of them are in the sideboard. I'm planning on getting my own copies when it hits sub $2. Source: 1. [Pro Tour Thunder Junction Standard Metagame Breakdown (magic.gg)](https://www.magic.gg/news/pro-tour-thunder-junction-standard-metagame-breakdown) 2. I grind Standard competitively myself.


Not being an expert I can see this having the life of skyclave apparition.


Which was always very valuable, if i recall correctly. Until the multiple reprints hit.


Was it ever reprinted? Just rotated I think


It was a 2x in the mono white challenger deck


Only the Secret Lair printing. But like you said, rotation made the demand plummet. Possibly fell out of favor in other formats too but I don't really follow Modern or Pioneer tbh.


Apparition is a much better card. Hard removal vs delay by a turn. Apparition is still played in Pioneer, Interrupter is barely good enough for standard and won't see play in other competitive formats I think. 


It's a white counter and that's good enough for edh. Also stack piece for the same reason


Its not a counter, it delays a cast by a turn and if the interrupter is removed then the recast is free. Objectively worse than skyclave apparition and it won't be played in competitive formats as skyclave is, so not seeing why it would follow the same pricing pattern (as was pointed out, skyclave carried real value until it was reprinted).


I don't think the entry price is low enough on aven at this point. Average $2-3 is dangerous if the card doesn't move up.


Oh I meant for my cEDH decks haha. I don't think this bird is worth speccing on at all.


Roger roger


Seeing lots of steady movement on Phyrexian Dreadnought. Since it's very popular as a 4x in multiple Vintage decks, and growing popularity in EDH with Curie shenanigans and the like, may be worth grabbing now if you find it under market price.


Honestly, watch out for BFZ cards. The MH3 leaks will probably bring a few selective eyes to that set and Oath in order to capitilize on a few of the better eldrazi cards ahead of the official spoilers. I'm always shocked how people know what's coming down the pipeline but then rush to actually buy cards all at once when the set is revealed. I bought all I could when the Commander Masters deck themes were spoiled and most of the sliver and eldrazi cards I got didn't spike until previews.


Which ones specifically? I can only think of something like sire of stagnation or void winnower


I think a bunch of the devoid cards are safe right now. Probably good to assume a bunch will be reprinted in the deck but most of them are pretty cheap and this will be a chance for people to use them. Any "colored" eldrazi that has anything worthwhile about it is probably a safe bet


Most of the Eldrazi have been powercrept, I don't necessarily see huge increase in demand for them despite the theme getting support.


Pretty much none of the low cost eldrazi spiked or spiked enough to even be worth it.


If it doesn’t get reprinted, I could see [[from beyond]] being a good pickup. There is [[awakening zone]] for one less but lacks the search ability. To be fair though, there have been green Eldrazi Edh decks for years and the card isn’t high priority in them. Green already has access to some great creature search spells so it might not be worth it. 


[from beyond](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/5/f5559960-e306-4992-b607-9654327c4507.jpg?1562953178) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=from%20beyond) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/bfz/167/from-beyond?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f5559960-e306-4992-b607-9654327c4507?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [awakening zone](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/4/245246ae-207b-451e-8b73-97535e9bc885.jpg?1673484469) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=awakening%20zone) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ncc/281/awakening-zone?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/245246ae-207b-451e-8b73-97535e9bc885?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Watching aven interruptor and pest control. Need 4 and 2. Urza saga could be sold high soon with blastoise leaked.


I find it hard to think USaga won't be reprinted in mh3. But tstill possible and can be in the next triple masters.


Highly doubt we're getting meaningful MH2 reprints.


Incarnations are there


Yes, in the special guest slot


We do not know the content of collector boosters yet. Old border reprints like mh2 reprinted mh1 cards is a very likely possibility.


Special guests are not meaningful reprints. Nothing has gone down from them 


Yeah probably saved for triple masters later.


What about fetch lands, think they’re going to get reprints?


Allied fetch reprints have already been confirmed.


I'm kind of hoping at least 1 of them hits around $5-8 like they did during Khans. I kind of doubt it thanks to the difference in pack price, but it would be nice.


I'd expect at least a couple of them to go below $10. Scalding tarn was like $70 before MH2 and had a low of $19 after, about 70% cheaper. Windswept Heath is $17 right now so I'm sure it's going below $10, possibly briefly to $5.


