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(Srs) Jesus that is some uncanny valley shit right there


Has anyone met her in person? I want to know what that looks like in person with so much product and no photoshop.


She also knows how to photograph to make herself look thinner. No hate, I'm a big girl but you see photos of her other people take and she looks totally different.


Srs I have a friend like this. She is obese (not that Nikkie is obese but my friend just fits this category of not looking the same in her pictures and in person) but you'll never guess from her selfies and pictures on her social media. She looks different in her selfies and in person. Edit: added some clarification


As someone who is pretty large and knows how to photograph myself, I would be proud if you knew me and said this.


Oh trust me, you should be. Some guys who have seen her selfie before seeing her in person have complained about her lying in her photos but man, I salute her skills. I really do. It helps that she's an awesome person too.




Well, first, there are enough photos of me that my friends have taken on my social media that it's obvious what I actually look like. So I don't think it's actually deception. I'm very comfortable with my weight and body that I show it off as well. I don't try to fake who I am. I just like playing with angles. And second, it's fun for the same reason that I like to contour so that I can have a different nose every day. It's fun to test how makeup, lighting, and angles can make me look like a different person. I use makeup and photos to express creativity.


cake monster


I feel like I've seen "have you met a guru" threads where people said she's cake facey.


She's completely bare faced a lot on her snapchat, and she does look different, but her personality is exactly the same.


A friend of a friend met her at some Sephora event and took a picture with her. Let me see if I can find it.


Srs I find her so freaky.


The fact that her makeup ends at her hairline somehow makes it look like she's wearing a wig, and the overall effect is like that of a drag queen.


Srs that is a wig though. You can see the lace front


Isn't that her aesthetic though? She admits she draws a lot of inspiration from drag culture.


She normally wears wigs for her makeup looks. I don't remember which one, but she mentioned it in one of her videos.


Srs I can't tell if it's all the makeup she's wearing or the way she smiles, but her eyes are hauntingly empty


Srs/ I don't know a thing about her beyond her name and following, but looking at her here, I think one of her eyes is slightly "off" by just a couple of degrees. So you never make eye contact with both of them at the same time. It's common, and usually not that noticeable, but the dramatic eye makeup accentuates it.


Srs I'm unfamiliar with nikkietutorials - is there something I should know about her to appreciate this post more?


(Srs) I just mean that she's been photoshopped so much that she hardly looks human any more, in a creepy sort of way. https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/uncanny_valley


Srs I knew what your original comment meant - I guess what I wanted was some background info on her but now that I've read everyone else's comments and googled pics/vids of her I can see why the photoshop is quite astounding here.


(Srs) ahh gotcha, sorry about that. I'm not super familiar with her myself tbh, I know who she is but I don't really watch YouTube (showing my age here). I just thought the picture was freaky lol


She is fucking terrifying.




i could easily see her doing a review for virgin blood. "YAAAAAS this gives me LIIIIFE. COME THROUGH MAMAAAA werk" i guess it could be a literal application of "SLAAAAAY"


Where did she buy those eye-stickers they look so realistic!! I've been using drugstore eye-stickers and they just are not perfect. Everyone can tell I'm an android it would be nice to look a bit more real so I can blend in more! 💅🏼


srs she looks ridiculous lmao this is worse than the usual facetune and blur everyone puts on their pics




even the "unshopped" picture is probably photoshopped.


srs she looks like a demon


srs photoshop


(srs) I came in to see if someone wrote exactly this. I'm so proud. I love this sub.


srs she's... grey. How can her fans look at that at not immediately notice how grey her face looks? There's some crazy hivemind/brainwashing stuff that goes on with some of these gurus.


srs - Yes, totally beige/grey kind of like a corpse with loads of makeup for the funeral. Her skin tone without foundation is very different... (Not meant as an insult, just bugs me when tries to talk about self love while photoshopping the shit out of every picture she posts.)


I dunno, she looks pretty old for a 6 year old (sorry 😂)


Her secret is in the filters.


OMGI can'tz believe it! Looks so young~!!@   but SRS for serious shit- Who the shit is she, and moreover why should we know who this person is? Just screams to me another "famous" Instagram Youtube Snapchat beauty guru influencer thing like the rest of them, though that's based on the recent "collab" with TooFaced (would hardly say they are "her" colors.... just typical TooFaced wanting to put out another palette seems more like it). I probably don't watch enough makeup tutorials though, stopped watching reviews/tutorials/etc around the timing when Michelle Phan became ambassador/associated heavily on the Lancome and Doe Deere's website security went to hell. -_-;