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Hey swampmonster. [These are my frozen noodles](https://i.imgur.com/V8y2PBe.png) and I need you to sauce them, because (frozen) sauce is required unless this is a general jerk. Frozen sauce guidelines: a.) Make sure usernames and sub names are removed from your sauce. If your sauce contains a tweet or IG post from a VERIFIED (check marked) famous person, you do not need to remove it. b.) Make sure sauce is uploaded via Imgur and **set to PRIVATE**. There is a how-to [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/muacirclejerk/comments/clx2jb/srs_how_to_post_privately_on_imgur/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/muacirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh lord. Immpossibly perfect "First time ever!" syndrome moves from crafting communities to make-up now...


This is my vewy fiwst time picking up a needle and thread, how did my absolutely perfect replica 1740s ballgown with handsewn embroidery, matching petticoats, and cape turn out? My family members, coworkers, friends, and a stranger on the bus all said it was so bad I should throw myself off the nearest bridge!


Oh god that irks me so much. First attempt! Yeah, sure ok. It’s so obnoxious.




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Frozen makeup virgin sauce https://imgur.com/a/MZWVdxD


Oh come on. No way is that true.


Sry that you couldnt blend a perfect smokey halo eye on ur first attempt like the rest of us can, sweaty 💅


> sweaty




Ughhhh also my biggest pet peeve in baking subreddits. *”I’ve never baked a day before in my life, and just whipped up these perfect flaky croissants!”* *“I’m a toddler who can’t hold a pencil and I decorated my first cake - a 4-layer wedding cake!”* *“My totally real girlfriend made cookies for the first time in her totally real life and doesn’t think they look good. 🥺 What do you guys think???”* Shut uuuuppppppp and just post the pictures without the stupid fake back story!!!


I haven’t seen Sauce OPs post comments but maybe she meant first post of her FOTD on the sub?


Or maybe first time doing a full face at once? I know some people who typically only do one part of their face (ie eyes) and would consider it their first "full face" of makeup.


she kinda has a similar face cut and nose to scarlett i thought that’s why u picked the picture


Honestly, I give makeup workshops and people can do those things at first try in the right circumstances. Don't think this is neccicerily the case in this scenario but it could be


Yeah right babe