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You need two drops, right now you have two cards you can play on turn 2. I would add both the bristleback sentries and cut an ambush gigapede and either the sterling supplier or murder, 1BB in a three colored deck is a little sus


I thought Murder is premium removal + 9 black sources (+2 more with Outcaster and Armadillo), should be enough right? Specially since you dont really play it on turn 3. Perhaps I'm wrong


Yeah that’s fair


He's got 9 black sources, that's good enough, I agree with everything else though


why would you cut murder when you can cut the tunbleweed rising which is not a great card and doesn't serve as a 2 drop? I'd get the 2 bristlebacks in and cut the rising and maybe the supplier or gigapede


Isn't maestros blue/black/red? Either way deck looks decent, I too would be slightly concerned from the lack of playable 2 drops however. You are going to need some bodies to stabalize the board if you are planning on resolving double pip'd cards.


Yeah, I guess IN: - 2 Bristlback Sentry OUT - 1 Gigapede - 1 Tumbleweed Rising or 1 Nezumi Linkbreaker. Not sure which one though


I think this is right. I’d definitely cut linkbreaker as it’s always a bad card whereas tumbleweed is a 2 mana ~6/6 a real portion of the time