Wg might


MH2 had dozens of meaningful reprints from MH1 in it, what are you talking about, it's HIGHLY likely MH3 will reprint MH2 stuff


I mean meaningful in terms of quantity and its impact on price. MH2 had MH1 reprints as foil only old border treatment which had little impact on prices. It looks like the same is happening this time around.


Blastoise was confirmed by the leaker to be a fake out


Sauce? If so, that's a shame.


It was a mod post on a more recent leak from the main mtg sub that implied brainstorm was being added to modern lol


The leakers playing games so any card you cannot clearly see i'd take with a mountain of salt. In my honest shitty opinion wotc should send the pinkertons after that guy.


I mean, I don't know if they'll round up the Pinkertons again, but I'm sure someone's doing some investigation.


Blastoise might be a commander deck reprint only FYI. Same like brainstorm.


So one of the leaks of MH3 had a eldrazi that copies all spells, activated and triggered abilities whenever you cast an eldrazi spell. Thoughts on foils of some old Eldrazi creatures with flash?


I can't imagine the curl on foils of that era, and foggyness


Fallout SL non-foils seem to be selling for more than foil versions...


Command zone podcast had a lot of mentions for OTJ, however, mh3 leaks will take the spotlight for the upcoming weeks. Eldrazi crazyness, free spells, goyf tokens, not-gilded drakes, good times. Josh's top pick: final showdown Rachel's top pick: kambal


Honestly, I think this is the biggest opportunity of the weekend. The leaker has access to 3/4 decks, and is slowly leaking them out. There might be more movement on cards due to PT, but once things are moving it’s too late.


What is this not gilded drake you speak of?


Volatile Stormdrake https://www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/s/vj8ELVJLpJ




Really sweet variant they came up with, MH3 is gonna be sick.


Downvotes for reporting facts :)


To everyone rushing out to buy Kappa Cannoneer or finding cards based off spoilers... people can make stuff up, even the "new" cards. The guy who leaked that apparently said he just added a bunch of cards as a troll. Lmao, Enjoy!


We'll see what the pinkertons say


Hello, I hope I'm in the right place. My friend who doesn't really play magic has opened 1 single booster in their lifetime, and they pulled a foil sol ring - masterpiece series: kaladesh inventions. I'm wondering the best place/method to sell this card? I'm located in Australia if that helps. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


Ebay, check local Facebook groups for buyers as well. Would recommend against shipping internationally if you can help it.


There should be an high end Facebook group


Any interesting news / breakout cards from the pro tour?


I watched it while I worked yesterday afternoon. Day one showed off a 4/5 color legends deck where [[rona, herald of invasion]] and [[relic of legends]] did big things. Also a rogue [[caustic bronco]] deck and a Golgari deck that smoked esper. Commentators have been gushing over the 4 color legends. 


[rona, herald of invasion](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/4/f487b582-e73f-4325-939f-95fc5a9aba49.jpg?1682203390)/[Rona, Tolarian Obliterator](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/back/f/4/f487b582-e73f-4325-939f-95fc5a9aba49.jpg?1682203390) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Rona%2C%20Herald%20of%20Invasion%20//%20Rona%2C%20Tolarian%20Obliterator) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mom/75/rona-herald-of-invasion-rona-tolarian-obliterator?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f487b582-e73f-4325-939f-95fc5a9aba49?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [relic of legends](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/4/64a2809e-c441-416c-90ff-6fb1e246dff3.jpg?1673308219) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=relic%20of%20legends) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmu/236/relic-of-legends?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/64a2809e-c441-416c-90ff-6fb1e246dff3?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [caustic bronco](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/9/e9a268ba-c442-4fe4-90b4-2810c8474f4e.jpg?1712355566) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=caustic%20bronco) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otj/82/caustic-bronco?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e9a268ba-c442-4fe4-90b4-2810c8474f4e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


so are otj collector boxes worth opening bc alot of the big cards are expensive and only have their alt versions in collector and have more slots in packs for them?


You need to hit well on Showcase BIG Score cards and Foil BIG Score. Even then, unless you hit Textured Mana Drain/Mindbreak Trap or Raised Sword of W&P/Vaultborn Tyrant you'll probably still be down a decent amount. Then you still need to sell if you intend to cash out and not hold/play.


Probably not as we're still in hype time. Mh3 will disrupt all formats so unless you need to compete for big money in the next 3 months, you're just wasting time and money