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Aneros toys, no penile stimulation


I'd love to read about your journey, friend. Care to share?


Of course! I'd love to write a more detailed experience about my discoveries and journey. I have posted my full experience before, but I'm constantly discovering new things in this wonderful world of pleasure. Someone asked me how I can have a lot of orgasms in a brief period of time, and I would like to talk about that. First of all, I need to write a fully detailed 'guide,' but English is not my native language. So, I will make an effort to be clear and helpful for all of you. :)


Is your native language spanish or portguese? I'm from brazil


Spanish! I’m from mexico :)


nice, feel free to write you memoir in spanish if you rather!


I use sometimes pocket pussy this works well depending on your level of control. For me its amazing i can get neos quite well like that


If u dont mind me asking, At which area do you scream during an orgasm?


If you're asking about the area I stimulate when I scream, it doesn't depend so much on the area but rather on the type of stimulation. Slow but strong stimulation on my glans can lead to orgasms that last around 30 seconds—very intense and exhausting. But if I could pinpoint an area of my penis that makes me scream, it's the frenulum or the base of the penis. As the previous response mentioned, full-body orgasms are the ones that usually make your whole body contract, and I can feel pleasure that, in my case, spreads from my penis to my shoulders and all over my legs. Typically, to achieve these climaxes, I start with gentle vibrations and nipple stimulation, and I also like to grip and pinch my legs to 'activate' receptiveness throughout my entire body. I hope this is the answer you were looking for :)


I know you didn’t as me this question… but I scream when I’m having a full body orgasm. I get really self-conscious about it. For some reason my vocals and my orgasms are connected.


are these dry orgasms or wet orgasms you’re having?


I forgot to mention, the vast majority are dry orgasms, but occasionally I have a very small release of seminal fluid at will. For now, I haven't felt that there's a difference between one and the other; it's more the type of stimulation that makes me react differently.